
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chalk up a couple more finishes!

 I am on a roll! Five of the seven little quilts I basted last month are now quilted and bound (plus the tumbler topper I made for my hutch). These are the latest two.
You may recognize that one of these quilts is my version of Pam Buda's "Tucker" SAL. 
 The other quilt is from a Lori Smith Fit To Frame pattern. About 4 years ago when a new LQS opened, they had this little star quilt on display. I remember loving it and wanting to make it. I bought the pattern, which was a rare event for me, at that time. Usually I made up my quilts as I went along. Though I loved the shop sample from a distance, I wasn't thrilled with the machine quilting--mostly SITD. I determined that I would hand quilt mine.

Well, according to my blog post from back in Oct. 2011, when I got this project to flimsy stage, it was the first "mini" quilt I ever made. Can you believe it? This was the first!! (And today I don't know that I would even consider it a mini.)
This little top has been sitting ever since then, waiting for me to hand quilt it. I finally faced reality and machine quilted it this week.
To the left is the back view.

I took one final photo of Snowball before gifting it. I added some quilting to the "snow base" and took it out for a photo in its natural habitat. I didn't use a flash so the quilting would show up.

If you follow the Temecula Quilt Co. blog you may have recently seen this rustic looking clipboard from Pottery Barn being used as a mini quilt holder. It was on sale and there was free shipping. How could I resist? This is hanging on the side of my kitchen cabinet now. I love it.

 Look at this cute little heart quilt that was my Valentine from a sweet blog friend (thank you, thank you). Perfect for the little quilt hanger I got for my birthday last year.
 And speaking of Valentines, hubby and I took the day last Friday for a Valentine getaway. We drove south a couple of hours to a couple of events...

The new LDS Temple in Provo, UT is currently open to the public for tours prior to dedication, and the BYU Museum of Art was hosting a Norman Rockwell exhibit. Thoroughly enjoyed both experiences. We also took a test drive in a car we are considering, got a little lunch, and stopped at Trader Joe's before heading back home. Not a single quilt shop was visited in this excursion. I'm slipping!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I am in love with your quilts! The star quilt is so sweet! Thanks for sharing these great little quilts. Lovely pic of you and hubby. Glad you had a chance for a little getaway!

  2. Congratulations for these finishes ! As Lesley wrote, I realy loooove your quilts ! They are simply awesome and the quilting just great !!
    When I admire them I asked myself : what don't you do the same things ???
    Bravo Janet and big hugs ! ;)

  3. Your machine quilting is really amazing! You really are on a roll with all these finishes. So nice that you were able to get away for a day of fun and relaxation.

  4. Such pretty little quilts! I love to hand quilt, but sure do wish that I could machine quilt too - that is just a talent that I do not possess. Glad you had a fun Valentine's Day!

  5. You had that one unfinished for that long? So glad you finished it up with pride as it looks great. The snowman is just perfect in your photo. Great job! someone will enjoy him I am sure. Sounds like a great day trip...glad you enjoyed time with hubby.

  6. Since you are on a roll with your quilting/binding/finishing can you come to my house? That snowball quilt is over the top. I'm working on mini's not sure mine will ever be as mini as your beautiful quilts.

  7. The Fit To Frame quilt is my favorite of your new finishes but the snowball quilt my very favorite of what is in your blog post today.

  8. Love your star quilt and the lovely quilting. Is it free motion, ruler work or walking foot? Nicely done!

  9. Oh how I enjoy seeing your little quilts! You are in a roll!

  10. LOVE all of your projects...and your quilting is gorgeous!! You wee snowman quilt is exquisite!!

  11. Wow--so many cute finishes--you have been a busy lady! So far I have resisted the clip board--now I can see I am going to need one!

  12. Such fun quilts! I had to LOL when you said you posted that quilt was a "mini". You've come a long ways baby!!

  13. Can't tell you enough how great your quilting skills are,one is more beautiful than the one before. Hard to believe that you had that quilt top stored away this long, it is lovely. Like all the above comments, yes, the snowman is a big hit. Just love the way you photographed the finish. Glad that you had the time to have a good outing with your husband. Take care.

  14. It's so great to see such beautiful finishes. Inspiring!

  15. You are really on a roll. I love all your little quilts. Hugs

  16. although i have a lot of projects in the works, you are way ahead of me on finishes...all sooo pretty! and if you come east again to NH, might want to skip on over to the norman rockwell museum at his home in stockbridge, mass...the whole town looks like a norman rockwell print! and the snowman is my fave from this bunch!

  17. So many beautiful quilts in your post. Congratulations on the latest finishes. Love the colors and the design on both of them.

  18. Love the little quilts in your post - they are just beautiful!

  19. The amazing mini on that clip board is so sweet - just perfect!! Your little snow guy in his "natural habitat" is so charming - looks like you have a goodly amount of the white stuff too.

  20. Lovely quilt finishes you have made Janet... and I love the photo of Snowball on the snow :-) Neat idea with the clipboard holder.

  21. How is your Birthday quilt clip hanging? Is it a suction thing? Love them all. The star quilt is a finally, finished UFO. Glad you got it done and so beautifully! I wish we could go to the Open House. I would Love the Norman Rockwell exhibit. Sweet photo of your 'sweeties' too.

  22. Nice you had a wee romantic getaway. Lovely mini's.........they sure have shrunk as they years have gone by :-) Love the snowy snowman scene......oh so dreamy!

  23. Your machine quilting is of such superior quality that it enhances the little star quilt beautifully, and Your Tucker, is wonderful, too. How nice to have a Valentine trip, but zero quilt shops???? Oh, my! LOL!

  24. Your quilts are always so wonderful. Your machine quilting on your first mini is fantastic. So glad that you finished it and can now enjoy it. That clipboard idea is awesome. Your tiny quilts will fit perfectly and make a very cool display mode.

  25. That little flower in the middle of Tucker is a perfect accent. Love the clipboard and the mini attached to it. Sew nice!

  26. Great finishes Janet! I love your snowman quilt displayed in the snow - we got some fresh today along with thunder & lightening - very strange!

  27. I love your little reproduction quilts. That new temple is so nice and traditional it looks like it could have been built 100 years ago. I guess that makes it a reproduction temple...

  28. Fabulous finishes!!! And you know me and stars! That is a great one!! Love Tucker!! You always put a nice twist on SALs!! Glad you had time with hubby. Mike was not well, so we stayed home and veged!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  29. OH my yes, I would consider that a full size quilt compared to your quilts today. Funny how we change. It is stunning! Love all your finishes. Looks like you had a great Valentine's Day too!

  30. what a fun packed post. I really can't believe you've only been doing minis for 5 years - you have achieved master status! If my machine quilting looked as good as yours, I too would have foregone hand quilting.
    You are on a real roll finishing things. It is inspiring to see.
    Wee! so fun to see the snowman in the snow. gorgeous photo with the frosted trees in the background.
    your getaway sounds wonderful. Sorry about the quilt shop miss ;)
    thanks for another inspiring post.

  31. Of course, I love the star quilt! Both of your newly finished quilts are perfect - just my type! The little snowman seemed to love having his picture taken out in the snow. How cute! It's so good to finish UFOs. I'm on the verge of finishing some too - woo hoo!

  32. You are just knocking those finishes out, aren't you?!? Bam!!! Love the Star quilt - and your decision to get it done. Sometimes we have to compromise when there are more projects than time :*)
    What a great picture of you and your hubby! So glad you had a good time!

  33. Nice that you had the chance to get out of the house for a V-Day get-a-way. I admire the works of Norman Rockwell too. Your quilting is lovely as usual. Glad you got back into your sewing! Sandi

  34. Beautiful Mom! I love all of it :)

  35. Fabulous post, Janet!! Love all your quilts!! My fav is Tucker!! And isn't the new Provo Temple gorgeous and the Norman Rockwell exhibit just fun and informative?? Lots of memories walking through those halls!!

  36. I love each and every one of your treasures! Especially love the photograph of the snowball quilt in it's natural habitat! Your machine quilting is amazing!
    Now... about you having wonderful outings without any quilt store stops... very concerning :)

  37. Fun outing, I love Norman Rockwell, bet it was great.
    As usual, your little quilts are wonderful.
    Have a great week,

  38. Love your little quilts! And that clipboard is a great idea for displaying minis!!

  39. You and I share a love of Temecula Quilt Co. I also bought that clipboard and have the clip hanger you have holding your heart mini quilt. But, you have quilts in your displays. I need to finish more!

  40. Wish I was closer to go to the open house. I have watched the progress of the reconstruction each time we visit my son in Provo. As usual, your quilts are a treat to behold!

  41. Your Snowball piece is darling, just darling!! Your Valentine vignette is sweet...what a nice gift from a friend! We visited the temple in Maryland before it was dedicated sometime in the early 70's (I think). It was magnificent. It's still one of my favorite landmarks when we're back that way and drive the beltway. :)


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