
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More of the Same!

That means minis, of course.
Good news--the trunk show is in less than two weeks. Maybe then I can change the subject! : )
Not a lot of quilting time lately, but I have been able to completely finish two little quilts--right down to the labels! The smallest squares in these two quilts are 1/4".
Baby Steps to Heaven and Churn Dash & Chains
I've started the quilting on three of my other minis. I am doing a mix of SITD, FMQ and hand quilting.

 I got  the Spring-colored pineapple ornaments made. I love having little stitched seasonal items to hang from the pegs.

I finally finished the borders on my mini feathered star. You can see the shadow where I am having a hard time getting one of the seams on that center square to lay flat. I have graded the seam allowances and steamed the seam over and over. Maybe I just need to pin it in place and quilt it down! : )

I came across some leftover 4-patches and squares from the quilts I have made from Kansas Troubles fabrics. I trimmed them down so they finished at 1" and made this little quilt top.

We have enjoyed a wonderful 2 week visit from DD#1. She flew back to New Hampshire today. While she was here she wanted to try her hand at wool applique, making some of the  Primitive Gatherings Christmas Stockings. I had purchased the pattern while visiting her in NH last Fall. The last week she was here she got 4 of them made, but I only got photos of the first 3. I think she did a great job!

 She brought some things with her for me to use in my mini trunk show. She made these little ornaments using hexies that have 1/4" sides. I put a quarter in the photo so you could get a perspective on the size. Aren't they cute? I don't know how she does them that tiny!

Next week is the trunk show--finally! But it is also the 3rd anniversary of my blog. I'm sure a giveaway of some kind is in order. I haven't put my mind to it yet, but I'll bet I can come up with something. : )

Oh, I also wanted to pass along some Christmas scraps. When I was working on my Christmas version of the Barrister's SAL, Randy and Sio sent me Christmas scraps. Now that my blocks are finished, I would love to pass them along to someone else interested in making a Christmas sampler. Let me know in your comment if you would like them. If there are just a couple of you, I will split them. If there are more, I will draw a name.

I'll be at the HMQS in Salt Lake City this Friday. Will you be there? I'd love to meet you!

That's all for now,
Janet O.


  1. maravillosos,maravillosos !!!!!!
    tendré que hacer alguno tan pequeño,
    me gustan tanto

  2. More of your wonderful minis! Love all, but mostly the Kansas Troubles one, because that is my fave fabric!
    Loving the stockings!
    Cute pincushions also.

  3. I'm a huge KT fabrics fan, so I love that one! But then, I'll be honest and confess that I love them all! There's just something about minis. ;-)

  4. Wow....more and more, and smaller. I love the leftover one you turned into a trip around the world. Take deep breaths, the trunck show will be great!!!

  5. Wow! Every time I visit your blog I'm just blown away by all the tiny beautiful things you're making! I love your spring ornaments, and that KT mini quilt is just wonderful! :0)

  6. You should have a drawing at your mini quilt presentation for one of your little pineapple ornaments. I am adding to your work load. LOL! You have made so much progress in expanding your variety of mini's for the show.

  7. I do little quilts too but not as nicely as you do yours. I just love them and I think it has improved my piecing skills. I read somewhere that some people hammer their seams to get them flat. I haven't done that but I find that steam makes y blocks shrivel and look awful

  8. Hello sweet friend! Your minis are fabulous!! And DD#1's projects are just adorable!!!! I know that your trunk show will be wonderful - so wish I could share the time with you. We won't be coming north this month like I originally thought! GB#2 will be coming this month, so don't want to miss that!!

    Busy season for me, but I do plan to post here in a couple of days! I finished TWQ, but haven't given it to the the kids, so can't post about it yet!

    Blessings and hugs!

  9. Well, Janet, you have outdone yourself with the tiny quilts!!!!. I love the small churn dash. If you offer your little pineapple ornaments again as a fund raiser, I'm in. I was ill when you did that last year and totally missed out.

    Your daughter's tiny hexagons are precious.

    Christmas fabrics are my favorite and I'm a scrap quilter. I'd be happy to take them off your hands.... lol. I'm digging out my miniature quilt magazines. You are such an inspiration!!!!

  10. Seeing your sweet mini's is like walking into a candy store! And obviously your daughter is gifted too! Love those hexies. Your pink and brown feathered star is super! Have you tried Jo Morton's clipping trick so the seams can be pressed opposite. Have to say that little churn dash has stolen my heart too!!

  11. So fun to see all of your projects shaping up for your trunk show. Glad your dd could come for a visit. I bet you had a wonderful time.

  12. All of your minis look great - you have been so busy. Sure wish I could attend your trunk show! Your daughter is really following in your footsteps - the hexies are adorable and I LOVE those little stockings! I have never made a Christmas quilt (can you believe that?) but have a couple that I've been collecting fabric for!

  13. Your mini quilts are so adorable. I love all your projects.

  14. We all love seeing 'more of the same' because all your minis are beautiful. And having only made a few, I know they are a labor of love. Your daughter's hexies are really sweet as well, like mother, like daughter.

  15. More of the same is terrific! Love to get the preview of your trunk show :)
    You marvel at your daughter's hexies but I marvel at those tiny triangles in your feathered star!

  16. Janet, how fun you are doing a trunk show. Hope all goes well with that. When I have done a trunk show, I get so very nervous that I forget to tell the stories of the quilts....good luck....
    Mary (love the minis...they are beautiful)

  17. Your daughter's hexie ornaments are adorable!! Is she a confirmed hexie addict yet??!! I'm going to miss the minis when you start posting about anything else. Your gorgeous minis are making me feel like a slacker in the sewing department lately! I know your trunk show will be a big hit!

  18. BTW - do you have a mini trunk to carry the mini quilts to the meeting? HAHAHA I kill myself...sorry, couldn't resist!

  19. More of the same and still amazing!! I can't get over the size of the pieces in your minis. They are all fabulous! I see DD#! is as talented as her Mother!

  20. I so glad you are going to the HMQS!!! Wish I was too. Are you taking a class? You will do great with your Trunk Show! Such lovelies to share!! Even at 1/4" mini squares. Scraps, I'll pass this time. Let a newbie get them.

  21. Your little minis are so inspiring Janet - I love them!! To have soooo many tiny squares is amazing and crazy. Your trunk show will be fabulous. Your daughter's stockings and pin cushions also are lovely - how nice for you both to share the same passion!

  22. Goodness Janet! Can your mini's get any better??? Churn Dash and Chains is my favorite in this group!
    Like mother, like daughter... it's obvious that you have passed on the "talented" gene!!!

  23. Wow Janet, the minis are amazing, and I think your making them smaller and smaller. I love the Churn Dash and Chains, that would also be lovely as a big quilt....hmm, I'm inspired to make one, perhaps after my DWR's...
    All the best and have fun with your trunk show.
    Julia ♥

  24. Good to hear you had such a nice visit with DD#1 and tell her that her PG wool stockings are wonderful and that she is a little nutty like her Mom with those teeny tiny hexie ornaments that are so, so darling!! Like Mother, like Daughter - lucky you, DD#1!! And Janet, your trunk show is going to be spectacular. If I put a blindfold on so you can't see me, please may I come to the show next week??

  25. I love your little spring ornaments...and your kansas troubles mini is beautiful. Ang does great work!
    Wishing you speediness on finishing up all your minis for the show :)

  26. Your minis are just wonderful, Janet. I think my favorite is the green churn dash in the first photo. I also love those tiny hexagon pin cushions. I'm in awe of those tiny pieces. Just beautiful.

  27. Yikes! If you sneeze during the construction, the whole quilt blows away! Wowser those 1/4" pieces are soooo weensy, I'm in awe. I love that KT quilt, too. you are really going to impress everybody with your beautiful work.

  28. yes i would say angie is a quilter now....lovely little hexies and beautiful mini quilts...and that feathered star? priceless!

  29. I can tell that your trunk show is going to be awesome Janet - you've done SO much to prepare for it! I absolutely love your little 4-patch quilt - I've wanted to make one of those for ages. Do you have a shopping list for the HMQS show? I won't be able to make it this year - we're leaving for Nauvoo on Sat and I have a zillion things to do before we leave - however - I HAVE cut fabrics for another little hexie quilt to work on while traveling.

  30. You are killing me with cuteness here! Love all these little things. They will be showing up on my Pinterest boards!

  31. I never tire of your beautiful minis Janet!!! That one on the left is too tiny to be believed - wow! Love the spring colors of your ornaments too :) I know you will be glad for the trunk show to be done - you've worked so hard, I'm sure it will be an amazing success!!!

  32. Your trunk show is going to blow everyone away! You have done a great job showing a wide varity of patterns and color. Your daughters work is beautiful! I'm happy that you can share the same love. Please share lots of photos from the HMQS show and of course from your trunk show. Good luck and have fun!

  33. wow - your feathered star border turned out perfectly~ You are going to have so many nice quilts to share.
    Your daughters stockings are lovely! she did a great job.


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