
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Red, White, and Blue--Part Two

Last year about this time I did a little patriotic parade of all of the red/white/blue creations I have made over the last few years. You can find it HERE. Well, there have been a few additions since then, so I thought I would tack them on here.

 This fun hanging kind of came together out of nowhere--okay, maybe not "nowhere", but I started out to create a very different quilt.

As I was digging through my stash to find what I needed in order to make what I was seeing in my mind's eye, I came across these little flag pieces, shown below.

I have absolutely no idea which fabric company made these, or when. I think I picked them up years ago, in a now closed quilt shop that had a scrap basket I haunted fairly regularly. These were just as you see them and I never could seem to figure out a way to use them--until now. There were actually four of them in my scraps, but I couldn't get the fourth one to look like it belonged.

I'm pretty pleased  with the final results. The whole thing has a bit more of a whimsical feel than I usually do, but it seemed meant to be this way. The little star buttons, the swirly star border fabric, the striped binding fabric all surfaced just when I didn't know what to do next. Now I know what to do--hang it up! No name as yet. : )

I did it--I made one for me after all. I had such a hard time letting go of the little "Small Honor" hanging that I donated to my family reunion auction last month. Now there is one in my home. I just can't decide where it belongs. And in my last post I mistakenly listed it as finishing at 4x6 inches. I was wrong. It is a whole lot bigger than that. It is 4 1/2x6 1/2 inches. *LOL*

The banner hanging below was made by DD#2, and it graces my dining room wall during the summer. This year I added the little quilts at each end.
The little pinwheel quilt on the left is adapted from a quilt made by Kathie Holland, formerly of inspiredbyantiquequilts blog (anyone else miss her as much as I do?). Kathie donated the fabrics.
On the right is an AAQI quilt I purchased that was made by Jean Tanner, of Iowa.

Recently Miss Stacy (Buttermilk Basin), posted this wonderful free pattern for a little pillow, or pincushion, during the Summerthyme blog hop she was sponsoring.

I may just create a little wall hanging (can you ever have too many?), and was auditioning a border fabric. Everything is fused and ready to stitch. The buttons are being auditioned, as well. I just might get the stitching done on this tonight--then again, might not.

Her pattern makes a 5x9.5 design.

I have a couple of other things in the works that obviously won't be ready for this year's celebration. I've wanted to make another little patriotic tumbler quilt, besides the flag (see tutorial in my Pages Bar, above).

So, as I have had my patriotic fabrics out working lately, I have cut some random 2 1/2" strips and come up with this. Nothing is sewn together--they are just clinging to a design board.
 The tumbler template I used to cut these is not the Tiny Tumbler from Primitive Gatherings that I used to make the Tumbler Flag. I wanted to make this to top an end table in my living room and it would take forever to sew together enough of those tiny ones to cover it.
I used the Missouri Star Quilt Company Mini Tumbler that is designed to fit perfectly on mini charm squares. You can see the difference between the two. Still small enough to be cute, but makes up a fair sized mini much quicker, when you have the need.

Finally, a while back I bought 7 of these 16" blocks from Michelle C (Michelle's Quilts & Stuff blog). I have 6 of them in a project box with a few other star blocks that I am going to combine into a throw quilt.
 So this orphan has been lonely, until I had a light bulb moment and decided to deconstruct it.
The block was made up of 16 squares, so I took my trusty "speedy seam ripper tool" (aka rotary cutter) and separated the blocks.
 Using the Itty Bitty Eights rulers, I sliced them into 3 equal strips.
 Then I turned my rotary cutting mat and sliced them into 9 equal squares.
When all of the HST blocks are sliced, I am going to play with some possible layouts for a R/W/B mini. May not get to this right away. But hopefully next year at this time, I can include the finished mini in that update.

July 1st we had a beautiful (though very hot) evening--moonrise and sunset were both gorgeous. I may put one of these in my header.

Have a glorious 4th of July, whether or not it is a holiday in your neck of the woods.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Great to see my little quilt again. I had so much fun making it.

  2. OH what fun little quilts!! Have fun with your tumblers...what do you think of one in red and whites???

  3. Love the picture you picked for the header. It's so interesting. You've got a lot of red, white, and blue at your house. I love it. My living room is (quietly) done in r. w. & b. I'm curious to see what becomes of the re-purposed lemoyne star bloc.

  4. You have way more R,W & B decoration than I do. I did finish my flimsy Lone Star for my Table. Pictures on the Blog Monday! I wouldn't have thought to de-construct those LeMoyne Stars. A Patriotic Tumbler quilt will be a great addition. While you have the ruler out you can cut Tumblers for Bonnie's L/E challenge. Happy 4th to you. Pretty sky views!

  5. Oh my - those pictures are gorgeous Janet! The red sky takes my breath away!!! I'm so tickled to see you enjoying that little patriotic mini so much :*) I love it hanging on those scissors. And the flags mini with the swirly borders - absolutely adorable!!! I always enjoy your r/w/b quilts. It's gotten to the point that when I see a r/w/b quilt, I think of you :*) Happy and Safe 4th my friend to you and yours!!!!

  6. Those little flags are so sweet! They made a lovely little quilt! :0)

  7. Fun, fun, fun!! I love your new 3 flag wallhanging!! I think it is so you!! Glad you took the time to make a Small Honor quilt for you and I love all your other projects!! Very 4th of July!!

  8. Really enjoyed this post. Love hearing about your creative adventures in the sewing room. I especially like the 3 flag quilt and how it ended up going together like it was meant to be. Well done!
    Such gorgeous views!

  9. That little flag wallhanging is wonderful - I love it! I can't wait to see what you're going to do with that deconstructed block. I always love a beautiful sunrise or sunset ... I like to think that God is putting on a show for our pleasure.

  10. This is the perfect patriotic post! Your r,w and b quilts abound; such a lovely Americana bounty! I simply adore the auditioned border fabric on your wool applique piece, it's meant to be. Ever since I bought the itty-bitty eights ruler it has been attached to my hand, I use mine all the time; your deconstructed block yields some intersesting possibilities, can't wait to see more. Happy 4th to you and yours.

  11. R,W,B quilts are wonderful to look at and stitch on in July. Cutest little flags and your choice of the striped binding is what brings it all together. Can't wait to see what the deconstruction brings. Interesting idea. Love your new header and the beautiful sunset.

  12. ooh janet, i love your RWB quilts and that scissor hanger? perfect! i too have that little tumbler template, you have a delish collection of RWB little tumbers....and i too miss "inspired by antique quilts" you know why she doesn't blog anymore?

  13. You have added a lot of red, white, and blue pieces this past year. I am intrigued by the big scissors you are using on the wall. What were they used for?

  14. Gorgeous!! Love the bunting flags as well as the other decor.

  15. Amazing tiny quilted patriotic display!! Love those big scissors for a hanger and your new header photo is lovely! Can you tell us what kind of shrub that is in bloom?

  16. Always nice to see your projects! Great idea to deconstruct a block. Will await anxiously to see what it becomes!

  17. Enjoyed seeing all your Americana quilty projects Janet! I worked up Stacy's free spool/crow/flag design too, but I did it in needlepunch instead of wool applique - not sure how to finish it up but it was fun to do it that way. I love the banner DD#1 made for you - so fun! And the giant scissors are perfect to display a mini on - I don't think I've ever seen those before. I used paper piecing when I made a small tumbler many years ago - I wonder which technique is easier/faster? I only have one RWB quilt so I really should get busy and make some more to display next year - maybe I can catch up to you!? (HA)

  18. Love the tumblers--I know I have that template around somewhere And I have tons of scraps! I can't wait to see what you do with the sliced up HST's!

  19. I still have my tiny tumbler template to make the little flag you did before. I love all your red, white and blue quilts.

  20. Beautiful little quilts! Love your new tumbler quilt too. That is going to look great! Every year I keep meaning to make a patriotic quilt but never seem to get around to it. Now that I think about it, I think I have 2 kits from Connecting Threads somewhere that are red, cream, and blue.....hmmm....

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  21. Wonderful show and tell Janet. I like the way fabrics and ideas surfaced at just the right time for your projects! The bunting made by your daughter is very cute and seems to suit your display very well! Re reading your post I can just feel your mind brimming with ideas! Lovely scenic shots at the end too.

  22. Your tumblers are precious! And what a wonderful mini quilt for the small flags, too. But your photographs of the Moonglow and the sunset are magnificent and stole the show, LOL!!!

  23. I noticed your new header photo right away - just gorgeous! I love your new little 3 flag WH! I saved the Buttermilk Basin free pattern, but haven't done anything with it yet. I think I will get it going. It's so cute! You have so many wonderful patriotic decorations!

  24. Your header photos are the first thing that I see, you take gorgeous pictures, the landscapes around your home are beautiful. Your camera really takes great photos. I love the three patriotic quilts, the one that looks like a waving flag is my favorite. Outstanding....... How is your daughter doing with the new baby? Until the next link. Betty

  25. Wow, what beautiful quilts and amazing photos! Love all those R,W & B quilts... can't wait to see what you do with those teeny tiny HST. One more thing, yes, I also miss Kathie Holland's blog.

  26. Fun projects, you are really into rulers! Glad you had a great Fourth.

  27. Love all of it Mom!...especially your teeny "small honor". You're so festive! :)

  28. Fun to see all your little quilts and how you display them. As always you have such a beautiful blog header picture.

  29. Lovely photo for the header. You sure do have a lot of gorgeous views there!! What a fun parade of Americana quilts and pieces. I love your little pinwheel pennant! how very festive. Cute BB pattern :)
    what a great tumbler quilt. Wow you have an amazing collection of RW&B prints.


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