
Saturday, December 2, 2017

All God's Critters Got a Place In The Choir (really long, boring post)

Including Sasquatch!

It has been a very full and emotional two weeks (MIL's passing and funeral, and then my 60th birthday and Thanksgiving on the same day).  
When all of the busyness subsided, I attended the class for the "Legendary" quilt by Elizabeth Hartman. I had signed up for it just before things got crazy.
Jenny was our teacher. She was very sweet and fun--she is also the daughter of a former classmate. (When did everyone else get so young??)  Here she is posing with her quilt.
We were the second class Jenny had taught for this quilt and we determined we were the remedial group. She said in the first class everyone got Sasquatch and one tree made--and they all came without their fabrics cut. 

In our class of three, two of us came with fabrics cut, and yet we each only completed the Sasquatch block. The other gal had to cut her fabrics, and leave for a doctor's appointment in the middle of class, so she had an excuse for not finishing more.

Look how fun--one of the gals was making hers a "Yeti" quilt. He was a tone-on-tone white, and her background was black. Very clever. She was making the trees blue.

Had a chance to sew tonight and finished up one tree.
I am just so proud (and relieved) that so far all of the raindrops are going in the right direction! I have never made a quilt this large with a directional background fabric prior to this one.
I am pondering whether or not to make a random 2 or 3 trees just one strip shorter than the others.  What do you think? Would it look strange? I've just never seen such a uniform forest before.
This may have to go on the back burner now, until after the holidays. I have Christmas things to do. :)

While we are on the subject of trees, I am getting closer to an actual little quilt from Kevin's mini tree pattern. I am working on the sixth block, and I can't decide if that will be it, or if I will shoot for nine.
Regardless of the number of blocks, I think this red from Primitive Gatherings will be my sashing.

DH and I finally had a quick birthday getaway. We went to IKEA for the first time, took in the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Salt Lake (I highly recommend it if you are in the area), visited a quilt shop, a favorite restaurant,  a favorite ice cream shop, and we took in the lights at Temple Square.
So I want to show you a few favorite critters.
The bearcats, which are neither bears or cats. Long thick tails on these creatures.

An exotic pheasant variety--the feathers all had a sheen, like the shiny part of peacock feathers. Beautiful bird.

The penguins were so fun to watch. Though slow and waddly on land, when they jumped in the water, they could swoop back and forth across the pond, and leap up into an arc before gracefully, and rapidly diving back in and swooping across the pond again.


There was also a petting pool where you could feel the spongy surface of the rays as they would glide past you. I think I did it four times. :)

I was treated well for my birthday. My daughter has started making barn quilts and I was thrilled to receive this from her.

And a few of my blog friends sent special surprises.

 Heartfelt thanks to Mary, Kris, Julie, and Doniene. Also thanks to Barb for the very fun eCard, and to Annie (no blog), whose calligraphy makes any card extra special. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. The past couple of weeks have been a blur!

I had wanted to make something for my belated birthday drawing, but there wasn't time. I included a little ornament, but that was all I could muster. Take a peek at the goodies.
Did you notice that there is an item for each decade I have lived? But I will probably ruin that by throwing in some of my handcrafted soap when I package it up. If you are interested,  leave a comment.  You may also want to mention if you are interested in any of the following.

I was the recipient of a car trunk full of unwanted fabric from my quilt retreat buddy recently. I have shared much of it here and there. I had hung on to some myself, including a couple of small bags that I thought I might use somehow. Now I am facing reality and letting them go.

#1-- An unfinished project made with Moda's Aster Manor line. No pattern included, but an experienced quilter could figure it out, if they wanted to make more of this same block. There is a a little yardage, part of a jelly roll, and lots of charm squares.

#2--No sewn parts to this bag. It is all from the Rites of Spring line by Moda. There are a couple of  pieces of yardage, a few strips, lots of 2 1/2" squares, and charm squares. If you like purple and green together, this is a nice group of fabrics.

#3-- This last bag is full of homespun wovens. mostly squares and small pieces of yardage, but the pile in front is random scraps. If you are interested in this, I would appreciate it if you would be  willing to split the shipping costs with me. It will probably fill a large priority mail box, and with all the above items being shipped, too, it is adding up.

So here are the options. If you are interested in any, please specify. I will draw names before my next post, and I don't think the next one will take quite as long as this one did.
Sorry for the length of this, but there is one last photo I want to share. Two days before Thanksgiving, as I was driving away from my Mom's house, I got to the corner and saw this.
There were a dozen wild turkeys trotting across the street--in the crosswalk! I figured this was the great escape before they became the honored guest at Thanksgiving. So crazy to see this in the city limits. We have wild turkeys where I live, outside the city, but this is the first I have seen of them in town. I sent it to a news channel and this was the weatherman using it to introduce his forecast for Thanksgiving.
My thanks to everyone for their condolences and prayers over my MIL's passing. I cannot respond to all of the comments this time around, but I want you to know your words were appreciated. 
If you have read this whole thing, you probably need a nap!
Until next time,
Janet O.

 Drawings Now Closed


  1. Oh please let me buy the homespuns from you...if it is a drawing, put my name in the hat for sure!! I know it has been a stressful time for you...hugs!

  2. Oh to be a penguin.....I already waddle and move slow, so I would delight in the quick water movements:)
    I think a variety of sizes of trees in your quilt when you get back to it would be perfect. Good way to make it your own.
    Can we see more of your daughter's barn quilts? We might just need to order one or two.....
    If there are no takers for the second pack/florals, I will always take them, like I need more. But I won't mind if someone jumps up and wants them. So glad you had a special birthday and became a photo journalist at the same time. Very cool.

  3. Happy birthday all month long! Sounds like you had a great day out doing such fun things. I think different size trees woul be perfect for the quilt. I would love to be added to the homespun drawing.
    I love reading your post they always get me in the sewing room.a

  4. What a wonderful post! Not boring, but captivating! Those turkeys, your name on TV, 60 celebration! And your daughter made you an eclipse barn block! It will be fun to see where you decide to hang it. Your Sasquatch quilt is coming together beautifully. And getting those raindrops in order is no easy feat. Sending you some relaxation vibes!

  5. I read the whole thing and was very much awake when I finished! I'm glad you had such a great birthday in spite of the sadness going on around you, too. I love that your turkey pic was used on the weather/news... how awesome! I was tickled to see the Sasquatch quilt ; something I've never seen before! Yours is looking great and you should def. shorten some of the trees, just to put YOUR touch on it! Your daughter did a beautiful job on your barn quilt! I love the red border with the small trees, too. I don't need any fabric, but would love to be included in your birthday give away... how sweet that you are giving to us on your own birthday! Happy Birthday again to you!

  6. Hi, I am interested in the homespuns and willing to pay shipping. I started a quilt in November and need more. Argh and don't want to SHOP. Like the barn quilt sign. Happy belated birthday.

  7. My morning laugh as I got to the photo of those turkeys! I love the idea of the Sasquatch quilt, and definitely would mix up those tree blocks a bit, just to make it more interesting and have a bit of personal whimsy included. I'd be happy to receive that first little bundle if no one else is interested, and also to pay the postage for anything you send. And a happy belated Birthday to you my friend!

  8. Happy birthday. It's only a number. I know, mine was 2 1/2 years ago. It's all good. I'm interested in 1 or 2. They would go into quilts for cancer patients. Hugs.

  9. You have been busy! Belated Birthday and condolences. I really like your Kevin trees and that fabric for the sashing is perfect. I love when daughters start to share our interest in quilting. Your giveaway is lovely, but I have enough stuff to try to use up. Good luck to all!

  10. Happy birthday to YOU! What a great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  11. Great post. I love your little Christmas Trees quilt. I would love to win the homespuns. I'm working on a project and am running short. It is so nice to know a TV Those Turkeys were a hoot. Happy Birthday! Hugs

  12. Yes, Yes, & Yes!!! I am happy to read this long, not so boring post this am. I woke up early so no Nap needed. Glad you got to get away. Congrats on having your picture on the news! I'm not asking for any of your trunk treasures, too many of my own here...

  13. THe pictures of the penguins and the turkeys made my day. I am glad to hear that you got through the past couple of weeks. it had to be a challenge. happy Birthday to You and yes I would love to be included in your birthday giveaway. VEry thoughtful and thank you. happy Holidays!

  14. A belated Happy Birthday. Since it was on Thanksgiving, did you have candles in a pumpkin pie?
    I watch the Bigfoot show on television. I find it entertaining though I don't really think there is such a creature. My husband teases me about watching it.

  15. How fun to have your picture on the news, and what a fun picture! So glad you were able to get away for your birthday -- thanks for sharing those wonderful animal pictures with us. Penguins are amazing! I would definitely change up the size of the trees. That is a great quilt, and the rain drop fabric is perfect for the background. Any of the three of the treasures you are sharing would be perfect for projects I am working on -- would love to be included in the drawing. I always love your posts -- they are never too long! Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  16. Such a fun shot of the turkeys :-) Happy Belated Birthday!
    I continue to enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful quilty projects. Google is giving me trouble with commenting these days but please know you have a happy group of quilters out here following along enjoying your creativity.
    I'm so sorry for your the loss of you MIL. We're facing some health issues in my extended family and it is sobering to say the least. I'm praying for comfort for your family.

  17. Love the "Big Foot" quilt. He really seems complicated but soooo cute. Have my eye on the Aster Manor should I win. Happy belated Birthday. Terry

  18. How fun to have your turkeys on the news! I think it's a good idea to make a different size tree in your quilt just for fun and it would add a little interest--not that Sasquatch isn't interesting enough--lol! I'm so sorry for your family's loss. It' so hard when we lose a loved one, especially close to a holiday. My mom passed on Easter Sunday and it's always a difficult time for our family. I'd love to be added to the hat for the home-spun scraps!

  19. LOL!! You are soooooo funny!! What I really love about you among many other special qualities!! Sasquatch (I had to go to the top of the post to see how to spell this guy) is darling and yes, I think a couple of shorter trees would be perfect, maybe as tall as the critter so you have some sense of . . . (something, I can't seem to find a word that fits here). The birthday goodies are great - all look like they should belong to you!! I would love to be in the drawing for #1 Astor Manor and the clothes pins!! Oh, wait, that is not possible is it? Anyway glad all this "stuff" is over and that you are still on this side of the grass at the ripe young age of 60, little sister!! Hugs!!

  20. Oh, yeah and the turkeys are great!!

  21. Happy Birthday! I’ve seen the Sasquatch quilt but only you would make it more complicated by using a directional background!! I like your idea of smaller trees. What a fun way to spend your birthday. It’s been ages since I went to a zoo/Park. The barn quilt is wonderful! I am thinking I’d like one in wood or metal for my backyard fence. Enjoyed your turkey pic!! Please include me in your generous birthday drawing. Now, go sew!

  22. The red sashing is perfect for those little trees. They are so tiny We had three birthdays the week of Thanksgiving, two sons and a son-in-law. Must be a good time of the year for a birthday. I've never seen the Sasquatch quilt before - it's quite an undertaking with all that directional background fabric. You are amazing! You were able to see a real "Turkey Trot" - ha!

  23. Love your mini christmas tree quilt, the red is perfect. I am sure you will make better progress on the big foot quilt, its going to be a great winter project. I cannot believe your giving away all those lovely quilty offerings when its your birthday! Thanks for the chance to win! So glad you had a lovely birthday and got an outing, amongst everything else that has been going on, such a hard time of year to loose someone you love.

  24. Happy belated birthday. We had a few thanksgiving birthdays too. What a nice idea to have a giveaway for your birthday. I love the red sashing for your trees. A good way to use up those green scraps.

  25. Not one bit boring to read :)
    But now I have lots to say... Happy 60th Birthday! I'll be following closely behind, so you let me know how it is to be that fine age! And congrats on being on the news with your fun photo!
    I would love to finish up the Aster Manor project #1 ... I still have some pieces from that fabric line.
    And about the trees... I love the idea of varied tree heights. They are probably all the same to hide the sasquatch in the forest. But maybe some of the trees, especially the ones on the outside of the forest could be shorter.

  26. Oh Janet, such a bittersweet time for you ... a funeral & a special birthday. Belated birthday wishes my friend. Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. I adore your sasquatch quilt-in-the-making ... what a fun class that must've been. I often have groups of wild turkeys invade my section & my garden ... I chase them off & they go away & multiply & return with all their relations!! It is a bit endless sometimes. Happy Sunday to you Janet.

  27. Happy belated birthday. I am like one of the other commenters it is only a number. I would gladly pay postage for the Rites of Spring or the homespuns. Have a great week.

  28. Such a full on two weeks for you! I hope there was some joy on your birthday. Isn't the sasquatch a hoot of a quilt! It makes me laugh. Kiwi Hugs and belated birthday wishes xx

  29. so not boring post! glad to hear the latest in your neighborhood...and the turkeys, how fun! used to see them all the time in maine. lovely giveaways but i'm passing on all...and belated birthday to's just a number, plenty of full life ahead!

  30. I loved your long post - not boring at all, in fact, very interesting. The photo of the turkeys crossing the street was too funny! I am very interested in project #1 Moda's Astor Manor. I really love the fabric and the design too. I know I could finish it. I always work without a pattern. Happy Belated Birthday to you! I wish I was "only" 60.

  31. What a fun post Janet ! I always loved to read what you are doing !
    The blocks are sooo beautiful as usual and what chance to have a class with your quilting friends !
    I don't know if it works for France but I love Astor Manor... Thank you so much for this giveaway !

  32. I loved reading this long and wonderful post! Your big foot quilt is so so fun. I would have loved to be in that workshop with you. The yeti idea is wonderful and so is your idea to have different sized trees. I always try to make commercial patterns my own in some way to go for it!
    Sounds like such a nice Birthday Getaway. That is my kind of agenda for sure.
    I loved seeing the animal photos. I am such a zoo/aquarium enthusiast.
    The little christmas tree quilt is so so sweet - and tiny! the sashing fabric is perfect.
    and Oh My you are Famous! it must have been exciting to see your photo and get on air credit of your turkey crossing! yay and so fun!
    What a lovely giveaway - I've won from you in the past, so share with your other faithful followers. Thank you for blogging and sharing all your inspiration with us.

  33. How fun to have your picture make the news!!! I’m glad you were able to squeeze in your birthday getaway- it sounds like you had fun. I wasn’t sure how to answer on the sasquatch trees until I saw your mini trees all the same size. I would make the big trees all the same as well. Just think of the soap as “1 to grow on” like when you got spanked as a kid for your birthday.

  34. I think the quilt class came at the right time for you to get your mind off all else for a bit. What a fun quilt! I love the rain fabric you are using. Sometimes in real life the trees start looking the same.....if you are lost! LOL
    Happy belated birthday. I'd love my name in for your birthday drawing, but not the fabric. I haven't been to the zoo in ages! It looks like a really fun birthday outing.
    I adore the barn block too!!

  35. Sasquatch looks like a very fun quilt to work on - and your raindrops are perfect! Visiting all the different critters for your birthday getaway was a good choice no doubt...something a little different to help de-stress...
    Those clothes pin clips are so cute and you have put together a sweet and generous giveaway. Your posting was definitely not boring - always great to see what you are up to and quilter bloggers just know when someone is in need of a virtual hug...wishing you a belated Happy Birthday.

  36. First, sending condolences to you and your family and secondly, rejoicing with you for another birthday celebration. That 60 birthday seemed like a major milestone. The start of your Sasquatch is looking good, but I'd probably mix the forest up a bit. Then there's your mini tree quilt. I love the red fabric for the sashing. Glad you had a chance to get away and enjoy some fun. Thanks for putting my name in your birthday drawing!

  37. Happy birthday and condolences all in the same post, I guess life is dealt to us that way occasionally. I'm sorry for the great loss to your family. What a great gift from your daughter though, hope you have a place to put it where you'll get to see it all the time. Can't wait to see what you end up doing with the Sasquatch quilt, it looks quite fun. I'd appreciate being included in your birthday drawing.

  38. Thanks for a fun post - not boring at all! I really like your little mini trees quilt, so cute!
    For your Sasquatch quilt - go with your instincts and make some trees smaller:)
    Thanks for the give away. I would love to be entered - I especially like the Moda Aster Manor fabrics; looks like a fun project!
    Happy birthday and blessings on the coming year.

  39. Hope you've been able to relax a little. Though I know sometimes relaxing just means catching up!
    I think the uniform forest for Sasquatch is okay, but making it your own with some variation in tree height would look good, too.
    The mini tree quilt is adorable. I love the sashing fabric.
    Did you get out of IKEA without buying anything? I don't think I ever have and am glad I've never lived real close to one.
    Cool that your daughter is making barn quilts. Do you know where you will hang it?
    Silly turkeys!

  40. Firstly belated Birthday Wishes Janet - what fun to have it on Thanksgiving Day this year. What a tough time it has been and it's nice to read you were able to have a good day out with your husband. Your class sounds great - I'm sure you would have appreciated having a day to spend with other quilters. I think it's a great idea to change a few of those trees - make the quilt your own :-) Your wee Christmas trees are very cute and I love the barn quilt from your daughter!! Cool Turkey photo too!

  41. Happy belated Birthday! Please forgive my lateness--I will blame my forgetfulness on the holidays. I love Big Foot--he is going to be a great quilt. A great barn quilt gift from your daughter--a perfect gift. Love those turkeys crossing the street. We visited an Ikea in Memphis--it was overwhelming.

  42. I happen to share your birthday and it was nice to have it on Thanksgiving. When I was young, I always felt a bit cheated to have to share my day and seldom got a cake, as Mom would stick a candle in the pumpkin pie. Now that I am a "bit" older. It's great. I have had a few more than you have by the way. I hope your birthday was a great one.

  43. Did I wish you a Happy Birthday? I remember thinking it and maybe left a comment on another post but in case I didn't, here's a wish for a great year to come (since your birthday wasn't as happy as it could have been if there hadn't been a death in your family.)
    Yes, I would shorten some of the trees. Uniform is good in some things but nature is rarely uniform. Love your Sasquatch block. It looks like a complicated one, especially to try to keep the background fabric going in the same direction.
    I've never felt a ray but there used to be a Sea World near where we lived. We were able to put our hands in the dolphin pool and they would swim under them so we could touch. Amazing!
    That's a beautiful barn quilt painting and such a nice photo of you, Janet.
    I love your turkey photo! It's amazing to see them in the city, and how fun that your photo was on TV!
    Yes, I'm interested in #3, those homespun/plaid fabrics. But it looks like at least two others are interested, too. Perhaps there is enough to split three ways? Or a drawing is fine. (If my name isn't chosen I won't go broke with fabric. Ha ha.)

  44. So I don't know if my other comment made it or I'll try again :)
    Is it too late to be entered into your drawings? I would be interested in the birthday and numbers 1 and 2 if you haven't closed them already.
    Funny that you were classmates with Jenny's mom...she and I went to school together :)
    I am excited to see how Angie's quilt turns out. Have you decided to go with different sized trees as everyone seems to suggest?
    The mini tree quilt is so sweet and I love the pop of red!
    I'm so glad you were finally able to have a bit of a birthday deserve it!
    So fun to see your turkeys on t.v.!

  45. Happy belated birthday and condolences on the passing of your MIL. Love seeing your picture of the turkeys on TV. I would be interested in the #3 - Homespuns and if I am the winner, am willing to pay you the full postage amount. You are being nice enough to share and ship.

  46. Happy Belated birthday!!!! If I'm not too late I would love to sign up for your drawing! I would love to win the homespuns as I love primitive and these work wonderful for those projects! I would pay for all of the shipping! I just found your blog this morning and look forward to back reading your posts! Thank you so much!

  47. I have the Legendary pieced and ready to quilt. Is the model shown in the picture done in an all-over pattern over the whole quilt or did they do something different in the trees and Big Foot or whatever he's called?
    And on another note, my blocks all turned out 1 inch longer than the pattern says and I was so glad I hadn't cut my vertical sashings yet.


I love to have your comments and feedback.