
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Marvelous Mini Flimsy and some sundry things

I have stolen sewing moments here and there and put together my Temecula Marvelous Mini Monday SAL blocks. I made my own setting, as you will recognize if you follow Temecula's blog. I really like the blocks on point.
I had to make 2 extra of the "easy block", one extra sampler block(I made a friendship star), and another one of those supposed-to-be-36-patches-but-mine-are-49-patches blocks. I toyed with bordering it, but so far it will stay as shown. 

While in the sewing room, I also finally finished stitching the two blocks that I had partially assembled in my Midnight Flight class with Bonnie Hunter a couple of months ago.
I am liking these blocks more than I thought I would, but there are so many ways they can go wrong, and I have tried a few of them already.
This layout takes more brain power than I possess at the odd hours I usually find time to sew. I hope I can eventually at least make a lap quilt or throw from this pattern.

This is a Buttermilk Basin Banner that I started quilting near the end of last year. Then Dad passed away and this hasn't seen the light of day until this week. Seemed to be the right time of year to finish it off.
Finally sewed the machine side of the binding on. It is pinned to the other side awaiting some hand stitching time. That is why the edges look wavy, and the corners appear to be curling in on themselves.

You can see the quilting best on the left. What do you quilt on a pumpkin banner border? Pumpkin seeds, of course!

You may recall the little quiltlets I made for my daughters from the leftover bits of my Mom's last quilt. (you can see her quilt in this post.) Mom had named it her Happy Quilt.

After the difficult summer my brother has had, with three heart procedures, I figured he could use some "happy".

I am out of the yellow fabric that formed the setting triangles, but I can make the center section using bits that were still left after I also made a quiltlet for me last year. So this will be handwork to keep me busy for a little while.

When I get the hexie flower finished and appliqued, I will audition other fabrics from the quilt to see if  something else works to set it on point, or if it will stay a small, straight-set square. Then I will hand quilt it, as I did the others.

My prayers are with those who have been devastated by storms in the south, or are anticipating them, as well as those dealing with the fires in the west.
We are looking forward to the arrival of DD#1 and her daughter tomorrow, as they escape the smoky Pacific Northwest. We are smoky, too, but not quite as bad.  Angie and Maggie will be here the rest of the month, so I may be playing more than I am blogging. But I will be back. :)
Until then,
Janet O.


  1. I love the way you finished off the Temecula SAL. The dark setting triangles really set of the blocks and make them shine. The Midnight Flight blocks are so crisp and clean. They make me feel like my life is in order. The Pumpkin WH is sweet and I love pumpkin seed quilting. It will look cute hanging up for the fall. I have some of the fabric you are using for your hexies. It's a good one. The sunshine this morning reflected orange in the house. I'm so dismayed by all the wildfires in the west.

  2. Your Marvelous Mini is a masterpiece! I'm also loving those complex Midnight Flight blocks and understand completely how one could become befuddled while putting them together! Enjoy your time wth your daughter and that precious grandgirl, and we'll see you when they depart - grandbabies are too precious and grow up way too fast, we need to spend all the time we can with them.

  3. Your SAL looks great - I like it the way it is - with no border. Have lots of fun with your daughter and granddaughter!

  4. Always wonderful projects! Your Temecula SAL is fabulous! And that little pumpkin runner is darling and the quilting is impeccable! Sorry to hear about your brother! Your family is often in my prayers!

    Oh my, have such a fun time with your daughter and granddaughter! What a treat!

    The weather has been treacherous for many! Those affected are definitely in our thoughts and prayers! We've had friends and family affected, but thankfully no lives lost of those we know!

    Best go for now! I'm trying to be mor diligent about blogging again! But making time is proving a challenge. I got out of the habit!

    Blessings and hugs my friend!

  5. Beautiful work. I really love those BH star blocks, something about stars in plaid. Enjoy your extended visit with family.

  6. Your work is just stunning Janet. I love your pumpkin banner - is it a mixture of wool & cotton fabrics? Your little quiltlets certainly are Happy!! Yes the poor folk dealing with the storms & the fires have been in my thoughts & prayers also. It has been on our news way over here alot too.

  7. So cute, looks like all Kansas Troubles fabrics? I like the Bonnie Hunter plaid blocks I'm glad to hear to are testing how not to put them together this will be helpful if I ever make this! We are hearing a lot about the goings on in USA and it doesn't look good at all. Take care xxx

  8. I love your layout for the Temecula blocks!!

  9. Your Temecula quilt looks great. I'll have to peek at their website to see what the original pattern looks like. Your pumpkin banner and mini quilts are really cute. You are finishing the pumpkin banner just in time for fall. I can't keep my eyes off the news and weather stations; so much terrible going on right now. I hope you daughter has a safe trip! You guys have fun!!

  10. Lovely banner, and you are right! The perfect time of year for it! I really love your stitch hung right in there with, as I am lax to do sometimes.

  11. Excellent work, Janet! I especially like the plaid blocks. If there's a mstake, I don't see it!

  12. Your Marvelous Mini layout is wonderful. The Midnight Flight blocks are coming along nicely.

  13. I love your setting for the sew along quilt! Nice that you've got it assembled already. Cute pumpkin! I have yet to embrace any fall decor. Have fun with your little projects--and family time!

  14. The sew along setting is very striking with the interplay of lights and darks in all of the sashings. Great eye movement to it. Glad to hear that Angie and Maggie will leave the smoky fire zone and I pray their home will stay safe.

  15. Love the mini layout....very you and looks perfect as it is. Making a statement with your own style and not always following the crowd. It's go to get some found lovelies completed and really like the pumpkin seed quilting.
    I am up early, worrying about my brother...big sister and all that. He is in Naples, Florida and doesn't look like that is a good place to be as the storm is taking aim at them. We are ready if she lasts long enough to encroach on our area.

  16. I really like this layout - it is so much more interesting to me. But then I always like things on point.
    Sweet little "happy quilts" and yes, your brother does need one. I hope he is doing well.
    super cute pumpkin quilts. I love the pumpkin seed design too - perfect.
    those plaid blocks are great, but look really tricky

  17. Your marvelous mini is well-done, great set!

  18. You had an industrious week! Your Temecula mini quilt is beautiful! The pumpkin seed quilting looks challenging. I'm curious, do you draw the quilt pattern on the fabric before fmq? I love the little quiltlets! What size are they? I agree with you on the midnight flight block, we really need to study placement. The end result will be amazing though. Enjoy you visit wth your daughter and grand daughter!

  19. I love your setting of the Temecula blocks! So pretty. Your Midnight Flight blocks are lovely. And, yes I do see how they could go awry, but yours are perfect. Your brother will be thrilled to have a little piece of you and your mother in this happy little quilt. I wish him the best. I will put him in my prayers along with all the victims of our latest natural disasters. Stay safe.

  20. Enjoy your time with the girls!
    As always, wonderful projects. I'm particularly drawn to the blue plaid.

  21. I LOVE how you set your Temecula mini blocks. And the addition of the 6th 49-patch is perfect.
    SO glad that Angie and Maggie are going to be able to come and stay with you for the rest of the month... you are a saint, Janet!
    Hope your brother is finally doing better; and your mom (and mother in law) as well!

  22. You sure have gotten a lot done in your stolen moments. Love the way you set the Temecula SAL. Sorry your daughter and granddaughter have to escape those fires. Glad you get to benefit from it. Have fun!

  23. beautiful littles as the temecula layout...and enjoy time with angie and if i had to tell

  24. I love blocks set on point. I am stitching binding tonight. Last minute as usual. Have deadline looming tomorrow. I could turn it in Sunday, but I prefer to get it in on Saturday. Sunday is busy enough. Glad your Daughter cam come home. Guess you aren't going to see her afterall. Smoke is still at hazardous levels here.

  25. Oh Janet O - your Mini Monday is beyond fabulous!! I love the way you set it with the blocks on point!! So glad DD#1 is coming to stay with you for the month!! We got rain here along the coast yesterday while I was at Arizona Beach (very close to the big fire in the SW corner of the state) and so the air is quite a bit cleaner today!! But the fires keep raging!! Have fun with your daughter and grand baby!! Wow, three weeks, what a treat!! :-))

  26. I like your mini setting much better than the one Temecula used.

  27. I'm always amazed with your creativity and talent! Your setting for the marvelous minis is absolute perfection! :-)

  28. You are so talented. Those Bonnie Hunter blocks are quite eye catching--I mean, really stunning--but with all the striping, I can see how that would take a LOT of brain power to get it all laid out correctly! Whew!! How many more of those will you do??! :)

  29. There is just something about setting a quilt on point--just adds more interest and kicks the quilting up a notch. Love the way you used the mini square blocks in the middle of the quilt. Whew that Bonnie Hunter is above my skill level--requires to much thinking for this simple minded quilter

  30. Wait! What? Did I spy hexies on Janet's blog? I MUST be imagining things. 😘 LOL.

    You always have so many stunning projects to share - it's hard to pic a favorite, especially since you have a wide range of skills. I would love to make Bonnie's blocks some day but it is daunting with so many pieces. Someday...

  31. Love how you did the setting for your mini blocks... I've not gotten that far yet. Kudos to you for doing those 49-patch blocks... what a challenge! You've been busy with all these sewing projects. Enjoy the time with your daughter and grand baby... th fires are awful and hurricane destruction is as well.

  32. I love the Marvelous Minis set on point! That was a great idea, and makes your finish very unique. I sewed along with the marvelous minis, too, and also changed up my finished quilt, but I really like yours a lot!

  33. I do like how you have set your Temecula blocks Janet - great work :-) And your Bonnie's blocks in the plaids look really good - if you can manage it, a (small) quilt of them will be really stunning. Gorgeous pumpkin piece - and the seeds quilting, just perfect. I hope you have a lovely time with your family - and the smoke eases - I didn't realise it was so bad (and I'm very late in commenting, so the situation has probably changed again!)

  34. I love the layout of your Temecula blocks, especially the dark setting triangles. I really must try dark fabric sometime. Midnight Flight does look like a challenging block. So many of Bonnie's quilts have blocks with lots of pieces. Your pumpkin seeds on your pumpkin banner look great. Will you hang it on a door or somewhere else?

    I hope you are having great fun with your daughter and granddaughter. Those little ones grow too fast not to spend as much time as possible with them.

  35. Lovely work you are doing. I really like the pumpkin quilt. Your quilting really enhances your pieces. Enjoy your family. Hope you are all safe.

  36. Janet, have a great time with family. My family in Florida is safe having dealt in the worst way with stress. Nothing to upset the property except for a couple of screens. DD#1 doesn't have property in jeopardy I hope. I too stock up on hand stitching projects when I won't be able to be at my machine. I remember Midnight Flight assembly just as you have described. All nice projects! Sandi

  37. Love your Temecula Mini! AND all the others as well! Makes me want to be retired soon! So glad you will have time with Angie and dear little Maggie! Grandchildren and the most-treasured pleasure of being "older"!!

  38. ARE the most-treasured pleasure! Gotta do better proofing!

  39. I am getting caught up on blog reading. I hope you had a wonderful visit with your daughter.
    Love your quilts, as usual!! I am stealing sewing moments here and there too.


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