
Friday, January 29, 2016

A Sewing Frenzy

Though I'd had a full schedule of appointments, Thursday ended up being a sick day at home. I probably should have slept,  but I needed to sew. I really needed to! I wasn't feverish, but I was feverishly sewing.

Made some progress on my blue/brown version of Primitive Gatherings Pinwheel Garden.

The pattern recommends paper piecing the HSTs, but  I opted for the "optional method" without the papers.

These blocks will finish at 4", which means that each pinwheel is 1". It is really fun to see these blocks come together.

The little pinwheel star quilt top I made recently was created from a bag of HSTs a friend had given me. She also gave me a little bag of Kansas Troubles 1" strips in a variety of lengths. It took me a while, but I finally figured out that they were for log cabin blocks. I used them as leader/enders for my day of frenzied sewing.

These blocks will finish at 3 1/2". Haven't counted to see how many blocks I will get out of these pieces.

I used some leftover pieces of other projects to whip up a couple of pincushions.

And I got a stack of little quilts pin basted so I have no excuse not to get quilting.
In fact, I have started stitching on the two in the bottom of the photo. 

This is what I created from the little purple stars in my previous post. The ditch stitching is done and I am marking it for FMQ.

A lovely surprise came in the mail from Sue. She made such clever, collapsible  thread catchers and showed them on her blog. She offered to send me the pattern. Well, it wasn't just a pattern that arrived all the way from Australia. A beautiful cheddar thread catcher was included. Thanks so much, Sue!!

Had lunch earlier this week with my good buddy Kris, from Lavender Quilts blog. Look what she brought me. Does she know me, or what? : )  Thanks bunches, Kris!!

I have already drooled over looked through it a couple of times. I need to finish some other projects so I can start some new ones!!

Felt so good to finally have a sewing day, even though I didn't feel good. : )
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. You know how to spend a sick day. Your tiny blocks amaze me. Knock on wood, i haven't been sick this season.

  2. That's my kind of sick day! Good work. Your small blocks show how great your sewing skills are. The smaller the block, the more you can see my mistakes!

  3. What a wonderful post to read and see! Love all your little projects, and seing them all ready for quilting is such eye candy!

  4. A day stitching is the best therapy for a sick day, with chicken soup for lunch of course! Love your little projects, especially the one being quilted now. Well, really it's hard to choose a favorite!

  5. Cute little projects. Love the pinwheel one. Hope you are on the mend soon.

  6. Hope you are feeling top notch now! If you can accomplish this on a sick day, quilting all those sweet minis will be a snap. It's fun to see that we use the same pin covers. They make pin basting easy.

  7. Just lovely details on all of your projects. I really love them all and your newer one with those 1" pinwheels - exquisite!

  8. Sorry you aren't feeling well. But you managed to get a lot of progress on all your beautiful quilts!

  9. Beautiful little projects, Janet. Especially that purple and green one! Feel bettah.

  10. So sorry that you've not felt quite up to snuff, but your projects are all beautiful! Those greens are the perfect foil for showing off the pretty purple stars, good choice. That's a lot of pin basting, you'll be quilting soon, and the Jo Morton book will console you for times when you lack the energy for the quilting. Get well soon!

  11. Your Pinwheel Garden is going to be stinkin' cute--such adorable little blocks. I'm pretty sure you must have come down with Stitching Fever--very contagious!! I hope you feel better soon.

  12. So many wonderful projects. I love all your little quilts. I started the 365 blocks and have a new found respect for quilters like you who work with such small pieces. I so enjoy seeing your quilts. Hugs

  13. Seems like everyone I know has had the yuks recently - hope you are feeling better soon! Glad you were able to spend your down time sewing - nothing better for what ails you, except maybe chicken soup :*).
    Pincushions and pinwheels and pinning .. Oh my! I'm drooling over all your little minis - such an abundance of patchy beauty!!! Love the way the purple stars turned out and looking forward to seeing how you quilt it :*)

  14. I love seeing all your quilts based and ready to go! Sick days are good for quilting too. :)

  15. LOVE the purple stars with the green! So gorgeous!
    I also really like the blue/brown pinwheels!

  16. Oh My Janet - I'm so glad you felt like sewing in spite of being sick! I see a real star theme going on with your minis lately - lovely! In the group shot of your quilts, the one at the bottom has an interesting backing fabric - almost looks like selvages? Hmmm....

  17. All are adorable! I need to get back to small. I have been working on this gigantic quilt and I keep swearing it is the last big quilt I am going to make.😉

  18. The picture with all the little quilts is so satisfying. You do such nice work. Hope you start feeling better real soon.

  19. Sewing through illness shows how important your quilting is to you. And how much it drives you. Get well, my friend. You'll need all your energy to finish your plethora of small quilts. They're all wonderful!
    I had a sewing weekend with friends earlier this month, and one gal helped us all make our own twist and snap thread catchers. Fun to make and very practical.

  20. Wow you have been so productive, very impressive given you have been unwell. Hope you feel better soon, I am sure a good lie down is now in order with that lovely new book! Glad you liked the thread catcher, they are a bit addictive once you start making them!

  21. A sewing fever is so much better than the other kind - hope you are doing well now! Such an array of lovely littles - each one an example of your precise stitching on such a small scale!!

  22. It sounds like the feverish sewing was a good distraction from the feverish symptoms. Love your little sewing...the starts of some lovely projects there Janet, and as always, wow with those small sizes! I've seen Jo Morton's book online and wondered what it held within its pages, it does seem tempting :-) Hope you get well very soon.

  23. lets hope you are feeling better and the sewing fever continues. fabulous little quilted delights! Loving the little pieces! happy creating.

  24. Always lovely work and perfectly done. I love seeing what you've done.

  25. While I'm sorry to hear you were sick, it seems to have been a good day overall. Lots of progress. I'm suitably impressed!!!

  26. I think sewing is therapy when you don't feel up to par. It takes your mind off of the problems working on you and you can just relax and sew. Yes, your buddy gave you a new book that is right up your alley. I can see you now on what to do first? The pinwheels are finishing up at one inch, wow, very nice. And as usual the mini quilts are awesome.
    Feel better soon.

  27. All your tiny little blocks are amazing. I have had that thread catcher on my to do list forever.

  28. Looks like you got lots of sewing time in this past week. Makes a person feel good to accomplish so much doing something we enjoy.

  29. I can't imagine making 1" pinwheels! So cute! And I love the purple and green star quilt! We must have the same thing! I have been sick, but still able to sew. I really wanted to take a nap today, but couldn't get to sleep. I'm not used to naps. I've been under the weather since Tuesday and have gotten a lot of sewing done!

  30. I think I need to "catch" something so I can have a sick/stitch day. I can't believe how much you accomplished. I do hope you are feeling better. I can't believe the size of those little pinwheels. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. I'll have to dig out my magnifying glass!

  31. Janet, I hope you're feeling better. You are so incredibly productive, even when you're not feeling well! Those little minis are great. I think my favorite is the purple one, although the little snowman is precious. I'm tempted to try the little thread catcher as well.

  32. such lovely little blocks and quilts...the snowman is adorable! nice way to spend a sick day is a form of medicine for us quilters...the purple is sooo pretty!

  33. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well - but you really got a lot accomplished! I loved seeing all your little quilts ready for quilting!
    Your pinwheel garden blocks are so nice. You really influenced me to make smaller blocks so Thank You! I had forgotten the particular joy of small piecing.
    what marking tool are you using on your purple quilt?

  34. Hope you are feeling better - maybe that sewing time was just what you needed! Of course, I love all of your projects (I say that every post!), but it's true - they are all just fantastic. I really love how you finish your pin cushions, I need to start doing more of that.

  35. You certainly did produce even tho you did not feel well! Love the teeny pinwheels! And, of course, the log cabins........I should get back to work on mine!

  36. Well, dear friend - I so hope you are feeling better!! I LOVE all your little quilts which are all fabulous but my most favorite one is the one with the little purple stars!! I love some color in quilts!! And that little thread catcher is so cute!! Call if you need some chicken soup!!


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