
Wednesday, December 13, 2017


It has been almost two weeks since my last post. I finally have something to share (not much, but at least one quilty thing).
This was made using the tree block pattern that Kevin (kevinthequilter blog) shared last year--it just shrunk in my hands, as things tend to do. The blocks are a little rectangular, so the quilt will finish at about 14 x 15 1/2".  I auditioned the sashing without cornerstones, but the quilt seemed to need an added pop of it got one. I am considering binding it in green.

One of the great things about actually making a Christmas quilt at Christmas time is the fun photo ops you have with all the Christmas decor available. I won't bore you with most of what I took, but here is one more taken in the Christmas corner of my sewing room. I think I will name this quilt Tree Farm. Hmmm, maybe it needs to be  Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm. No, I don't have an Uncle Kevin, but Kevin the Quilter strikes me as a really great uncle, and it was his block pattern, so I think he should be in the title somehow.

I also finally held the drawings for my birthday giveaway and the bags of fabric. After drawing the names, I went to my email to try and contact the winners, only to discover that two of them were "no reply" profiles, so I had to eliminate them and draw again.
My birthday giveaway was won by Lori D. (humblequilts blog). 
Bag #1 of Aster Manor fabrics goes to Liz (frogquilter blog).     
Bag #2 of the Rites of Spring fabrics goes to Aimee (thebryanfamilysampler blog). 
Bag #3 of homespun fabrics goes to Karen (moosebaymuses blog). 
I have contacted the winners and will get their packages sent as soon as I have all the addresses.

Well, that is it as far as the quilty content of this post goes. My third "finally" has to do with my nativity collection. Collections can be a dangerous thing. Where do you draw the line of what to collect? Will you collect anything you see that fits your collection theme, or will you be more selective?  I realized early on in my Nativity gathering that this could get out of hand so easily (but then most any collection can in the hands of an obsessive individual like myself). After giving it some thought, I determined I would choose to gather nativities from other countries. But there is a mind-boggling array of sets from around the world. Well, I prefer  hand-crafted ones. That narrows it some, but still isn't enough restraint. Then I hit upon the idea that I will collect from countries where my family and friends have lived or visited. And if they can bring me one themselves, all the better.

Forty years ago my brother returned home after serving as a missionary in Thailand, and I finally purchased a handcrafted Nativity made in Thailand when we were in Salt Lake City on my birthday getaway last month. It is crafted of metal, wire and beads, and is very different from anything else I have. I think I may work on putting up a tab to a page showing my International Nativity sets. When I get it done I will post a link here.
Monday I was standing out on the deck taking photos of the wonderland created by the hoarfrost, when I saw a bird land in our sumac tree. He proceed to eat the berries. I believe he is a Northern Flicker woodpecker.
That is not snow on the branches--it is frost! 

So many activities and gatherings in the next few weeks. Seems harder this year than ever to find time to sew and blog during the holidays, and I could really use some creative therapy. Yesterday I signed up for an "open sew" retreat in January. I have never attended that type of retreat before. I am really looking forward to it.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I couldn't sleep, so I'm blog surfing. Nice to see a new post from you. Congrats to Lori D, she's in Hawaii!! I could do a Nativity Tab also. My DD#1 suggested that I write about each of my Nativities and put it with them for when I'm done with them. Sobering thought-- I think. Cute Tree Farm mini. It really does sound fun to go on a Retreat in January! Is it close by?

  2. I think a retreat sounds marvelous! And the bleak midwinter days of January are a perfect time for some special creative time just for you. We also have a small collection of Nativity sets, mostly ones we've found at estate sales, but also one hand carved one from Africa. I'd love to see more photos of your collection.

  3. C-c--c--c-cold!!!! It is beautiful to look at but bet it is cold! Love your tree farm and your setting in the setting nook is joyful.

  4. Janet, I love Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm! You make the cutest small quilts and I love the photo by the tree. Your new nativity is just gorgeous... I would love to see more of your nativity's. I thought the frost on the tree was snow!!

  5. Sweet post. Kevin really sweet. Would love to meet him one day.

  6. Wee - the little Tree Quilt is adorable and so it your sewing tree. Lovely ornaments.
    Congratulations to all the B-day giveaway winners - lucky ladies.
    What a lovely photo of the flicker! it would be a lovely card.
    that frost is so so sparkly and pretty. Enjoy the Season! xo

  7. Such a lovely Christmas tree...congratulations to your winners!! I love your tiny tree quilt; it is truly beautiful.

  8. I have a friend who has dozens of nativities and this year she said she's not putting them all out. But she IS putting the most adorable one I brought her from Puerto Rico. It's SO CUTE. And I have the one my DH brought back from Niger when he went there on a mission trip. I also have a few others from cruise ports that I found. The most special is the one made by my mom (the figurines) and my dad (the stable).

  9. Janet, thanks so much--you know I love home-spun fabrics! That flicker is so beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen one before. Your sewing room Christmas vignette is wonderful! I haven't done any decorating yet--guess I better get on it!! The little tree quilt is adorable too!

  10. Another wonderful post and oh my gosh, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm!! Great name by the way!! We have ocean beach town hoarfrost!! And man it is freezing cold here!! I suppose heat in the house might help because it is as cold inside in the morning as it is outside!! Well, at least it feels that way!! Clear skies at night and no rain makes for a cold beach house!! Your photography is gorgeous and the little birdie looks like she is posing!! Have a wonderful Christmas holiday time with friends and family!! I miss it when you don't post but I know your life is full, full, full!! xoxoxo

  11. So cute, thanks for the link to the pattern on Kevin The Quilter's blog!

  12. Hi Janet-Yes that is a Northern Flicker, we have several here that hang out. And of course they are all over at the cabin. Beautiful birds. Such a cute "Kevin" quilt! Hope your Christmas is filled with joy, peace and lots of family love! 🎄🎄🎄

  13. I am in the same boat, not much sewing going on here, too much else happening and we are all tired. So nice to see your snow/frost photos and the bird, so different to my world. It was 42 C here (100F?) yesterday and rest of the week is also going to be hot. Love your little tree house. I need to do some present sewing, so that might be my inspiration!

  14. Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm is perfect for the holidays and after. This isn't really the time to worry about getting much stitching done". Too many other things to enjoy. Wow! Loved seeing the frost pictures. Have a wonderful holiday.

  15. Your little tree quilt is adorable! I can't believe that Christmas is only 12 days away! I am trying to keep up with Bonnie Hunter's new mystery quilt and feel like I am racing to do it. Have you ever made a mystery quilt? Do you ever make large quilts?

  16. I love the tree quilt! HOpe you have wonderful holidays.


  17. Oh Janet! I am sitting here belly laughing! LOL What an honor it is to see what you worked up with my little pattern from last year! It is so festive and cheery! Green binding would be perfectly festive for the little quilt! "Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm!!!!!" LOL I love it! The Thai nativity is beautiful. I love nativity groupings! Your frosty scenes make me long for a white Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  18. I love the way things shrink in your hands :) Your little photo shoot is wonderful. Congratulations on finally acquiring a nativity from Thailand. It's never too late!

  19. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful and the quilt tree adorable ! I hope you will enjoy your retreat !!
    Congratulations to the winners !

  20. Looks like a Northern Flicker to me. I wonder why we don't get hoar frost? It's so beautiful! You're going to the only kind of retreat I've known/attended. It's fun to see the multitude of projects that people are working on - be prepared to find new ideas! Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm is perfect. I say either green or brown for the binding would be perfect - green being more festive but brown pulling out the tree trunks and it goes great with the sashing/cornerstones.

  21. so pretty your snow pix! we have none here of course....lovely little tree quilt too

  22. Janet, LOVE Uncle Kevin's tree quilt. Of course it's tiny! But just perfect.
    Great idea to go to a free retreat. You'll get lots done, I'm sure.
    Hope you are enjoying the holiday season. I know it's hard this year without your full family!
    love to you,

  23. Wow - I love Uncle Kevin's Tree Farm quilt - you really have done the block justice :-) I love the photo of it with the wee Christmas tree. What fabulous outdoor photos - when we're melting here, it's lovely to see a bit of cool white! What a great addition to your nativity collection - your patience was rewarded! The retreat you describe is the only sort I"ve been to as well - I have more than enough projects without having to start something new!!

  24. Your tree quilt from Kevin's pattern is so cute. I have one the size of a potholder. lol
    Your picture of the Northern Flicker is beautiful. I love seeing the birds in the winter scenery. Have fun at your retreat. Hope you get a lot done. I too know exactly how you feel with all the Christmas parties, and finding time to do it all. Your new nativity collection is very unique. I have several friends who are collectors of nativity scenes too.

  25. We had hoarfrost at home, while we were in hawaii!! (perfect!) Now I'm ready for snow.
    I LOVE your latest nativity- wow! So lovely!
    The tree quilt turned out darling, as usual.
    Thanks for the giveaway. Do you have my mailing address? Have a blessed Sunday.

  26. Beautiful Christmas trees! Yes, that is a Northern Flicker in your tree. Nativity scenes are a wonderful collectible and this one is sweet.

  27. Love your little tree farm. Glad to see you made it to 9 blocks. Your nativity is really unique. I have a metal pin of baby Jesus in a manger that reminds me of your nativity. Maybe it was made in Thailand, too. The flicker photo is so pretty. We have a lot of them in our woods, but they do a lot of damage to our deck and trees. One even tried to peck into our metal siding!! Crazy bird.

  28. I just love your little Christmas corner. It would make me smile every time I saw it if I were you. The pictures of the frost are breathtaking! What a sweet one with the woodpecker.

  29. Hoar frost; I haven't seen any for a long time, stunning photos! First, please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences on the passing of your MIL. We went through the exact same situation here a year ago, Thanksgiving came and went and we were in a grief fog throughout the entire holiday season. I am so very sorry for you and your husband's profound loss. I am sending hugs, big ones. I have been so very far behind in my blog reading and posting; I have no excuses other than the lightning fast passage of time. I will be back, I promise. Your Christmas corner in your sewing room is absolutely precious; I love it! Merry Christmas, my friend!


I love to have your comments and feedback.