
Friday, October 23, 2020

Humble Quilts SAL--and then some rambling

I finally got my little version of the Humble Quilts fall SAL completed. Named by Lori, "50 Shades of Brown," I have chosen to call my version "Mud Pies." While using the hose in my Mom's back yard recently to water of few of her perennials, I found myself remembering that our sandbox used to be by that hose. We would sometimes employ the hose to create lakes and rivers in the sandbox. Occasionally we would also be found making mud pies, which could take on many shades of brown. Hence the name.

This photo may give you a better idea of the quilting. I really wanted to hand quilt this, but I accepted my reality and quilted it using the walking foot on my machine. Then I squirted it with water and let it air dry to give it a semi-crinkly appearance (my dryer is broken--repairs happening this weekend).

I was so grateful that Lori kept it simple for us this time around. I don't think I would have had the brain power to make anything complex. I couldn't even handle making it smaller, or making a duplicate, both of which have been known to happen with regularity around here.

In case you are wondering about the little display rack in the first photo, I will tell you what I am able. Last year I briefly joined a couple of miniature quilt groups on Facebook. But it all began to be too much for me--too many ideas, too many people, too much time spent scrolling through trying to keep up. I soon dropped out of them. But while still in them, one quilter posted a great magazine rack she had picked up at a thrift store and repurposed for miniature quilts. I absolutely loved it. Many readers asked her questions as to dimensions. I copied the picture with the measurements she shared and filed it on my hard drive. Out of sight--out of mind.

Last month hubby and I were helping an elderly friend paint his home, and as this man is still an active  woodworker, I recalled the great little quilt rack and asked if I could hire him to make it for me. I found the photo with dimensions on my hard drive and emailed it to him. He used red oak, and I told him to leave it unfinished--I will stain it. I love staining wood (but may not get to it for a while). He brought it to me last week. I think he did a beautiful job. I had him put a few less rungs on it so more of each quilt shows. I love it as is, but I know it will really be beautiful when it is stained.
I can't recall who it was that originally posted this in the Facebook group. I can't believe I didn't put that info on the photo. There are some of you readers that are in that group, I know. If you recall who posted this, please share it. I should be giving her credit.
Lately I have received some much appreciated fun mail. Sandi sent the cute soap, pretty scissor fob, and great quilt magnet. I won a giveaway on Wendy's blog and received the beautiful magazines and charm squares. Then Barb sent the sweet, wee quilt and lovely FQs. During stressful times it is such a delight to find a wonderful surprise in the mailbox. I also appreciate those who have sent a text or email to check in. My blog friends are amazing. I know I am really lax in my blogging. I am hopeful that it won't always be so hard to find time to quilt so that I have something to post. 

I almost didn't watch the presidential debate, the last one was so disheartening. But I joined it a few minutes late and was grateful that a small degree of civility was present that had been sorely lacking in the first one. Something that has really impressed me is that the two candidates in my state's race for governor have appeared in an ad together, promoting civility. Don't believe me? It can be viewed here, and it is gaining some national attention. Kind of sad that such a thing is so rare. It shouldn't be.
Not only is it election time, it is also Pumpkin Spice time! I got a giggle out of this. Maybe I just need a Pumpkin Spice oil change to get out of my mental funk.:)                                                        Has anyone else sat out in the wee hours of the morning with a few blankets and a warm drink to see how many meteors they can spot? That would be me two nights ago, for a total of 7 meteors in 35 minutes--starting at 2 a.m. It was magical. You have to take joy where you can, and anything involving the sights in the heavens makes my heart happy.

Spent an afternoon last week making soap, and when it has finished curing in 2 1/2 more weeks, I will draw a name from the comments and send them a few bars. I'd like to pay it forward on the fun mail. I may tuck in a few other surprises.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I hope you don't mind if I combine a reply to your comment on my blog with this comment on yours! Regarding the HST quilt that I made, I do love it and decided to make another one and try to be more careful and hopefully more perfect. Thanks for your comment! I absolute love your mini quilt rack! How lucky that you were able to get one custom made for you!! It is so adorable filled with your fabulous quilts!!

  2. I love your Mud Pies! great version. The sparkles of pink light it up. I really like our borders. What a cute rack and OH MY i loved seeing the Burgoyne surrounded mini.
    What an amazing quilt rack. He could go into business with those. Seriously. It is adorable.
    Aren't quilters wonderful and thoughtful. I'm so glad you feel supported by the people you inspire so much.
    Oh you are so right about civility. We HAVE to work TOGETHER because we share this country and the planet. It is heartbreaking.
    I missed the meteor showers. We live in a very wooded area and I would probably have to drive somewhere to get a good sky view. I'm glad to know you saw some. I can just picture it.
    take care friend

  3. Mud Pies is the perfect name!! Glad you could get the Mini Quilt Rack custom made. It's been overcast here so no meteor activities in our skies. Snow is forecast for the weekend 😳 I'm not ready... put me on the list for soap, give your mom a hug for me too. Fun squishies you received.

  4. I remember making mud pies many, many years ago. Good name for you quilt. It is lovely and the rack is perfect. That man is talented.

  5. Love your Mud always the story behind it makes it a sure winner for me.
    And the quilt display is a beauty and absolutely perfect for you.
    The meteor shower was not visible here due to cloud cover and rainy nights. I did think about viewing , but was saved from the cold by the weather. I am awful lazy any way lately. Glad you took the opportunity to find some magic. There is little around anymore.
    As for the world and politics....I am glad God has it in his control because I am quite fearful of what comes next.
    I was impressed by a pastor from Tennessee that I heard. He gave me some assurance about how to really pick the right candidate. Scripture tells us to select leaders of good character. Hard to find now a days. Ignoring the personalities (because both are sorely lacking), forgetting the past (again both are awful), look at the premises they stand on and party platforms. See which one of those line up with your belief and value system. There is where their heart lies.....not the words they may say. After doing that it was easy to know who to vote for. And I did the same for the state elections. Less stress now for me, no matter what the outcome.

  6. Mud pies!! Perfect name for a sweet little quilt. The mini quilt rack is wonderful! I did watch the presidential debate and I am so ready for this election to be behind us!!!

  7. Janet- I am in love with your Mini-rack! I am hoping that I can finally get a comment to post, for some reason, mine never do on your blog. You see I have wanted to tell you for over a year how much I enjoy your blog and quilts. I found you through Pam Buda’s blog when you were trading nine patches and she blogged about your “Rogue” blocks you had made. When I find a blog I like, as I did with Pam’s, I went back to your very first post and read your blog as my evening “decompress before bed reading”. As I read and got caught up, your moms health began to decline and your posts became much less frequent. I know you hat you are caring for her as you did for your dad, and just wanted you to know that I (along with others here I’m sure) are keeping you and she in our thoughts.

  8. Your mud pie mini is adorable, Janet. I had intended to sew along with Lori but ... (insert the usual excuses)
    I love that quilt rack! Which fits your quilts perfectly. Pumpkin spice oil change? How hilarious! Must get one.

  9. Your Mud Pies is adorable and the light border a great idea !!
    The quilt rack is absolutely ... beautiful and the quilts on it terrific !!
    Ohhh I love your posts Janet ! Thank you for sharing !

    PS : I was the lucky woman who had the chance to taste your soaps and I can say here they are fabulous !!

  10. Oh it is so good to hear from you! It is hard enough to snatch some precious quilting time let alone an entire blog post. That Mud Pie quilt is fabulous! And, thank you for sharing the new rack. What a great way to display your wee treasures. I think your friend may find other quilters knocking on his door! Love the Pumpkin Spice oil change sign, some people are very clever. Have a great weekend and hope you get some stitching time.

  11. I'm so thrilled with your 50 Shades! I'm happy I kept it simple too!
    I love that rack! Super darling!!
    I hope you are taking care of yourself. It is good to see your post!! XOXO

  12. Your special "Mud Pies" quilt brings back precious memories of my favorite childhood friend and I not only making mud pies, but eating them too! Yep; we stirred in a little sugar and vanilla, and they actually tasted pretty good. That little quilt rack is super special too! ---"Love"

  13. Love Mud Pies - the color of pink you chose is just perfect. That little quilt stand is adorable. And, it is just right for your miniature quilts. I wish we could see a Meteor Shower here. The lights are just too bright in the Salt Lake Valley. I do well to see Venus and Mars some nights. Pumpkin spice oil change - who knew?

  14. Super cute little quilt to add to your new "magazine" rack!!!

  15. It is always delightful to hear and see what you have been doing. The name, Mud Pies, is as charming as your sweet quilt. It's fun when there's a story to go with the name. Your display rack is lovely. It pays to have talented friends. I always think I'll try and look for meteors, but I konk out way too early.

  16. OK, you have inspired me. I made all the little 4 patches and cut out the squares to go with them but that's as far as I got. I need to finish my 50 shades of gray! If I had an adorable little quilt rack like yours to hang it on, I would for sure! Do you mind sharing the dimensions of that rack? I have a husband who is going to be looking for projects to do this winter and this would be perfect!! :)

  17. Your little quilts are inspiring me to take a another look at my bag of bitsy pieces - I know there is a quilt in there!

  18. Your new quilt is very cute and the quilt rack is wonderful. I never saw one for miniatures. So cute.

  19. I love your new miniature quilt rack! Such a great idea and now I need one! I’m going to put the hubs on this. Enjoy your blog and I love miniatures too.

  20. So wonderful to see your check-in for your online and real life friends! Love your Mud Pie version--mine hasn't been backed or quilted yet as I got caught up in wool applique. That quilt rack is gorgeous, I'm with you on fewer rungs to show more of the quilts. Glad you're getting some outdoor time, even it if is in the middle of the night :)

  21. It's so great to see a post from you. Your little quilt is so pretty and to my eye the pinks really make it sing. Your quilt rack for minis is fabulous. They look so great together. Pumpkin spice oil changes, cute;). I agree about the need for civility. It has been so disheartening to watch but I hope our country is turning a corner. Meteor showers definitely not visible from Tokyo city;).

  22. Your mini quilt rack is adorable! And how lovely to be able to see meteors. I live in town and there are way too many lights to see much of anything in the night sky.

  23. That quilt rack is fantastic! I will have to get my woodworker husband right on that. Would you share the dimensions?

    I always look forward to your posts!

  24. Janet, your little quilt rack is swoon worthy! I'd love to have the rough sketch/dimensions you used. I keep the books for a very talented woodworker/cabinet maker (my play money) and I'd love to see what he'd do with it for me! LOL! Your "Mud Pies" is so darling! I saw a few of these little quilts around on blogland; I always enjoy seeing the same quilts looking so fun and different! The pumpkin spice oil change *cracked* me up! Enjoy your soap making time!! :)

  25. I love the name Mud Pies for your quilt, and the quilt itself is wonderful. I plan to quilt mine similarly, hopefully this weekend, it will become a Christmas gift. We've had quite a few cloudy rainy nights lately so no meteor viewing, not that I'd voluntarily be awake that late anyway! I've become a moon cycle watcher and love to have the glow of the full moon streaming in the window as I go to sleep. Your friend is very talented, the little quilt rack is just wonderful! Looking forward to cooking our first pie pumpkin and making pie,very soon! Hoping the coming holiday season will erase some of the covid funk we all are suffering from. Blessings to you and your family.

  26. As always, I love reading your posts!! Your little Mud Pie quilt is darling and I love the story that goes with it as it brought back memories of when my little brother and I used to play in our sand box. We did have to go into the rose bed though to get the ingredients for our mud pies!! I'm sure Mom loved that!! Oh, and your quilt rack is darling!! And wow, beautifully made!! If I had everything to do over again, I would grow up to be a carpenter and furniture maker!! Love you lots and you are a joy to have as a friend!! Thank you!! :-)

  27. I love your Mud Pies finish.....mine is almost done, just have to bind it yet! I am also going to rename it, too! I love your quilt rack.....any chance you could post your picture with the dad does wood working and this would be a great project for him to make for me! Smiley face! He really does make the stuff I ask him so much!

  28. It is always so good to hear from you, Janet. Your little brown quilt came out great.
    And the little rack for the mini quilts??!! WOW! Your neighbor is very talented. It is perfect.
    I love how it shows so many little quilts! And knowing you, they'll be rotated.

    I'm not sure my car would want pumpkin flavored oil...that's hysterical.

    Hope you are taking care of yourself and that your mom is doing well.

  29. I was the lucky winner of your tumbler template and mini charm pack. As luck would have it, I grabbed the baggie as we were evacuated with the fires here in California in August. I hand pieced a mini and I love it. As soon as I get the rows together, I will send you a picture. Many thanks. This mud pie quilt is beautiful and your quilt rack - wow!
    You deserve all the fun mail you get.

  30. Janet, thank you for letting me know I was a no-reply commenter. I think I figured it out. Did this comment through normally? (

  31. Your mud pies quilt is gorgeous Janet. But Oh MY ... that wee quilt rack that the man built for you is just stunning. And perfect for all your mini's. I look forward to seeing it stained when you get time. I have been a bit behind in my blogging as have been down to my Mums again & just found upon my return - I ran out of puff. Like you - I hope to improve. Take care Janet xx

  32. I love that your memories helped name your sweet little quilt. What a great rack for little quilts! Thinking about you and hoping all is well with your Mom!

  33. the quilt rack is lovely.......
    I saw the start of the second debate by accident and was amazed they were civil for the first 5 mins.....then I was gone.......
    so pleased to hear the governors joining together. people can have different opinions but be civil and have a sad really that it needs to happen........
    I do love star watching and finding meteors or satellites.......

  34. Mud Pies is a great name for this pretty quilt. Your miniature quilt holder is brilliant.

  35. Love your latest mini, it is inspiring me to open up the bin of browns I brought together to cut up for the 50 shades of Brown quilt... still have not cut anything. Love the mini quilt holder and the display of your minis there!

  36. I don’t know if I could make it til 2am to watch for meteors. And with the city lights, even at 2am I’d probably not see one.

  37. I have two magazine racks from a thrift store that I use for displaying quilts. One is larger than the other but both make a nice smaller quilt display rack.

  38. I just love your Mud Pies quilt! I'm glad, too, that Lori kept it simple this time around. That is one cute quilt rack and perfect for displaying your little treasures. Fun Pumpkin Spice oil change sign :) I admire your 2 a.m. meteor watch! We've had some wonderful moonbeams streaming in the windows the past few nights. Love when that happens!


I love to have your comments and feedback.