
Saturday, May 25, 2019

May Mini-of-the-month and Miscellany

Part of the Circa 1880 club is a new small quilt pattern using the uneven 9-patch blocks every other month.  I am using the "April" pattern for my mini-of-the-month with Wendy over at The Constant Quilter blog.
Next week those of us participating in Sandy's "Indigo Challenge" will be posting our completed little quilts--well, I think everyone else has theirs completed. I did finish piecing mine this week and hope to get it quilted before the end of the month. But in case I don't have it completely finished, I figured I had better not plan on it to do dual duty for both the Mini-of-the-Month and the Indigo challenges. I am very excited to see what the others have done with the vintage indigo fabrics Sandy shared with us.

Here are shots that show the quilting on this. Of course, you can click on them if you want a closer view. No feathers in the border this time. I put feathered wreaths in the setting square and triangles.
And here you can see it with its sister, the February small quilt. Each little quilt incorporates the same uneven 9 patch blocks that make up the bigger quilt that is the main focus of the Circa 1880 club.

I know it is a bit after the fact, but I wanted to share a few things from Mother's Day. First of all, my Mom and three of my children (with two spouses and four grandchildren) were able to join us for dinner that day. We missed our oldest daughter's  family in Oregon, but are grateful for the technology that gives us video chats!

And I loved that the air was scented with these beauties from the yard. I have probably made about 4 bouquets like this in the past week or so. This is my favorite part of spring flowers. I have 16 lilac bushes in 13 varieties. If I could figure out where to put them, I would get more!

One of many surprises for Mother's Day was a pair of tickets to a game of Utah's Major League Soccer team, ReAl Salt Lake. I am a big fan, and my sons are the ones that got me hooked. How fitting that they gave us the tickets. :)  We enjoyed a day of perfect weather and a perfect score--a 3-0 shut out. 

I mentioned earlier in the month that this May is the 8th anniversary of my little blog. It has been such a fun ride. I have met several bloggers and followers over the years, from Maine to Oregon, and many places in between. I hope to meet many more. And there are so many others that I feel like I know, though our paths have never crossed in real life.  I am grateful for each friendship and thank you for sharing this experience with me. I am offering this little bundle to a follower who comments on this post. I know some have had a hard time getting comments to show up lately, since Blogger has changed some things. I have changed my setting for now to hopefully allow your comments to get through. If that still doesn't work, send me an email (through my profile info). This will remain open until the 30th of this month.

There is a simple little one-patch quilt, some of my herbal soap, a spool of my favorite Aurifil thread--a good neutral color for piecing, a package of my favorite extra fine, glass-head pins, and a little magnetic closure notepad with the saying "So much fabric, so little time."

Leave a comment if you are interested, and I'd be interested to know how many of those 8 years you think you have been following.
Until next time,
Janet O.

Drawing Now Closed


  1. I guess I am the first!! I am not sure how long I have followed you, but I think the majority of the years you have been blogging, I have been following!

  2. can't recall but at least 5-6 of those 8....terrific giveaway but i'll pass for someone else...and as always, beautiful little quilts

  3. Happy anniversary! I always enjoy your posts. Your quilts are such an inspiration. I’d be honored to win your beautiful quilt.

  4. No idea how long I've been following you but I've been blogging about 8 years also. Love the giveaway - I'm always ready to win! Happy Blog anniversary!

  5. Those lilacs are beautiful! Love your new finishes with the uneven 9 patch....such a versatile block. I've been a fan at least 6 years. And congrats on the anniversary.

  6. Happy Blog anniversary, I have been following you for about 4 years . love the inspiration. your Lilacs are beautiful .

  7. Your monthly mini is gorgeous!! Your quilting is just as amazing as your tiny piecing. Looks like a great mother's day! Happy Anniversary to your blog... I would LOVE to own one of your tiny quilts. It would be an honor. :-)))

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Wow, has it been 8 years? I was lurking from Year 1 (and amazed at your soap production) and watching your FMQ go from tentative to rock star! It's been a fun journey with you, and I hope for many, many more years. P.S. I love lilacs too. Our yard is too shady, but fortunately our next door neighbor has one that I can smell every year.

  9. I really enjoy seeing all your fine work! I have followed the blog for several years, though probably not from the beginning. I look forward to every post and hope I am the lucky winner of your great prizes! sharon at sharonstroud dot com

  10. I've followed your blog for five years. Your sewing fits me to a tee, the colors, piece size and patterns. I look forward to your posts and would be happy to win your wonderful giveaway! Happy blog anniversary.

  11. Happy Anniversary - have been a faithful follower for years. Your "minis" are wonderful and lay so very flat and even. You are a very gifted quilter. Thanks for sharing. BTW - when I moved to my present address 16 years ago, I planted a lilac bush and for the first time ever it bloomed - maybe from the welcome rain we received here in California. The flowers were not near the size of yours but I still enjoyed looking at them from my kitchen window. They were a deep purple.

  12. Happy Blog Anniversary. I'm a newer follower having just discovered your blog this year but have spent some time looking back to see your wonderful quilts.

  13. Isn't it wonderful how many friendships we have made with the internet. I know that I spend my morning coffee with my "friends". Your blog has been an important part of my morning, and I look forward to it everyday.

  14. Happy anniversary! Not sure when I first found your blog, but it's been a few years. I find a lot of inspiration from your little quilts! Thank you!

  15. What a sweet time with your family! The lilacs are beautiful.
    Happy Blogaversary too! Your quilting on these love mini quilts is probably what brought you up on my radar quite some time ago. I love the designs you choose and the choice of fabrics as well. The connections and inspiration of quilters blogging is dear to me. Your gift bundle is particularly special as there is a quilt made by you in there! That is priceless! Thank you for sharing your creative talent all through the years.

  16. I love your tiny quilts with their beautiful quilting. I've been reading your blog probably pretty much from the beginning but the current method of officially getting updates for a year or two, as Blogger keeps changing things. I would love to win!


  17. I started blogging in Aug. of 2008 so nearly 11 years now! I have no clue how long I've been following you but it's been awhile. Love your tiny quilts as that's something I have no desire to do. Always beautiful.

  18. Feliz aniversario y feliz dia de la madre. Cada dia es dia de la madre´
    Tu mama se ve genial, Tus lilas preciosas
    Cada uno de tus edredones, me enamora
    No puedo recordar desde cuando te sigo, hace años
    Gracias por la oportunidad

  19. OMIgosh the cheddar center of your latest mini is wonderful! I'm always an admirer of your superpower piecing of these tiny gems. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging--this is my 10th year and I have done nothing to celebrate it. I'm certain I've followed you for most of the 8 years. Thank you for sharing so much of your world with the blogging community! Great photos of your dear family and garden. Thanks for the opportunity to win a special prize of your making, I adore it.

  20. I just started reading your blog which I discovered reading Pam Buda's blog!! I love reading your blog and always look forward to new postings. Your quilts are beautiful and your quilting is amazing! You are an inspiration. Those lilacs are quite stunning. What a nice prize to win.
    Thank you Dolores

  21. Hi Ive been following you for about 3 years. I love mini quilts . Love the blog.

  22. My first comment seems to have gone the way of the lightning storm that shut down the internet earlier so let's try this again. As best I can recall I've followed your blog ever since starting my own blog back in 2012 during the FMQ Challenge. I always look forward to seeing your latest mini creations, not to mention the gorgeous scenery right outside your windows. I'm very happy that you're planning to continue blogging rather than going over to the dark side on Instagram. Have a lovely holiday.

  23. Happy blogiversary! I love your lilacs! I've been a follower for as long as I can remember. And of course I'd love to win your giveaway! Thanks for the chance. :0)

  24. Love your star mini with the feathered wreath quilting, I aspire to learn how to quilt feathers...hopefully this year! I have no idea how to check how long I have been following you, but 2-3 years I think. I say that because I have noted a decline in how often bloggers post (and more that have stopped blogging), so I started following more quilters - this is my precious morning coffee read and I didnt want to reduce it!

  25. Your May mini is fabulous. I love the little quilts with the 1880 blocks. I think I must have fallen out of favor with Cyndi because I've never received any of the monthly minis, which isn't a bad thing!
    Can't believe you've been blogging 8 yrs. What a trendsetter! I'll have to look to see how long I've been at it.
    And, yes, we are friends through our blogs and having met in person, I feel very fortunate. Gotta appreciate blogging!
    Your quilting?? SUPERBE!~!!

  26. Happy 8th anniversary!!! I have only been following you for about 1 year- a friend gave me your site to check out and I have been a constant follower since- love the May mini and those flowers were gorgeous- Hope you have a nice Memorial Day

  27. Hello Janet. I adore your mini's ... seems I always say that!! I love your lilacs just as much. I only have one lilac bush & it has yet to flower. Perhaps I need to treat myself to some more I think :-) How wonderful to get tickets to the league game .. that is very special. Looks like you had a great time at the Game. Thanks so much for the chance to enter your very generous giveaway ... I always enjoy your posts so very much xx

  28. Hello, I am a new subscriber. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. Your lilac's look beautiful! Never knew there were so many varieties. I love making little quilts and enjoy using them as accents in my home. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of them!

  29. I have been following your blog for about 3 years now and what gorgeous lilacs! I enjoy your blog and thanks for the opportunity to win!

  30. I was lucky enough to find your blog 3 years ago and I haven't missed one since. Your small little quilts have encouraged me to attempt a few. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

  31. Congrats on 8 years of blogging! I have been following for about a year or so. When so many bloggers are deciding to quit I'm thankful that your bolg will continue. Thanks for sharing your wealth of information and your love of mini's!

  32. I really enjoy reading your blog, especially your last post. All your small quilts. Wonderful!

  33. I think it's wonderful how you keep up with the minis every month, Janet. And they are all so delightful. Your Mother's Day must have been wonderful, having most of your family there. And what a treat to get to go to a live soccer game with your favorite team. I love lilacs but, sadly, we don't have any at this house. I miss them. I'm sorry I can't remember when I found your blog.

  34. I am fairly new to your blog! So glad i found you! I love everything about your little quilts! I have just started making little quilts myself and i am totally hooked! I also love lilacs, I don't have any planted here yet, new home to us, but my daughter's yard is filled with them! How wonderful to be able to just step outside and be surrounded with that lovely scent! And wonderful most of your family were able to be with you on Mother's Day! Happy 8th Anniversary to you and best wishes for many more!

  35. Hmmmm...I've been blogging for 10 years and it seems like I've always followed your blog (more lurker than commenter). Congrats on 8 years! I love seeing all of your miniatures and have gotten lots of FMQ inspiration from your posts.

  36. Happy Blog-o-versary! Cute items up for the drawing. I love reading your Blog and am so glad we MET in Person at the Booksigning in Bountiful with Jennifer Chiaverini. Have you gotten her latest Book? I hear from Amazon a new Elm Creek Quilters book is coming for Christmas. I love lilacs but can't bring them in the house. Glad to see your smiling face. I didn't know you were a Hockey fan, lol

  37. Happy 8th Anniversary!! I have been following your blog for years. It was one of the first ones I followed. Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilts.

  38. I've been following you for about three years, and I love all your little quilts! Your lilacs are just amazing! We don't have so many beautiful varieties in Arkansas.

  39. Le temps passe et me souvenir de ma première visite sur ton blog est bien difficile.
    Je suis régulièrement tes articles qui m'intéressent et il m'est arrivé de m'inspirer de certains de tes modèles pour faire un petit ouvrage.
    En résumé, j'aime ce que tu fais.

  40. Happy Anniversary! I have been following you for several years now. Your lilacs are gorgeous!

  41. Happy Blogiversary! I think we've "known" each other for many years now! Your machine quilting on these minis is just spectacular!
    What a lovely and generous giveaway for one of your fans! The lilacs are just coming out here this week.... taking walks is so much more enjoyable with the lovely scent in the air.

  42. Happy blogiversary! I love your mini creations! And I love your scenic photos! Keep on creating! You inspire me!

  43. Oh là là.... those minis are terrific ! I especially love the cheddar ... congratulations Janet !
    Happy anniversary ! I really don't remember how many years but maybe 4 years ? Maybe Bloglovin' can tell me... Thank you for this wonderful giveaway !

  44. Time flies so it is hard to figure out when I started getting your emails but probably 3 years. I am so clumsy handling minis but I have been inspired to start putting together 1 1/2 in HST throwaways into something. It is a break from full scale piecing. Your emails are very encouraging.

  45. You have certainly mastered the art of machine quilting. I always think that I should spend time like you did practicing and mastering the art.

  46. I am a fairly new follower, less than a year. I'm just getting back into quilting now that I am officially "retired". I enjoy rug hooking, decorative painting, gardening, bird watching and following blogs that talk about those things. I'd love to be a part of the drawing! Thank you for the opportunity. Jan in Massachusetts

  47. Oh, wow, Janet, your lilacs are gorgeous and I can almost smell them from here!! How fun to have so much of your family with you for Mother's Day!! You are very blessed!! Love all your little quilts!! I think I have been following you since February, 2013 after Denise introduced us as neighbors!! I just looked back and I started my blog in February, 2010!! Congratulations on a wonderful Blog-o-versary #8!!

  48. I'm so glad i got back into blog reading (and attempting to write on my own more often) You inspire me with your dedication. Glad i got the email notice linked so i keep up with you. Your machine quilting is amazing. I zoomed in! Congrats on the years of excellent blog posts.

  49. Janet, I'm so glad you got your little Indigo top done - I'm so excited to see it, and the others as well! You have so many irons in the fire, I can't imagine how you get it all done.

    Excellent job on your 1880 club mini. The quilting is amazing! I'm still to chicken to try FMQ.

    And OMG those lilacs! I can practically smell them from here... !

  50. Love each of your little quilts. Do not know how long I've been following you. At least it isn't a Blog-adversary! What a wonderful time you had with family!

  51. Your May mini is another example of how wonderful your piecing is! And oh my, you have lots of lilacs! Ours are still in tight bud stage...Wish I could recall how long I have been following your blog...I do know it is always a delight to visit you and see what you are up to along with great tips and close up photos. Sending wishes across the miles for another 8 years in Blogland - your posts are always special.

  52. Your mini is lovely and done! I haven't started mine, but I may get it done this week, we'll see.
    I loved seeing your lilacs. I adore them and especially like the white and pink ones. I can just imagine how these smell. I stop on my walks with coco to smell them in other people's yard.
    what fun to attend a game in person and what a nice surprise gift. Great family photo!
    What a lovely giveaway. I have enjoyed your soap and I'm lucky to have one of your minis. What a generous giveaway. I'm always grateful that you are blogging and enjoy reading every post.

  53. That mini is sensational! I can't believe you finished this one while working on the indigo too! I'm afraid I will only have the one this month. I think I like the mini quilt patterns as much as the c1880 blocks! So much fun. Your quilting is absolutely stunning! I will link this post and the indigo one (NO pressure if you don't get it done by then!!) in my post on Friday. I can't believe you have been blogging for 8 years! I have been a big fan and follower of yours since I started in 2014. I ALWAYS enjoy your posts. Keep up the good work!

  54. I think it will let me comment this time!!! I don't know if I did something - if I did, I don't know what it is! I'm pretty sure I have been following you for most of the 8 years! I certainly agree that it is wonderful to make friends this way. I have met many bloggers too and hope to meet you in person one of these days. Your 2 mini quilts are beautiful!! BTW, this morning when I went to "Keeping you in Stitches" blog, it said that after I commented, it would allow me to log in, which I did and that is the first time that has happened. Maybe Google made a few changes after getting lots of complaints. I am still logged in, so maybe the problem is solved. Thanks for your suggestions and taking the time to email me.

  55. I LOVE lilacs too and have a wonderful photo of my mom holding a big bunch of them on Mothers Day! The flowers make me think of her.
    Love your quilts and look forward to seeing the indigo challenge quilts!!

    I'm not sure how long I've been following, but its been a few years!!

  56. Congratulations on eight years of blogging! I have just come across your blog and decided to follow it because I have become interested in making small quilts in fabrics like those you are showing.

  57. I have not been following your blog for eight years. I have enjoyed the three years I have been following you.

  58. I love reading your blog....I am Aggie....thanks for sharing your family and quilting journey.....

  59. Firstly, congratulations on your 8 years of blogging - isn't it an amazing extension to our lives and love of quilting. I'm not sure how long I've been following and reading your blog, but it does seem like a long time!! I love your mini and it's great to see the projects made with these blocks. It sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day - and such a thoughtful gift from your sons.

  60. I am so jealous of your lilac bushes! I don't have any as my husband winds up cutting everything down eventually. He's a menace with a chain saw. My neighbors used to have a long line of very lush lilacs along their fence and let me cut as many as I wished. Then the sold the house and the new people cut all the lilac bushes down. It was awful and I can't say I could ever really warm to them. ;)

  61. I always enjoy reading your blog, I can almost smell those lilacs, so beautiful. Congratulations on 8 years. I think I've probably been following for about 5 of those years, but maybe longer - time goes so quickly!

  62. Your May mini is fantastic! Love those tiny blocks and the quilting is beautiful, as always! Lilac bushes are one of my favorites though ours have become a little leggy over the years. I've been following your blog for the past year or so and have enjoyed every bit of it!

  63. I’m loving those little quilts! I would guess that I have been reading your blog for about six years. I lost my job the week I bought my first IPad. I found an app-Feedly- that let me subscribe to blogs without emails. I h ad time to explore and sew! Thanks for all the reading material,LOL. I’m envious of your lilacs, love them too.

  64. What a wonderful gathering you all had for Mother's Day! Four generations strong is pretty impressive. Like you, I'm extremely grateful for technology and especially FaceTime! The soccer game sounded fun - and a win for the cherry on top! :) Your lilas are just gorgeous, as is your mini! Happy anniversary to you and Rogue Quilter!! :)


I love to have your comments and feedback.