
Monday, June 1, 2015

All my bags are packed...

... I'm ready to go. Just sing along with me here, unless you are unfamiliar with the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane."

I am only going to be gone 7 days, but there are so many things people want me to take to the new baby or the new Mom--and there are a few things I wanted to take to them, too. : )

Maybe I can put my carry-on inside my checked bag on the way home (I hope).

There are a couple of hand-stitching projects tucked into those bags. Nothing new, but some that I will enjoy working on when I have sitting time.

Making Houses From Scraps was a gift project from my friend Annie M. when I was flying to visit my daughter a couple of years ago. There were 12 houses in the kit she sent and I got a few of them finished on that trip and then I worked on them at home until I got enough of them completed to make this little quilt which I call "Annie's Neighborhood."

 It currently hangs in my living room and greets you as you walk in the door.  I have a different layout planned for the other house blocks. I hope it will work out.

This is an old photo of the other project I packed. I have made a little progress on it, but it is packed away and I can't get a photo of it.
Maybe I will have something more to show when I get home.

I leave for the airport in less than an hour, but I wanted to let you know that Taryn (of Repro Quilt Lover blog) won my giveaway. Congrats to Taryn, and if you aren't familiar with her blog, check it out. I love her style.

I probably won't keep up with blogs much while I am away, but I'll catch you in a week.

Until then,
Janet O.


  1. A new grand baby! Congratulations! Have a fun and safe trip.

  2. Enjoy your trip and the wee one! You know I'm looking foward to your hexie progress but I'll miss your witty comments on my blog. Cya on the flipside...

  3. My most favorite song of all time and I know all the words!! Have a wonderful time, Grandma!! I love Annie's neighborhood!!

  4. have a happy happy time! Congrats Taryn!

  5. Shucks it wasn't me this time. Congrats to Taryn. I know you will have a great time, Travel Safe and get your snuggles in.

  6. Have a safe trip, enjoy your time with family and we will see you on return.

  7. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time with that new grandbaby!

    What size are those hexies? They sure seem tiny. But adorable!

  8. Have a wonderful trip and snuggle with that new baby every moment you get.

  9. Travel safe and have lots of fun with the new baby!!

  10. Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy that new grandbaby! I love your house quilt. If is always good to have some hand stitching with you.

  11. Wishing you God's speed and lots of precious snuggle time!

  12. Have a wonderful, safe and love filled time! There are a lot of hours to fill on your flight with hand stitching... Sandi

  13. You will have more important things to do than to look at blogs! What a special time for your family!

  14. Janet, have a wonderful time. Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby! Hope your trip goes smoothly!!

  15. Your little hexies look great. I haven't been working on mine for a while but they are going with me when we go to Montana for a week at the end of the month. I love it because I can work on them while the car is moving. Have a fun trip.

  16. Have a lovely time, and get lots of hugs and cuddles with the new baby.
    safe travelling.

  17. Safe travels Janet!!! Enjoy all that sweet baby time :*)

  18. Love that little house quilt! Enjoy your visit with the little one! :-)

  19. How exciting - a new grandbaby and heading out for a visit! Safe journey!!

  20. You had me at, "All my bags are packed . . ." LOL! I didn't even have to look to know the next line! Safe travels to you, dear lady! Praying for your safety and health and family. Every morning! :)

  21. How exciting! Praying for a wonderful and safe trip. Love you little houses, I have a few of the blocks finished. I also love your hexies. I can't wait to see your progress on them.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  22. congrats to Taryn and have a wonderful trip and visit!

  23. Safe and happy travels, Janet! Hope you get some stitching done but ultimately hope you have a great timeaway!


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