
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Indigo Challenge Complete

I am a little late to this party (as usual). A couple of months ago Sandy posted about a wonderful bundle of vintage Indigo fabrics she received. She invited three other bloggers to accept a parcel of them (that was a hard decision--not) and join her in a little challenge to make a mini quilt incorporating the indigo in some way. We were to post our finish yesterday. You can see the others at Sandy's blog, Wendy's blog and Barbara's blog. Each one is a delightful treasure. What fun this has been!
I had planned on doing just basket blocks with the setting squares in between to show off the indigo fabrics,  but when I made one of those little "Flying Geese" blocks as one of my rogue blocks for my Circa 1880 quilt, I knew I wanted to include them here somehow.

In April I had made a little "test quilt" to get a feel for working with the fabrics. I was really pleased with how the Pyramid quilt turned out, and actually had time to hand quilt it. Here are the two sister quilts together.
Much of the cheddar fabric in each of these quilts came from a bundle of "scraps" sent to me by Grace T. when she had made a wonderful indigo and cheddar quilt that had made me drool (I wanted to link to one of her posts, but she has a few cheddar/indigo projects and I couldn't decide which one. Just go browse her blog and enjoy.).

Had planned on doing hand quilting in the setting squares and triangles this week, but my dear Mom fell down her basement stairs on Wednesday--miraculously broken ribs and bruises were the results. I spent two days by her hospital bed and then another day at her side at my brother's, where she will be staying for now. She cannot be left alone at present. So the hand quilting became machine quilting instead, and I have just finished the binding this evening.

Quilting in the late hours is not conducive to clear thinking and careful work. I hate it when this happens.

Here you can see the size a little better--and the quilting. The blocks are 2" finished.

I have cut the long thin leftovers into strips to eventually make some 3/4" finished 9 patch blocks.

As you can tell, I kind of went crazy in the "cheddar & indigo" department. After seeing the quilts the other participants made, I can't decide if I want to use the tiny leftover bits to make a blue/white quilt, or blue and happy colors. I love them both. Maybe I can combine them somehow.

Thank you Sandy, for the indigo fabrics and the invitation to participate in your fun challenge.  And thank you Grace, for the cheddars that were so vital to my little quilts.

My blog anniversary drawing was an interesting experience. The first number I drew was someone who  had asked not to be in the drawing. I tried again. The second number was someone with no contact info. The third number was for Annie O. at Annie's Quilt Orts blog. When I replied to Annie's comment on my last post I asked her if she had ever won a drawing on my blog--because I have won one on hers. Well, now she has, and she has been notified.

Mom's fall has also kept me from getting to many blogs lately. I tend to just read a few that have posted most recently when I have a minute to check in. I hope to get back to you all soon.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I am so very sorry to read about your Mums fall Janet ... that is dreadful news but I am pleased she is now home at your Brothers. Your indigo mini is beautiful & I love it with the cheddar fabrics. I always say this so I may as well say it again .... your mini's are just stunning. Congratulations to Annie O for her win & thanks so much for the chance to enter your giveaway. I do hope your Mum begins to feel better soon Janet xxx

  2. I love your you. That indigo is so quaint, homey and appealing. So this one is special. Healing hugs and prayers for your Mom, so glad it wasn't any worse.

  3. oh noooo! so sorry to hear of your mom's accident...and thanks so much for the shout out....those cheddar and indigo fabrics were so fun to work with...i have one more wall piece waiting on quilting and then that FQ bundle will be history with every snippet used for something pretty!

  4. I love both of the Cheddar and Indigo quilts. More than that, I can hardly wait to see what you do with those tiny 9-Patch blocks to add to the series!! Wishing a speedy recovery for your Mom.Janet. And that late-night quilting blooper... EXACTLY the reason I'm "not allowed" to quilt past 9 PM!!

  5. Janet... that is magnificent!
    Those tiny little baskets and geese are amazing, especially knowing how tricky the vintage indigo is to work with on such a small scale. But yours are perfect! And so dang cute! But I have to say, what really clicks it in for me is your arrangement of the blue prints in the border. Such a simple yet brilliant way to showcase the prints. I love it!
    And I am still swooning over your triangle version! Nice to see it finished, and hand quilted to boot! Excellent work, all the way around.
    I realize this was a challenge for you, time-wise, especially since your mom fell. I feel honored that you took the time to create these awesome little quilts, which bring me such joy to see. Thank you so much for being part of our little challenge, Janet. You truly rock!

  6. These are so lovely! I love the cheddar with the indigo. Hope Mom is healing well. I'm glad she's out of the hospital.

  7. I love your cheddar and indigo quilts. So sweet. I hope you Mom is doing better. Hugs

  8. Janet preciosos edredones, los dos son bonitos
    Espero que tu madre se este recuperando

  9. What a fabulous challenge Janet - both quilts are so gorgeous and I'm sure the rest of them made from the scraps will be just as delightful! It's such a classic colour combination. I'm sorry to hear about your mum's fall - I hope she recovers quickly.

  10. So cute--I think you should stay with the cheddar--it really sets off the indigo! I have had that machine quilting mishap happen a couple times--never fun to pick out. How scary for your mom and how lucky she wasn't injured more seriously--yikes! Glad to hear she is able to stay with your brother and be looked after. Take care!

  11. Those little quilts are absolutely incredible! I don't know how you do it, but you always amaze me! Hope your Mom is healing quickly. ---"Love"

  12. Your quilts are amazing and the blue fabric with cheddar is beautiful and now I am drooling! So sorry to hear about your mothers fall, I do hope that her pain can be managed well and she makes a good recovery.

  13. Congrats to Annie!
    Lovely use of the fabric!
    Don't you just hate it when the backing bends back and gets caught up in the quilting... grrr!
    Hope your Mom has a quick recovery!

  14. Fabulous Janet, it is one of the sweetest quilts you have made. The basket mini is so eye catching, I just want to soak it all in. . . So sorry to hear about your mother. It takes those ribs a while to heal, much longer than you expect. I hope she is able to feel better soon.

  15. Very excited to be the winner--thanks so much! Love your cheddar and indigo--I have just stocked up on cheddar and blue prints this past weekend.

  16. we you really outdid yourself on this little mini. I adore it in every way. I'm glad you showed the rotary cutter for scale.
    I love seeing quilts in the background of the post too - your home must be a quilt heaven!
    Hope your mom is doing better.

  17. What fun to play with the indigo fabrics. You made 2 great minis. Oops on the turned backing. Praying your mom feels better everyday. No fun to fall. Congrats to Annie O, i met her online while doing the McCalls Design Star challenges. You and your fellow challenge quilty friends did awesomely. I had to go and look! Thanks for the links too.

    1. I couldn’t find the comment box, so I’m commenting here. Indigo and cheddar are just so yummy together!! I looked at the others indigo quilts and they were gorgeous, too. I hope your mom is feeling better!

  18. Two inch finished!?! Three-quarter inch 9 patches?!? That is where photos just cannot do a project justice because you cannot fathom that scale. Your little quilts are a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e and indigo and cheddar is an all-time favorite combo. How scary for you and your mom. I hope she heals quickly.

  19. Oh my! This one is even more sensational than the last little one. I love the "rogue" blocks! How sweet of Grace to send you the cheddars. It is just perfect! And I had to laugh at your quilting "mistake", THAT is why I do not like machine quilting. I make mistakes EVERY time! Your machine quilting is just as perfect as the top. Gorgeous!! Hope your Mom recovers quickly.

  20. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your Mom, that fall must have been dreadfully frightening to her as well as extremely painful. I hope she will recover soon, and be able to be independent once more, I know how important that is to elderly folks. You met the indigo challenge beautifully with your two mini quilts! Congrats to Annie O, I know she will love her winnings, especially that sweet mini quilt. Take care of yourself as you provide assistance to your mom. Best to you both.

  21. Oh how sad to hear about your Mom falling - unfortunately, this is an all too common occurrence. As important as that desire to stay alone and do things your own way, it must be a comfort to know she is with your brother 24/7 for now. Those indigo and cheddar projects are just too sweet for words...beautifully done - As Always!!!

  22. Oh my goodness, Janet! You outdid yourself with these minis! Love the way you showcased the indigos and cheddars and the quilting is beautiful! Perfect little quilts for the Indigo Challenge. I hope your mom is doing better. Thinking of you :)

  23. I'm so sorry about your mom's fall! I guess it could have been worse, but it sounds bad enough!!
    Love your indigo and cheddar quilt!! Those two colors really go well together!!

  24. Wow those are some teeny tiny blocks! I can't even imagine piecing that small. They are wonderful - love the cheddar with indigo. Hope your Mom recovers well. She's lucky to have you near!

  25. Oh Janet. I'm so sorry hear about your mom's fall. I hope she recovers quickly and completely!
    Love your indigo and cheddar mini... 2" blocks? OMG.
    TINY... and the quilting is fabulous too!

  26. Oh, dear friend, I am so sad to hear about your Mom's fall but happy about the miracle. Hope she continues to do well at your brother's. Your indigo quilt is fabulous - no surprise there!! Love you!! xoxoxo

  27. Prayers for God's healing touch for your precious mother, so sorry to learn of her accident. I love indigo quilts; and as we all know, everything's better with cheddar!

  28. These are little treasures! The indigo and cheddar combination is inspired. I'm sorry to hear about your mom's fall and hope she is recovering. I completely understand about reading just the most recently updated blogs when you get a chance - I have been doing much the same thing, albeit for different reasons.


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