
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mini of the Month and Humble Quilts SAL

Once again just squeaking under the wire with my Monthly Mini. Linking up with Wendy at The Constant Quilter blog for our monthly mini parade.

The inspiration for this little quilt began when I saw this post from Barbara of her mini last month. She showed a picture from the book Childhood Treasures that had inspired her mini and that sent me to my copy of the book. I didn't end up using the one that caught my eye that month, but decided it would be my mini for September--and here it is.

This photo shows which quilt from Childhood Treasures inspired me. That print around the three sides of the doll quilt in the book made me think of a beautiful Jinny Beyer print called Mariposa that  had been shared with me by Pat at Amity Quilter blog (thank you, Pat). A couple of years ago she used it as the focus fabric in a Humble Quilts SAL.  You can see her finished product here.                              Since I don't have a doll bed, I figured I would put the border around all four sides, as this will probably be a wall hanging or table topper. 
I didn't get a great photo of the quilting, but maybe you can see it a bit in this photo. Haven't thought of a name for this yet. It has such a mix of fabric designers. I considered calling it "Jinny Beyer makes a Diehl to Di Ford," but that would be leaving out Howard Marcus, Paula Barnes, Jo Morton, and maybe more. I'll have to ponder it a little more.
I've been on a roll with the 2 1/2" 4-patch blocks with setting squares. I was just finishing piecing up my monthly mini when Lori at Humble Quilts blog posted her first step in her doll quilt SAL. She has since posted the second step, and the setting is remarkably familiar.        Looking forward to seeing the border that Lori says is next. It's not too late to join in!
DH and I had a whirlwind getaway last Friday and Saturday. It was good to get out and do something almost like we used to. Does it look familiar? It is a 5 hour drive from home and I have spent many vacations here--with my family as a child, with my children as a family, and now as a pair of "old people". 

Autumn is my favorite time of year, and I am enjoying the cooler nights, the changing colors, and the golden hue to the evening light. In a world that has been throwing us curve balls on a regular basis this year, I hope you are finding ways to create joy for yourself and others each day. 
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. lovely mini janet, your work is always superb! yes life has certainly been wacky this year...who knows what normal really is anymore

  2. One of my favorites from that book! I almost didn't recognize it with the top border, which I think looks great.
    What a great color combination with the soft red and teal blue. Who can resist the red and white gingham? It is just too cute!
    your quilting is lovely as always. You always seem to find just the right motif to fill the space.
    have fun with the sew along! great start.

  3. Your newest mini is beautiful and quilted well. Glad you could squeeze out one for September. Hugs

  4. Oh, to get away and be somewhat normal! And what a lovely mini quilt.

  5. What a lovely homage mini this month..beautiful work on this one...
    hugs, Julierose

  6. Love that border fabric! It looks so good with your mini.
    And there is nothing like a simple 4 patch, just always a favorite. A weekend away sounds wonderful. Nice to escape all the friction and chaos going on now. Our age has changed our view :)

  7. Love your mini. Glad you got to go to Yellowstone. Thanks again for sharing some Browns so I could make Lori's SAL. You're the best!

  8. Your mini is beautiful! Love the colors! Glad you were able to get away for a change of scenery. Great photos!

  9. That is my favorite quilt from Merikay's book. So glad you made a version for this month's mini! The red/white check is so appealing and the quilting is fabulous, as always! I'm doing Lori's SAL, too. It's a fun simple piece to put together. Glad you got away for a couple days :)

  10. I woke up this morning with a thought that you would have a post today with a mini quilt. I like the colors in this one very much.

    I had read at one time that cars were being discouraged from Yellowstone and a bus tour instead. Is that true?

  11. So good that you were able to enjoy some time away to completely relax. I love your new mini, the red and white check is a stroke of genius in that little quilt. Lori's 50 Shades is beautiful too, can't wait to see how the border options add to the whole.

  12. The border on your little quilt is perfect! Such a sweet quilt. I'm glad you are sewing along.
    I LOVE Yellowstone!! Glad you were able to get away. We stayed in the historic section of Old faithful lodge- OMG. fun times. Can't wait till we are through this virus and we can get our regular lives back!! Feels so weird to be thinking about travel.

  13. I LOVE Yellowstone and am going back again next year (have been many times and always love the beauty). Heading out to Death Valley in a couple of weeks as I've never been though I have been to all 50 states but there's so much to see in each one!

  14. Your mini is adorable, Janet. What a perfect choice for the border, which really showcases your blocks.
    I almost forgot about Lori’s QAL. I think I can probably dig up some browns ...
    How nice you were able to get away. Yellowstone?

  15. Oh, my gosh, I love your September mini!! That border looks so outside of your box but it works perfectly!! Glad you were able to get away for a few days!! Not wanting to wish any days away but I will be so glad when this year is over!! Although, now that I have retired again, life is much, much calmer around here!! 2021, bring it on!!

  16. Love your mini.... that is motivating for me--I almost forgot to get mine done!
    Love your quilting, as always.
    Can't believe you can just sneak away to Yellowstone! Such beautiful pictures.
    Glad you and dh got a chance to get away and take care of just you two!
    Be safe!

  17. I really like this mini a lot! Can you tell me how the monthly mini things works? Is there a sign up for it or is it just informal?

  18. This is a fascinating little quilt. So much to look at. I love the red check. The binding looks tricky. It adds a special touch to this little gem. I really like the shades of brown you have chosen for the SAL. Very nice. Hope you're having a nice fall.

  19. Your mini is adorable and the border fabric is fantastic. I love the soft red and real combination. Yellowstone is a wonderful place to visit and enjoy the unique scenery. Hopefully, it wasn't too crowded. Lori always has a fun SAL. I've been working on mine as well.

  20. I love every quilt in that book, but yours is absolutely fabulous! I love the delicious border and your quilting really sets it off. I have linked you in. Thanks for antoerh great mini. I know how hard it is to get things done these days but I know everyone loves to see mini quilts! Yellowstone is on my bucket list. So happy you were able to get away!

  21. I have that book too and there's a lot of inspiration in there. I like how you added the top border and what a perfect fabric for it. I think your red checks are such a playful contrast - it's just the cutest quilt. There are so many places in the U.S. I haven't seen, Yellowstone being one of them! Looks like a great trip for you made even better by the many years of memories attached to it.

  22. Your mini? Just darling!!! I love the combo of the red check with the four patches! Very sweet! I went and took a peek ... I understand why the focal fabric caught your eye...her quilt really did showcase it nicely!! It's pretty colors, a perfect fit for your mini! Your nature shots are amazing! Is that fog in the bottom right photo, or steam?! I adore fall, too! It's because we have autumn birthdays. We're in tune to the rhythms and colors of our birth season! ;)

  23. What a great little mini and I love the border quilting. xx

  24. Your mini is beautiful Janet ... I think I would just call it "childhood treasures remembered" or something similar. I love the pics of your visit - just stunning. Yes I love autumn too but spring is my favourite followed closely by autumn.

  25. Your mini is beautiful! And what a wonderful place for a getaway! :0)

  26. Love the border fabric and quilting on your mini of the month. It's great to have the little quilts and tabletoppers to switch out around the house. Lori's quiltalong has been fun so far, like you, I'm looking forward to the borders. How nice to get away, DH and I are hoping to do so this month as well. California may get to open up a bit more in the next few weeks but we are still keeping mostly to ourselves around here. Happy Quilting!

  27. I am also enjoying the coler nights and changing colours. I'm glad you got out and about a little. We headed out to an apple orchard last week and the change of scenery felt like a whole vacation!

  28. Such pretties! Love all of your pictures (and the postcard lol). Glad you and hubby were able to get out for a bit!

  29. The colors you chose to use for your quilt look wonderful together! The border fabric is so perfect.
    I like your 50 Shades, too. I think you mentioned on Facebook that you were concerned your lights might be too dark, but I think they work just fine.
    It looks like maybe you and your husband went to Yellowstone? We sent in September one year and it was beautiful. I can only guess that it would be even more beautiful in the fall, which is my favorite season, too.


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