
Friday, April 30, 2021

Doing Dual Duty

My monthly mini (with Wendy at The Constant Quilter blog) is also my swap quilt for Lori's Humble Quilts Doll Quilt Swap. You don't see the others cheating like this,  but I have never claimed to be of sterling character. ;)

This was the quilt I sent to Jane S. in Ohio.

I hand quilted it and washed it up and it really crinkled. I thought I'd killed it!

I had shown you the inspiration quilt in my last post. It is made from diamonds. I didn't have a diamond template (I do now), and I was too lazy to figure out cutting the diamonds with the lines on the rulers, so I used Panama Pyramids triangles templates to just give a similar impression. As in the inspiration "Sugar Loaf" quilt, I was going to leave the larger triangles between the pieced triangles as one plain triangle of background fabric. But for some reason, on my creation it didn't look good to me, like it did in the original. So I chopped up those plain triangles and inserted colored ones in the middle. First I tried multiple colors, but they seemed to create a distraction, so I opted to go with all browns. When I noticed, after final assembly, that in the second row all of the brown center triangles were a floral, rather than having them spread throughout the quilt, I shook my head and let it go. That was a big step for me.


Jane has no blog, but she sent some photos she said I could share here. They are better glamor shots than anything I have. So here is the quilt in its new home. She says a dolly has already spent the night under this quilt, and that warms my heart!


I understand that my quilt has been sent to me, but is coming from very far away. I am excited to receive it!!

You may recall that I was going to a tulip festival. It was sprinkling on us most of the time we were there, but I'd rather have that than temps in the 80s (as they had been experiencing) any day! Tell me if you see a strippy quilt in any of these photos. And if while viewing these you are tempted to pull out your uke and start singing "Tiptoe through the tulips", you may be as old as I am. Are you ready for a tulip overload?


In case you are wondering, yes, this is just a fraction of the photos I took. :)

Until next time, when I hope my doll quilt has arrived!!

Janet O.

p.s. A reminder that if you get notifications of new blog posts via the Feedburner email list, you need to be choosing another option. It will be ending those notifications this summer. If you use a blogger dashboard, the Friend Connect "Follower" list is a good way to go, or there is the Bloglovin' option--each are in my sidebar on the right hand side. If anyone is aware of another option I should check on, please let me know.



  1. Lucky Jane! What a beautiful little quilt. Thanks for sharing the tulip photos. The bunnies have been after the tulips in my flowerbeds. They nipped off all but four of them in spite of the repellant spray. (sigh)

  2. Perfect mini quilt. Ahh aren’t those colourful fields somethin!

  3. love your mini quilt......and OMG the can never post too many pics......I don't get to see then often too hot where I live.........

  4. The dolls quilt you sent to Jane is just beautiful Janet - & looks wonderful in her pics she sent you. Gosh that tulip festival is stunning. Such beautiful colours in the flowers - I have some in pots but I wish I had a big area of them. Have a great weekend Janet. xx

  5. What a wonderful doll quilt, Jane is a lucky gal, and she has the perfect dolly furniture to display it beautifully. My sister lives near the tulip farms there and posts photos nearly every year. They are gorgeous. Your granddaughter is getting so big, she's a cutie!

  6. The loss of Feedburner is a challenge. I like your info and need to do something similar.

    Love the doll quilt you made—lucky recipient!

  7. OH what a darling doll quilt...perfect with the browns, and I love the glamour shot of it on the rocking chair!!! I missed the tulips here, this year...maybe next year. Happy Spring!

  8. That’s an adorable little quilt you made for Jane! Her photos show just how perfect it is her home! The tulips are amazing, but the rain would have ruined it for me. Lol

  9. Your mini quilt is my favorite. It is beautiful. I love all the photos of the tulips. Thanks for sharing your trip. Hugs

  10. The quilt is lovely and well done, as usual. Are the tulips grown to sell as fresh flowers?

  11. What beautiful flowers!!!! Did you feel like you were in heaven? Yes I’m old enough to remember Tini Tim....

    Love the doll quilt, so cute.

  12. Janet, this little gem is absolutely delightful. Such a treasure and seeing it on the doll bed is so fun. I really like the way this turned out. The tulips are breathtaking. Hard to imagine walking through a field of tulips so big. Fun Fun.

  13. The Tulip Festival looks glorious! How nice you got to do this! Being of "a certain age," I can still envision Tiny Tim and Miss Vicky -- thanks for the memory.

  14. Your doll quilt is wonderful!! That lucky dolly!! And I am happy you were able to come over and see all that glorious color!! Amazing, isn't it!!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful tulips! And your quilt is wonderful. 😊💕

  16. Such a sweet doll quilt! Lucky Jane!! The tulips are lovely when there are that many together. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!!

  17. That doll quilt is beautiful, and so are all those tulips! :0)

  18. Oh it's a beautiful quilt and the photos of it in its new home are so cute. Beautiful tulips;). So much colorful inspiration.

  19. Cheating? I call that very clever. I once used 1 quilt in three different challenges.
    Your little quilt is just precious and it was fun to see it in its new home. Very nice!
    I'm looking forward to seeing yours as well.
    Wow. the tulip farm is incredible. I almost can't imagine seeing those incredible rows of colors in person. How amazing is Mother Nature?
    Love the windmill!

  20. OMG! Those tulips are so vibrant even without sunlight! Can't imagine how awesome it was to actually be there! Love that little diamonds quilt too! Happy stitching!

  21. Such a gorgeous triangle quilt... I love the look of this design but I know that triangles are hard to work with (for me anyway). Such pretty tulips photos... I miss seeing beautiful things. As soon as lockdown #3 is over, I'm going everywhere to see beauty again (masked of course!)
    I guess I'll have to learn another new skill to continue to follow blogs!

  22. I wouldn't say you were cheating, more like, being efficient. And making Jane a very lucky recipient. Your triangle quilt is lovely. Changing that large light triangle was a great idea. The more pieces the better. Many years ago I visited the tulips outside of Seattle and came home and quickly made a strip quilt with tulip colors. I see a strip quilt your future too.

  23. I'm in a tulip heaven here. Sad to take them all out, but we must. Good job on the swap quilt. I love the mini we swapped.

  24. That's not cheating ... it's *economizing*!! :) I like your version of the quilt better than the one from the book. It's more substantial...colorful! It's darling on the doll baby bed, too! Your granddaughter is just so darling! Her smile is precious ... you can see it plainly in her eyes, even with the mask on! I love all the tulips! My sister has a tulip farm near her, and it's very similar. What a fun trip!! The photo of the lines of tulips (purple, white, red, purple, maybe?) would make a terrific postcard! :)

  25. Oh, the wonderful scent of tulips in bloom!!!! Some day we need to get there! We've been to La Conner, WA for their tulip festival, but not yet Woodburn, OR! That is closer to where we live now. MMMmmmm! Thank goodness we do not have allergies! Love your pyramids!

  26. Beautiful doll quilt, and such sweet pics of it in its new home! I have no dollies to put under the doll quilts I've received.
    Great photos of the tulip fields. Pretty sure it is too dry in Cali for tulips...

  27. Yikes, yikes, yikes! How did I miss this post? I am calling my son in law techy to find out what is happening to all my regular "stuff". I LOVE you mini!! I linked you into the end of month post. So sorry I didn't see it before! LOVE it so much!

  28. What a sweet quilt, Janet. I know you made changes from the original but one would have to see them side-by-side to the difference between them. Every year I think about joining in this exchange, and then decide against it. Maybe next year....

    The tulip farm photos are beautiful. I love those coral ones, especially, but all the photos are delightful. Your little curly-hair granddaughter has sure grown!

  29. I don't know how I missed this! Dual duty sure sounds good to me. What a wonderful monthly mini to share with Jane in OH as part of Lori's Doll Quilt Swap. It looks perfect in it's new home :) And what gorgeous tulips! I would never tire of looking at them. Yes, maybe a strip quilt!

  30. What a wonderful display at the tulip farm! And so precious that you were able to meet up with your granddaughter. The doll quilt you made is beautiful and it's lovely to see it in full service at its new home!

  31. great idea double duty! oh that maggie has grown so.....such beautiful tulips and i agree about the weather....80s and close to 90 for us next week...


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