
Wednesday, May 19, 2021


My post is what is overdue, not the quilt. I received my quilt from Cecile (Patchwork Inspirations blog) in the first week of the month, but haven't seemed to be able to get a post written in order to share it. So here it is! We were participants in the Humble Quilts Doll Quilt Swap, and Cecile had my name. Lucky me!!

This little treasure came all the way from France, along with that clever card in the corner with wildflower seeds embedded in the paper. The wonderfully scrappy Ocean Waves pattern is one I have long admired, and the beautifully hand quilted feathered wreath in the center is an added bonus.  Thank you so much, Cecile. It is an honor to have a quilt made by you!

Another thing that was overdue was getting my little miniature quilt rack stained. You can read about this rack here.  I hired one of the many woodworkers in our community to make this for me. He had it finished in October, but I had told him to leave the staining for me. I love staining wood and it only took me 7 months to get to it. :)

This is where the rack was sitting before it was stained, and I liked it here. But now that it is pretty much the same color as the floor, the baseboard, and the hutch, it is a little way too much brown. So I moved it over by my full-size quilt rack (made by another woodworking neighbor).  I think it fits in better here visually, but physically it is a bit awkward. Still, it will remain here for now.

I know many of you would have painted this piece a pretty color, and it would have been lovely. I also know I have far too much wood in my home, but I love the look of natural wood grain, and I can't bring myself to paint over it. The red oak in this is gorgeous. Here is a view of the side.

Another thing that was even longer overdue was the clearcoat finish on the quilt ladder I bought from a sweet elderly woman at a craft show over 7 years ago (I'm probably getting very close now to the age of that "sweet elderly woman"). It had already been stained, but it really needed a light sanding with fine grit, and then a couple of coats of clearcoat. It is smooth as silk now, with just a hint of a shine.


Of all the quilts in this photo of the ladder, I only made one--the top one on the ladder. The next one down was by Jill Reid (this link takes you to her patterns at Windham Fabrics website), and the lower one is by Barbara Black. The one over the chest is by Barb Vedder. Love them all! This is kind of a red/green/cheddar corner.


Nothing overdue about this. Is anyone else as excited about this pattern as I am? My copy just arrived and I wish I wasn't buried under so many projects. I'd love to work on this now, but I will try to exercise restraint. Those little baskets finish around 3", you know. So fun! You can find the pattern here.


The final overdue item is my blogiversary. On May 16th, three days ago, it was the 10th anniversary of my blog. I never dreamed I would still be at it, and that I would have made so many amazing friends from around this country and the world. I have learned many lessons from you, my friends--some about quilting, but equally as many, if not more, about life. Several dear friends have departed, and I miss their wisdom and insight, along with the shared humor. Whether via Zoom, texts, emails, or phone, the laughter has been good for my soul. As time consuming as blogging can be, I have to say that it has enriched my life by expanding my circle.

You know there is always a drawing for thank-you gifts around this time. I am giving away a couple of little quilts from SALs. To me these SALs are a symbol of the community we create with our blogs. 


This first one is from the most recent Humble Quilts doll quilt SAL. I have given away a few of the quilts I have made from her SALs and I am always a little torn to let one go. I call this one "Mud Pies". You can read about it here.


Some of you may remember Cheri Payne. This second quilt was from a post of hers on Labor Day  in 2012, where she shared the instructions for this little quilt. She called it Labor of Love. I made mine a bit larger than the original (highly out of character for me). 

I will draw two names and send each one a little quilt with a few other goodies. Please don't publicize this drawing. It is just for those who are regulars here. Thank you for your friendship, and for all you have shared with me. And don't forget--if you never receive a reply to comments you make here, or if you don't usually comment, so you have no idea if you would receive a reply or not, PLEASE leave your email address IN your comment. If I can't contact you, I draw another name. I reply to everyone who comments and has their email linked to their comment.

Enough of that. I hope COVID numbers are decreasing in your area and that you are able to look forward to a greater degree of normalcy going forward. Let's make this a great day by making it better for someone else!

Until next time, 

Janet O.

Drawing is now closed

You may have noticed I have no header photo. I removed the old one to replace it and now it is doing crazy things and will only load my header photo into a small corner of the header space. The photo file is large enough, but no matter what I do it shows up very small on the screen. I've even tried a few other photos. So this would have been my header photo, and may be one day if this ever gets fixed. Click to enlarge it and soak in the serenity.

Anyone else have this problem changing headers, or am I just lucky? It's not like I've never changed my header photo before!


  1. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. Time flies when you are not looking. The quilts are beautiful. Cecile quilt was amazing as well. You are a mutual admiration society. I am so tempted to try those baskets but need to refrain so I can work on a quilt for our bed. Thanks for the drawing.

    Dotti in CT.

  2. I just love Cheri Payne's designs. Your blog is one I always read. Ten years is a long time to maintain blogging, congratulations!
    Sharon Ray

  3. Congrats on the blog ten year anniversary. I always enjoy the pictures of your little quilts and your scenry shots. It would be an honor to win one of your quilts!

  4. I love it that we have been around that long!! I won a gift last giveaway, so I won't put my name in the hat, but I adore your tiny quilts!! Such a lovely place to live, and God's colors are on full display.

  5. Reading your blog is very enjoyable. Your little quilt rack is neat, too.

  6. Gorgeous minis.....I love the look of timber.....
    Happy 10th blog birthday.... Wishing you many more.... Like you I have the same feelings of blogging and it opened up my world to the bigger world......

  7. Your little doll quilt from France is beautiful! I love the hand quilted design in the center. Your stained quilt holder is pretty and I’m getting back to real wood tones these days, too. Gorgeous! Congrats on your blogversary! Count me in on the drawings....I would love to own one of your quilts. ❤️❤️❤️

  8. What a sweet little piece from your swap partner, Cecile! I especially love the hand quilting in the center. And that card! Oooh la la! Your mini rack looks great ... you did a great job finishing it! The same for the ladder! I think the ladder is such a brilliant idea! Happy Blogiversary to you ... ten years is nothing to sneeze at! Congratulations! I feel like I've been along for a decent part of it! ♥

  9. I don't recall when I subscribed to your blog but I'm sure glad I did and that you're still posting photos and interesting thoughts on quilting. I'm a hand quilter and enjoy seeing your hand quilting.
    I love the scrappy border that Cecile put on her little quilt. It makes it more special for you, because it shows many of the fabrics in her collection.
    I've begun doing some hand piecing of easy lap quilts and plan to hand piece some mini quilts similar to the ones you've made--thank you for your inspiration. I hope to comment more often on the blogs that I follow in a feed (I use Old Reader),so I'll be back to visit again.

  10. Congratulations on your sticking with blogging for these ten years! Its always so fun to see your beautiful mini quilts each month and all the other projects you've been working on. I love that mini quilt rack and couldn't agree more with your decision to stain it rather than cover that gorgeous wood grain with paint. We too have a lot of natural knotty pine wood planking and wainscoting in our little farmhouse and that was one of the major draws in our decision to buy the property when we moved back east. Your dilemma with changing your header photo is one reason why mine hasn't changed since starting my blog, but I'm glad you can continue to show us your beautiful scenery in the blog post itself. I always look forward to seeing the ever-changing skies and mountains there!

  11. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I love seeing your little quilts. I know about time getting away from me too. The small quilt rack is really cute too.

  12. What a beautiful collection of both large and mini quilts you have Janet! The ladders and furniture pieces you have to display them are wonderful. Cecile's little quilts is precious, I love hand quilting small quilts. Would love to be included in the drawing! Good luck with fixing your header! (Jan in MA)

  13. How fun to get a quilt from Cecile! Making an Ocean Waves quilt us on my bucket list, but I should just resign myself to the fact that it’s never going to happen—lol! Congrats on your blog anniversary. It’s been an inspiration!

  14. I love your blog and look forward to each post. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Congratulations on your blogiversary! And here's to many more.

  15. I love your red oak stand. I couldn't bear to paint it either.
    Marcy Peterson

  16. I love reading your blog but don’t think I’ve ever commented before. I’m inspired by all of the mini quilts you do and hope to feel confident enough to do some mini;s myself soon. I just did a 3 1/2” star with flying geese and was very happy how it came out. Cheryl.

  17. Like you I love wood and only clearcoat it I also love the look of painted pieces and have three or four that I have bought at good will,but if it is great I don’t change it,just give me wood any day,I have wooden walls floor and ceciling in my family room as well as shevels and cabinets tables and spinning wheels plus a bit of brick thrown in for contrast so yes we love wood the house is also cedar so more wood.your quilts are beautiful.

  18. Happy blogging anniversary! Ten years is quite an accomplishment! I have only been following your blog for a short time but I have really enjoyed reading about your quilts and of course seeing all your quilts! I have gotten so much inspiration from seeing your work! Thank you.

  19. Elizabeth StreeterMay 19, 2021 at 6:29 PM

    I hate the way this thing makes me anonymously when I put my name on it the quilts are all beautiful and congratulations on ten years of blogging what a beautiful diary you have of those ten years I don’t know how you can bear to part with some of your beautiful quilts and to give them away you are so generous, Elizabeth

  20. What a wonderful post!! Your quilt from Cecile is stunning and hand quilted!! What a treasure!! And I know I say this in so many of my comments but you do amaze me!! I know how busy you are with everything going on in your life and yet you have time to do everything you do!! I hope your Mom is doing well!! And that you are taking care of yourself!! XOXO

  21. Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following you for a while and I love the little quilts! The little quilt rack is perfect; I could use one myself! And I understand about the wood vs paint. Keep up the good work and I wish you well on your next 10 years!

  22. Congratulations on your 10 year milestone! Your posts are so enjoyable. Thank you for spending your time with us!

  23. Your new little quilt is beautiful! I love the little quilt rack you had made. It is lovely, the wood is beautiful. Hugs,

  24. Happy blogiversary, Janet!! I would LOVE to win your Mud Pies mini. It was one of my favorites in the SAL! Your little quilt rack turned out beautifully and I totally get why you couldn't paint it. I like the natural woodgrain showing, too.

  25. Congrats on the anniversary. I like your new quilt holder and your new little quilt. Keep on sewing. Darlene

  26. There's always so much quilty goodness on your blog! I love your little mini quilt rack. I may have to borrow that idea as I have a box full of small quilts and no way to show them off. And happy blogiversary! I'm so glad we found each other in blogland! Thanks so much for the chance to win one of your pretties! I don't use a header photo but I've had the same problem changing the background on my blog. No matter the file size, it just shows up in the corner instead of filling up the page. I have no clue why.

  27. Hello Janet - congratulations on 10 years of blogging - that is quite some achievement. I love my blog too & the friendships I have made across the globe - they surely do become like good friends (I include YOU in this). Thank You for the chance to enter your giveaway - I adore anything you make❤ . That doll quilt in your first photo is just beautiful & your quilt racks & ladders are wonderful - Yes I know you think I would paint them but I love them just the way they are too 😉😊 Blogger has a mind of its own sometimes & frequently does my head in !!!

  28. Congratulations on your long-time blogging anniversary Janet. I feel the same way you do about blogging. Cecile's quilt is really lovely, and your ladder displays look really great....and very inspiring!

  29. All those little quilts are so sweet.
    aubphg (at) hotmail (dot) com

  30. I just adore all you little quilts and reading you blog(adventures). Too bad you cannot upload your header picture, it is very peaceful. I love seeing hills and mountains. Here it is all very flat (in the Netherlands).
    greetings Mieke

  31. Congrats on 10 years. I have always enjoyed reading your blog & seeing the quilts you make. Your quilts are wonderful. I sure seeing the quilts that both Jill and Cheri made and shared with us.

  32. Wow! 10 years! Congratulations! Isn't it great to get the long overdue things accomplished, when we do get them done, we wonder, "why did it take me so long to get this finished!" At least, that is the way it is for me. I still follow Cheri's group on Facebook a little bit (I have cut back from Facebook - too many quilt projects to be wasting my time on FB) Cheri is missed! Good luck figuring out your header problems. Thank you for sharing all your quilts with us. HUGS... and stitches queen bee chef at hot mail dot com

  33. I love the rack and the ladder—almost as much as the little quilts! And to see my quilt there, so nice!

    I look forward to your posts, whenever they come. And I would love to have a Janet original!

  34. Congratulations on your tenth blog birthday! Time flies, love your little quilts and not painting the wood is the best choice. That piece of wood was once a beautiful tree, so with age the patina of the wood adds its own charm.

  35. I enjoyed your post this morning and seeing all the quilts. I haven't tried Small Quilts but I am thinking of joining in Lori's exchange next year.

    Lilac Joan

  36. I don’t comment often but am always happy to see a blog post from you pop up in my mail. I’ve been following about as long as you’ve been blogging:). I loved your posts on using yard sticks! Mary.

  37. Good morning from Nevada. We are having a little dose of late winter here, with lot's of wind and cold temp. My tomatoes are on the dryer, but maybe can plant soon. No sense before June 1. I love your blog, and also lori with Humble Quilts. I made the 50 shades of Brown, and had to add a few gold squares to represent the Rabbit Brush blooming as I put my mini together, plus a little sage green for the sage brush. I love the high desert where I live. I would be blessed if I had one of your minis. Thank you for the chance.

  38. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of your blog. I love reading your blog and am so inspired by your little quilts. I have tried to do little quilts but somehow I always mess it up. Thank you for the opportunity to win a little quilt from you. !


  39. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I haven't written on mine for quite awhile.....I am doing a Facebook Live thingy at present.....that happened quite by accident! So you are doing much better than me. I do so enjoy me some small quilts.....kinda of like potato chips hard to eat just one. I just finished a doll quilt size named Gettysburg. I thank you for sharing about the magazine type quilt rack, I had my dad make me one with the plans you shared. It turned out so nice. And so cute for the littles. Loved to be included in your giveaway.....I think you have replied to me before, but not sure! Love to win one of your pieces!

  40. I just happened to run across your blog this morning. I too love wood and that mini quilt rack is just fabulous! Makes me want to start making doll quilts so I need one. Congratulations on your blog

  41. dear janet....lovely post with lovely glad to have found your blog AND your giftie necessary....i find one every post....

  42. Congratulations on 10 years! I love your little quilt rack but I find it very difficult to paint real wood too. I love the look of painted wood but can't bear to paint it myself. There aren't too many things made with real wood anymore and I treasure the ones that are.

  43. Your miniature quilt rack is delightful. I like it stained instead of painted. A painted color might clash with a quilt later on, but wood always goes! Plus, as you said, wood grain is beautiful. I'll enjoy seeing your tiny little baskets when you get to them. I'm amazed at your patience, working with such little pieces.

  44. I so enjoyed reading your blog! You are blessed to have so many friends around the world--and your love and enthusiasm for all of your crafts shows through your writing. The rack that you had finished is beautiful--and your description and picture did make me want to trace downward on the exposed side! I felt like I could almost touch it (it made my fingers tingle). Here's to another ten years of blogging for you. Keep up the good work!

  45. I love your miniature quilt rack. I might see if I can find a local woodworker to make one for me. I am running out of wall space, and this would be a wonderful solution for my minis. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I have been reading you for a long time and hope you continue for another 10 years.

  46. A wonderful post today as I so enjoyed seeing your quilt and the racks they are on. Makes a house feel so much more like a home where hand made quilts are found. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. My email is

  47. Congratulations on your anniversary, your quilts are delightful and beautifully displayed on your rack, thanks for your blog.

  48. So many beautiful quilts! The blue and white one keeps catching my eye! Looks like all straight cuts, but gives the illusion of soft curves. I also love the orange and black one (3rd down on the new quilt rack)....AND all 3 on the quilt ladder! lol! Heck.... I think I simply can not pick a favorite? ;-) I favor stained wood as well... especially for the main furniture pieces in the house. The natural beauty of wood should not be covered up. When I do "paint", it's usually a watered down mix and it's for accent pieces like frames and small containers. Happy bloggyversary!!! I think it's been a learning curve with the technology of blogger... seems as soon as we get used to something, they change it! lol! I have not changed the header in my blog for years... so I do not have any tech tips to offer you. Sometimes the most effective thing to do is wait a day or week and try it again... it could just be a glitch with the blogger code.

  49. Love seeing your Quilt Swap Quilt and SAL's. That little Quilt holder looks great stained. I need a neighbor like that. Ocean Waves is a family Quilt pattern I've made in Mini. Can't wait to be a full time Blogger again. Happy Blogoversary! You know I love anything you giveaway.

  50. Happy anniversary Janet !! Ohhh my, your quilts are fabulous... !!
    Beeing your swap partner was a real challenge for me !!
    It was an honor to sew for you...

  51. Happy blogiversary, my friend! You and I must have started blogging around the same time. I’m so happy I found you those many years ago as you’ve been an inspiration in so many ways. And a truly lovely person. Have fun with those 3” baskets?

  52. Your blog posts are always a feast for the eyes and heart. I have a woodworker husband and no display items for quilts at all~ I may need to make an appeal to my roommate! I love your ladder and quilt stands, that mini quilt stand is adorable! I agree with you when it comes to staining vs. painting, if it's a wood with a pretty grain I couldn't paint over that. Three inch basket blocks? THREE inch??!! Oh, my; your wheelhouse for sure, I can't wait to see your results.

  53. Congratulations on your Blogaversary! I have read every single post, after finding you a few years ago. Just ♥️ your tiny blocks and quilts!

  54. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Beautiful qults, wonderful displays!

  55. Yes, I did miss that header! How dare they? I really love the photos from your beautiful area. Hope it gets fixed.
    Your quilt racks and quilts look beautiful. I love stained wood too.
    I’ve been completely out of the loop for over a month now. My sister, who lives close to me became altered and weak. We found out she has brain tumor metastasized from a previous uterine cancer. I’ve been taking care of her 24/7 and everything else has gone to the wayside. The Lord has held us close, given me wisdom and guidance and just kept her safe. It’s heartbreaking. I’m trying to stay in the moment with the days challenges and successes. Can’t think of the bigger picture yet.

  56. Cecile's quilt is delightful. I try to imagine how tiny the stitches are in the quilted center wreath--and can't!
    Your quilt rack is a treasure, be I think the quilts on it are even more of a treasure. What a treat to have them all on display--all through your house!
    Your header photo still is not there. I hope you and blogger figure out the problem so you can return to "normal" for your blog. I haven't yet change a header photo, too fearful that I'll have a problem like yours. Tech and I often don't get along well.

  57. Lucky you to receive a little quilt from Cecile! It is charming! Your little quilt rack is perfect and the stain finish looks fantastic. Enjoyed seeing your other quilt displays, too. That little basket quilt is adorable but way too small for me so I'll look forward to seeing yours! Beautiful header photo no matter if it's at the top or bottom :)

  58. Thank you for ten years of sharing. I love your blog and quilts. I fell for the little baskets pattern, too. I might even get it made, some day. Good luck with the tech issues.

  59. what a sweet quilt you received in the swap. I was in the middle of a home move and a studio move and the renovations hadn't been finished as we moved I didn't participate this year :-(

  60. Congrats on your blogaversary! I found you a couple of years ago but haven’t commented before now. I really enjoy reading your posts and I love seeing your mini’s. Thank you for sharing them all with us.

  61. Oh Janet. 10 years goes by so fast. I do love your mini ladder and it is perfect stained too.
    Keep up the good stitching and quilting. Love seeing your progress.

  62. No such thing as "to much wood" - from a gal who almost grew up in the barn! My home is similar, lots of beautiful wood. I see a lot of hand quilting on the first little quilt - always pretty.

  63. And, I am long overdue in my blog reading! What a great post. I love the little rack and I don't think you can have too much wood in any home. I love it. I can't believe you are giving away such sweet quilts. You are amazing. I hope you solve the header problem. I love seeing your lovely photos.

  64. I ams sorry to be so tardy in wish you a Happy Anniversary. This post was like an on line quilt show of little quilts. Your display racks are absolutely lovely and I know so many of the quilters that you have swapped with.
    How sweet to get a quilt from cecile'. She is such a lovely person.
    I have no idea what is going on with your header, sorry, wish I could help with that.
    Your sky photo is just beautiful especially with that tree.

  65. 10 years is certainly a celebration. Your quilts are fabulous. I love all the natural wood, the quilts give the pop of color. May use your mini quilt holder idea for wool runners I've finished, or maybe the ladder idea. Need to display them some how. Thank you for sharing, in your blog and the quilt giveaways.


I love to have your comments and feedback.