
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bound--and Determined!

The little purple star quilt is bound now. I don't have a name for this yet. Any ideas?

 This photo on the left gives you a better view of the quilting.

I got this one bound, too. I stitched tiny buttons into the cornerstones.
Haven't come up with a name for this, either. I had considered Christmas in Kansas, since it is all KT fabrics in Christmas colors. Maybe that will stick--maybe not.

This Snowy Gathering mat, designed by Lisa Bongean, is all blanket stitched now and the edge is bound.

Is this a great match, or what? This is a mayonnaise jar turned candle holder that a very talented friend painted for me years ago. It looks like I tried to make the mat to match, but it never occurred to me. It just happened. : )

The tumbler topper got stitched together last week. Yesterday I did some simple meander quilting on it  and got the binding sewn on one side and pinned. It is waiting for some slow stitching in the evenings to complete the binding.

Then I will finally have a topper for my dining room hutch when there isn't a holiday topper to fill the space.

Last of all, Snowball got quilted and the binding is pinned down ready for hand stitching.

Now I am determined to get back to work on the T-shirt quilt AND I am determined NOT to join any of the bazillion fun SALs that are popping up like daisies all over blogland. My goodness, it is tough to be strong, with temptation at every turn! But I have made it all the way through January and the first week of February without succumbing. So far, so good!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Why not "the plum quilt" ?
    I love all your wonderful projects and your topper is soooo amazing !
    Do you love to be busy in patchwork ? Me I really love ... that's reassuring me !

  2. Starry Purple Mountain Majesty - for your glorious view! Christmas in Kansas seems very appropriate for the second little topper. Snowball just makes me smile every time I see it. I've hardly ever joined in SAL's and here it's February and already doing two, but at least they aren't complicated, and of course Lori is sure to pull some sweet little project together that will be impossible to resist at some point this year. Oh well, as long as we're enjoying what we're stitching I guess it doesn't matter, right?!

  3. I just love watching your projects, process and finish. The quilting is lovely, and the button finish is a delight. We're having a snow day today, and my school teacher daughter is pleased. The name that popped into my head for your green and purple mini is "Arsenic and Old Lace," that wonderful Cary Grant movie. It's actually two Mardi Gras colors, so posting today is perfect!

  4. OH My! You have been so busy. Congratulations on so many lovely finishes. The Mayo/candle jar is adorable and it really does match perfectly.
    The purple stars are so pretty and quilting gives it such great texture.
    The quilting swirls are so cute on the snow balls. I just smile everytime I see that windblown snowman. He is so jolly and cute.
    great post!

  5. You've been SO productive and such beautiful projects! The purple and green one is a knockout.

  6. My have you been busy! I love them all, but am particularly found of tumblers. I think Christmas in Kansas is a perfect name for you KT quilt.

  7. So many fabulous finishes. You were bound and determined. Love the quilting on your purple stars and all the fabrics in your tumblers. Hurry and work on the t-shirt quilt so when you finally start a SAL you won't feel too bad!

  8. You finished a lot of projects! Good for you. And good for you resisting all the sew-alongs. There are several that are free and some not but so many that are tempting. Hard to shield the eyes and mind from them.

  9. All the photos are such pretty eye candy! The Lenten Stars are so beautifully quilted and that green with purple flowers is the perfect background fabric. Your mini tumblers remind me that mine are cut out but not sewn, LOL!

  10. Janet, todos edredones son tan bonitos!!!
    me encanta bola de nieve y muñeco

  11. I think Determined is a great name for your little quilt. Doesn't it feel great to finish up so many projects. I love the snowman quilt. The quilting on the snowballs make them look like they are in flight. Hugs

  12. Wow--you have been a busy bee to get so many adorable projects completed! I love all of them. I wish I was clever and could come up with a cool name for the purple stars, but the best I can do is...nothing!

  13. I wish I were clever at coming up with names. I would love to name that purple quilt! I love it and I love the quilting on it! Beautiful job!
    The wool mat and the jar are a perfect match! How fun :)
    Everything is looking great Mom!

  14. Your quilts are beautiful and yes the mayo jar turned candle holder is a perfect match. Have started two quilts from Jo's Little Favorite book--sure hope they turn out as beautiful as your little quilts

  15. I love the Purple Stars mini! I'm blanking out on a name. The quilting does show up nice in the 2nd picture. I like the border quilting the most! Mini's make finishes happen a lot more often for you. Good on resisting. I really am trying to LIMIT my new SAL's and BOM's I only added one of each this year. I have a few that were started in the last couple years that are still going. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  16. Your purple stars mini is wonderful - beautifully balanced colors/fabric choices. But then all those sweet little quilts are done so well. It is so hard to resist all the SAL's - this time of year for those of us snowbound especially:-) This time of year, my sewing room seems invincible and I am Super Quilter - able to complete anything...gets me into trouble everytime!

  17. Such sweet little mats, the purple one is my favorite, the colours look great together. The mini tumbler is a great idea for scraps, might have to start cutting my scraps a different way now!

  18. Congrats on your completions and good for you for not joining any SAL's they are fun but can get in the way of your own plans.
    Love how the Snowy Gathering mat matches your candle holder. So cool when that happens by chance.
    Snowball is so sweet! Where will it go?

  19. great progress janet...all very lovely...and the mayonnaise jar is the perfect accompaniment!

  20. Wow Janet - So many great projects! I love the purple & green color combo - might have to use that myself sometime. And the green & red is classic Christmas! Adorable snowman centerpiece - what serendipity! Your tumbler runner is great - not too often you do stipple quilting but I sure do like it. I'm dying to start and catch up with the new Temecula SAL but so far it hasn't happened.

  21. Wow!! Again I'm not sure whether to be inspired or intimidated!!! LOL! Your projects are always a joy to see!!!! And those purple stars!!! Fabulous!!!! Purple means royal to me, so how about something with Royal. Not sure what!!!!!!! I haven't even been on blogger much, so no temptation for me, but I've been busy, so maybe I'll get my act together and post something!!

    Blessings and hugs dear friend!

  22. Wow very strong header words! "Bound and Determined". You are on a mission! Love the quilty views of course :-) That wool candle mat is a keeper for sure!! I know what you are saying about the many! I am keeping away from them, too many other things to do.

  23. Wow - you have finishes left and right! I have a queen sized binding here that I wish you would come and stitch down for me!

  24. All your projects are so pretty, have to say though, that snowball topper is the cutest thing!

  25. Your little quilts are so cute. I love all of your snowman decorations. Like you I'm trying hard to finish some things, but there is a lot of temptation out there.

  26. I love all of your beautiful little projects! I especially like your quilting on the little stars quilt. Gorgeous!

  27. Wow you have been busy with so many finishes to show us all at once. Beautiful - all of them. Congratulations! And good for you for sticking to your resolve not to join all the quilt-alongs. I think this year has more tempting ones than any other year.

  28. Apparently I have kept my blinders on properly as I haven't seen a single SAL yet!!
    Good luck picking quilt names - it's probably my least fav part of quilting.

  29. Gorgeous finishes, love the snowball quilt.

  30. Good Morning Janet, I love the purple and green little quilt. "Twinkle, Twinkle little stars" is the name that came to my mind. Love the color combination. The tumbler quilt fits perfect on your dining room hutch. I also love the snow ball quilt, I like the way you put the swirls into the snowballs, very clever. The snowy gathering mat with the candle does look like you made the quilt to match. Have a great week.

  31. Great title! It’s always a treat visiting your blog and seeing all your darling little quilts.
    I think the purple one is my favorite.

  32. Your little projects are super adorable!! I really love the addition of the purple.

  33. Great quilts!! How about naming the top one Deep Purple for the song from the early 60's? "When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls." :-)) Just sayin'!!

  34. Janet, you are SO incredibly productive!! So impressive. I love all of them. Maybe the snowman one is my favorite, for obvious reasons... Your tumbler looks like everything matches up!! (in contrast to my first try!). Love your quilting, too.!!

  35. Beautiful finishes Janet, well done on being determined and getting some finishes done.. just love them. Oh and you have't got too much to do on the last few projects too! Woohoo, maybe you'll have time for a SAL once you have these done - cheeky laugh :-)

  36. All so pretty, nice variety. It's always easy to find new projects. No shortage of temptations.

  37. I love it all! Especially the snowmen items. The candle mat with the painted jar is adorable! It feels so good to finish things, doesn't it? I succumbed to one SAL so far. I'm kind of waiting to see if Lori will have one - she hinted she would.

  38. What an appropriate title! So many wonderful finishes - you go girl!!! Love the Snowy Gatherings even more now that it's done - and how perfect is the "mayo" candle holder? There was a girl next to me at the airport yesterday who was on her way home from a quilter's cruise with Lisa Bongean! I was kinda wishing that was the cruise I had gone on LOL!!!!


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