
Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Light In The Window, etc., etc., etc.

This is a pattern from Journey Three of Pam Buda's Prairie Women's Sewing Circle. I have been wanting to make it for a long time, and when I saw her new Old Plum Calico line I knew that was what I had been waiting for. Several of you guessed correctly that I was referring to Pam's new line in my last post--and one of you even guessed the churn dash block!

Pam had sent me some small cuttings of the fabric before it was released to the public, and I started making the churn dash blocks right away. 
She had asked that I not share it until the fabric was available, so I held off posting.
Pam is a proponent of the "make do" philosophy of our prairie fore-mothers, and wrote into the instructions to make 3 "make do" blocks in the 20 that the pattern calls for.

I had decided that I would make as many blocks as the cuttings she had sent would make, no matter how much "making do" I had to do. As it turned out, I was able to squeeze out 13 blocks--five being "make do", and one of those five being extremely "make do". Thirteen is a hard number to put into a quilt, so I settled on 12 blocks, leaving the extreme "make do" block for something else.

When Pam offered a pre-order special on fat eighths and fat quarter bundles of her Old Plum Calico line I didn't hesitate to order a fat eighth bundle (that is a splurge for me). As I was making the blocks I decided to wait until the bundle arrived to make the setting triangles and borders.

The original is in blues and greens. I had decided to replace the blues with purples, and though I love purple and green together, I wanted to use a blue where her green had been. I was hoping for a lighter blue repro, but couldn't find one that clicked for me. I finally settled on this medium blue that is from another one of Pam's lines.

Between the cuttings from Pam and the fat eighth piece I was able to make all of the setting triangles out of the same fabric. When it came to the border I had to make two of them from one fabric and two from another. That is okay with me. I like that look.

I am really happy with my "Light In The Window". Now it goes into my greatly diminished, but still growing "to-be-quilted minis" pile.

I fell behind immediately on my Quilters Madder (SAL at humblequilts blog) project. Spent the past couple of days trying to catch up. As usual, I complicated things.

I made the blocks half the size in the pattern (surprised, right?). It will finish at about 15" x 18".  I also added a row, and I included the HSTs on the two sides as in the inspiration photo Lori shared. 
My seam ripper has kept me company on this project. I have miscalculated many things in adjusting the block sizes, and had to make one whole step over again. There were also a few blocks that I had turned the wrong way and it just looked too busy and crazy to me to leave it that way. 
What I love most about this project is that it contains bits and pieces of fabrics from three special friends I have "met" through blogging.
I have decided that I will put the HSTs on the top and bottom, too. They are in the works.


Speaking of things from friends, Karen (logcabinquilter blog) sent me some "scraps" (I use the term loosely), and included these sweet little applique blocks from a project for which she had lost her steam. I don't do needle-turned applique, but am in awe of those that do. Each of these sweet blocks will receive a border and be made into a little seasonal wall hanging. They are each about 8" square, and I will try to keep them to about 12" finished. Thank you, Karen! What a treasure.

Also, last year I received a box full of Jo Morton patterns from a friend that was dying of cancer. I finally went through them carefully and realized that I should pass the applique patterns to someone that will make good use of them.

If there is a lot of interest I will draw names for the individual books, so if you would like to be included, please indicate in your comment which titles interest you.

Until next time,
Janet O.

Drawing Closed!


  1. Your piecing is always so precise and makes for very neat work. Sweet and generous of you to share some of those lovely books.

  2. Another mini masterpiece. Your nick name is Mrs. Mini. I'm interested in the applique books.

  3. Your plum and blue creation is an absolute treasure! I really love that medium blue with the plum fabrics. A bundle of that fabric line is on my Christmas wish list. I'd be interested in Emma's Courtyard now that I'm becoming less and less apt to avoid applique.

  4. Simply amazing! I love both of the quilts you have here! :-) Very generous of Karen to send you those appliqued blocks.... have a great weekend!

  5. Thank you for sharing your churn dash blocks. The medium blue is perfect! Also thank you for sharing your patterns. I am interested in the Prarie Flowers. I enjoy reading your blog. So much great information and beautiful quilts. Maria R

  6. I always enjoy your quilts and stories...thanks for sharing your quilting journey with your readers. I love hand applique and would be interested in Praise Flowers, Rachel's Reel or For All Seasons.
    Karen's applique is beautiful; I follow her blog and enjoy her work.

  7. I did all of the Pam Buda's PWSC, except for the last one. My LQS didn't offer it. I love doing PWSC patterns & I always incuded the "make do blocks". I have to get her Old Plum Calico line. Plum colors are always so hard to fine.
    Your Quilter Madder SAL is nice and I like the idea of half sizing it! What a nice gift to get the applique blocks, can't wait to see how you finish them so please post pics!
    Another love is Jo Morton stuff. Again when my LQS offered JLWC, I joined. I have the "Rachel's Reel", but not the other ones. I would be thrilled to get any of the other ones. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Love your churn dash wall hanging. Setting color is great and shows off your precise work. Adore the nickname of Mrs. Mini....exact;y right. Your ideas to use the gifted applique blocks as seasonal minis is perfect. Look forward to seeing them. Hope someone really enjoys the books...glad you are passing them on.

  9. I always enjoy seeing your minis! I'm also a Jo Morton fan but since our Local quilt shop has closed I miss seeing her new books. The one I don't have is "For all Seasons" so throw my name in the mix for that one!

  10. I just saw an ad in the last day or two for the Old Plum line of fabrics and thought it looked good. You have made a very nice small quilt with the line. Love the addition of the blue. Just works so well.
    I have wanted to make the quilt from the "Emma" pattern for a long time but hve not done it. I did recently do a Baby Emma block which is the same design but for a different quilt design.

  11. I am always inspired by your beautiful mini's! I love the blue and purple together, and the churn dash is perfect! I love anything Jo Morton, and do not have any of those 4 books -- thanks so much for sharing -- both your wonderful quilts, and the books!

  12. P.S., I forgot to mention that I look forward to what you do with the applique blocks. It is always fun to see what someone does with a project I have tired of and passed on to another quilter.

  13. Thanks for sharing more of your beautiful work, with those pretty fabrics! You continue to inspire me. Your piecing is perfection personified! ---"Love"

  14. Oh I love the blue churn dash quilt. Those fabrics are gorgeous. The red one is pretty too. You amaze me with your mini's... such tiny little pieces. :))


  15. Love your Light in the Window quilt!! The purples are yummy - one of my favorite colors!! And the Quilter's Madder is amazing!! One of these days, yeah right, I am going to try needle turn appliqué!! Just not sure which day!! ;-0

  16. Love the plum fabric line and your cute quilt! I already have the Prairie Flowers encore book and did the quilt in wool. Any of the others would be wonderful! I am off to an applique club/class right now doing needleturn applique. Thanks.

  17. I love both of your new quilts. I think the substitution of plum and blue is perfect. That is really a sweet quilt. I love the red quilt as well. I spent yesterday afternoon resewing the same seam 4 times, so I feel your pain.

    I love to hand applique, so I would love to receive any of the books except Rachel's Reel. I have already made a couple of quilts using a reel pattern. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Your blue quilt is amazing as usual ! And I love your madder doll quilt ...I must finish mine before Monday !
    Karen sent to you lovely blocks . She is a wonderful appliqué quilter !

  19. Wow Mom! You have been busy :)
    Both the Light in the Window and Quilters Madder are lovely. I really like the two different border fabrics on the purple/blue as well.

  20. Your latest mini is beautiful.... I love the make do attitude and those blocks add extra interest and special-ness :-) Pam must be delighted to see what you have done with her leftovers! The madder adventure looks fun as well. It will be nice to see what you do with Karen's bits and the applique blocks. If you are doing a book drawing I would love to be included as I don't have a Jo Morton book.

  21. I think this new mini quilt is beautiful. The churn – block is always a good choice and these colors are very nice together. I'm looking forward to seeing how you quilt it. All the Jo Morton books look interesting. I am especially attracted to the Prairie Flowers Encore.

    1. So using the voice dictation option on my device made the dash in churn dash literally a dash. Oops.

  22. Such gorgeous quilts! No drawing for me, please.

  23. You KNOW "making do" is a way of life for me! LOL Your version of "Light in the Window" is really wonderful! I have to be honest with you......I am liking the hsts on the 2 sides of yours? I am gonna try for 2 sides now maybe? I see we used some of the same madders! LOL Not an applique'r here. But what a generous lot!

  24. How fun to have Karen's blocks to finish--I know you will make them into something adorable! I also use a lot of make-do and your Pam Buda project is wonderful. Although I'm not a big purple fan, the fabris are so pretty! I have all the books except Emma's Courtyard, so would love to be in the draw!

  25. Two beautiful mini quilts, I am especially in love with the purple churn dash blocks! I just cannot resist purple in reproduction, so I think a splurge on a fat bundle might be justified for me too! The little applique blocks are just darling, such a good idea to make them into seasonal mini's, they will be so good for decorating your house. I love Jo Morton, but I think that someone else might make better use of these patterns, as my applique to do pile is already large! Thanks for sharing.

  26. lovely use of scraps..i love those plum calicos...and you can put me in for "for all seasons" the red/white....i have the others i believe...

  27. OOOOHHHH Love those old plum calicos--they are on my shopping list. Another beautiful quilt--the borders are a hit.

  28. Your quilts came out beautiful! The colors are gorgeous! Emma's Courtyard looks interesting as well as Prairie Flowers Encore. I love Jo Morton's style and fabrics but don't have any of her books yet. I haven't done any applique recently, but was hoping to get back to it soon. One of these books would be just what I need. Thanks for the opportunity.

  29. Your quilts are wonderful as always! Thanks for the opportunity to win some Jo Morton! I have Rachel's Reels, but I would love any of the other three!

  30. The plum quilt turned out so lovely. I especially like the borders. Just the right touch!

  31. Your mini make do blocks are exquisite! If not already spoken for that prairie flowers. Encore book could have a home here in northern NY.

  32. I love your Light in the window. I never would have thought of the plum and blue together, but it really works. Those little tiny triangles in your Quilter's Madder add up to a lovely quilt. Looking at both of these I'm starting to think I need to start playing with reproduction fabrics once in a while!

  33. Love your mini quilt in these plum colors! Please include me in the drawing for the book Emma's Courtyard.
    Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  34. A lovely new line of fabric that has been put to great use - your new quilt is so soft and mellow - - beautiful puecing on those tiny blocks.

  35. The purple and blue in "A Light in the Window" quilt are perfect together, Janet, though not a combination I see very often. And isn't that title so much better than one of that block's other titles, "Hole in the Barn Door?"

    Your Madder quilt is lovely. I like your border and especially that it is like the border in the original. I finally finished sewing my blocks together yesterday but haven't had time to press the rows. I'm thinking of adding a row or two and am still deciding about a border.

    Lucky you to receive those sweet little applique blocks!

    Emma's Courtyard looks like a beautiful quilt. Would I ever make it? Maybe.

  36. Those applique blocks are sweet! I like "Emma's Garden."

  37. I really like your Quilters Madder mini. I don't think I have any madders but it appears I need to look for some. I think the HST border is a definite plus!

  38. I am in love with yet another one of your quilts! The blue and purple is breathtaking! Your Madder mini is another heart stopper!

  39. What a great little churn dash. Lovely fabric line. Our friend, Jill Reid, would have loved those plums. The churn dash is a favorite block of mine.
    How sweet is your SAL. the small size makes it twice as cute. the HST borders are a wonderful frame for it.
    The use of pinks is really lovely.

  40. How very pretty is your churn dash piece in the lovely blues!! It really is gorgeous! But wow, the reds in the next piece kinda took my breath away, which really surprised me! I tend to lean toward cooler colors, most of the time, but I wonder if that's a seasonal thing and as it gets cooler outside, I sway toward warmer colors?! I'm dazzled by that piece, for sure. Do you use EQ? I have loved the ability to resize without having to hurt my brain. Hahaha! Of course, it comes with its own learning curve. What sweet little blocks you were sent -- how fun!! :) :) :)

  41. I love churn dash blocks - they are one of my favorites! And in blues and purples? YUM!!! And that Madder pattern would drive me insane too I believe keeping those little blocks turned in the right position. I especially love your border on this one. Making do is so much fun isn't it? Especially when playing with fabrics shared by friends - makes it super special :*)

  42. Janet, that sample quilt you made with the churn dash blocks is awesome! I love the setting, with the different color, solid blocks in the center. And I LOVE that you changed the border fabrics. I think it makes it much more interesting!! Matchy matchy is over-rated, IMNSHO!!

  43. Whatever you work on is always a treat to see. The mini churn dash is beautiful and the make do blocks and borders just capture the charm. I like the hst's in the SAL. I hadn't started yet, but had considered changing the size of the blocks as well. Your top is very authentic looking and cute as can be. You're going to have fun with Karen's blocks adding your own touch.

  44. The colors are amazing! I will gather up my pieces and churn something out.

  45. HI Janet, well I am somewhat back. My hands have finally become someone normal. Mornings (about 2 hours) are the worse. I have been doing a small (very) amount of sewing. I am back on the computer and I see that I have missed so much. I like the color combination of purple and med blue, you have done another outstanding project. Nice that you were given Karen's blocks, you got a head start on another great mini quilt. The two different borders are very sticking, brings the quilt together. Hope to be back with you now. Hope your family is doing well.

  46. Love your version of Quilters Madder! Why didn't I think of joining in and making the blocks half size?!?
    I am thinking of making Bonnie's mystery blocks half size for fun this year.
    Also love your mini churn really wants to be hand quilted I think!!

  47. The Quilter's Madder and Light In The Window are both charming and so beautifully made! No interest in hand work here, so please count me out of any drawings for needle turn applique books or patterns.

  48. I just wanted to tell you that I love the borders on your Light in the Window quilt. I've never seen his treatment done before and I think it looks marvelous. (Please don't put my name in the deawing - I have more than enough projects to occupy me for quite awhile, tho the patterns you have are beautiful and are very tempting.)

  49. "Catching Up Again" should be my nickname! I'm always "catching up" in blog land! Love, love, love your little churn block quilt!! And what a treat from Karen!! I knew you would downsize the madders and it is absolutely perfect!

    I've always wanted the Prairie Flowers Encore! So add me to the drawing if I'm not too late!!

    Your creativity inspires me! Have a blessed day my sweet friend!

  50. Applique is my go to. would love to have the books.

  51. Love your Light in the Window quilt! A co-worker and I are wanting to try some appliqué and we both like Jo Morton so we would love the chance to be in the Emma's Courtyard drawing. Thanks for sharing your goodies. You are such an inspiration and I like the way you switch things up! 👍

  52. That plum color is gorgeous..
    I Love all kinds of handwork. Embroidery, Redwork, table linens, towels, Hexies & Yo~yo's, etc..

  53. As always, your work is lovely and inspiring. I grew up hearing: "use it up, wear it out, MAKE IT DO, or do without! I love your color selections. I recently "treated" myself to a new, sharp, seam ripper! I wonder how my previous one became so dull? 😳

  54. I LOVE the purple combined with the blue on your little quilts Janet - that's not a combination I see very often. Leave it to you to discover something 'new'! LOL

  55. So many wonderful little quilts to look at! Love the hsts on your Quilters Madder. Clever labels, too :)


I love to have your comments and feedback.