As I put the last stitches in the binding of this basket quilt I began to wonder just how many projects I have made using the scraps from my Mother's quilts. This creation was a product of the scraps from...
...this quilt my Mom made. (Sorry about the quality of the photos of my Mom's quilts. Most of them are photos of photos.)
She always gives me random pieces of leftover fabrics, but sometimes there are orphan parts leftover from making the quilt, too. There were lots of "bonus" triangles with the scraps she gave me from this, so I sewed them together and created the basket quilt above.
I've had a few inquiries about this basket-within-a-basket block. The basket pattern can be found free on the APQ website here. I reduced my block size to accommodate the size of scraps I had.
I had one basket block leftover and I made this little quilt with it. This was hand quilted and then it was gifted.
My memory isn't serving me well on this and I'm not sure who received this quilt. I should keep records. I know to whom I have given things, but I can't always recall what went where (pathetic, I know). If this is in your possession would you let me know?
Mom made this Kim Diehl pattern to hang above their sofa. Can you see the close hand quilted lines in the border?
I made this table topper with the leftover 9-patches and scraps. It sits on the dining table that is near the sofa where Mom's quilt hangs.
Can you see the machine quilted feathers in the border? To each his (or her) own!
The colors in these two quilts really do match, it is just the lighting differences from picture to picture that make them appear not to be the same.
Another 9-patch quilt by Mom. I love how the 9-patch blocks are appliqued in the border as flowers on a vine.
Mom gave me a stack of little leftover 9-patch blocks from this one and I made this little quilt. I just finished this earlier this year.
Mom's last quilt (made last year--2015). You may remember seeing it, since I posted this picture when she completed it.
She had 2 flower blocks completed in her scraps, and lots of trimmings from her piano key border, but only 8 or 10 HST units from the sashing. From those leftovers I made these two little quiltlets for my two daughters--pieces of their grandma's last quilt. In homage to Mom's feeling that it isn't a quilt unless it is hand quilted, I hand quilted both of them using the same motifs Mom had used on her quilt. I have enough pieces to make one for me, as well, when I get around to it.
Just in case you are wondering, Mom does still love me, even though I machine quilt most of my creations now.
If you have followed me for a while, you may have seen this batch of Pineapple ornaments I made for my Mom's birthday in 2013. This shows them displayed on her piano music holder.
When she would give me scraps from a quilt, I would keep them together so that each quilt's scraps are separate from each other. So I made a pineapple ornament from each of the scrap bags I have of her leftovers. In looking at each ornament, she can tell which quilt it represents.

I took them to her on a tiny Christmas tree covered with a drape. She
had to close her eyes while I uncovered it and then I let her open them.
I loved her reaction.
When a niece of mine, that was especially close to my Mom, got married a
couple of years ago, I made her these ornaments from some of Mom's
leftovers, for a shower gift.
That is all of the finished projects I have from Mom's scraps. There are 3 or 4 other WIP that I will save for another post.
Until next time,
Janet O.
P.S.--I get to spend today in a wool class taught by Stacy West (Buttermilk Basin), and then a trunk show tonight. I am looking forward to the fun!