
Thursday, October 17, 2019

This is what came of it...

Thought I'd post a quick update before anyone sends out a search party. It's been a while.
As the title mentions, this is what came of the urge I mentioned in my last post (so long ago that I can barely remember it) to play in the plaid shirts.

This is based on the wall hanging pattern Barn Star 3 by Corey Yoder. The purple on the top is an audition for a little larger border than called for in the pattern. It will finish over 40" square and I plan to use it as a baby quilt for a future grandchild (wishful thinking). It took parts of 4 shirts and a little white yardage. The blue is a small check pattern, but it is hard to tell in the photo.

Aside from that I have made a few tiny 9-patches from the leftover strips of the indigo and cheddar used in a recent challenge.


I am auditioning the 3/4" finished blocks on an indigo print. Trying to decide if I will make a few more blocks and enlarge this, or leave it be. I still don't have a monthly mini for October, so maybe I should opt for a quicker finish.

Thanks for all who have prayed for, and asked about my Mom. She fell again just three days after my last post. We left the ER after 5 hours, having had some x-rays and stitches, and knowing she'd broken her clavicle. My brother tried to take her home and care for her, but the pain in her back increased daily. The ER x-rays had shown nothing out of the ordinary. After 3 days we got her into skilled nursing, just for a week (we thought) while her body recovered from the shock of the fall. Finally we got her in to see a doctor at a "spine and pain" clinic. He thought it was most likely just inflammation and gave her steroid injections in the area. She just got worse. Finally--two weeks after her fall--we got her to the hospital for an MRI and learned she has a sacral fracture. She was supposed to see the doctor Wednesday to learn her options, but she has been sick the past couple of days, so we wait.

I hope I make it back to post my Monthly Mini before the month is up, but I spend much of my day with my Mom at the care facility, and by the time I get home I have so much to catch up with, and am too tired to sew when all is said and done.  

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh-- difficult times for you and your family--hope your Mom responds well to treatment...
    I like your little (they are tiny!!) pretty. Hugs and prayers Julierose

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's latest fall and injuries, we will keep her and you in our prayers. I love your graphic quilt top from the shirts, it will be a perfectly wonderful baby quilt one day, or even a wall hanging or table topper as time goes on. Simple and sweet!

  3. Yes, I was just saddling up to come hunt for you. ;) I'm glad to hear that you are well, although I'm saddened to hear of your mom's continuing health issues. Sending prayers for her healing, that her medical team will be directed by His hands, and that you feel His loving arms of support and love as you navigate your mom's care. Praying that you're able to get some rest too dear lady!

  4. I am just so sorry about your mom...those are painful fractures. Praying for healing! I love your quilts, as always.

  5. Praying for your strength to walk thru this time, as well as for your Mom's condition. She is enduring much pain, and I truly pray for it to lessen. thanks for letting us know . Hang tough.

  6. So sorry about your mom, take care of you, too. Love those tiny blocks!

  7. Oh no! Unbelievable it took that long to figure out what was wrong. Poor dear. Find the joy in each day, Janet.

  8. Your plaid shirts look lovely in the star. This will make a sweet baby quilt.
    I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's fall and pain from the consequences. Distressing it took so many tries to find out about the fracture. Life has such hard challenges at times. I will be praying for her comfort, healing and for her strength to well as the strength and wisdom you will need in helping her.

  9. OH my - so sorry to hear of your Mom's continuing health problems - I am sure you are running and calling and worrying, all of it. One day at a time for days like you are having. Your plaid block is really scrumptous! So soft and inviting and friendly. We are lucky to have "places" to go in our minds to relieve other less pleasant thoughts.

  10. Your barn star is beautiful. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope things turn around for her soon. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs

  11. I feel so bad for your Mom. My mother had terrible back problems also and it was such a helpless feeling to not be able to find her some relief from her pain. I hope something works out for her soon. Your plaid quilt is going to be very cute--will you be hand quilting it? Those mini blocks blow my mind--fun to see your rogue blocks on Pam's blog too!!

  12. Those tiny blocks - WOW! Prayers for your mom.

  13. I really like where you are headed with Plaid Play. Sorry to hear about your Mom!! What a challenging time for your family.

  14. So sorry to hear about your mom's latest issues but at least now you can understand why she's so unhappy.
    I do hope you're able to get her out of the facility and back home!
    Those mini 9-patches are AMAZING!! TINY...
    Take care, my friend!

  15. Oh Janet, I wish there was some way to take care of your Mom's pain and discomfort. Such a dedicated daughter. I only hope there is someone like you that will help me when the time comes. Such a sacred responsibility. . .

  16. Darling cot quilt and nine patches! So sorry to hear that your Mum has been in pain and no diagnosis, that is very difficult. Prayers and best wishes.

  17. That is a lovely baby quilt... love the soft plaids!
    Big hugs to your Mom and to your family... it's so hard to watch loved ones suffer with pain.

  18. I LoVe your plaid shirts quilt Janet - you are so clever & I love the way you bring colours & fabrics together. You have a really good eye for it. Sending prayers & friendship to you & your dear Mum xxx

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope like so many others that she can be helped quickly with no other complications. Sew when you can, but family is always first.

  20. I'm so sorry your mom is pain. You are such a loving caregiver. It will strengthen her to have you near. Glad you are getting in some quilting time. Seems to soothe the soul, doesn't it? Prayers for you and yours.

  21. Oh Janet, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Pain is hard to deal with at any age, but I believe it is even more difficult as we age. I am praying for both of you. Please do not stress about making your monthly mini goal. I will link to these precious little "micro" blocks post if you don't finish one in time! As always, they are spectacular! Take care.

  22. Getting a mini done each month should be the least of your worries. You are an angel! I thought taking care of my dying mother when I was 38 was so difficult. It was very hard. Yet I knew I wouldn't need to worry about caring for her when she was in her 80s or 90s. It is just never easy to see our loving parents in pain. You should never worry about your quilting obligations because angel work comes first.

  23. So sorry about your poor Mum. Mine had the same is a worry for you. I do hope you can get it sorted now you know what you are dealing with. Love your work xx

  24. Your plaid baby quilt is really sweet! I have a soft spot for plaids. As always your tiny blocks are amazing. I am feeling so bad for your Mom, it is frustrating sometimes because it takes so long to get a correct diagnosis. I hope there is something they can do. Hugs and prayers for both you and your Mom.

  25. Janet, I'm so very sorry to learn this new news on your mom. Continuing to pray for you both. Please let me know if there is something specific I can be lifting. Your plaid quilt is amazing; I just love it! It reminds me a little of the memorial quilt I did for a friend. And that indigo and cheddar combo is SO yummy! I'm drooling a little. Rest in Him, sweet Janet. :)

  26. Oh, Janet, my heart hurts for you and your Mom!! Hope she is at least comfortable and having you by her side must mean the world to her!! You are both in my prayers!!

  27. Janet, I am so sorry for your Mom...I sincerely hope she is going to be better...
    All your blocks are fabulous as always !!
    I'm sorry too for my lateness. I don't receive any post and newsletters from my american friends and I don't know why..

  28. Oh Janet Im so so sorry to hear about your mom's fall and subsequent pain. I hope she'll be feeling better very soon. I'll keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
    The plaids look great in that block, it's a great choice.
    those tiny tiny nine patches are incredible and so cute!!

  29. Oh you are really in the thick of it with your Mom. A fall is scary and pain is just... awful. It's so fortunate that you are right there for her. As for your quilt blocks, you've shown two extremes - large scale block that will make an adorable and practical baby quilt.... and then from there, to the impossibly tiny 3/4 inch blocks (! had to do a double take). Just amazing!

  30. Dear Janet, I am sorry to hear about you Mum's fall and ill-health. It will be a very worrying time while you wait for the meds and her body to respond and healing to happen. It will be comforting for her knowing you and your family are there. I love the plaid baby quilt and as always, am awed by your teeny tiny 9-patches.

  31. I am late reading your blog post. How is your mother doing?


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