
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Who knew log cabin blocks could be so fun?

Probably most of you were aware of that fact, but my log cabin block experience is limited. Prior to this week I had made two small log cabin quilts. One was made from 1" logs a friend gave me,
Blocks finish at 3 1/2".
and the other was an AAQI quilt (Alzheimer's Research fundraiser). I just realized that each of these was made using Kansas Troubles fabric, and I used the same setting on them. Time to break out of that rut.
I think this one was about 8" x 10".
Well, since my shoulder surgery last week, I have limited options--no rotary cutting, and probably best not to try pushing things under the needle that need to be very precise. That eliminates most of what I have going right now.
So I pulled out the makings for the half log cabin blocks that Karen had sent me way back when. I shared them a couple of posts back. I started sewing these on Wednesday, and I have added about 15 blocks to the stack. I can only sew 3 or 4 of them at a time, because my arm gets tired easily. But I have had fun playing with them on the design wall.

The possibilities are endless, but I have to admit that the traditional barn raising design always draws me in. It could end up being the option I use. It may not be very daring or creative, but at least it is different from my two previous efforts. :)

Another little project that only required a few scissor snips (my Mom's first quilt was a bed size log cabin made entirely with cardboard templates and scissors!!) was this sweet little doll quilt from Edyta Sitar's book "Little Handfuls of Scraps".

This book was a gift from two dear blog friends, and I have so many of these  quilts marked to make one day. 

The beauty of this little design is that the squares are 2 1/2" and I was able to pull them from a variety of mini charm packs. No cutting!! The sashing and cornerstones are made from 1 1/4" strips, and I just happen to have a BUNCH of those left from another project. Scissors worked just fine cutting those to size.
I may not get this sewn up quickly, but it makes me smile, and I am happy to have it ready to go.

Remember my "totality" block, commemorating the total eclipse? I have been wondering where to take it from here.

While sorting and straightening some fabric piles I came across a perfect fabric to use. Look at that--a whole bunch of eclipsed suns! Not sure yet how I will incorporate it, but I know that I will do it!

This is a 6" block, unfinished, and it is from the book Civil War Legacies II, by Carol Hopkins.

Another discovery I made while rummaging straightening in my sewing room was a second copy of this book. I know many of you already have it, but if you don't and are interested in it, leave a comment indicating that fact. I will draw a name before my next post and send it out media mail.

I need to get some shut-eye. I can hear the rain on the roof, and that is my favorite lullaby.

Until next time, 
Janet O.

p.s. Thanks to all who expressed concern and offered prayers for my surgery and recovery. I appreciate it very much. Torn biceps is repaired, bone spurs removed, scar tissue cleaned out, healing going well. :) 

Drawing Now Closed


  1. The book looks great,particularly your eclipse block. I always enjoy your posts and quilts and the information you share with your readers. Hope you continue to mend well. Thanks for the giveaway !

  2. How fun that you are able to play in the fabric as you heal! I love log cabin blocks...such fun! Many healing hugs to you.

  3. Your eclipse block is the best one I have seen on the internet. I would like to make one also, so your book giveaway would help me do that. Thank you.

  4. Wow, you really got going on the log cabin blocks! They look great. And I love your playing with the design layout. So glad you are recovering enough to play and sew a little at a time. You have some great plans to help you thru the healing process.

  5. great log cabin blocks speedy recovery but do not over due.

  6. It's so good to hear (and see) how quickly your recovery is going. You've kept yourself busy with fabric therapy that that has to be good for both body and spirit! Your log cabin blocks are looking great, and I love that precious little doll quilt-a perfect way to use up some leftover mini charms. I'd love a chance for the Civil War Legacies book, thanks for offering it in the giveaway. How fun that you found that eclipse fabric, it will be so perfect to border your little commemorative block. Happy healing my friend!

  7. Love your eclipse block! I can’t believe that you are sewing so soon after your surgery- please be careful not to overdo it!
    I would love,love,love your extra book. I have lots of civil war fabrics that need to move and I love mini quikts��
    I wish all of us a happy spring! Still can’t believe 4” of snow yesterday!!! I guess I should just think of it as extra sewing time..........

  8. Those half log cabin blocks are calling my name. I think I will use that pattern for my next veterans quilt. I would love your extra book. Take it easy with your shoulder, time seems to go so slowly when you are healing.

  9. Glad you are doing well. Would love to win the extra book. dorthac at

  10. Glad you are doing so well! Love your projects and ideas, and would love the opportunity to enter into a drawing for your extra book. Thanks for your blog work and don't push too hard, healing will come! Janine Baker

  11. Glad to hear the surgery was successful and that you are on the mend! Follow the PT's advice and you'll be back to normal in no time. That eclipse fabric, what a find! It's perfect for your chasing commemoration. Since I have that book (and made that block for the eclipse too), please don't include me in the draw. Someone else needs those lovely patterns.

  12. So glad to hear from you and see that you are sewing a little since your surgery. I still love your eclipse block so much. I don't need another book, so don't add my name to the draw... but I'm sure it's a sweet book!

  13. I have made a few lol cabin quilts in my time. The are a favorite block as EVERYTHING can be used. You get to visit with old friends (fabrics). I like yours. I don't believe I have that book in my library so I would love to get it. Thanks for great eye candy this morning. Hugs.

  14. Carol Hopkins and Civil War. What could be better? I would love to have that book.

  15. I love log cabin quilts and I don't know why I haven't made more of them. Actually I think the only one that I have made was the cover quilt from Bonnie Hunter's latest book. A friend of mine just made two log cabin quilts that she hand quilted. I was sure one of them was going to be mine--they were all blue fabrics--lol! I guess I will have to make my own. It looks like part of the fun is deciding how to set the blocks!
    I don't need to be included in the drawing--I already have that sweet book!

  16. Here’s to a speedy recovery! Slow and steady progress on your log cabin quilt is just the therapy you’ll need. It’s going to be beautiful! The CW book looks interesting, I’d like to read it, so please include me in the drawing. Thank you for your generosity.

  17. I would love to have your extra book. I myself have been recovering from a broken shoulder and arm from the shoulder down. Alo i have a replacement elbow.My shoulder is getting much better. Still having trouble with rotary cutting. Have been a little intimidated to start quilting again. Speedy recovery to you!!

  18. I'm so glad the surgery was successful and that you are on the mend. It sounds pretty extensive! It's a good thing you've been able to figure out some "stitchy" things to do, as well as making progress on some projects. It doesn't hurt for your shoulder to get a little movement in spurts. The log cabin project looks like fun and I love love love the eclipse fabric you rediscovered. Would love to win that book, I don't have that one in my library. The little Sophie quilt is sweet. Sometimes the simplest designs are more satisfying than the complex ones, don't you think? Take care of yourself. . .

  19. yes log cabins ARE fun, so many setting ways...not interested in giveaway but good luck to those who are!

  20. Happy to hear you have found a way around that shoulder procedure that permits at least some quilting - stitching speeds healing in so many ways! I swooned seeing your dear log cabin quilts and blocks - the scale of those logs is so sweet. And your Totality block is a striking way to remember the eclipse. Love the richness of the black fabrics. Just when I think another book is not needed I am drawn to your offering - fingers crossed! Whoever wins will certainly benefit from your kind generosity.

  21. Glad to hear you on on the mend. Your log cabins are so sweet. I love your handful of scraps quilt. I had to laugh....I too ended up with 2 copies of the same book so don't add me in for the giveaway. Hugs

  22. Your Gettysburg quilt will be gorgeous! Your eclipse block will fit right in. Happy to hear you're on the mend. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Happy thoughts and answered prayers for your shoulder--am so happy to hear you are healing! Log cabins--yes the possibilities are endless. Oh that backing fabric for your solar eclipse block is perfect!!!!!

  24. I suffered a stroke about four months ago and feel your pain of one-handedness. So I am spending a fair amount of time reading and dreaming. Would be pleased to have the extra book. Cheers to both our recoveries. Enjoy your blog!

  25. Janet, of course your log cabin blocks are awesome! Very inspiring.
    And the little Edyta blocks/quilt I LOVE. Although it does seem large for you... starting with 2" block??
    Hope you're mending well!

  26. Glad you’re able to play in the scraps and stitch a bit. Shoulders are such complex joints! Barn raising is a favorite of mine too. I had to think hard if I’ve made more than one quilt with them—guaranteed not as tiny as yours��
    Your eclipse block looks wonderful with the stash find! I would like to throw my name into the hat for the book, please!

  27. Thank you for the chance at the book as it looks quite interesting. I really love your eclipse block. The half log cabin blocks are fun to make and fun to play with on the design wall. The barn raising setting is my favorite.

  28. Glade to hear your doing well with your surgery! Edyta's scrappy look quilt is so cute from her book Little Handfuls of Scraps. Your eclipse block came out great!
    Would love a copy of Carol Hopkins book. Happy Quilting...

  29. Appreciate that you want to share your Civil War Legacies II with us. Your log cabin varieties are great for inspiration. Love that Gettysburg Sun block. Would make a beautiful quilt. Thanks for the chance!

  30. So glad to hear your recovery is going well! And that you are using some stitching activities as physiotherapy!
    Love those half log cabin blocks!
    Don't enter me in the draw for the lovely book... the postage cost to Canada would likely exceed the cost of the book!

  31. I love the log cabin blocks. Beautiful colors. I would love to win the Civil WAr quilt book. My kind of fabrics. Thank you for the chance. Hope you continue to get better every day.


  32. Whew! Hurray for success on the surgery and hopes for speedy healing! Even with limited shoulder use, you managed more Quilty progress than me! ;-) All beautiful! A log cabin quilt is on my "must quilt" list! :-)

  33. Would love to get your extra book - best wishes for continued healing!!

  34. Good luck with your recovery! I really like your block, so would like a chance at the book--Thanks for the chance.

  35. good to hear you are on the mends. Love your blog, love the minnie quilts. Thank you for sharing with us.

  36. I totally agree that log cabin blocks are so much fun! I also love the eclipse fabric you found; I'm sure you'll find a great way to use it. I really glad your shoulder is healing and feeling much better. ---"Love"

  37. Sweet log cabins, they are a favorite of mine. Glad to hear the surgery had the desired effect and your on the road to recovery. Great thinking outside the square to ensure some sewing time while in recovery.

  38. Glad you’re finding lots of creative outlets to get you bye while you recuperate. Hope you’re back to normal soon. Thanks for a chance at the book.

  39. Hello Janet !
    I love a lot your log cabin quilts ! It's one of my favourite quilt.. well, I have lots of favourite ! :))
    Your eclipse block is beautiful with these fabrics ! It really sparkles !
    Be patient and good luck for your shoulder.... big hugs !

  40. I love your blocks. And you certainly don't let surgery get you down!

  41. You are quite the dedicated quilter artist pulling together all these beautiful projects while you are recovering. I pray the healing continues swiftly.
    My blocks always tend to go to the rows and furrows layout like your first two. I need to push that boundary :-) Thank you for offering up such a wonderful book. I would love it especially to make that quilt shown out of it. I've been looking at that one for a long time.

  42. What a wonderful post of Log Cabin little quilts. It is universally loved i think.
    I'm excited to see what happens with your eclipse quilt. that fabric you had is so so great! Rummaging is what I do in the sewing room - it really cracked me up!
    I'm so glad that you are doing well after your surgery.

  43. Preciosos esos pequeños quilt de logcabin. Las composiciones en tu pared de diseño me parece muy bonita y distinta la primera. El bloque negro del eclipse, realmente tiene un efecto visual fantástico. Me alegro que tu operación hasta salido muy bien. Que te recuperes muy pronto. Un beso

  44. What a lucky score with that black "eclipse" fabric. Perfect for your block!!! Glad you are healing and progressing with your quilting. Prayers do wondrous good!

  45. Thanks for your generous offer to share your extra book. I would love to be included in the draw. Best wishes for a speedy recovery - follow the instructions!

  46. Always "love it" when we like a book or fabric so much that we buy it twice! Would LOVE to win your bonus book! It would be so appreciated!

  47. Whoa! 46 comments!! That's awesome! I love a log cabin quilt and there are so many way to arrange them!
    I smile every time I see my little eclipse quilt. I love that fabric you found to go with your block!!
    I'd love to be entered into the drawing, although it does feel like I win quite a few of your giveaways- even a better reason to enter! LOL
    Enjoy your day and get that shoulder better!

  48. First, I guess I missed something as I did not know you were having surgery. I hope you are completely recovered before very long.
    I am drawn to the first half log cabin setting picture that you show. A bit different. Some fun play time arranging them and making a decision.
    Your fabric for the eclipse block is a good choice. I had forgotten about the block you made and how much I liked it.

  49. Soooooo many comments! You are well loved. I love your log cabin blocks, there is something comforting about them. I have never made one myself but I quilted quite a few! Kiwi Hugs.........

  50. Glad you are recovering from the surgery. Me and log cabins have a not so great history. Happy you can play with possible settings, even if you can't sew...

  51. Your log cabin block settings are all so fun, it would be hard to pick. No hurry, just keep playing! Glad you’re mending well and can find a way to keep sewing a little. I would love that Carol Hopkins book but would also love to know what the eclipse fabric you found is!

  52. So glad your recovery is going well and your finding some creative fun in the process.

  53. Happy Healing to you! I don't have that book and it looks like one I would love to have. I thought of you yesterday when we drove through Salt Lake City!

  54. I am so happy to see that you are able to get in a little sewing time!! Keep lifting those 50 pound weights everyday and you'll be good as gold before you know it!! :-))

  55. Hope your shoulder feels better, but don't overdo it! Would love to have the book - thanks for sharing!

  56. That black fabric with the sunbursts will be perfect for your eclipse block, Janet. Oh, how I love Little Handfuls of Scraps! I saw it a few weeks ago at a quilt shop and could hardly leave it behind. I asked our local library to buy a copy but if they don't, I'm sure it is one I will eventually purchase. I took photos of so many of Edyta's little quilts in the book. Love, love, love it! Your "Sophie" is very sweet! Glad to know you're shoulder is coming along. I hope it continues so.


I love to have your comments and feedback.