Meet my monthly mini for October. I combined SITD machine quilting and hand stitching, but it was almost impossible to make the stitching show up in the photos.
My little quilt (made from leftover strips from the Indigo Challenge issued by Sandy back in March of this year) finishes at 6" x 4 3/4". It is an itty-bitty thing, as you can see from the photo on the right where it fits in my hand.
I am linking this with Wendy over at The Constant Quilter blog.
My other finish (well, just the top) is the October small quilt from the Circa 1880 club. It will finish at about 20" square, and I will probably bind it with the same subtle black print that I used for the inner border.
Most all of the setting fabrics I used are from Pam's brand new line of fabric, New Circa Essentials. Only the outer border is from one of her other fabric lines. I deviated from the pattern by putting the uneven 9-patch blocks in the outer corners. I also switched up the value placement a few times. None of that should come as a surprise to long-time followers. When have I ever been able to follow a pattern to the letter? Okay, there are those few times I have been a pattern tester, and I do behave myself in situations such as those.
Still very busy with Mom's care, but she has greatly improved since having "bone cement" injected into her two sacral fractures. Her pain level is much more manageable and she has started physical therapy to regain some of the strength and balance she has lost during this month of sitting around waiting for them to figure out what was wrong and what could be done about it.
Thanks to all who have checked in, and included her in your thoughts and prayers.
Until next time,
Janet O.
Thought I'd post a quick update before anyone sends out a search party. It's been a while.
As the title mentions, this is what came of the urge I mentioned in my last post (so long ago that I can barely remember it) to play in the plaid shirts.
This is based on the wall hanging pattern Barn Star 3 by Corey Yoder. The purple on the top is an audition for a little larger border than called for in the pattern. It will finish over 40" square and I plan to use it as a baby quilt for a future grandchild (wishful thinking). It took parts of 4 shirts and a little white yardage. The blue is a small check pattern, but it is hard to tell in the photo.
Aside from that I have made a few tiny 9-patches from the leftover strips of the indigo and cheddar used in a recent challenge.

I am auditioning the 3/4" finished blocks on an indigo print. Trying to decide if I will make a few more blocks and enlarge this, or leave it be. I still don't have a monthly mini for October, so maybe I should opt for a quicker finish.
Thanks for all who have prayed for, and asked about my Mom. She fell again just three days after my last post. We left the ER after 5 hours, having had some x-rays and stitches, and knowing she'd broken her clavicle. My brother tried to take her home and care for her, but the pain in her back increased daily. The ER x-rays had shown nothing out of the ordinary. After 3 days we got her into skilled nursing, just for a week (we thought) while her body recovered from the shock of the fall. Finally we got her in to see a doctor at a "spine and pain" clinic. He thought it was most likely just inflammation and gave her steroid injections in the area. She just got worse. Finally--two weeks after her fall--we got her to the hospital for an MRI and learned she has a sacral fracture. She was supposed to see the doctor Wednesday to learn her options, but she has been sick the past couple of days, so we wait.
I hope I make it back to post my Monthly Mini before the month is up, but I spend much of my day with my Mom at the care facility, and by the time I get home I have so much to catch up with, and am too tired to sew when all is said and done.
Until next time,
Janet O.