
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Lots of Fall Projects--and a little fun

This Buttermilk Basin Pattern, "Give Thanks", is finally ready to be basted and quilted. I shrunk the pattern, so what would have been 42" x 50" is now almost 25", by just over 26". I made mine a little more of a square.

I had SO much trouble trying to choose borders for this. The wovens and plaids I had just didn't work. Still not sure I made the right choice, but after auditioning every combination of Fall colors under the sun, in a variety of fabrics, this is what stuck. I only had a small piece of the outer border and ended up having to piece the top and bottom. It is most obvious on the bottom.

I still do pumpkins in November. I have these two smaller projects basted and ready to quilt. The stems on the two little pumpkins in the basket were too pale, if you recall, but they were also too well fused to be removed. So I took a brown Pigma pen and lightly shaded them to give a little more contrast with the background. We do what we have to do!

My version of Lori's Quilters Madder is also ready for basting and quilting. I did put the HSTs all around. Down the sides the measurements worked out well with the border, but across the top and bottom, not so much. After wrestling and wrangling to make them fit, I did the truly "humble quilt" thing and chopped off the borders.
I really like this little quilt. Madders warm my heart! When I was choosing fabrics for the border I found a gorgeous madder paisley that a friend had given me. It isn't as obvious all chopped up, but it is so pretty (the quilt Lori used as inspiration had a chopped up madder paisley in the border HSTs). There was no selvage, so I didn't know what it was. I sent off a photo to Cyndi and I was able to get a couple more yards from her shop. Thank you, Cyndi!

Again, I made the blocks half the size of the original. After quilting this will probably end up being about 14" x 17".
I read on Marian's blog that this is the 7th SAL she has done with Lori. That made me think of how many I have made. Since I started following Lori in 2011 I have only skipped one of them, and a couple of times I made two. Thinking this might be my eighth SAL with her.  I have created some of my favorite quilts from these opportunities.

The only real "finish" I have here is my little turkey pillow from my fusible test. This was also from a Buttermilk Basin pattern--a pincushion, I believe.

Finally, I am doing another "really out of character for me" project (like the Floating Foxes from last year), but I LOVE it.  Joanne, over at Canuckquilter, has designed such a fun baby quilt pattern called Tic Tac Who? There are three versions--Tic Tac Quack, with a duck; Tic Tac Woof, with a dog; and Tic Tac Hoot, with an owl. They are all so sweet, but I was especially drawn to the owl. When she asked for pattern testers, I couldn't help myself, even though I usually don't do such things. And look at the size of those blocks--8"! I've made quilts smaller than that! *LOL* It was really fun to make progress in bigger leaps and bounds for a change!

I started the cutting on Monday night, began the sewing Tuesday night, and have squeezed in a few hours each day. Last night I got it down to just needing the borders attached. The lighting on the photo isn't the best, but the background is a tan with cream dots. I may add a green outer border to make it a tad bigger. Joanne hopes to have the pattern ready for sales soon--possibly next month. I have to say that her directions are very clear and concise. Everything went together very smoothly!
Thanks, Joanne, for letting me play with your pattern. I may have to make the Woof version down the road.

I have held drawings for the books offered in my last post. Winners are as follows:
Rachel's Reel--Summer
For All Seasons--Raewyn
Prairie Flowers Encore--Doniene
Emma's Courtyard--Gale
If you are named above, please contact me with your address so I can get them sent your way. If I don't hear from you by Tuesday, Nov. 8th (U.S. Election Day) I will draw another name.
Until next time, Janet O.


  1. Lori's quilt-alongs are always so much fun, aren't they. Every time I skip one because I think I'm 'too busy' I'm always sorry. Your madders and the border paisley are beautiful, and I think the borders on your "Give Thanks" quilt are a perfect fit for the blocks. Can't see where you pieced them, so don't tell anyone!

  2. All your projects are wonderful!I love the various Thanksgiving/ Fall themed ones. And your version of Quilters Madder is beautiful.
    [what are the birght colored bits where things are maybe basted, on your wool projects?]

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  3. Madders is perfect!! I wish I had put a border on mine, but alas, still happy timbale a complet finish! As always, love all your wool work. And who'd doesn't love pumpkins! Mine go up in September and stay till after thanksgiving!!

    Wahoo! So excited to see me name next to Prairie Flowers Oncore! I have eyed this. Ok for some time just never ordered it! God new there was one down the road for me! Thanks for being so very generous, not to only me, but you bless and encourage many!

    Pleasant evening my friend!

  4. Love your shrunken projects! Creativity and humble solutions are both winners if they equate a finish, I'd say! Fun owl quilt, love those greens. I've done 2-3 of the quilt-alongs with Lori, and 3 doll quilt swaps. So fun!

  5. You got me started following Lori. Nice to do an SAL along with you this time. I may add the hsts to mine later. Good finishes are a plus!

  6. Congratulations to the winners. You have yummy selection of projects.

  7. Janet, you're so clever making your blocks smaller i love how your quilt turned out, and i love seeing all the different madder prints.. makes me want to make another madder inspired quilt! I also love your yummy paisley hst border.. frames it perfectly :))

  8. such pretty projects usual! love "give thanks" and your little turkey, your madder SAL too! the delight you find in your sewing/quilting is heard loud and clear thru your words!

  9. I love the Give Thanks project and it love so wonderful. Great fabrics for you Madder got a lot of movement with this selection:)
    Tic Tac Owl is a hoot!!! Very about a leaf or swirly print for the border?

  10. Give Thanks is really cute - I like it better smaller (not really a surprise!)! This might just be my favorite quilt of Lori's. I've only done one of her sew alongs, but love to see what everyone else comes up with. EIGHT INCH BLOCKS!?! Did it about kill you? I have a tough time making big blocks too.

  11. Your fall quilts all look so beautiful. I love the border fabric you chose for Give Thanks. It is perfect with the inner border. Your madder quilt is lovely too. You always do such nice work.

  12. Wow! I really love how your smaller version of the Give Thanks finished up and the Madder quilt is sooo pretty! The fabric and block style go together perfectly! Tic Tac Who is going to be a hot seller! Those shades of green with that sweet owl make this such a happy and soothing quilt for a baby!
    Now... with all of this awesome inspiration you have provided this morning... I had better turn off this computer and get to stitching!!! Have a SUPER Sunday!

  13. I love all your autumn quilts--very warm and welcoming! I am feeling a little regretful for not doing the madder quilt SAL--all of them that I'm seeing around the web are so charming and sweet. I think you found the perfect fabric to finish yours off!

  14. amaze me with all your wonderful projects! Love,love your Lori's madder quilt you made...everything about it is "WONDERFUL" are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing!!!

    Hug's, Carolyn

  15. I love your smaller version of Give Thanks. So many beautiful little quilts! The owl quilt is very sweet, perfect baby quilt!

  16. Hi Janet - I adore the border fabric on your Give Thanks quilt - I think it's perfect! I'm kicking myself for not doing Lori's Madder quilt - I wonder if she still has the directions on her blog? Love your little tray of stitched goodies - lots of eye candy in there. Cute, cute, cute baby quilt!

  17. Your "Give Thanks" quilt turned out great!!! I'm tempted to this one now.

  18. The Thanksgiving piece turned out so nice! I love your little madder quilt. The HSTs add such a nice embellishment to the whole piece. I was in Cache Valley yesterday. It was a beautiful day. We picked up some gallons of cider at Zollinger's, visited my cousin, bought some shoes at Herberger's, and ended up stopping for banana milk at Gossner's for our grandson (and his dad).

  19. Your newest Autumn quilts are wonderful and your small version of Quilts Madder is fabulous. Improvising on your pumpkin stems is exactly what you have to do. It was an easy fix.

  20. Janet, I love your Lori SAL!! Adorable. The addition of the hsts adds a lot! (makes it bigger, too!! LOL). And your Buttermilk Basin applique is fabulous!! You never cease to amaze me with the variety of what you do!!

  21. Your small version of Giving Thanks is wonderful. I think you did an excellent job matching the fabric and it looks great. I audition a lot of fabrics too and like the challenge. Your SAL quilt is great - doesn't it feel freeing to chop chop chop?
    I also leave out my pumpkins for Thanksgiving. I just love your little box display. so festive.
    Your new baby quilt is very cute! I hadn't seen that pattern.

  22. I can't believe that you did a quiltalong that I didn't?!?! What is going on in the universe?!? LOL
    When I saw the linky party I was so sad that I didn't join in... such a lovely range of quilts from that mystery pattern!
    Your fall projects are gorgeous... as always!

  23. Love the border on the Give Thanks quilt. Great choice. I really had to look for where you pieced it and I would NOT have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. So happy to hear that Cyndi came to your rescue with the madder quilt fabric. She has rescued me more than once! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Your madders quilt is so appealing - love the paisley! A great finish on your Thanksgiving quilt - love how you reduced the size. That is often a perfect choice and makes it uniquely yours. It looks like you are ready for the Fall and Thanksgiving season - pumpkins rule!!!

  25. You inspire me with all the small quilts you make! I am glad you have so many Thanksgiving quilts as this season is such a great one that deserves to be celebrated and enjoyed so lots of levels.

    I have a very selfish request...could you share your gluten free chocolate chip cookie recipe? I have been traveling so I am just getting caught up with lots of things in my life. Thank you if you can. But thank you for having such a great blog I have enjoyed for many years!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Dondi. Unfortunately, you have your profile set for "noreply" so I cannot respond to you directly.
      I would be happy to share the recipe, if you could send me your email. I know the chances of you seeing this are slim, but I don't have another option.

  26. Whoooo is that darling baby quilt for? :-)) 8 inch blocks - whattt? Give Thanks looks wonderful and your Madder quilt is fabulous!!

  27. I was "stopped" by the lovely colors in your header photo - my goodness, how pretty that would be in a quilt - a little bit softer than I usually do but it would work beautifully! Elaine Adair

  28. I think the border on the thanksgiving wool is perfect!
    Love those little pumpkins too :)
    The Madder is very striking...I think I need to put that on my list of "someday makes"
    Fun baby quilt!!! Where's it going to go?

  29. The quilting Madders is just beautiful! I love all your pretty mini's and the HST's on the border look great.

  30. Congratulations to the winners !
    Love your madder quilt ! lori's swaps are always a success. your little wool quilts yes ! :) they are very nice !
    I wish you a lovely day Janet (very important for American people today !)

  31. Your Give Thanks Quilt is wonderful!! And I love your little turkey pillow. You've been busy!!

  32. Sweet autumn projects, especially loved seeing the SAL you made with Lori. I was tempted but lacked time, such a lovely pattern.

  33. You know I am crazy about your "Quilters Madder" work! Those borders are great! Tic Tac Who is adorable. It's nice to see quilters that are willing to step out their comfort zone. Thanks for sharing that with us!

  34. I love your brown and madder border on the QM quilt, Janet. In fact, your quilt is the one that keeps me wondering if I should add a border to my quilt. It's nearing the point where I must begin quilting or I won't get it finished by the end of the month.

    The seam in the lower border of your Give Thanks quilt is not obvious at all. I looked and looked but couldn't see it. It was only when I scrolled back down that I had a hint of where it was. I think it's a great fabric for the border!

  35. All of your projects and works are lovely! Colors so well chosen. I still struggle with color combos. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Love your madder quilt!! And yes, soooooo out of character to see you make a quilt with 8" blocks. It would be fun to see some of your little quilts layed out to cover the owl quilt just for scale. Wouldn't that be a hoot?! OK - that was bad but when I'm stuck at work on a national holiday I get cranky...

  37. I think your border choice for Giving Thanks is just right. And I'm still in awe of the tiny pieces in your beautiful Quilter's Madder. Thanks for testing Tic Tac Hoot for me and sharing it here. I'm glad you were able to manage such large pieces :)

  38. So proud of you for chopping off the border to make it fit! I love it!!


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