Friday, April 23, 2021

Staying On Top Of Things (sort of)

This is my first year participating in the Humble Quilts Doll Quilt Swap. I am so pleased that I actually got it sent off before the end of the month deadline. I am not going to share my quilt until it has been received, but this was the inspiration.



This quilt is from the book "Childhood Treasures" by Merikay Waldvogel. It measures 16" x 21".

It is from an unknown maker and is estimated to be from the 1890s. The pattern name is Sugar Loaf. 

My version is not exactly this design, but was definitely based upon it.




                                                                    This is the label on my quilt.   








I am caught up with the Hands All Around sew-along with Barbara Brackman. One block a month, and I am making two of each pattern. The color on this photo is very poor.

Had been doing pretty well with Gay Bomers' Heartfelt BOW, until last week. Haven't done that one yet. And a new pattern being released just after I post this will put me two weeks behind. But this is what I have so far. You can still join up through the link. She has extended the registration.


We won't talk about how I am doing with the Little Blocks 365. But in case you are interested, Gay has extended the registration again--the requests just keep coming. So click the link, if you dare, and play along. They are very fun.

Now for the results of the drawing. I split the wool patterns in half and drew 2 names, since there was so much interest.  Joyful Quilter and Denise Panter will each get 7 patterns. Julie Q was drawn for the apple cores, and Darlene was selected for the Lori Smith kit. All have been notified.

Very soon I will be attending a tulip festival in the Northwest, on a day with an 80% chance of rain. But I am thrilled because my youngest granddaughter (oh, and her parents) will be there. :) Really looking forward to it!    

Until next time,

Janet O.

P.S. Just in case you get notifications of these posts via email, you should know that Feedburner will discontinue those notifications after July of this year. I understand that signing up through the bloglovin' widget will still give you email notifications, and I have that option on my right sidebar, as well.


  1. OH I love your tiny quilt inspiration! So pretty!! I have been watching those Brachman stars come alive and I really like them. Your lavender blocks are so lovely.

  2. How I envy the lucky recipient of your little swap! I can't wait to see it. I sent mine off yesterday. Not a stellar effort, but done and that counts for a lot these days. I cannot believe how you are keeping up with all those sew-a-longs. I have let so many go this year. I adore your purple fabrics. Yum! So happy that you will get to spend time with your granddaughter (and parents!) soon. Your "P.S." is Greek to me so I guess I'd better figure out what that means as I suppose it will affect my blog too. Just when I thought I was keeping up with technology. Sheesh!

  3. great inspiration for your little quilt. I look forward to seeing yours.
    Wow you are keeping up well on the BB sew along.
    those pinks and browns are so pretty!
    Love those purples and lavenders. I think you'll have to sneak Lilacs in the name.
    I hope you have a great time at the tulip festival.
    sounds fun!

  4. Oh, and her! I totally get that. I catch myself interrupting my children, when they are talking about themselves, to ask about the grandchildren. 🤣 I love the inspiration doll quilt, can’t wait to see your version!

  5. Enjoy your time at the tulip festival with your family Janet !
    Your BB blocks are beautiful !
    Your doll quilt is soooo fabulous !! Hooray for the lucky recepient !
    Mine is arriving on the US country... :))
    I wish you a wonderful WE !

  6. Your inspiration quilt for the mini swap is wonderful, now I can't wait to see your interpretation! Those pink and brown stars are amazing too, I so love pink and brown prints together. I hope you have great weather for the tulip festival and lots of photos for us later.

  7. Oh, I look forward to seeing your mini for the swap. I really like the sugar loaf pattern. The pink and brown is so satisfying to see. I love the fabrics you have chosen for this. Going to the tulip festival will be such a lovely opportunity. I hope you take a lot of pictures to share.

  8. You're doing great with keeping caught up, I applaud you. I love, love, love a Sugar Loaf quilt! It's such a great pattern. I'm looking forward to your tulip photos, enjoy; I hope that the rain holds off for you.

  9. I just adore your tiny quilts Janet. I have the one you gifted me in my sewing room & I love to read the label on the back quite often. Your work is so tiny & detailed & perfect. I think the Tulip festival sounds wonderful - how special as I love tulips. I must pop that Feedburner notification on my blog too. Have a great weekend Janet - Oh & thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway & congrats to all the winners. xx

  10. Here’s hoping that you have pleasant weather for the tulip festival. It will be fun to see you family members regardless, but a little sunshine can’t hurt. I’m looking forward to the reveal of your swap quilt—I know it will be worth the wait!

  11. As always..... beautiful quilts! Congrats to the winners..... those were some generous giveaways! Enjoy tulip festival!!!!

  12. all lovely projects and such a gorgeous vintage...i am totally sure your entry into the doll quilt swap will be equal or are a trooper to take on so many sew alongs...

  13. I love that inspiration mini! Can't wait to see your version. This is my first time with this swap also. Mine will be going in the mail the first of the week. I love the pink and brown combo also and purples too. You are keeping very busy.

  14. Someone is going to be super excited to be getting your mini quilt. The inspiration is lovely. Have fun with the tulips and especially your granddaughter!!

  15. Great to see you joined the Humble Quilt Swap. I haven't joined since I'm not at home. Hope to participate next year. Very nice blocks you're busy, like I used to be with multiple projects.
    Too many other things to occupy my time here in Nebraska. I do still read blogs and I post once in a while when something exciting happens. Have fun at the Tulip Festival in the Northwest. I have my own happening here.

  16. Hello, popping in for a rare blogging catch up and really enjoyed seeing everything you have made over the last six months. Your mini quilts remain my favorite, but I must say it was lucky I missed the apple core give away, as I have wanted to make one for a very long time - cutting puts me off LOL! I hope that spring is around the corner for you soon and you have a lovely family gathering. Our vaccine roll out has been very slow in Australia, but just announced the over 50 group, which I have slipped into, can now have theirs from mid May, which is good. Happy quilting!

  17. Your inspiration quilt is so special and I bet your version is too. I participated in Humble Quilts swap for a number of years and it was fun. Hurray for keeping up with Hands All Around. I am determined to get my April blocks done this week! I hope on the day you saw the tulips, the 20% won out and you had no rain. Even in the rain, to see your grand daughter is a treat!

  18. LOVE the sugarloaf pattern--whoever gets your version is a very lucky quilter!
    Lots of pretty fabric combinations in your two block groupings. Hope you continue to enjoy stitching them up.
    A visit with a granddaughter--and her parents--sounds terrific :)

  19. The tulips seem to be blooming prettier than ever this year! I hope the rain holds off.
    Your swap quilt is so charming!! All of your projects are terrific! Love pink and brown color combo.

  20. Oh, I can't wait to see your doll quilt!! I was in a doll quilt group years ago and it was sooooo much fun making and receiving!! and how fun about the Tulip Festival!! I went to one years ago and it will boggle your mind, the massive colors!! Enjoy!!

  21. I read this post in email and meant to click over to comment, but just realized I didn't. Whoops! I just adore the colors of your BOW. So pretty! And yay! Thank you so much! :) Ps...I'm so irritated they are getting rid of feedburner. I like getting my favorite blog posts emailed to me!!!!!!


I love to have your comments and feedback.