
Monday, November 20, 2017

Life is what happens while you are making other plans

DH's Mom has been in a skilled nursing facility since last December. She was not in good shape when she entered, having rapidly declined over the course of a week, and we didn't think she would be with us much longer. Even the hospice doctor suspected she only had a couple of weeks left. Well, she has far surpassed our expectations, and it was easy to forget that her health was still fragile. 
My MIL was very entertained by little Maggie's antics last September.
Wednesday afternoon DH visited her, and though she was a little out of sorts, he didn't think there was anything  wrong. 
Thursday afternoon DH and I were heading to Salt Lake City (80 miles away) for a little early birthday getaway. We had stopped for dinner at a restaurant about 30 miles from home, and while there we received a call from DH's brother. 

DD#2's 4 children visiting Great-grandma on Halloween
The hospice nurse thought their Mom had suffered a stroke sometime during Wednesday night, and my BIL was heading over to check on her and would let us know her condition. We received his call when we got to our car after dinner. She was not doing well. We headed back, going directly to the nursing facility. We had been there about 90 minutes when she just quit breathing. That was it. She was on to a better place. How wonderful for her that she didn't have to suffer anymore. She had dealt with poor health ever since she took a fall four years ago and broke her femur.
She was a kind MIL, and a good grandma. She will be missed, but I know she is at peace, and I am happy for her. Life is fleeting. Be good to those you love, so you can let them go without regrets.

With the holiday looming, and relatives coming from Canada, the funeral will not be held until Saturday.
I will share what little sewing there is to show for the past week+, and then I will probably not be in blogland much, with family arriving, and Thanksgiving, and a birthday and a funeral all packed into the week.

When I posted my eclipse block I heard from Amy Loar that she had made two of this block design into mini quilts, one to keep and one for a friend. I asked if I could see them, and then I asked if I could share them. The reply was affirmative. Here you go.
Aren't they pretty? I know they represent the eclipse, but they also make me think of Candy Corn--probably because Halloween was not that long ago. :)
Thanks for sharing them, Amy!

This block design seems to be following me lately. I have previously shared this block from the same pattern, that was made by the late Jill Reid. I am hand quilting it, and I finally finished up the feathered wreath in the center. I am really enjoying this "slow-stitching".

 Recently DD#1 let me know that she would love to receive the Sasquatch quilt that she had seen online for their Christmas/Birthday gift. I can't remember a time when she hasn't had a thing for the legend of Sasquatch.

So I downloaded the pattern, ordered some fabrics, and I am signed up for this class that a local quilt shop just happened to be offering the Monday after Thanksgiving. We are to have everything cut and labeled before class, so I am trying to squeeze those preparations into a very busy time.

Because our birthday getaway was canceled Thursday, on Saturday we buzzed over the mountain to Village Dry Goods, where I picked up a few things with my birthday club coupon.
Imagine my surprise when I got that little Kim Diehl kit home and discovered it is applique. How did I not catch that? But it is such a cute little quilt--only 10 1/2 x 12 1/2". I'm pretty sure I will have to find another way to make it.

My usual birthday giveaway will have to wait until my next post. I haven't had a chance to prepare anything, and may not have until next week sometime, so check back.
Until then, I will pop in to read blogs if I get a chance here and there, but may not have time to comment until this week is over.
Keep creating,
Janet O.


  1. Janet, I am so sorry for this loss...many hugs and prayers for peace.

  2. So sorry to hear of your MIL passing. Life can be very short and we never know. Sending you lots of big hugs to help you along the way.

  3. Sorry for your loss, Janet. And belated happy birthday.

  4. It is a good week to be Thankful your MIL is in a better place. I'm sorry that your getaway was cut short.
    It is going to be a very busy time for you this week!
    What a fun quilt to make for you DD.
    I had to chuckle about little applique kit.
    What a joy to see Jill's block under your needle. The feathered wreath looks beautiful.

  5. I'm so sorry for the loss you and your family are sharing this week. But you can rejoice on Thanksgiving knowing your sweet MIL is now enjoying her forever Thanksgiving! Hugs and love to you and your family.

  6. Janet, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s nice, tho, that you have so much family around. I know there will be lots of tears and laughter as you remember and celebrate her life. Peace.

  7. I’m sorry for your loss. Have a blessed time with your family.

  8. Prayers for you and family at this time of loss. Be thankful she passed easily, as that is such a blessing. Your week will be quite full, so enjoy the family time, You know how important it is. And extra Happy Birthday wish.

  9. Blessings on your family during this time of loss and of thankfulness. I hope the holidays preparations go smoothly, and you can enjoy much love and laughter.
    Your hand quilting is as lovely as your machine quilting! I didn't know Jill, but you are working wonders on her piecing.
    And thanks for the guest appearance! It's fun to see my eclipse minis on your blog.
    Finally, happy birthday!

  10. Oh Janet, I'm so sorry about your mother in law. I hope this week will be filled with peace and thanksgiving for all of you! The eclipse blocks are pretty and bright; I like that you girls documented the event with quilt blocks. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  11. All my prayers are for you and your family Janet...I'm very sorry for this cruel loss...
    She won't suffer anymore....
    Big hugs from France.

  12. So sorry to hear about the passing of your MIL. Sending you big hugs to help you through this very sad and busy time.

  13. I am so sorry to learn of your mother-in-law passing. She had a caring family and that was important.
    I thought of candy corn immediately when I saw your blocks. I never did get any candy corn before Halloween. One little package would have sufficed.
    I am chuckling about your applique project....I thought you would say you would give it a whirl.

  14. Love and Prayers for you this Birthday week! I will watch for your next post. Love your feathered Wreath. Happy Birthday to you!!

  15. I'm sorry for your loss. But she is no longer in pain. I will keep you and yours in mhy thoughts and prayers.
    I love your candy corn stars. They touch my sweet tooth. Hugs

  16. It is good to thankful that your MIL is in a better place, but no doubt she will be missed by family, especially at this time of year. Your hand quilting is beautiful, as usual. The eclipse blocks are really pretty, and your daughter will love her quilt. Take time for you and the family during this time; quilting and blogging can wait. But do have as Happy a Birthday as you can under the circumstances. ---"Love"

  17. I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear MIL. Even though it is expected at some point, it is still difficult.
    Love to see what you are working on, especially Jill's quilt! I kiss her a lot and it is so nice to see her quilts enjoyed far and wide!
    Happy birthday friend and take care of yourself this week too!! XOXO

  18. I'm so sorry to hear of your MIL passing. What a blessing that you were able to be there with her. I hope your busy week goes smoothly and you are able to enjoy being with your family. Take care!

  19. Thinking of you as you make your way through this journey - you are blessed to have such good memories and and the family supporting each other. Your faith will be the foundation to keep you going. Take care of each other and your beautiful quilting will wait patiently for your return.

  20. My sympathies to your husband, you, and all the family. Having just been through this with my MIL who died 10/22, I am with you in being grateful she went in her sleep.
    Lots of great stitching going on as usual!

  21. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know she is in a better place, but your family's pain is still there. I wish you peace and a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  22. My condolences and very best wishes to your family on the loss of your MIL. I hope the week surrounded by family and love helps you all...what lovely words - a kind MIL and a good Grandma, what else could someone wish for. Your handquilting is beautiful and I look forward to seeing how you tackle the applique kit! Hope you have a wonderful 'special 0' birthday ♥

  23. I'm saddened to read of your MIL death. You, your husband and family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.

  24. Condolences on the death of your mother in law, I am glad that you got a chance though to say your good byes. Enjoy the time with family. Applique? Really odd method for triangles. Hope you find a technique or you can swap it with someone. Happy birthday!

  25. Really? Prairie Sky is applique? That's just silly - I could have sworn it looked pieced. I'm sure I could figure out an EPP pattern if you wanted...
    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your MIL but I'm pleased you were able to make it back home to see her one more time before she passed. It's never easy to lose our dear ones but, as you said, she is now in a better place and no longer in pain.
    I hope that you can carve out time for yourself this week despite the incoming family - both for some inward reflection on all that is happening this week but also to enjoy your special "0" birthday.

  26. My condolences on the loss of your mother-in-law. Happy birthday. Happy Thanksgiving. May you find peace of heart and mind during this busy week.

  27. I'm sorry to hear about your family's loss. What a blessing you were able to have her with you much longer than you had expected. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and spending time with your family.

  28. MY thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time . I hope you have some sort of Happy Birthday as well. Take care of yourself.


  29. how blessed your MIL was to have her family close by to usher her into heavenly rest...that is a real gift....

  30. I'm so sorry for your loss Janet. You have a busy week ahead. Make sure to take a little time for yourself!

  31. I was sorry to hear of the passing of your MIL. It's so nice that your grandchildren were able to visit recently and that you have photos.

  32. Life is short, your MIL is whole once again. It is hard to say goodbye to those we love so dearly. Beautiful fabrics, you will find a way to make the pattern work

  33. Hugs to you all - so sorry that you are once again experiencing loss my friend! It is always good to know that a loved one is free though, even though we miss them. Applique???? Yep, you'll find another way for sure :). You're going to LOVE those scissors! I have them in all 3 sizes and use them pretty much exclusively now. Love your eclipse blocks and think I may have to make one myself :)

  34. I know your family will be reminiscing this Thanksgiving about your sweet MIL. DH's mom passed away the day before thanksgiving in '09 and each year, she is with us as we prep and eat with thankfulness in our hearts that we had her with us all those years. She was 95.

  35. Bless your MIL and family during these difficult times. It is wonderful that you have such fond memories to help get through the sadness. Anxious to see how you figure out a way around the applique. Nice even stitches in that wreath. Sasquatch...there is a design for everything :) Sewing will wait, family first. Hugs for all. Sandi

  36. Prayers for you and DH!! Always hard to lose a loved one but it is comforting that we know they are safe and happy and pain-free where they have gone!! Amy's Solar Eclipse is so fun, love the stars all around and the Sasquatch quilt will be fun!! How interesting that a local shop is having a class at the perfect time!! Happy Thanksgiving and a big Happy Birthday!! A little something is coming your way so you can open it on Friday!! Ya know, a week long birthday is always so much more fun, right?

  37. I'm glad you got a short little birthday trip in :)
    Angie's quilt will be a fun one!!!
    Lovely little eclipse blocks.
    Also, I love the look on Grandma's face as she watched Maggie :)

  38. Oh Janet. So sorry to hear about your mother in law's passing. you've certainly had more than your share of deaths recently! She did have a good life and it was great that she got to enjoy all the great grandkids!
    Love your hand quilting; love all your projects, truth be told.
    Love to your family.
    Happy Birthday, too!

  39. My sympathies are with you and your family. Losing a mom is so hard... and before a holiday. You were lucky to be close enough to be there. So nice to have family together.

  40. I am so far behind in my blog reading.... I'm sorry to hear of your mother-in-law's passing but know that she's more comfortable where she is -- and it sounds like she didn't leave with regrets. Blessings to her family and all who loved and will miss her.

    Despite all, I hope you had (will have) a happy birthday, Janet. So often we don't get to choose the circumstances surrounding our birthdays.

    Your feathered wreath looks beautiful -- beautifully quilted. That block is one I'm determined to make one of these days. I've been thinking about all the open space in the center of the block and how to quilt it. I don't think I can do anything as detailed as your wreath.

    You found some nice fabric to buy at the quilt shop.

  41. So very sorry to read of the passing of your MIL. May your memories sustain you during this time. Thinking of you and your family.

  42. Sympathy to your family on the passing of your mother. Glad you have good memories, and that she has gone to a better place. Hope your special birthday was a great celebration in the midst of it all.


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