
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Critter sightings! (an animal heavy post)

Sasquatch was spotted hanging around our yard this weekend. Sightings for this handsome fella don't usually occur in the Rockies.
Pattern by Elizabeth Hartman

If you live near the Rockies, not to worry. He is now on his way to Oregon, where he belongs.
My thanks to my friend Jen Pate, for her beautiful quilting, and to my Mom, for the binding.

 I was in the sewing room for just a bit and got "Sophie" assembled. Since I couldn't square anything up with the rotary cutter, it turned out a tad wonky, but that makes it have more of that endearing "made by a child" doll quilt look (or so I am telling myself).
I'd like to hand quilt it, but it may be a while before I am up to that.


Friday I stopped in at a LQS on my way home from the doctor's office and I bought a FQ of this gorgeous Di Ford fabric. I don't recall seeing her fabrics locally before. Maybe I just haven't known where to look. But this is so pretty, I want to go back and buy more!
That is it for quilty content. Just haven't felt up to much.
So on to the critters.
You may recall once before, when I shared the meaning of babysitting on the family farm. It is that season once again--when the llama sits and the baby lambs climb upon it. The first shot is when the lambs realize the llama is available, and they come running. Then it is a scramble to be king of the hill (or llama).

Eventually the llama tires of the activity and stands up. The babies tumble off and the game is over.

Now, a little bird watching around the farm. All of these photos were taken out the windows of our home. Fuzzy photos=dirty windows. :)

Haven't caught any photos of Sandhill Cranes this year, but I will. Once, a few years ago, there was a White Egret across the road, but it flew away before I could get more than a blurry photo. I keep hoping I will see one again. They are so pretty!

Two updates: The winner of the Carol Hopkins book is Robin. I believe I still have your address on file, Robin, so I will send the book via media mail the next time I am in town. (You haven't moved recently, have you?) :)
And last of all, I have been released from the confines of the sling (WooHoo!!), but am still restricted as to activities. Hey, it is progress!

Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. So Glad you're out of the Sling. I finally got the Secret Project on "Betsy". I got a few passes and noticed the last pass was doing those dreaded "eyelash" stitches. 6 hours I had it all picked out. Ready to finish on Monday. I had to go back and see the Sophie Quily beginings. Love the Bird and Wildlife sightings. Saswatch quilting looks familiar to what I did on my Granddaughter's 1st Quilt. Very Appropriate. Rest up for the weekend and hopefully Monday will be a stitching Day!!

  2. Me encanta pasear por aquí. Tú Quilt acabado está precioso y el doll quilt, me encanta. Bonitas fotos en la granja familiar. Un saludo

  3. Sasquatch is terrific, Janet. And I enjoyed the bit about mama llama.

  4. Around here, we would call him Big Foot...but by any name it is a great finish. The quilting turned out wonderful. Love the new fabric:)
    All the critters are fun to see and we do love the llama! So glad to hear you have graduated to the next level of healing. Soon you will doing your old tricks:)

  5. I think the sasquatch quilt will be very happy in Oregon! Hee Hee! The fabric is absolutely gorgeous - you should buy lots of it. I love seeing pictures of wild life and it is so much fun to see it in your yard. We do see some - mostly deer - in our yard or neighborhoo. The llamas ars too cute! I never knew the babies did that. We have some llama farms around here. Do you raise them?

  6. Sasquatch is that even possible? lol Sasquatch QUILT is beautiful!!! I saw nothing wonky about the little doll quilt. I love the farm pics; the llama and the baby goats are too precious!! Glad your shoulder is improving!!

  7. I think I have that same Di Ford fabric that you purchased. I may use it as a border on a quilt very soon. Have to make a decision.

  8. Sasquatch turned out beautiful. I wish he was on his way to The llama photos were a hoot. Hugs

  9. Sasquatch is a handsome fellow roaming around in that forest, and I love how you varied the height of the trees. The quilter did a terrific job too. The doll quilt will be just fine and much loved by Dolly and a little girl. Thanks for showing the critter pictures. I'm betting the babies climb up on the llama to get warm! Take good care of yourself so you can get back to your quilting! ---"Love"

  10. Another enjoyable post. Cute llama and babies. Love the Sasquatch quilt top. Fabulous and well done.

  11. I see lots of fussy cutting possibilities in that new fabric. Wink. I had no idea llamas would let the kids climb on them. How cute!! Sophie is darling & Sasquatch is one handsome fella. Glad to hear the sling has been slung to the side!!!

  12. new fabric is gorgeous BUT I have to say I enjoyed the animal pictures the most! GLad your sling is off!


  13. What a beautiful pheasant. We have the canadian geese around a lot and white egrets or herons (whichever they are).

  14. Oh those babies and Llama--that just makes me smile. Beautiful fabric and finishes. Take care not to overdo and let your shoulder completely heal

  15. I just love looking at the critters from your house! What beautiful sights!
    And that DiFord fabric?? Gorgeous!! (I'm thinking baskets??? hint hint!!)
    Take care of yourself!!

  16. What a wonderful finish. Sasquatch will enjoy getting back to his part of the country. I love your doll quilt. I might have to keep that simple sweet design in the back of my mind. So glad you are out of the confines of your sling. Your critter photos are darling. Those lambs are just too cute.

  17. Oh I do love that big hairy critter, no matter what people say I think he's handsome! The wood grain quilting is perfect.
    Fancy that Llama? So cute the way she just sits & let's herself be a playground. I enjoyed the animal photo's. Glad you hear the sling is slung? :-?

  18. Sasquatch is so fun!!! Sorry I missed your posts about how you got hurt, but I’m praying for you to continue to recover quickly!!!

  19. OMG! The lambs on the llama are so durn cute! Wishing you continues speedy recovery! :-)

  20. Wee I was so happy to see your finished quit in its (un)natural setting. I'm sure your daughter will love it I know I would. The quilting looks great and adds wonderful texture.
    The little dolly quilt is simply charming in every way and the dolly is sweet too.
    Pretty fabric. colum prints are fabulous.
    Oh I LOVE the animal photos. That LLama is so sweet to allow those goats to stand on her. Your bird photos are great too. It is hard to catch them outside the window. I've been trying that too recently.

  21. congrats on your next step to freedom....gorgeous photos...and such a pretty fabric indeed...with a stripe like that one needs at least a

  22. Sasquatch is on the move! Really like the quilting - great choice for this mysterious fella. I can’t figure out what makes me more envious in your post...the wonderful quilts or seeing all that bare ground. We have just received record breaking snow over the weekend. Even our returning geese have left the pond, probably headed back to Mississippi. Sweet baby llamas - that is quite a crew there.

  23. Beautiful Mom! Love those llama pics :)

  24. Sasquatch looks great in Utah, but I'm sure he will feel at home in Oregon! Love the little Sophie quilt. Cyndi made one last year and I just love it. Love you animal shots too. We haven't seen a pheasant in so long. How beautiful! Hope you are back to 100% movement soon!

  25. What a great way to wake up this morning! Love the quilting on the Sasquatch quilt!! I ran a 1/2 marathon and have a Sasquatch "medal!!"
    Oh those funny babies! How sweet!!

  26. Fun finish, congrats being out of the sling,
    The "goats on llama" sound like a children's book - so fun.
    Have a great week!

  27. Oh, I love all the baby goats jumping up on the Llama!! How much fun is seeing that in person - thanks for sharing a picture!! And I know your DD will love her Sasquatch quilt - it is truly wonderful in person!!

  28. Sasquatch turned out so great. The quilting complements the design perfectly. Hope your shoulder heals quickly and you are back to doing all the things you love. Enjoyed the photos of the llama and friends. So cute.

  29. You Sasquatch looks great, Janet. I like the results of varying lengths of trunks and heights of trees. What sweet photos of the lambs and the llama. I did not realize llamas were so patient. Do you have only one llama or do you raise them? Do you comb them and spin the "wool?" I know it's so very soft and warm.

  30. Lovely post - great to see your finished Sasquatch quilt...I hope it is enjoyed in its new home! The bark-style quilting suits it perfectly. Grat ctritter pics too - I'm sure I'd be able to watch those lambs and Llamas all day long! Pleased to hear you are now sling-free - I hope healing continues to go well.

  31. So glad you're making progress! Sasquatch turned out fabulous!
    So fun to be able to watch the llama game!

  32. The lambs are funny! Glad you got your yeti quilt finished, I am sure the owners will be thrilled, it looks wonderful.

  33. love the llama games !! And that feathered star in the next post is FAB

  34. I refer to that sling as a shoulder boot. I think that's a more fitting description. LOL! The animals...all the fun animals! The pheasant was a beauty -- I'm impressed that the shot is through the window! :)


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