Several bloggers have already posted about this inspired project from Jeanne Hewell-Chambers. I will add my voice, and encourage any who feel they are able, to join in. The project badge is on my right sidebar, and you can click that to go to Jeanne's blog for details about the different ways you can participate. But to introduce you to the project, I quote from Jeanne:
Between January 1940 and August 1941, Nazis murdered 70,273
physically and mentally disabled people – men, women, teens, boys, and
girls. Though they never even laid eyes on the disabled person they were
evaluating, the Nazi doctors read the medical files and, if from the
words on the page, the person was deemed “unfit” or an “economic burden
on society”, the doctor placed a red X at the bottom of the form. Three
doctors were to read each medical file, and when two of them made a red X
on the page, the disabled person’s fate was sealed.
I will commemorate these 70,273
voiceless, powerless people who were so callously and casually murdered
by gathering 70,273 blocks of white fabric (representing the paper the
doctors read), each bearing two red X’s (representing one person), and I
will stitch them together into quilts.
What an opportunity to take part in this art project with a purpose, to commemorate those whose lives were cut short, and see that this sad episode of history is not forgotten, or repeated!
Jeanne is about 2/3 of the way to her goal, and is displaying the work wherever she can. If you explore her blog you can find several of the displays she has already done.
I had sent in 5 blocks last month that I had made by piecing. I always start with fabric a bit larger than the finished block is to be. Then I cut them twice on the diagonal and pieced in the red strips, repeating the process going in the opposite direction, to form the Xs. I tried to make each X just a little bit different from the one beside it.
Once they were made I trimmed them and added a white border all around.
In trying to salvage what I had made, I trimmed them again (good thing I had made them oversized), but this time I made them a bit wonky.
I just have to hope that all of those extra seams won't be so obvious when there is white batting and backing behind them.
This project was on my mind off and on throughout Thanksgiving Day. I wanted to come home from our family feast and make more blocks, but I was up very late the night before making these...

Friday was mostly spent out and about in birthday celebrations, but I had prepped some white blocks and red strips of fabric before leaving home. I stitched my first X block by hand as we drove to and from our destinations.
The other 6 were quickly stitched down by machine in the evening as hubby watched a football game and I kept him company. You can faintly see in the photo above that I cut my blocks larger, and draw pencil lines for the final size, keeping my work well within those lines. That way any fraying that takes place while I work won't shrink the block to an unusable size.
There are many ways the blocks can be assembled--even as simply as stitching down red ribbon or ric-rac.
And, making blocks is just one way to be involved. You can make small quilts, help piece blocks together into a quilt top, offer your services as a quilter, get your guild involved in making a quilt or having a block making meeting. You can make hanging sleeves, or fabric postcards with Xs. Or if you don't have time to make anything, but want to help, you can donate. Money is always an option, but they also need red and/or white fabrics, batting, and red and white thread.
Finally, you could invite Jeanne to do a guest post on your blog, or speak to your guild. You can contact her here.
Until next time,
Janet O.