For some time now I have been telling myself that I need to write a post, but then I did't feel like I had much to share. The bulk of the sewing I have done this year is stuff I cannot yet reveal. But when I looked back at my last post, I was not pleased to see I hadn't posted since December!?! Yikes! Well this post will be brief, because hubby and I are about to take off on another adventure, and I need to get some sleep before morning comes.
I am happy to report that the basket blocks from Grace (citymousequilter blog) have been sewn into a top. I had to change the setting triangles from what I had shown before, due to a cutting error on my part. But I like the new fabric choice.
I debated border vs. no border, and I think I have settled on no border. As is, it will hang nicely in my sewing room. Any larger, and I don't have a place to hang it. Thank you for the lovely baskets, Grace!
The next thing up on the design wall is the house blocks I started in 2021, I believe. You may notice that there are two sizes of blocks on the wall.
I started out using a magazine pattern, and then ended up buying the AccuQuilt die. It cuts smaller blocks, but I have a plan to incorporate both sizes in the same quilt, loosely following the same layout in the pattern I used when I started out.
Lori, of Humble Quilts blog, is hosting a SAL of an entirely different 2 color quilt, making 2 blocks per month. When I return from my adventure, I plan to join the SAL, using this block instead. It will get me close to the number of blocks I need if I can stay with it through the year.
This is nothing new, but it is new that I am actually using this quilt on my bed. I made the top many years ago when Randy (Barrister's Block blog) hosted a SAL.
This is made entirely from men's thrift store shirts. I enjoy looking closely at the fabrics in each block. I should have known better and turned the baskets the other way. I always like the longest measurement of a quilt across the width of the bed. So I have two baskets on their side. Can you find them both?
We have had some snow lately, and with the moisture in the air, and then the very cold temperatures at night, we had some lovely hoarfrost one recent morning. It turns everything into an enchanting fairyland, IMHO.
That is not snow on the branches. It is all hoarfrost on the trees, but it is snow on the ground. :) And when you get really close, you can see the crystals that have formed and are sticking out in every direction. The following photos are of the miniature lights that were still wrapped around our deck railing, until yesterday. Everything gets a fuzzy white coating. It is magical to me.
That had better be it for now. Sorry I don't have time to link up to the blogs I have mentioned. It is late and I still have much to do. If all goes as planned, I will be meeting up with 6 other quilt bloggers on this grand adventure! Can't wait!!
Until next time, be creative and be kind!
Janet O.