Here they are, my
Barrister's Sow-Along blocks! On the last day of December 2012, I was finally feeling well enough to tackle some blocks--I was behind by a dozen. A couple of them were cut out and I sewed them up promptly, then set to work choosing fabrics and cutting and sewing one or two at a time.
This shows a closer view of the 2 blocks I had made in November and the 10 I made New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
For some time I had been playing with the layout at the top of this post in my mind, so I had collected a few of the same shirt so that I could do all of the setting squares in the same fabric. When I reached the point of having these 12 blocks finished I had two blocks left to make, so I took a break from sewing to count up how many blocks I would need for the layout. Surprise--I already had enough. There were a few too many, in fact. A couple of times I made mistakes in my blocks and didn't notice until they were finished. I would keep the "mistake block" if it still looked good, and make a correct one, too. So I had three more than I needed. I set aside the three that were my least favorite as far as fabric choices go and called it good. I was almost giddy to think I was all caught up without really catching up! : )
Today I cut the setting squares. I can't decide if I want to make the setting triangles from the same fabric (I have one more shirt in that red/blue plaid), or if I want to introduce another color there. Haven't decided on borders yet, either.
This has been a fun Sow-Along, thanks to
Randy at Barrister's Block. A lot of work on her part--very appreciated by those of us who have been "Sowing" along!

But that is not all I have been up to. Remember the
batik mini I made from scraps
Sandi had sent my way? Well, now it has a little brother (sister?--who knows). Thanks to
Vic for her comment that inspired the names for these quilts--Moody Blues I & II. I plan to bind this one in the black used in the squares. It will finish at 12 1/2" square.

I also got my feathered star all assembled, except for the center circle applique. Haven't found the right fabric. My next step is to tea dye a blue to see if it will tone down to the correct shade I want. I am naming this quilt "Aunt Jo's Star", in memory of Aunt JoAnn, who died the week before Christmas. I had been at her home the previous week seeking help on a question I had about the assembly of this quilt. We had taken the class together, along with her daughter, but Aunt Jo was the only one of us who had successfully assembled her whole top. There are two final borders on the pattern (this is about 40" square), but I am not putting them on yet. Our instructor had expanded her top to make a full bed quilt, and I can't decide if I want to do that or not, so I will shelve it for now.

Kris (of Lavender Quilts) and I had lunch to celebrate her birthday the previous week (wish you could have come, Denise. We had such fun). Kris gifted me with a mini charm pack of a new French General collection. I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it, but I tried to set it aside and make it wait its turn. However, it would not be silenced. It took over my sewing machine last night and this evening while the news was on I added the borders. This pattern is from
quiltsbycherie. She posted this as a New Year's project--little hourglasses. I loved that idea and had to make one.

Remember my little pineapple ornaments that finish at just under 2 inches? Well, I gave them all away and now my little tree only has the one ornament
Grace sent me. I had given one of these ornaments to my Mom and she jokingly asked if I would make her a dozen more. Without telling her, I planned to do just that for next Christmas. Mom gives me the scraps from her quilts, and has been doing so for over 10 years. She only makes one quilt a year, so that isn't an extreme amount of scraps. I have made some lap quilts and minis from the scraps, but still have pieces from all of the quilts. So I thought, why not make little pineapples to commemorate each of the quilts for which she has given me scraps? There will be about a dozen of them, but I am rushing to finish them. I don't think I could keep this secret until next Christmas, so I am planning to give them to her on her birthday, February 2nd. Five of the pineapples in this photo will be made into ornaments for Mom, with a few more to come. Good thing she doesn't read my blog!
Another long, rambling post. I'll save the other stuff (yes, there was more stuff) for another time. I'll leave you with some frosty photos. Our high for the day was about 6 degrees F. Tonight, when I was coming home from a women's dinner and program at church it was 6 degrees below zero! We are supposed to reach 13 below tonight. You know it is a cold day when the icicles have frost on them!
Keep warm!
Janet O.
I am amazed at your Sow-Along quilt. looks great. I really want to make a Feathered Star this year. YA, in my spare time.
ReplyDeleteYour barristers block are just wonderful! You have been so productive, love those tiny pineapples!
ReplyDeleteAs always I'm inspired by what you work on and finish. I love your idea to make those for your mom. I wish mine were a quilter to share the passion with. Keep toasty! I bet being near the iron is nice about now. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteOh. my goodness, Girl! You have been productive and are churning out a plethora of charming projects!
ReplyDeleteHow fun to see all of your Barrister Blocks complete and set together -it's fabulous! And Aunt Jo's Star is just lovely! I am smitten with your tiny pineapple ornaments. IS there a pattern for them? I may go insane piecing something that tiny, but they are just too amazing and I have to give it a try.
I'm envious of your snow, but I know it is not much fun if you have to get out in it. Stay safe...and warm!
Such a lovely and varied show and tell! It has been in the upper20s and low 30s here and I have been cold. Now I feel much warmer!
ReplyDeleteYour sow-along layout looks wonderful! Nice that you were feeling well enough to get caught up. You seem to get more done while sick than most people do while well! The feathered star is absolutely gorgeous! So sad about your aunt, but good that you were able to take a class with her. The pineapple ornaments are adorable and it's a great idea to make one for each quilt of your Mom's. I think I would like to give them a go as well. There must be a paper piece pattern around somewhere in my closet or on the internet. Your snowy pictures are lovely!
ReplyDeleteLove your Sowing setting squares! It will be fun to see what you select for the triangles. And for being ill during the holidays, you were much more productive in the sewing arena than I managed. Way to go! Looking forward to your posts in 2013.
ReplyDeleteYou are really on a quilting roll there! That icy weather must be the perfect incentive!
ReplyDeleteI am curious as to how you finish the little pineapple edges. Those are really cute. I made some quilted ornaments just recently, too, but mine are a whopping 3-1/2" square. Please share how you finish these tiny blocks!
ReplyDeleteMore great quilts - you are a power sewer!
ReplyDeleteLove all the pieces big and small.
Lunch with friends celebrating sounds like a great way to stay warm.
Love the ice ;-)
Your Sow-Along quilt is gorgeous! And my breath is taken away by those tiny little pineapple ornaments! Now that I see how cold it's been in your "neck of the woods", I cannot complain about the "cold" weather we've had here (a low of 12 degrees the other day). Although the pictures you shared sure are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love the settign fabric for the sowalong blocks!! I htink you win the award for being so speedy with your blocks.
ReplyDeleteLove your feathered Star and I'm sure your Aunty would love it even more. What sweet memories you will have when you see this quilt.
The tiny pineapples are adorable!! You've gotten so much done. Yep, cold days will do that. Sure looks pretty though.
WOW!!!!! Just gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteYou had a wonderful ending to 2012 and a great start to 2013 with your quilting. I am happy you are feeling better, by the way. Your quilting is gorgeous, as always. Your ice and snow pictures are gorgeous, but I must admit I am glad it isn't me taking them. We have had two little snows this winter and already I am ready for warm weather. You inspire me!
ReplyDeleteYour sow along blocks look great - love the shirt you chose for the setting blocks too. I still have a few blocks left to piece and I have no clue how I am going to finish it. Your feathered star is wonderful and has such sweet memories that go with it. I know you will cherish it forever. And, your little pineapples are so cute - and I see that red in there, and I know where you got it! Haha! I'm hoarding mine for now! I don't remember - how do you finish those ornaments? I'm way too lazy to look back in your blog!
ReplyDeleteThe cold weather doesn't bother me a long as I can stay inside and look out! As always, your view is beautiful.
As always an inspiring/intimidating (lol) post! You are AAAAAMAAAAAAZING!! I love the plaid blocks - saw a little purple plaid here and there!! Such a great setting - I'm voting another plaid for the setting triangles and then a darker plaid for the border! Just saying...LOL!! I'm not a Batik fan - but those little blue ones are lovely!! And the feathered star is fabulous!!! Now I know how to do mine!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! WOWZA What a post!! Loved it!!
Wow Mom! Where do I even start?
ReplyDeleteYour Barrister blocks look even neater all put together than I had envisioned! So cool!
Aunt Jo's star is lovely!
The little hourglass mini is sweet...I love the colors!
And what a great idea to do an ornament for each of Grandma's quilts! I can't wait to see them all and she will love getting them for her birthday!
You've been amazingly productive the last little bit :)
Oh yeah! The pineapple blocks are a wonderful, wonderful tribute to your mom's quilts!!! What a fine, fine daughter you are!!
Whoa, girl! You have been busy, busy. And finishing such wonderful projects. I am going to be e-mailing you for some advise on shirt plaids. Your blocks made with them are A+.
ReplyDeleteSooooo many pretties to share... you been getting a lot accomplished! I love those little pineapple blocks... I'd like to try that sometime.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your Sow Along block finish! I think introducing another color in the setting triangles would look great. Your other minis are beautiful as always. So sweet to honor your Aunt with naming the feathered star for her. Hope your center circle comes together. The pineapples are so wee and cute. I think I would go blind working on stuff that small :) The frosty pics are sooo gorgeous but the cold surely intolerable for very long!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a basket of eye-candy you have here! Congratulations on rounding up all your Barrister blocks, they look marvelous. But my personal favorite is the little hourglasses.
ReplyDeleteSo many amazing projects! You've been so busy! And what a beautiful idea to name your star quilt after your Aunt JoAnn....what a lovely tribute!
ReplyDeleteGreat job with the Barrister's blocks. I'm still behind but do have most of them "kitted up". I'm so excited to see everything that you've gotten done. Maybe I need to get sick so I, too, can have this many finishes. :)
ReplyDeleteOh wow Janet, what an amazing amount of work you got done.
ReplyDeleteLove all projects.
Love the snow photo, it must be so cold there, but it looks so pretty.
We're melting down under...bush fires and heat, not a good combination..
Julia ♥
You totally amaze me. You must be so focused. Bravo on the barristers blocks!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your aunt. I'm glad you were able to share a love for quilting.
I'd love some snow, but maybe not those frigid temps. Brrrrr! YOU stay warm! ; c )
all beautiful that feathered star, it's one of my faves...and nice to see the other ornaments...all adorable! mine is safely tucked away for another christmas...we warmed up a bit here today to about 27, which feels like a heat wave....glad you are feeling well enough to's the best medicine i think
ReplyDeleteJanet you have been so busy. The sow a long blocks look great with the plaid. I wonder what it would look like with the setting triangles in the same fabric. So enjoyed your snowy views. So different for me. I don't get snow here at all!!!
ReplyDeleteWow you have been busy!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the photo of the snow, soooo pretty, of course it is summer here in NZ. We went to the beach today, so many, many people there!
Wow - you have been a dynamo - I will just comment on the plaid setting blocks with all those gorgeous blocks. NEVER would I have though to use that plaid - and my goodness, how effective it is!!! No wonder your post is entitled "Ta dah"!!! It is a beauty!!!
ReplyDeleteYour sow-along looks wonderful. I adore all the plaid! And your feathered star is absolutely beautiful. Great work.
ReplyDeleteGood gravy, I got the chills just looking at the pictures of your frosted icicles! That would make a great name for a quilt, by the way. Your Barrister's Sow Along quilt is wonderful -- just marvelous -- as is your feathered star! What a sweet way to memorialize your Aunt Jo. I say go for it and expand it into a full-sized bed quilt! (Easy for me to say, right?!) My mom is a February birthday, too -- I know your mom will flip when she gets her minis set!! Oh -- and the Moody Blues? GREAT name for that! Can't wait to see what else you've got going on!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhere to start?? My word just so many accomplishments...from those wonderful barrister's blocks to the dear little pineapple minis - and oh that stunning Feathered Star - just beautiful & your color choices are perfect. Naming it after your Aunt is so fitting as she must have been so meaningful to you not only for family but the role she played in your quilting journey.
ReplyDeleteStay warm and wishing you many hours of Happy Stitching in the new year.
Ohhhh Myyyy! YES! Barrister block LOVE!!!
Wink Wink on your fabric choices!
My green eyed monster of jealousy is trying to come out of my left ear! Ha!
Your Sow a Long quilt is awesome! I had planned to join in but never made the first block, and now I really wish I had.
ReplyDeleteHow did you find so many shirts of the same fabric?
I also love the feathered star.
Great job on Randi's sow along! Layout adds to the special blocks.
ReplyDeleteI am marking the pineapple for future reference. I would love a fe on my tree next year. Need to do them soon so I don't forget.
Your Sow Along blocks look great. And oh my, those tiny, tiny pineapples! You've been busy!
ReplyDeleteStay warm amidst all the frost and icicles!
Taa Daa should be trumpets and fanfare!
ReplyDeleteStunning results ;-)
Janet, if I was giving out awards, you'd get one. Your blocks are fabulous! The setting is terrific. And all the other projects you get done? You are quite the overachiever, even sick!! vbg.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up for next year??
Janet, great wrap-up for 2012!!! Love your Sow-a-long blocks and that they are done. I have a few to go myself, but I will get there...and very soon. Wishing you another creative year. Quilt On!