Dear Bonnie,
I have a stash of men's shirts from thrift stores that I have begun to disassemble.
I am slowly cutting up my color-separated scraps into the "scrap user system," where they will then be separated by size rather than color (all of this change takes its toll on a person). And I am determined that no fabric is too ugly to go into one of my scrap quilts--it just needs to be cut smaller!!
But I have to say this is turning into a love/hate relationship. I hate the fact that every time I turn around you are showing off some wonderful antique quilt that hits me right where my quilter's heart lives. And it isn't enough to just show the quilt--you actually figure out the pattern, start making one yourself, and invite the rest of us to sew along. How strong can a body be against such temptation?
I quickly turned away from the cute little bowties that are in wonderful vintage colors! I already have a leader/ender project!!! (I REALLY do love that floribunda quilt!)
Just today I was reading another quilter's blog and she happened to mention that though she doesn't need another project (who does?) she caved and is doing those little bowties you posted. She caved! Is that a good thing? (Did I mention that I have a bunch of old florals that I need to use up somehow?--Floribunda would be just the thing!)
So I am writing this letter to
Oh, forget it. I can't resist either. Where did I put all of those florals? But I will draw the line here--I will not put these two very cool colored florals in this otherwise very warm toned quilt!!
See, I really am in control after all.
Sincerely, and with genuine admiration (tongue out of cheek)
Janet O.
I know just how you feel Janet. I'm an avid follower of Bonnie and have downloaded one of her quilts to make my sister in law and new to be brother in law their wedding quilt. The thought of a leader/ender project has caught my eye but when do we say enough.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA! I'm a novice at Bonnie's Scrap System. My DoubleDelight is still in the tote. I saved the Quiltmaker issues with the Christmas Lights Mystery. I too dream big and only can do so much, but alas we are all quilters some just have more ADHD than others...
ReplyDeleteOh! You captured my angst at reading Bonnie's blog (and Facebook posts, and website stuff) too! I want to make all her quilts that are on her website, and I have all her books and most of the pages are dog-eared to mark which ones I want to make. I also have leaders and enders multiplying beside my sewing machine. And 3 storage bins of men's shirts - one for red, one for white and one for blue. And I've recently begun collecting cotton men's Hawaiian shirts, thinking they would be good for a Bonnie-type quilt. Someone stop me!
ReplyDeleteI think this is where my husband would call you "an accessory". I hadn't been over there to see those quilts until I read your post. Well....I ordered some cheddar that I decided not to use so I might just cut up some for those cute bow ties. I had never done a Bonnie quilt until the Roll Roll Cotton Boll mystery, and I love that quilt. Oh, and I forgot to say I have florals, too. I need to get some sleep so I can get started first thing tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI know just how you feel. That floribunda quilt has been trying to get me too. but I don't have very many flower prints in my stash. So as long as I don't find a sale that I can't resist, I'm safe. But the bow ties are calling me, all I have to do is decide on a background. I still have one of her mystery quilts that needs to be quilted. And I to need to sleep. Tomorrow I will start gathering the bow tie parts....
ReplyDeleteLOL and a heart felt Amen! And welcome over to the Floribunda dark side. I fell the minute I saw it and ran out and bought enough solid yellows to do it -- this even though I already have four projects in active process.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there's Scraps and Shirtales II that I was just thinking about getting and that bag of shirts I bought a few years ago....sigh, where's the QVA* meeting being held?
*Quiltville Anonymous
Thanks for the hearty laugh this morning Janet!!! I just love the way Bonnie fires my imagination and gets my quilting juices flowing, but I think I need 3 lives just to keep up with her! I too 'caved' on the Floribunda even though my floral stash was woefully inadequate - it is just too wonderful to pass up! So far I'm feeling strong on resisting the bowties as I already have a leader-ender project going and don't want to stop in the middle of it. Well, any excuse is better than none, right? Go Team Bonnie!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this post! You sound like my kind of gal!
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head!!
ReplyDeletePerfect letter! I feel exactly the same way. LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh. I am laughing..thought I was the only one who could not keep up! I too caved at the bow tie project....I am almost frantic to finish up the last mystery quilt that needs to be finished before the next one starts, that I assume will be in the fall!!!
ReplyDeleteI can not help myself....Bonnie is sew inspiring for me....and lets not talk about the stash of cut up mens shirts from thrift stores. I have enough to turn out about 10 quilts!!! I just need more time in my day!!
This post says exactly what it means to be a "Bonnie Hunter Wanttobe". I love this post. Thx for sharing!
ReplyDeletenice to know I am not the only one with these *thoughts* - I just never seem to post them so perfectly! The temptation is so great! I am what one might call a lazy follower of Bonnie's...tho I do at Facebook....I am currently cutting civil war repro scraps into manageable pieces and makes blocks for a swap and low and behold...I have long since passed the amount I intended to swap as these are adorable and easy and will make a gorgeous scrappy quilt! now I am going to search for that Floribunda quilt you mentioned several times :-) thanks for the laughs! ((~.~)) *~*CAROLE*~*
ReplyDeleteOMG! You have written what so many of us feel! I love that there are so many of us that Bonnie has enabled! Thank you for this bright spot for the day!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Bonnie's next post. As I am 60 years old, I know I will not live long enough to try everything she posts. I'm a beginner on leader/enders, but so excited to begin. What a clever idea!
ReplyDeleteShe means well. I believe she lives by the old adage "misery loves company" and, believe me... if she's miserable she has LOTS of company! I caved on the mini bow ties too. Don't blame Bonnie, she means well. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh I am so laughing. I have plenty of work to do for years ahead, but Bonnie is so inspiring, I keep finding myself inserting one of hers into the middle of my work plan!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad I am not the only one! Loved your blog. This is the first I have found you. Won't be the last!!
ROFL! You tell her Gal! My thoughts exactly!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing I've read all week, Janet.
ReplyDeleteQuiltville was the very first quilting site I ever visited, and Bonnie's blog was the first I ever read.
ReplyDeleteWhat's too funny is I just got done writing a blog entry that will appear tomorrow in which I confess that I couldn't keep up with RRCB and have decided to use the pieces I made for that in a different way.
And the ladies at all three local thrift shops know me by name... I am about to just ask them to start holding shirts to the side for me. It will make it much easier when I visit!
Well written, too funny, and Oh so true. (In a loving way of course).
I am afraid to make a list of quilts that I would like to make because I would get so overwhelmed that I am not sure I would ever get started. I do have a mental list but it is ever changing until the next wonderful quilt design or idea that I see...
ReplyDeleteAh the joys of quilting- Like many others Bonnie's blog was the first one that I ever read- she does have such inspiring ideas...
Great post.
What a hoot! I got a real laugh out of reading your blog today. I, too, have decided not to do the cheddar challenge. However, I'm heading to the big fabric store nearby to buy a few yards of cheddar - just in case I change my mind ;-)
ReplyDeleteLinda in Southern Illinois
Don't feel bad...she's got me doing scrap quilts and I'm an ART QUILTER!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHer spirit is infectious (in a good way, of course!) :)
I'm there with you. I have been chopping up 'ugly' fabric to strips and blocks for weeks now. I have resurected boxes of 2" squares from the spare room. I have downloaded patterns. Now I need to retire/win the lottery to have time to do it all!
ReplyDeleteJanet, You did an outstanding job in describing Bonnie.
ReplyDeleteI give you an A in creative writing!!!!!!
Cute, cute, CUTE! Like Lori said: you hit the nail on the head!
ReplyDeleteCarolyn :)
I am SO happy I am not the only one who Bonnie tempts. I am taking two days off and sewing away. I am working on the Jamestown Landing quilt. My string blocks are done!! After Roll Roll Cotton Ball I thought I would newer do string blocks again but she had me caving to the pressure of beautiful quilts too. The bow tie is tempting me...THANKFULLY I don't have many florals so I don't think I can to do the floral quilt.
ReplyDeleteLove the letter - so true! Bonnie is a great inspiration! I wish I had the time to do all of her quilts.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was just me! It's good to know you're not alone in the world....
ReplyDeleteOh, me too. But then I realized that Bonnie is not human, she is some sort of bionic multi-tasking quilting, hiking, reading, antique shopping machine. She uses the light from her kindle to mark her quilt squares as she reads her books. I am sure she has some sort of peddle sewing machine walking device.
ReplyDeleteShe never mentions the words, sleep, housework or cook in any of her posts. All tasks we mere mortals must do. But she is one inspiring machine. And I am tempted by Floribunda too. (tongue out of cheek now also).
Oh I laughed the whole time while reading your post and the comments left on it! She certainly is something! It is very hard to resist some of the things that she does, shows, or talks about. And yes.....I started my bowties last night...
Wow! You hit it big with this post - over 30 comments! I feel the same way - inspired, but also humbled by what Bonnie accomplishes. She has so much energy. I use a modified version of her scrap system and it has really helped me in feeling like I have a handle on my stash and scraps.
ReplyDeleteI loved your blog post. You absolutely have it right. But imagine sewing opposite Bonnie in real life?? You'd never want to sleep! But I love her and she is so inspiring, even if I want to make absolutely everything she mentions!! And can't!
How cute. I wished I could just be half as organized as you are. I need to get some leaders cut for my machine. Thanks for reminding me. My son was just here, he never comments on my other quilts but he did on my 1 scrap quilt. Guess I'd better hurry and find Bonnies webpage.
ReplyDeleteI think you are just a bit of a Bonnie Hunter fan. I don't know how I came up with that idea!
ReplyDeleteYou are hysterical...that's for the giggles today!
ReplyDeleteToo funny.... *wiping eyes*
What a hoot--love your post--and oh dear--I can relate to you!! I think I need therapy (fabric therapy, that is!)
ReplyDeleteIs your name Leeanne??? Because if I was to write a letter to Bonnie, you pretty much nailed it on the head!! I have all of Bonnie's books and religiously cut and stash my 'scraps' into Bonnie's saver system,but maybe the lesson foe us is to say NO!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe wish ourselves and others luck with that!
HEY...Have you been reading my mail??
ReplyDeleteThose little "You Might Like This" teasers at the bottom of our blogs gets me in trouble every time. I hop and hop and hop and suddenly an hour is gone.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I missed this post from last summer. It's wonderful! and it says exactly what a lot of us feel. Bonnie's a super lady and wonderful inspiration, but her advice gets in our heads and rules our lives. But we love it, don't we?
Well written, Janet.