
Monday, August 31, 2020

August Monthly Mini--Love Thy Neighbor

If you were around the blog three years ago you may have a faint memory of this--"Love Thy Neighbor."

Three years ago Maureen (pursuitofquilts blog), extended an invitation for others to join her in making a quilt titled "Love Thy Neighbor," and to consider using house blocks. This was in light of the troubles going on in Charlottesville, VA at that time. I made the top, but I didn't get it quilted. Now seemed like as good a time as ever to complete this little quilt. I can't think of what we could use more right now than love for our neighbors.

Once again, I finished it up with some hybrid quilting. It was machine quilted, except for the echo quilting around the hearts. The house blocks were hand pieced, which I rarely do. They were part of an "airport layover kit" sent to me a few years back by my friend, Annie. This is the second little quilt I have made from the blocks in that kit and this one finished at 14" square. You can see the quilting a little better in this photo. Linking this to Wendy (the constantquilter blog) for our monthly mini roundup.

I know you have seen this next quilt quite a bit, but now that I have the binding completed, I want to share it one more time. This is "Mom's Flower Garden," so named for a few reasons. First, Mom and I started making Grandmother's Flower Garden quilts at the same time 22 years ago, after I learned the technique of EPP and shared what I had learned with her. Second, most of the fabrics came from my Mom's stash, since the fabrics I owned at the time were for clothing construction. Finally, almost all of the blocks were appliqued to their backgrounds during the hours I have spent at Mom's side over the past 15 months. Since Mom finished her quilt within a year of starting it, she is happy to have lived to see the day that I finished mine.

I have to throw in one more glamor shot. After having almost tossed this UFO out a few years ago, I am just giddy to have it finished and to actually like it. When it was haunting me in its unfinished state, I wondered if it would even be worth it to finish it because I didn't love the fabrics anymore. Well, the principle of synergy is at work here, because when it all came together it was better than I imagined. 

We have been getting the smoke from the fires in California, thanks to the jet stream, and at times it has been so bad that we couldn't even see the mountains that surround us. That is why this view from my evening walk was so welcome. A windy day had cleaned out the valley and the mountains were clearly visible again. That is the moon just rising above the mountains and the clouds.

I'll admit that all of the divisiveness in the country has been getting me down. Those who are hijacking the BLM movement as an excuse for violence disrespect the cause and efforts of those who are trying to bring about positive change through peaceful protests. The politicizing of good health practices during a global pandemic seems crazy to me. And the vilifying of all police officers due to the heinous actions of some is unfair to those who bring honor to the uniform. How did all this hate and venom find such fertile soil in our country? Can we not remember how to love our neighbor?
Will you join me in seeing if you can find something kind to do for a "neighbor"? Keep it simple or get creative. Just reach out and brighten someone's day, somehow (I know many of you are already doing this). It will brighten your day, too. And couldn't we all use some day brightening?

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. First of all I love your mini quilt! Second I love your hexie quilt! And of course I will do something for my neighbor!

  2. I, too, am very down about all the hate and violence going on. I will do something for my neighbors!

  3. You know I LOVE your flower garden quilt! I’m happy to see it in all its glory. It’s beautiful! I’m discouraged by what’s going on in our country. I can’t believe all these demonstrations of hate are being allowed. 😢 we must keep praying!

  4. My dear Janet, this fabulous mini could not be more appropriate for these difficult times. Your sentiment is spot on. We do need to start with our neighbors, if we cannot love and support one another in our own backyard, we are in serious trouble. One of the vintage TV shows I watch in the morning while stitching before I head out the door is Dragnet. Jack Webb, in his cool stoic manner deals with racism, police brutality, drugs, etc and I think to myself, just how far have we come in the 50 plus years since that program. Not very far! It continues to be a constant struggle to keep our world together while trying to make the necessary changes for equality and understanding. O.k., I will get off my soapbox now and do something nice for my neighbor (who left me some of her homemade chocolate last night!).

  5. Amen to you comments about our nation and neighbors.
    Love the new mini and will always covet that Flower Garden! It is so pretty and comforting to me.
    Stay safe and hope the winds aloft blow away the smoke.

  6. Love the neighbor quilt. It’s so Janet lol. The GFG is beautiful and I especially love the yellow sashing strips. Your mother surely is proud of you!

  7. What a perfect mini to make during these troubled times. Hand piecing those little house blocks--wow! Love the story behind your Mother's Flower Garden quilt. I'm so impressed with your sticktoitiveness to get it finished. Beautiful!

  8. I love the thought behind your little quilt. I agree with you about the violence - sure doesn’t seem to have anything to do with BLM. I try to be colorblind as there are good and bad everywhere. My son is part of the blue line so it’s really upsetting! I try to remember my older neighbors/ family with a slice of pie or coffee cake. I know a few of them wouldn’t have that treat otherwise....just a little thing to brighten up their day, I hope.

  9. Your mini is so cute, and the sentiment is perfect. I’m so glad you resurrected and finished your grandmothers flower garden. It is so lovely, and will bring memories for years to come. I agree with everything you said about the times, and our need to be kind.

  10. Your mini is perfect, just perfect, as is the sentiment behind it. I love the bit of cheddar in the bottom right corner ... I'm pretty sure I have a little of that tucked away in my stash somewhere. I'm going to have to dig it out! I love your flower garden quilt! Janet, it's just beautiful! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with the smoke from the fires. Isn't it crazy how far away from the source that it can be problematic?? Enjoy the breezes when you get them!! :)

  11. A beautiful revisit with your Grandmother's Garden. Something to feel good about as is your neighborly mini. We are blessed with some wonderful neighbors and it makes it easy to be kind. I share your battle with distress about the violence, division and just plain use of evil we have seen recently. Man's inhumanity to their fellow man is so revealing of our need for God to redeem and change us.

  12. Your mini is a sweet reminder for all of us. The Flower garden is a beautiful lesson of perseverance. I'm glad you still love it with all the connections to your mom. Thank you for expressing your thoughts. I couldn't agree more.

  13. You, Janet O, are one of my VERY favorite people in the whole wide world!! Thank you for being my friend and at one time years ago, my neighbor!! I miss you and your gentle ways and I think about you sooooo often!! I pray for you and I pray for your Mom!! I just adore your Mom's Flower Garden quilt and I too am so happy she is still with us for her to see this very special quilt!! And your Love Thy Neighbor mini is precious and perfect for this sad, sad time in America's history. I will take up your challenge to do unto another!! Lots and lots of love!!

  14. Well said, my friend! And your sweet mini reflects what is on many minds during this troubled year. Your flower garden quilt is a special blessing to have finally finished, especially for all the memories of you and your mom together.

  15. What a beautiful post --- from the quilts, both so very special, to your thoughtful expression of concern for our nation. We should all be praying for the Lord's guidance in every situation we face each day, and we certainly do need to love our neighbors. ---"Love"

  16. There are times we often forget "love thy neighbor." Yes, sometimes it is challenging, but worth the effort.

  17. TWO completed UFOs in ONE post? Way to go!!!

  18. I am so happy for you to have completed you "Mom's Flower Garden"!!! It already looks like an heirloom quilt! You mini is perfect for our pandemic predicaments. Our homes are our refuge and our hearts are for sharing with others. I try to call a couple of different older neighbors every week and deliver some of our extra garden produce to their porches. Some of the mountains of zucchini is made into breads and muffins and delivered also. None of us can see our neighbors homes, so this area is perfect for social distancing, but that is getting a bit old. We do praise God for our health and bountiful garden.

  19. This is such a good post. I agree with you completely and it's so distressing. I feel so far away and watch the news of "back home" with dismay. Your quilt is a really good symbol of how we can each help the peace and justice process, each in our own little spheres. And, your flower garden quilt is just so beautiful and special!!

  20. Both of your quilts are beautiful! :0)

  21. Your mini is soooo adorable Janet !
    And the quilts "flower garden" are both masterpieces !
    The atmosphere in France is not very calm too.... the World is a huge mess ...
    Thank you for this great post Janet.

  22. I echo the sentiments of my friends who have commented on your mini. It is just right for the times. I too can not believe how divisive we are about human rights issues. The right to live without fear, the rights to not be lied to about important health a pandemic. It can start near home and your little quilt is a wonderful reminder.
    I was also very happy to see your beautiful heirloom Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. It may not be your current favorite style or fabrics but it is a treasure.
    Take care friend. I will take up your challenge with a small piece.

  23. Such a timely message. Being from Oregon the news is hard to escape.
    Love your little mini and yes, it starts with loving at home and in our neighborhood. A good friend and I had a lovely conversation, we disagree about politics but told each other "I love you" We will continue to love and listen.
    So thrilled about the GFG! It has a lot of meaning and I'm thrilled it is done and you love it.
    We are having our own fires and some days its clear and some days smoky. I pray for the safety of the men and women all over fighting these horrific fires.
    Much love to you on this Wednesday.

  24. Great post, Janet. Most in this country are good, decent people, who are disturbed by all the things you mentioned. May peace prevail.

    You live in such a beautiful place, I enjoy seeing your “neighborhood “.

  25. A wonderful blog post Janet! Such beautiful photos... congrats on a big and a little finish... so lovely!
    Life is very confusing now for sure. Sending you lots of love and positive energy!

  26. Love this....spread kindness. I left a comment at Humble Quilts blog on what my idea was a couple months ago. Made fall lap quilts and gifted to 9 families I haven't seen for awhile. The response was so great and even ,if no one said anything ,it made me sing. Looking for the next way to bless someone. Patty McDonald

  27. Lovely thoughts, lovely quilts. Glad you got them both done. We are getting smoke from the CA fires too, here in NE Central Oregon.

  28. Your mini is gorgeous as always Janet but OH My!!! Your Mums flower garden quilt is just stunning. I am so pleased you persevered with it Janet as I have seen it pop up on some of your posts as you have been working on the blocks. It is just stunning! Have a great day my friend xx

  29. You mini quilt is delightful. I love the little bit of hand quilting to accent the hearts. It really shows up well in the white background. Your flower garden quilt is beautiful. As far as I'm concerned, you can share it as often as you like! You are more skilled at artful draping of quilts than I am :) Isn't it interesting how even fabric we aren't in love with anymore can make a quilt we love when they're put together in just the right way with just the right memories? Thank you for your thoughtful words about kindness. I hope someone reaches out to unexpectedly brighten your day as well.

  30. What an upbeat, sweet post, Janet!! Love your ideas!
    Thanks for directing us towards positive thoughts and actions!
    I don't know how I missed this post a few days ago... sorry for the delayed response.
    Your hexie quilt came out great. Your mother has such talent!!
    And your house mini is great!
    Sorry about the smoke from the California fires... YUCK...
    glad the air has cleared a bit!

  31. Congrats on a sweet finish of your flower garden quilt! It looks so pretty and I'm sure you have a sense of satisfaction each time you look at it. Quilts are more than fabric....they contain a lot of memories and stories! :-)
    Those mountains look pretty even with the smoke... stay safe!
    I'm right beside you with your comments on the "news"... I just don't understand why most people can't see through the nonsense...

  32. What a sweet quilt "Love Thy Neighbor" is. And what a great idea to actually do something to show love to our neighbors. And I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments about the divisiveness of our country.
    The area where you live is beautiful. It's amazing to me that the smoke from fires in California have drifted to Utah. The California fires look frightening, and I know Montana has fires, too, right now.
    I'm so glad to hear you're happy with your mom's flower garden quilt. I think it's beautiful.

  33. I missed seeing this when you posted. Yes, it's always a good time to love your neighbor. This Covid with all of the closures is so disheartening. Stitching is my solace. Glad you finised the Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt. Now you can enjoy it!! How is your mom??? I think about you as I use the soap you gave me. As I remake this old Replica Quilt for the Trail center. I think of you.

  34. It's scary to think that you almost tossed those flower garden blocks! It's a beautiful finish and has a lot of sweet memories for you, I'm sure. I also have been feeling down (and anxious) about our current state of affairs. You have said it so eloquently--kindness matters!

  35. Your photo of the mountains and the flowering prairie is just wonderful. Which state are you in? I am in Canterbury UK and I liked your thoughtful comments. The quilt is very timely.

  36. Hi Janet, Always a treat to visit your blog and see what you have been stitching or finishing up. Lovely idea this one too. Happy Stitching from me.


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