
Monday, May 13, 2019

How many little quilts do you think you have?

That was a question posed by Sheryl at Temecula Quilt Company back in a February post. I really had no idea how many little quilts there were around my house--they are tucked everywhere. So that question has been on the back of my mind ever since. Today, on a rare day at home, I had a notion to find out the answer. I pulled little quilts from every nook and cranny. My plan was to lay them out on the living room floor and take a photo from the loft. I could quickly see there were too many--even after moving the furniture. So I limited it to quilts I had made that did not involve wool applique, or that were not table runners. This is the final outcome.
I came up with 98 little quilts. If you add in the little wool applique quilts that didn't make the photo, the number comes to 123. There are another 30 little quilts that I have from swaps, gifts, or purchases. So now, months after Sheryl asked the question, I have an answer--153 finished little quilts. Actually, that is less than I had anticipated, but I realized I have given away or swapped around 60 little quilts, so mentally I was probably still including many of those.


Here is another view from a different perspective. Kind of fun to have a carpet of little quilts.

This is what it looked like in the living room after I finished gathering all of the little quilts. I had just been tossing them into the living room as I scurried from room to room, collecting them. Now I have the fun job of returning them to their homes--or finding new homes for them. Hmmm, why did I think this was a fun idea?
My little quilt obsession began a few years back when I was asked by a good friend to do a trunk show for her mini quilt guild. I panicked because I had given away most of the little quilts I had made. After a few months of very focused little quilt production, I was ready to go--with the help of a few people lending back the quilts I had given them. I have now done 3 trunk shows, and I still give away little quilts, but since I keep plenty on hand for a trunk show, no one asks. Isn't that the way of things? :)

Do you have little quilts around your house? Are you crazy enough to gather them and share a photo on your blog? Or if you have no blog, send me a photo and I would be happy share it. Maybe I am the only one that wanted to try making a quilt carpet. We'll see.

The winner of the drawing for the patterns in my last post is Barbara--more than one Barbara commented, but only one expressed an interest in the patterns. She has been contacted, and responded very promptly. Thank you, Barbara. That makes it easy.

Until next time,
Janet O.



  1. Wow what a lovely collection of mini quilts. I have a few, more than can fit on my lounge room wall, but certainly not more than 20 I would guess. I will have to count them!

  2. You have such a fantastic collection of small/mini quilts!! They're all just lovely! Most of my 'kept' quilts are itty bitties. I don't know if I could get them all into one photo! On a side note, my son just bought a new home in Murietta ... 6 miles away from the Temecula Quilt Shop! I can't wait to visit them!!!! :)

  3. I have no where near as many as you! Mine are mostly on the wall by my stairs to the Quilt Zone. You has quite a pile for sharing a picture.

  4. What a beautiful collection! And I'd bet they don't include all those little ornaments you've made and gifted. I haven't counted though I suspect my collection doesn't come to even 20 percent of yours. If you happen to know offhand, what is the largest quilt that you consider a mini or little quilt?

  5. I don't have any mini-quilts yet but I did recently pick up two patterns. Do you use big quilt patterns and reconfigure them or are you working from mini quilt books/pattern? I love the idea of doing some mini-quilts because how many full size ones can one household need anyhow???

  6. what a beautiful collection of quilty fun! the best kind of decor ever....

  7. I think you can say you have a collection! :-)

  8. wowzers!! Look at your last blog post, where you said you had so little to show for the time...
    HA. I don't think so!
    VERY impressive, I've got to say.
    But one more comment: how much time did you send figuring this out? Imagine how many little quilts you could've still made in that amount of time?

  9. OMG, that’s a lot of quilts!!!!!!!!!! I just love little quilts.

  10. What a wonderful, wonderful collection!!! I'm so glad you went through the trouble to share those with us. I only have 4!!

  11. How beautiful they all look Janet - looking down from the Loft. I love that picture. I only have 3 little quilts so I won't send you a photo. I must say I do love all your minis that you do - you seem to put such detail into them.

  12. When it comes to the best ever mini quilts, I always think of you...had no idea though as to the amount of those sweet little things you have. So, question to you...when does your book come out???!!!

  13. That's a lovely collection. Thank you for showing and inspiring us.

  14. Double WOW! What a neat carpet of display for your minis. Just beautiful! I can spot a couple of my favorites. Even though I have a huge old armoire that hold most of my quilts, I still find one or two tucked into a closet or drawer. Is that a sign we are overflowing?

  15. Love your little quilt display on the carpet!!

  16. Eye candy or a little piece of heaven! One can never have too many quilts. All so beautiful!

  17. What a magnificant aray aka carpet of quilts Janet. What a fun idea to pull them all out for a family photograph. My tally would possibly be only just into double figures so I guess I need to work on this area of my creativity! I also adore the two quilts you show in your previous post, the feathered star you made is just beautiful, as is the teeny weeny 9-patch quilt. Great job both of you ladies :-)

  18. THUNK!!! Don't mind me, as I pick myself up off the floor. What an incredible collection!!!

  19. WOW! I love how you laid them all out (even as I felt for knees and back :)
    What a treat to see them all. I made stacks one day on my king sized bed, but I didn't count them. I just love looking at them all that way!!
    congrats to barbara on the patterns.
    thanks for sharing your amazing private collection

  20. Oh là là !! As a French, these words are the first I said !! ah ah !
    This is an awesome picture Janet !! And an awesome work !
    I may have .... 15 minis ??? Argh....

  21. I'm pretty sure I have quite a few, but not interested in getting tyhem all out and putting them away again!!
    I love seeing your collection of little quilts!

  22. What a beautiful view seeing on those little quilts. Hurry up and make two more for an even 100.

  23. Fantastic! What a beautiful display of your little quilts! For now most of mine are rolled up and stored in archival boxes. Otherwise they just seem to multiply, lol!

  24. WOW!! That is sooooooo much fun to see all your little minis!! I display a couple of your mini quilts that I have at my little quilt show booth on mini hangers and everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, comments on them and owwwws and ahhhhhs over them!! When I tell them the little purple nine patch is NOT paper pieced they can't believe it!! Me either!!

  25. I just love seeing all your darling quilts!! GORGEOUS!!! Your accuracy makes them even more amazing!

  26. Amazing collection--and not even ALL of the ones you have made! What fun to see them together, though surely a pain to replace them once photographed :) I much admire your talent in putting these tiny pieces together in such a way to preserve the scale and charm of the colors and fabrics you choose. It is an advanced skill you continue to grow! I do not have many mini quilts, have made a few for a quilt rack, and for Lori's doll quiltalongs. I will hopefully have a chance to make doll quilts for a granddaughter, if I ever get one, lol.

  27. What an amazing picture of all your little quilts. I wish I could get close enough to see all the beautiful quilting. I think you should get a large print made of your photo so you could hang it on your wall and admire it all the time.

  28. WOW, what a collection! Very inspiring! It represents so much creativity and work. Did you label each one? What a sweet idea to do a trunk show of little quilts. I love the *idea* of little quilts but I really haven't made many, so far.

  29. Oh wow that looks great....... Nice to have a photo of lots together..... You just don't realise what you gave done some times.....


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