
Saturday, September 28, 2019

September Monthly Mini

I am so pleased that I am not posting this minutes before midnight on Monday. I took the last stitches in the binding on this little quilt while watching our local college football homecoming game on TV with hubby and my sons and DIL. The quilt finished at 9"x10", and each 9-patch finishes at 3/4". I am linking up with Wendy (constantquilterblog)  and her monthly mini links for September.

This had its beginnings when I had leftovers from the little quilt I made for a swap with Kris (lavenderquiltsblog) in early 2018. This one is a reverse of the value placement of Kris' quilt. It has been languishing in my sewing room for almost a year, waiting to be quilted. I had started quilting it months ago, but didn't like how it was looking, so I set it aside. Needing a monthly mini in a hurry (no surprise there), I unpicked the less-than-pleasing quilting and tried again.

This is the view of the quilting from the back. Better than my first try, but still not my favorite.  I was okay with it until I put that swirly border on. I should have practiced more, but I was not going to unpick this baby again!

Other than a bit of work on my Circa 1880 quilt, the only other progress for the entire month is that I finished up the piecing of the Circa 1880 club small quilt for August (we get a new small quilt pattern every other month). 
I really messed with the value placement on this quilt, making some of the churn dash blocks sink into the background, while others stand out. A few of the bits of fabric had to be pieced in order to be large enough to cut out the piece I needed. Three of the sashings were pieced. I wanted it to appear to have been made from a scrap basket, where choices were limited. I also slipped a little churn dash block into the center. I had fun playing with this one.

We have had a very wet weekend and Saturday morning I picked 4 pints of raspberries in the rain. I couldn't bear to see them go to waste and if I waited for the rain to stop in a few days, many of them would have been overripe and mushy. I love picking berries and I love rain (we live in a high mountain desert where rain is a welcome blessing most of the time), so I enjoyed the experience--except for the rain that ran up my sleeves whenever I reached for the berries on the taller canes. It is my Dad's patch, and I had helped him care for it the last few years of his life. I have tried to keep up with it since he passed almost three years ago
This evening my DIL made a gluten free/vegan lemon poppyseed bread with a lemon drizzle. We sprinkled our slices with fresh, rain-kissed berries and it was YUM!

I'm feeling an urge to play in the plaid fabrics from thrifted shirts. Maybe a baby quilt is in my near future--just for fun! I pulled a pattern today and I've chosen the shirts I want to use. We'll see if anything comes of it.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. such a pretty mini! these deadlines do sneak up on us don't they? my dad used to have a huge raspberry brother's animals made short work of it but we really enjoyed it many years....

  2. As always, my first reaction to one of your minis is "Oh my!". Love the value swap and that you posed it with the sweet little nine patch pin cushion. Even the backing fabric rates a swoon! Beautiful work on the Circa 1880 Churn Dashes too. What a nice way to use up those bits!

  3. Plaid shirts and raspberries in the rain equal a quilt called raspberry kisses. Don't know why that popped into my head. Please ignore my comic attempt.
    Again, those delightful minis.....I always sit and read the description and then take a few minutes to really view the mini. And I marvel at how small and precise it all seems. I think each one is a treasure.

  4. Raspberries are a summer joy here. Very eager to see your plaid baby quilt. And 1/4” squares in a 9 patch?! You put me to shame!!

  5. Such a lovely September mini! I can't imagine sewing 3/4" 9-patches. How do you do it?? Love your churn dash quilt, too! Picking raspberries is one of my fond childhood memories :)

  6. Your minis are so amazing to see! I can't imagine sewing those tiny blocks either! Your precision is an inspiration that I keep in mind though sometimes when I'm sewing. I just sewed my 36 square in a square blocks and took my time to get at least some of them perfect :-)
    Enjoy those berries! A very sweet way to remember your dad.

  7. Oh, Janet, you have a real skill for working with tiny tiny pieces. Your September mini is awesome. I like that all the churn dashes didn't have the same value placement. It makes it more charming. Yum! Glad you got to pick raspberries in the rain.

  8. Gosh, that Mini has more than a few scraps in it. The swirls look fine. Plaids will be under my needle this week. I have some more of Hubby's shirt to De-Bone. Raspberry canes do grow tall and yours must be everbearers. Sweet memory of your dad.

  9. I think your mini this month qualifies as a Micro-Mini--so cute! Your Pam Buda project is great--I think the differing values adds a lot interest. That bread sounds so yummy. It's pretty gloomy here today--maybe a good day to do some baking.

  10. OH my goodness! Beautiful work, patient lady!

  11. Look at you, posting waaaaaaay ahead of the end of the month!! Your mini is darling...I love the effect of the quilting on the back of the piece! Enjoy those raspberries! Ours our long gone. But we've still got cherry tomatoes coming in; except I can't eat them! The critters are happy for the contribution!! :)

  12. Absolutely darling. You make the best mini quilts!!! Heard you really got dumped on yesterday. WE're getting a smattering of rain but grateful for it nonetheless.

  13. Another advantage of picking raspberries in the rain...they are all ready washed...know those berries must taste extra special coming from your Dad’s patch. September’s mini - 3/4” nine patches, uh? The scale of this is awesome...that word is used a lot nowadays...but your tiny quilts are truly awesome!!

  14. Oh Janet! As always you inspire me...or maybe that's the wrong way to say it. I envy your productivity and am so interested in the projects you take on....manyy of my same loves. Minis, plaids (I have a whole tub of them - shirts from Goodwill etc washed, cut apart, ready to become something wonderful...but I live vicariously thru you. I love the raspberry story and that you had that to share with your father. Nothing like picking your own - even in the rain. You write a wonderful blog - that part inspires me to get back to mine but alas, it's not happening just now. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I love when the pieces are pieced. It adds such character to a quilt. You mini is adorable- those 9 patches are tiny!

  16. Every one of your monthly minis is more and more amazing to me, 3/4 inch 9-patches are something I can't even wrap my head around! I love the sweet backing fabric you chose too. Raspberries are ripening here too, hubby went out to pick some today and found them covered with yellowjackets - ugh! I'll try again next time we get some rain, hopefully that will deter them

  17. The purple prints in your mini were a good choice. I am quite drawn to this one.

  18. I still just can't get over these tiny pieces, the precision! Your mini is fabulous! And I just love the "scrap basket" charm of your churn dash. Mission accomplished on that one for sure.

  19. You've outdone yourself! This little mini is wonderful. The lavender is perfect. I forget to use that color. It was one of Jill's favorites. I think the swirls look great, we are humans, not machines.
    I love the shifting values in your little quilt. It makes it interesting. It is amazing how much more important pieces are when working small.
    MMMMmmm raspberries and lemon poppyseed. Great combo.

  20. VERY nice job on the mini! And I love your quilting, as always! And done way before Oct.1st.
    I won't be so lucky...but maybe I'll get something done!! You're inspiring me!
    Picking raspberries in the rain sounds like something you must've done as a kid!
    What fun!

  21. What a darling little mini for September, Janet! I love all the colors, and especially the purples as "neutral " background fabrics. Your tiny piecing never ceases to blow my mind. I love how you staged this one!

  22. We went from summer to winter! I cannot imagine picking berries today.
    Love your monthly mini!! Glad you are getting a wee bit of sewing in.

  23. Oh raspberry picking, even in the rain, sounds fabulous. Your monthly mini is gorgeous - so tiny and perfectly finished :-) Your churndash mini is lovely too - I don't mind the 'disappearing' ones - it adds to the interest and shows how a block can take on such a different look with changing the placement of fabrics/colours.

  24. Beautiful work! Your rainy berries sounded delicious with your cake xx

  25. Love, love, love your September Mini!! Of course, I love mine even more!! We have blackberries out here but they have been gone for a month or so. But before they were gone, a friend picked some and brought some to me!! I made the best jam I have ever made and sadly it is already gone!! Hope you are well!!

  26. What a sweet, tiny quilt, Janet! I may have asked you this before but... when you make such tiny blocks what do you do about the fabric on either side of the seams? Press open, press to one side, trim narrower, or...?

  27. This one is gorgeous! And I loved your rainy day berry picking.

  28. Your piecing skills are extraordinary!


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