
Sunday, June 21, 2015

It's A Small Honor

That is the name of the pattern from which that little mini in the center was created.
 It was designed by Diane Hansen and was published in the July/August 2003 issue of Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting. It finishes at 4"x6". The pattern was sent to me by a special blogging friend and she knew I would love this mini pattern. Wish I could leave it hanging there, but I donated it to the family reunion auction on Saturday and my younger sister bought it. I was happy to see her get it. Maybe I'll make one for me someday. : )

The pattern is foundation paper pieced. I machine quilted it all, except the final round of quilting in the outer border. That is done by hand.
That little piece is really all of the quilting I have done since I got home from visiting DD#1 in NH. But I do want to share a couple of quilty things from my visit with her. If you are ever in the area of Milton, NH, and you love primitive style, be sure to drop in and visit Camille at the shop in the basement of her home. What a treat.

This is my daughter and Camille. Camille is looking at my new grandbaby, but due to the rules governing the private adoption, I can't share photos of the baby on public social media for a few more months. But you can tell by the look on Camille's face that she is very cute! : )

Click on the small photos below to enlarge them and take a tour of some of the displays in this very fun and friendly shop.

 This was what came home with me from Evergreen Country Primitives. Wonderful fabric finds, and great wool, patterns, and notions.

The other quilt shop experience I had in NH took place in Center Harbor.
I just happened to be visiting DD#1 the week of the Keepsake Quilting Tent Sale. I have often heard about it, especially on Victoria's blog, but never thought I would be there. Tried to meet up with Victoria, but had a little family emergency and couldn't get there until later in the day. My daughter and I each filled a scrap bag as full as could be, I bought a book, and these lovely fabrics.

When I got back home to Utah I found two delightful surprises--packages of scraps from a couple of blog friends. I appreciate them thinking of me. I do love scrap quilts and you can never have too many scraps! I emptied my scrap bag from K.Q. and piled them with all of the scraps from the packages together by color family or genre (if there is such a thing in fabric).

One last thing. Saturday was the 37th anniversary of DH and I. We spent the day at a family reunion for which my siblings and I were responsible, and then came home and crashed. But as a parting shot, here we are in our true characters. *LOL*

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I love that sweet patriotic mini. The tiny sizes you work with continue to amaze me! So nice that you found those fabulous quilt shops near your daughter's home. Quilt shops are about non-existent near us now, guess I was royally spoiled in Oregon where there seemed to be at least one in every town.

  2. Woowhoo....cute photo of you and hubby! Congratulations!! Another sweet mini. Lovely quiltshops, I can see why you didn't leave empty handed.

  3. Fabulous picture of your and your DH. I understand why you wish you could leave it hanging there - adorable! How awesome that you could find such a great quilt shop on your trip - and the KQ tent sale. What a fabulous haul you brought back home with you, to be added to that generous gift of scraps!

  4. What a fun place to have a quiltshop! She can go play in the LQS anytime. LOL! the tent sale myst have been heaven. I just now reMembered a lical tent sale yesterday. Phooey. I hope you'll make urself a banner someday- it's adorable, as is everything you make!

  5. Love the last picture lol. Your scrap haul is fabulous. I especially like the cheddar pile.

    The little quilt shown first is adorable. How loom did it take to complete? Hugs.

  6. What a fun post, Janet! Your mini is so cute on its hanger, and I just know your grand baby is so darling! Glad you had a good trip.

  7. DD#1 looks sooooooo happy! And I'm soooooo happy for ya'll!!! What a grand trip!! And of course the Mini is adorable!!! You continue to amaze me!!

    Congratulations!! Mike and I are celebrating 35 years today!

    Blessings and hugs!

  8. Love the picture of you and DH...Happy Anniversary! Love the mini quilt too. It's just beautiful! :0)

  9. frankly i'm afraid to go to evergreen....with cyndi's shop so close by, that is bad enough....LOL....such lovely little quilts do have such fun with minis!

  10. A precious Grandbaby and blessed to have a Grandma who makes such beautiful quilts! Is there any better shopping than at a quilt shop - looks like you really had a great time.

  11. Good to hear from you. Sometimes sewing needs to take a backseat. Especially to such important events as a baby!! Tent sale! Wow! What fun!!
    Congrats on your anniversary!

  12. I glad you got to visit fun shops while you were back in NH. Being a Grandma is the Best calling! Congrats on 37 years of togetherness.

  13. What a fun trip! Lots of Family and fabric.Congratulations on your new Grandbaby and your anniversary. Love the last picture, you look like a happy fun loving couple.

  14. Lucky new owner of your mini, lucky new mom of a beautiful baby girl, lucky timing for fabric deals, lucky receiver of gorgeous scraps, lucky husband!

  15. Yay - You're back! Your little quilt was probably the 'star' of the family reunion auction - bet it went for big bucks too! Next weekend we have a reunion in Roosevelt, but I don't think we're gonna make it - have a sealing & need to help kids move - wish I could also attend a meeting of the rug hooking guild the same day, but I can only spread myself so thin..... So glad you got to meet the new baby - they're simply the best, huh?

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful time away - congratulations on the new arrival, I'm sure you're all very delighed. And also congratulations on your 37 years anniversary - well done!! Love your auction mini too. Hope you enjoy being back home and getting into your routinesagain - there's certainly no shortage of fabric to play with!

  17. What a neat shop! And, can't wait to see a picture of the new grandchild! I had a chance to visit Keepsake Quilting 3 years ago and would love to go back to NH, but alas, I rather doubt we'll be going that far east anymore. Darling little quilt!

  18. You two look like Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello in a beach movie. Happy anniversary. Fantastic mini as always. Glad you had a marvelous time in NH both shopping and enjoying the new baby.

  19. Happy Anniversary, and congrats for the new Grandchild.
    Fabulous Mini, oh my those tiny tri's would be too much for me.
    Enjoy all your lovely new fabrics.

  20. You made it!!! And it's absolutely adorable, as I just knew it would be in your fabric choices and style :*) Happy Anniversary my friend - and I am SO happy for you and Camille and your family on the new baby!!!!

  21. What a fun "home" quilt shop! Oh, your daughter is absolutely glowing! Motherhood must be agreeing with her.
    Looks like you came home with some fun treasures.
    Happy Anniversary!!! I love photo cut outs so so funny :)

  22. What a handsome couple! Congrats on the new Grand baby. What a blessing they are.

  23. Wow... you guys look amazing for being married that long (and being that old...he he!)
    LOVE your new mini! It is so small and so sweet!
    And congratulations on the new addition to your family... such a blessing and I'm sure that you are not being biased at all about the cuteness!!

  24. Such a sweet little patriotic mini! I wish I could have been there to bid on it :)
    Can't wait until you can post pics of that little sweetie!

  25. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. All the best to your daughter and her family.
    That little quilt is precious. You find the best patterns. I'm sure you'll make another for your self.
    Happy Anniversary!

  26. I have heard that the tent sale is no longer as good as it used to be. I heard that from someone who had attended several of them. I was to Keepsake quilting many years ago when it was in the hands of the original owners. I did not stop there on the last trip to New England. Did you enjoy the visit there?

  27. Another sweet mini, you do need one for you. Looks,like some fun and rewarding travels.

  28. .So happy for your DD and the new baby. She looks so happy and so proud. Glad that all went well. Is this your first Grand Child? Love your design and colors of the patriotic mini. It is always fun going to a different or new fabric store and it looks like you did quite well. lol My visit with Sandi was so special, the only problem is the time flies by so quickly. Sure wished she lived closer. San also flew in to surprise her nephew at his high school graduation and really surprised her dad for father's day. Super month for all of us.

  29. Great post!! I love that little Small Honor quilt!! Lucky sister!! Your daughter looks sooooo happy!! Congratulations to Mom and Grandma!! You are going to have some fun with all those scraps!! And that bathing suit is the real you!! :-))

  30. So many wonderful events to celebrate. You must be so excited about your new grandbaby. Looking forward to photos in the future. You made some great finds at the quilt stores. I would love to go to the KQ sale.

  31. Janet, got a good chuckle out of your 37th Anniversary Photo! Wish I'll look as good when mine rolls around :)! You brought home some nice fabrics look forward to seeing how you use them. Gald that you were able to keep It's A Small Honor in the family. Sandi

  32. Congratulations on your 37th Anniversary! Your quilt is so pretty but you must be jaded about me saying so, because I always do, LOL! Next time you visit, I hope to see that pretty baby too! Thank you for sending folks over to visit me on my blog.

  33. Happy Aniversary! We are 36 years next week! Congrats on the new grandbaby...such a treasure! Your patriotic quilt is a stunner...small but mighty!


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