
Monday, September 18, 2017

International Quilt Invitational Exhibition

Since I am accomplishing absolutely no stitching right now, I thought I would share with you a few favorite quilts from the International Quilt Invitational Exhibit. It was on display at a little museum over the mountains, and DH and I dropped in one day last month. There wasn't a single quilt in a style I would make (most of them were applique), but I loved seeing the variety of lovely, and clever quilts. Hope you see something you like.
This is Leaf Hoppers, and from a distance it appears to be a unique take on a Baltimore Album quilt. Well, it is unique, all right. Look closer.

Click on any of the photos to enlarge them.

This was a fun quilt. Made me want to go home and watch an old movie. :)

This quilt seemed to exude grace and fluidity. I felt like the fish would move any minute. Beautifully made!

Had to include this fun explosion of color!

Of course I would include a mini quilt! :)


 This quilt was stunning!

I think I stared at this quilt the longest. Not only was the subject matter touching, but the techniques and execution had me captivated.

On the home front, Maggie is keeping us smiling, and moving!
Below, left, is DH with all of our grandchildren (so far). Maggie loves being with her cousins!

And she keeps her great-grandmas entertained!

I have tried to pop in and read a blog or two now and then. Sometimes I even have time to comment. But for two more weeks my presence in blogland will continue to be spotty, and for a very good reason!

Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. i agree with you on the quilts...they are gorgeous but none i would make...and beautiful are totally blessed!

  2. Those are all exquisitely made quilts. I love seeing quilts like these at shows and spend a long time studying how the artist created them, even though I'm keenly aware that I wouldn't have the patience (or talent) to spend the hundreds of hours necessary to create something similar. Enjoy your time with those beautiful grandchildren, every moment together is a blessing for all of you!

  3. Beautiful quilts that are really works of art. They are so over the top for a traditional quilter like me! Thanks for sharing. Wonderful pics of the kids and the delight they bring. Enjoy the time to be with them and make lots of memories.

  4. Maggie looks like a lot of fun and a ball of energy! Those quilts are incredible! The bug quilt was very unique and fun. I can't get over how people can make those people faces look so life like in their quilts. They are truly gifted artists. It's good to hear from you!

  5. I'm the same - not quilts that I would ever make, but they are all really creative and beautiful. Just amazing! I think my favorite picture is the last one - so cute! Hope you are having a great time with your family!

  6. Exceptional quilts. I like the bicycles quilt too. Quite an accomplishment. I do not have the art skills to do something like that.

  7. Fun, fun, fun quilts! Such beautiful work!!

    Enjoy that little doll!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  8. THANK YOU for sharing the Quilts from the Exhibit in Brigham City! I am so sad I didn't get to go and see them first hand. You do have the BEST Excuse for non-Blog hopping. Every minute is a memory!

  9. Beautiful quilts! Beautiful family! Thanks for sharing. Each family picture put a smile on my face. ---"Love"

  10. fiber art at its finest. I have to say, as much as I can appreciate these works, I still like to see "traditional quilts" when I got to an exhibit/show.

  11. Just amazing quilts--I wouldn't undertake any either--but they are really inspiring...thanks for sharing...hugs, Julierose

  12. Wonderful family photos Janet - how special to have this time together :-) Looks like an interesting exhibition , I have seen some of those quilts in cool you were able to see them in person. It's nice to see other types of quilting and appreciate it, even if it's not quite your cup of tea.

  13. It seems we all agree - we are grateful to see the quilts but have no desire to make them. I about dropped on the floor when I read that the bicycle quilt used 114 threads. Not in my lifetime will I use 114 different types of thread. Enjoy the continued family time - looks like all y'all are having a grand time!

  14. Lovely family pics. The appliqued poppy miniature is breathtaking. Makes me want to sew....but something bigger!

  15. What a wonderful post!! Those quilts are beyond amazing!! My fav is the bug quilt - that is so creative and exquisite all at the same time!! So happy you are having some wonderful family time with DD! and Maggie!! Great picture of DH and grandkids!!

  16. fabulous quilts.............lovely family photo's too.

  17. The Bike Boys is a marvellous quilt. I was lucky enough to see it at The Festival of Quilts last year - or the year before, time rushes by so fast! Lovely family photos. Apparently our neighbour' granddaughter walks around with her great grandmother 's walking frame, just like your picture.

  18. Amazing quilts and, like you, I just like to admire them. Enjoy all the fun times with your family, you'll have plenty of time to sew later!

  19. Thanks for the free admission to the highlights of the quilt show! Glad that you are spending quality time with your family, too.

  20. Thanks for such great photos of the exhibit! love those leaf hoppers.
    What wonderful family photos and times you are having! enoy

  21. So fun for all the cousins to be together and get to know each other! They all look very happy!!
    What great quilts! I'd never make them, but I can appreciate all the work,

  22. It's perfectly reasonable for you to be playing with the little princess rather than blogging!! The quilts you photographed are works of art for sure. I'm glad someone else has the patience to make them!!! LOL!!!

  23. I think those pictorial quilts are just amazing! I can see why you spent so much time looking at that one. Thanks for sharing the pictures from the show.
    I just love seeing the pictures of your grandkids--- I'll bet Maggie is just loving it! What a great opportunity for her!!
    Hope you're surviving, too!

  24. Thanks for sharing the quilt exhibition. I too loved the Eager to learn quilt! It is mesmerizing. Great family photos! Enjoy!

  25. Not sure how I missed this post. Those quilts are beyond gorgeous. I recognized several of them from other exhibits. The workmanship is truly incredible. Loved seeing your family photos. You've got a little doll there along with your other beautiful grands.

  26. Breathtaking quilts, but I cannot imagine ever making one. True works of art!

    Like you, blog reading has been on the back burner, but for the best of reasons! Time with family is so precious! What a beautiful family you have and making a lifetime of treasured memories is the best way to spend our days!


I love to have your comments and feedback.