
Friday, July 31, 2020

July Monthly Mini

Look at me--posting my monthly mini before midnight on the last day of the month! I will be linking up with Wendy, our fearless (cheer)leader, at The Constant Quilter blog.
This month's mini came together mostly from leftover units and scraps kindly donated by Kevin at Kevin the Quilter blog.I did dig around a bit in my own scraps to come up with the sashing, border, and binding, but no actual yardage was harmed in the making of this quilt. It finished up at just over 13" square.
In my last post I received a comment from Lady Locust saying this made her think of Neapolitan ice cream. I liked that idea, so I am naming it Neapolitan. And with our temps reaching 100 these days, I could use a scoop of that about now.
This was finished with what I like to call "hybrid quilting". I used machine quilting for all of the stitch-in-the-ditch, and for the quilting in the outer border. Then I hand quilted down the center of each narrow sashing piece, and diagonally through the 4-patch blocks. I felt it needed a bit more, so I did echo quilting in the neutral triangles. You can see the quilting better in the photos below. You can also see very clearly that I drew no lines to follow on the hand quilting. I eye-balled it--so let's call it organic quilting. :)
Do you ever mix machine and hand quilting on the same piece? I have done it many times on my minis, but never on a large quilt. On the back you can see the machine quilting more clearly. And I see a space I missed. Can you spot it?
It is good to have an excuse to sew something fun in these monthly minis, since mask  making continues to consume most of my sewing time. Have now made over 300. Anyone need a mask? LOL

I have notified those whose names were drawn to receive the bag of HSTs (Dortha), magazines (Liz and Barb V.), and the stencil (Robin). As so often happens, several of those I originally drew have no email linked to their name, so I had to draw again (and again).

We have been trying to have dinner on our deck most evenings. This is what I captured there the other night--the video quality isn't the best, but listen to the birds, and watch the swallows swoop. You might want to expand the video screen to see the birds better.

Find something around you that makes you smile.
Until next time,
Janet O. 

RANT: At the risk of changing the mood and ending on a downer, I spent 3 hours last night in the new blogger trying to create this post. This is not my first rodeo--I have used the new blogger on the two previous posts with minimal inconvenience and adapting. Last night as I typed, the letters would appear slowly, one at a time, taking a couple of minutes for one sentence to show up after I had typed it. A paragraph could take 10 minutes to materialize. Photos would actually drag and drop this time (which they wouldn't on my last post), but resizing didn't always work. One photo was so huge it covered most of my post. It wouldn't resize. When I finally deleted just that photo and tried to preview the post, the preview wouldn't load--even when I went away and came back later to see if it was completed. I finally cut my post short and hit publish, only to have half of my words--in random places--not appear, and only a couple of photos show up. I deleted the whole post and walked away. Tried again this morning and saw things were much the same. Just to get this posted without tearing out my hair, I reverted to "Legacy Blogger." I am hoping these are all just glitches and won't be regular occurrences. Even Legacy Blogger was a bit touchy, but nothing like my trial with new blogger last night. Anyone else have a similar experience?


  1. I like Neapolitan too! Looks so pretty. I haven’t blogged since Christmas, but I do see others complaining about much difficulty. I hope they work the bugs out soon!

  2. The old legacy blogger used to do that same thing to me on occasion, but haven't experienced that with the new blogger - yet. Sometimes it's just best to walk away and try it again the next day. Especially if you have a slow internet connection like ours. Atmospheric conditions have a lot to do with our satellite connection I suspect. And now on to your mini, it's just delightful! Love the hand quilting touches, actually it looks nearly all hand quilted. I often mix hand and machine quilting, especially on large quilts where I'll ditch quilt the major seams to stabilize before beginning the hand quilting. Unless I'm quilting an overall design like Baptist fan, then I don't ditch quilt at all.

  3. There's something very appealing about this new mini...and not just because of the thought of Ice cream ;-) It's lovely! I haven't done much hand quilting but I do actually think I've mixed the two versions on occasion for a small quilt. Sorry for the Blogger time vacuum. So far it hasn't been bad for me. My DH says that when my computer slows it is because there is some program doing something in the background...nothing hinky, just the anti-virus software or something. It could be that Blogger was messing with things....or is just malfunctioning. Hopefully they will fix it.

  4. Such a sweet little gem. And what a perfect name! It makes me hungry. Your hand quilting is stunning and I consider you to be a queen at machine quilting! It is nice that Kevin is now a part of this sweet little quilt. I have linked you up! And, I am so sorry you are having trouble with the new Blogger. I am the most technically challenged person alive so when I noticed a change in my format this morning I was so scared that I would not be able to publish at all. So far so good. But I am doing this on a PC and not a mac or iphone so that may be easier. I don't type directly on my post. I write in "word" and then cut and paste so my fonts come out evenly (most of the time). Anyway, I hope things improve for you!

  5. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with the new blogger. Just too frustrating. My computer is running much slower but I just figured it was my 8 year old computer, it must be blogger.
    Glad your persistence paid off.

  6. Heehee - that's awesome! It turned out great! And it was 107* here yesterday, supposed to be 105* today so I too could go for a scoop. Also, I love the term "organic quilting".

  7. Darling mini! Pink, cream and brown are always a sweet combo. I’ve mixed big stitch hand quilting and machine sewing , and primitive regular hand quilting on tiny projects. It’s fun to do.
    New Blogger is frustrating but I haven’t experienced the issues you did. If there were tutorials or just plain step by step info it sure would help. I have not found anything like that on Blogger. I guess they assume everyone knows what they’re doing...

  8. Great new mini....reminded me of pink lemonade. Again, it must be this high heat and humidity! But ice cream would be good too! Tried the new blogger a few weeks ago and reverted back to legacy. I have no idea why they want to mess with something that works???? I sent them some feedback to that effect in stronger language. Must be the age of me that gives me the freedom to speak my mind. LOL....stay safe and cool.

  9. I love your little quilt! It looks refreshing so Neapolitan as its name is perfect! I have been known to mix both hand and machine piecing. It helps to move the project to the 'done' pile a little faster. Whether it is hand or machine, I love your quilting!

  10. I noticed some changes to the NEW Blogger today. I'm guessing your troubles were because they were in the middle of an update. On the plus side, this month's mini turned out beautifully!!

  11. perfect name for a quilt that is no doubt perfect as well...yeah new blogger is a nuisance...keep cool and sew on! looks like our heat wave has broken a bit with temps high 80s for next 10 days or so...about time

  12. I’m glad you persevered with Blogger to get this post out. I love your posts and find them a breath of fresh air in my life.

    Funny from the past. My mom is quite well known for misspeaking and calling things they are not. It’s just who she is. When I was a little girl, she called that type of ice cream Napoleon ice cream. I didn’t realize it was Neapolitan until I was in college. It is a lovely quilt.

    I hybrid quilt all the time. I am going to steal your word. I have a new machine quilting customer that just finished her first quilt. A large checkerboard of very large and busily printed fabric. She told me she thought about hand-quilting it. I told her I have hand-quilted queen-sized quilts for our family, but only when the quilting would show. She asked me why I didn’t hand-quilt them all since I liked it so much. I told her because I wanted to make another quilt.

  13. Your mini quilt is stunning Janet. I think Neopolitan is a perfect name for it & Yes it does make me think of that icecream too. I love the mix of hand & machine quilting. I see blogger has changed me over without my consent so I hope I don't have the issues you did when I next try to post. I must admit I do hate change & wish they would just leave well alone.

  14. Beautiful mini and I like the hand and machine quilting. Such a nice touch.

  15. How exasperating, your experience with the "new and improved" blogger. Hopefully it was a glitch. Mine went smooth today, but it was pretty straightforward ie I didn't try to change anything, like resize a photo.
    I love your mini! You always come up with something original, and delightful. Yes, I mix quilting all the time. Even when I plan on hand quilting a piece, I usually like to nail everything down with machine quilting in the ditch first. I have to really parse out my hand work, so save it for the open areas where it shows.

  16. I really like your mini - such pretty fabrics - and your practical way of combining machine and hand quilting - all of it looks great! I wouldn't have marked for that hand quilting either! I used a combination now and then. It's so handy to be able to stitch in the ditch by machine. My hands can only handle so much handwork, as the years go by. Sorry about your blogger problems - so far so good on my end, but I know that could change at any time. A few years ago I think I had problems and part of the solution was to make sure I was using Chrome as my browser - so that's what I do now, with blog reading or posting.

  17. Love the mini! I do mix machine and hand quilting.....mostly in the ditch by machine and accents with hand quilting. And yes, some ice cream would certainly be super appreciated these days! I looked through the new blogger for about a minute, then quickly went back to the legacy blogger. Most of the options were not available... I guess I had better update my blog before the new blogger becomes the only way to update..... ugh! lol!

  18. I love your mini and its colors !! Your hand quilting is gorgeous !!
    I sometimes hesitated to mix hand and machine quilting but when I see your beautiful work..... I will try !! 😅
    Congratulations on this finish Janet !!

  19. I, too, call it Hybrid quilting and do it all the time. I prefer not to use my hands for ditch quilting that won’t show, I save it for those special areas. Your small quilt is just lovely.

  20. Janet. Your mini us as sweet as can be. Be it hybrid or organic your quilting is always fabulous. I have done a little bit more hybrid quilting. It makes sense. I haven't had trouble with Blogger, knock on wood, but I have been receiving a lot more spam. I like your suggestion of finding something that makes you smile. Just that simple act can lighten your spirit.

  21. A very sweet quilt with a perfect name that makes me think of summer. I do hope that BLogger hear our issues and resolve them. I have been anticipating this problem so pre loaded my weekly posts so I could delay the fighting with new blogger. But trying to read posts and having to click twice to get to a page is enough to make me mad. I know its a minor first world problem, but I struggle to find the time to blog now I am working full time and so its frustrating.

  22. I love pink and brown together - the mini is so sweet! I am still using the old blogger system. I think I started a post with the new system, but it didn't go well from the get go, so I just went back.

  23. I do not have a blog, adn have been having similar problems with typing on face book, email, etc.

  24. I love the colours in your mini quilt. Neapolitan is an ideal name for it.

  25. Yay - I'm so excited to get a few magazines to enjoy!
    Your new mini is delicious. Pink and Brown are one of my all time favorite combinations. Your hand quilting looks perfect. Such tiny stitches are so nice. The sweet pink striped binding pulls it together just perfectly.

    I loved your movie of the swallows. They are not happy to have you out there for dinner are they? I loved hearing them and seeing your beautiful property. We are eating outside as much as possible too.

    Blogger is such a bother isn't it? I have been dragging my photos to my desktop then dropping them in, it helped a little.

  26. Beautiful mini! :0) I just made my first post with the new blogger and so far (fingers crossed) everything is fine. I'm sure they have a lot of bugs to work out of it.

  27. Pink and brown are such delightful colors together and you've created a beauty by using them. Really, just beautiful.
    It was fun to hear the birds. My only experience with swallows was in Nauvoo one summer when they didn't seem to like where we parked in the hotel parking lot. We walked carefully.
    I hope you sent the last paragraph to the new blogger feedback site. In the new blogger dashboard, click the question mark in a circle on the upper right side near your name. You could just copy and paste. They need to hear the problems bloggers are having so they're aware and can change/fix them (if they choose). I'm a firm believer in sending feedback!

  28. We were on vacay last week, so I'm just catching up with posts! Look at you with your not-under-the-wire mini! It's just darling! Neapolitan is the perfect name! And one of my fave ice cream flavors, too! Several years ago I made a similar doll quilt (in color) to yours. I think I named it Chocolate Hearts (it was a Valentine's swap)! I love the color combination. :) I haven't even tried the new blogger yet. Why do they constantly have to change things not for the better?!? LOL! Girl ... it's already August. What in the world?!?!?! :)

  29. So many people have said they are having a hard time with blogger and so far I have hardly noticed a change. Wonder what's up with that?

    I almost always mix machine and hand quilting these days on my smaller quilts. Love your mini!

  30. Very sweeet little quilt. I always love pink and brown quilts. Do they still make neopolitan ice cream? I never liked the pink part when I was a kid. I guess that is strawberry and I love fresh strawberries so maybe I need to give it another try.

    I can no longer access my blog for some reason. I can go back and read the entries, but can't access it to write. I have no idea why, but don't miss it too much other than it is such a nice records of my quiltling efforts.

  31. What a sweet July mini! Pink and brown is one of my favorite combinations. I've done a little machine and hand quilting together in a quilt but should probably do more. Your quilting is beautiful as always! Loved your swallows video :) We try to eat outside every night as long as the weather cooperates.

  32. Love your deck and Video of your yard and listening to the birds. I will have to see if I can insert a V idio of the hummingbirds that stop by for a sip. We have other hummingbird feeders on our lower patio. A week ago I found small feeder and placed it outside on a shepherd's hook. We are front porch sitters a watching these little guy's is the icing on the cake!

    Regarding the new blogger"Janet"! WELL, I have been putting off posting on my blog as knew I would have my work cut out so...last evening I decided it is time that I at least did take me a bit to figure it out everything especially inserting pictures from my phone and tablet! Thankfully, if figured out enough to post. But did.... and this was a learning curve for me! I did give myself a pat on the back and I'm giving you KUDOS +++ FOR GETTING ER DONE!!!♥️

    You are as always an inspiration! Hope all is good with you and your family!

    Hug's, Carolyn

  33. Having lost posts in the past I turned to composing plain text in Notepad or TextEdit on a MAC. I then copy and paste into the blog. I understand this does not help with posting images. At least the text can be replicated if recovery is necessry.


I love to have your comments and feedback.