
Friday, September 29, 2017

While Maggie slept...

...and her Mom was at lunch with her sister and a mutual friend a couple of days ago, I finally tackled clues 1, 2, and 3 of Humble Quilts' Palmateer Point Quiltalong. I knew I needed to get them completed before the final clue is released Monday, or I might never do it at all.
Since time was very limited, I decided that the only way I would accomplish my task was to use some pre-made pieces. The HSTs were from a large bag of bonus triangles a friend had given me a couple of years ago. They had served as my leader/enders at one time, so they were all stitched together, and just needed trimming. I have used them in several small quilts already and was glad there were enough blue ones left to be used here. But the pattern called for 3" finished HSTs. Based on the size of these bonus triangles, I had to cut mine to be 1" finished.

For my 4-patches, I used a bunch of extras I had from Lori's last QAL, Quilters Madder. I only had to make six more.

My 4-patches would have been large enough for Lori's original instructions, but I needed to trim them way down to match the size of the HSTs. Feels good to be caught up on this!

Today is my younger sister's birthday, so I have spent a few late hours recently, putting together ornaments for her from my Dad's two favorite blue plaid shirts. Now my Mom and all of my siblings have their ornaments, along with my two daughters. That just leaves my sons and myself to make them for before Christmas.


A shout of thanks to my good friend, Victoria, for this lovely bundle of Judie Rothermel Miniatures that came to my home not long ago. They are almost too lovely to cut, and yet that is just what I plan to do! Many of them will be going into an upcoming project that may remain secret for a couple of months. I will share it when I can.

With my daughter and granddaughter using the guest room and family room for their beds this month, my sewing room has been called upon to do duty as another guest room when other family members have joined us on weekends. This means that my sewing room is cleaner than it has been in a long time. It was a bedroom in a former life, and isn't a large room. That means it will never be tidy, but this is where I feel my creative energy.
The west wall, broken up by the closet. Also contains the window that overlooks the pasture and the mountains that I often share in photos here.
My 7 1/2' x 8' design wall is on the south side of the room. It currently holds several reminders of how I need to get quilting those little quilts again!
The north wall is the "sewing" side of the room. My HQ Sweet Sixteen is joined by my Featherweight, and my Mom's old Bernina--the machine on which I first learned to sew.
The east wall is the home of my cutting table, and my wall of quilts from friends (except the one under the clock). Other quilts from friends are displayed throughout the house. I change the quilts around as the mood strikes me.
I am sorry for all of the blogs I haven't been able to keep up with lately. I am just trying to keep up with this little lady, and that is a full time job! She goes home with her mama in 3 days, so I am going to enjoy every last minute!
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. Good to see that you're joining in on Lori's quilt-along! I cut and stitched parts 2 and 3 last night. Your sewing room is so lovely, and neat! Enjoy your days with Maggie, they are so enjoyable, if exhausting, at this age!

  2. We love to see and hear about your sewing bursts between glorious family times. Enjoy them while you can!

  3. Thank you for sharing your sewing room with us ! Oh my...I love it And it's nice to see your doll quilts on the walls !
    I'm participating in the Palmateer of Lori too ! What fun ! Yours is... tinyyyy ! But lovely as usual !
    Happy birthday to your sister !

  4. I love getting a peek at quilters' studios. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I love the picture of little Maggie running with the mountain in the background. Beautiful. Thank you for showing us your sewing room. It's always fun to see where others create. You have a nice space! Glad you were able to get a little sewing in while Maggie slept.

  6. In one of the photos, there is a black sewing machine. I can't see what brand it is but looks interesting. Is it what you sew on all the time?

  7. I didn't get started with the Quiltalong so will just admire from the sidelines! Your tiny ornaments and sewing room tour I am happy to admire--all the little quilts❤️ Enjoy your Grandma time.

  8. Hooray - you are set for Lori’s next instructions on her QAL too! You are so efficient - I never seem to have just the right treasure chest of extra units. Always great fun to peek into other quilters sewing areas - yours is much larger than mine and definitely more organized and neat. But, thankful to have a dedicated space no matter! I remember when sewing at the dining room table and having a few tote boxes was the norm.

  9. What a sweet gift for your sister! I hope to catch up with Lori's QAL this weekend if I can finish up my Primitive Garden block for a Facebook SAL. I already have leftover sewn parts too, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Have fun with your GD--much more important than reading blogs, for sure!

  10. Enjoy your granddaughter! There will be time for sewing another day. I'd say you are doing a good job keeping up and tidy... Have a lovely day. Sandi

  11. Glad you're able to sneak in a little sewing time. I wanted to do Lori's mystery but kept my self busy on previously started projects. I've quilted half of my repair job for my DIL's father. I will be quite relieved to have that project behind me.

  12. Enjoyed seeing where you create your "Tinys". Looks like you need to step lively to keep up with Miss Maggie!!

  13. Loved seeing where you hang out and create your awesome quilts. I guess it pays to have extra pieces handy to get some piecing done quickly. Enjoy your time together with Maggie and your daughter.

  14. Thank you for the tour of your sewing space. It's a very welcoming space. I just love all your miniatures. They never cease to amaze me. I'm glad you're enjoying time with your granddaughter instead of the computer. The blogs will still be there after she leaves!

  15. I started my Humble Quilts project yesterday 😊. Your room is really nice I love your little quilts. Enjoy that grandbaby! Hugs,

  16. You're ahead of me on that SAL. Nice to see your space. Yes, that grandchild is worth all the Blog-time missed.

  17. love your progress on the sew along...and that sewing room that you call small looks pretty spacious and well supplied...the view sounds awesome! that vic is sooo generous...

  18. Loved seeing your "wall of friends"! How fun! Your space is really lovely. Enjoy time with that precious little girl! And gracious, Janet, you are one of the most faithful blog readers out there! :)

  19. Your sewing room is fabulous! Like quilt heaven on earth. Does Maggie have some extra energy she could share with me?

  20. You are certainly staying busy with all the family visiting yet still getting in a bit of sewing (or trimming down) time. You'll miss Maggie when she's gone but you'll have your projects to keep busy. Love the ornaments... haven't started on mine, seems like there is always something else that just has to be done.

    Great sewing room set up... it'd be a pleasure to work there!

  21. So fun to tour around your sewing space!
    Happy to see you joined in on the quiltalong!

  22. What a delight to be allowed into your studio for a peek Janet!!! It looks so cozy and full of inspiration everywhere I look :) Which begs the question - how do you get anything done with all that eye candy there on the walls to distract you? LOL As usual, you have been very clever in using what is available to meet the needs of your quilting projects. I love it when I can pull out pieces left from an old project to make do on a new one! Uh-oh - you better quit reading comments and find Maggie - she looks like she would be a tough one to keep up with!

  23. So fun to have your house full of family! Love your sewing room too!! I'd never get any sleep in there!
    Your choices for the quiltalong are great! I just put the final touches on the post for tomorrow.

  24. I love how you had to cut bigger blocks down to match the small blocks you already had! Good on you squeezing in a moment to sew a little. And how nice it is to see your sewing space - it seems well organised and chock-a-block full of inspiration :-)

  25. An absolutely lovely post! Maggie is such a doll! So glad you got to spend time! LOVE your sewing space! I know how "needed" it is! I've just spent a couple hours in mine! Finishing up a project or two, planing another dozen (LOL) and just enjoying my time there! Mike even says my room is a peaceful place to enter!! Looking forward to your SAL results! Love those blues!!

    Blessings and hugs my dear friend! You inspire me!

  26. Oh I loved seeing your sewing space. It is so cozy and creative. Does you door go out to the deck? how nice!
    What a cute photo of Maggie. What a fun but busy time you've been having.
    Your new pineapple ornaments are so special with your dads plaids.
    So clever of you to use some pre-made units for the SAL.

  27. I love seeing where people sew. Thank you so much for sharing pictures of your room. I like to picture my friends in their "happy place". That little lady is really getting big. I she will be missed when they leave. Enjoy the day!

  28. What a great space and I love all your mini quilts. Enjoy your family time.

  29. Your Humlbe Quilts QAL will be Just Darling in the minute size! Your ornaments for your family from your Dad's shirts are such a labor of love! And I know how Lovely and Perfect they are since I have a Christmas one you sent me! Thanks for the peek into your sewing (creation) room....will never dare to show mine! The photo of Dear little Maggie running across the field is precious.......Enjoy your time with her!

  30. Oh, wow, all your projects are just great!! I am amazed at how much you got done this month with the two girls here!! I'll bet with a sigh of relief you are very sad to see them go!! What a treasured time for all of you!! Your sewing room looks fabulous - kinda like mine!! ;-0 I LOVE the pineapple ornaments from your Dad's shirts!! What a special gift for your sister!!

  31. I have not read any blogs in a week so I'm just catching up. I'll guess by now that Maggie and Angie are gone and your house is empty... which is probably a good and bad thing!
    I loved having the chance to see your sewing room! I even recognized at least one small quilt on the wall! ;-)
    I didn't see where you have your fabric stashed...
    always love seeing what you're doing, Janet!!

  32. I love the shots of your quilting room...such a fun place to be :)!

  33. Thank you for the glimpse into your busy and beautiful life. Embrace each and every blessing today. Sending you hugs~


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