
Saturday, April 19, 2014

I get by with a little help from my friends.

I've always loved braid quilts, but after trying one during the Simply Charming Every Other Month SAL last year, I was leery of the bias edges. Since any slight deviations are very obvious in mini quilts, I wasn't sure I could risk it. But when I found a foundation pattern, I knew I would give it a go.       This was made using two mini charm packs of Barbara Brackman lines--Civil War Album, and Ladies Album (thanks, Kris!). I cut each square into 3 strips to use in the braids. The outer border is also from the Ladies Album line. The braids measure 1 1/2" x 7 1/2", and the sashing is 1/4" wide. I alternated the direction the braids pointed to give a subtle chevron effect. That is about as close to "modern" as I will ever get. There are plenty of little strips left--I feel a mini rail fence coming on!
I tried the wandering geese strips of this little gem set in many different colors, but I loved it best in this blue. I tried really hard to love it with a soft purple, but it just didn't click for me. However, I didn't have enough of any one blue this shade in my Civil War repros. I tried to match it at both LQS, without success, and finally determined to "make do". I am loving the fact that this quilt is so fresh and springy looking, and came out of my CW scrap baskets. It would never have worked if I haven't been blessed in the past with scrap donations from blogging friends (thanks Karen and Carol). 
I didn't achieve my goal of having all of the sawtooth borders on this feathered star by tonight. But only one more to go. Part of the issue was that I didn't like the pink border as wide as it was when I had sewn on my first strip of HSTs. So I unpicked it and trimmed down the pink border all around so it would finish at just over 1/4", before reattaching it and adding more. I may add another narrow pink border after the sawtooth border is completed. I am thinking it may be tricky to put the binding on the sawtooth edge after the foundation papers are removed.
Some have asked me where I am getting the patterns for these minis. All of the ones pictured here are based on foundations from issues of the now out-of-print magazine, Miniature Quilts (thanks again Denise and Carole!). I didn't follow any of the patterns as written, but I used the foundations for the braids, geese, and feathered star, to form my own versions of the quilts. If you are interested, keep your eyes open for the magazines at guild swap and giveaway tables, in thrift stores and online (ebay and Etsy usually have some).

Just have to say, this may be the first guild trunk show where much of the quilts are flimsies. Pretty sure the tops I have made so far will not all get quilted in time.  : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Janet they are amazing! I love that you "made do" the 2 blues...fantastic. And I can't find words to describe how gorgeous your feathered star is..❤️

  2. I like all of the miniatures. I haven't tried any yet, but seeing yours makes me want to. I like the smaller pink border on the feathered star much better. I will be waiting to see how it is to quilt them. I know that you will do an awesome job of it.

  3. These are beautiful! I made a tiny braid quilt years ago with foundations I designed on a computer drawing program. I think this is a great place to use those mini charm packs. Thanks for the great idea! Happy Easter!

  4. I have always wanted to try a braid quilt too! Your little one is just great. I still can't get over the feathered star and how tiny those HST are!
    It was so fun to hear about the llamas and lambs. Happy Easter

  5. The feathered star is still my favorite. So many little triangles and that is what I like. You have a month and then you can breathe again.

  6. I love the braid quilt! I've never done one, but then I've never done either of the other 2 quilts either! I love all of them and hope you will show them in a picture along with an item that will give us the true size - like next to an item we that we are all familiar with - maybe a sewing machine? The closest I will get to miniatures any time soon is PP the DJ blocks. I'm already feeling more comfortable with PPing.

  7. They are to die for! Love em! I've got a few issues of Minature Quilts magazine and the one geese pattern for sure. I wish they would print that magazine again. Or...convince one of the other publishers to offer a mini or two in their issues redoing quilt blocks modern!

  8. Your Feathered Star is wonderful! My eye keeps going back to the braided mini though, it looks fantastic. Then those wandering geese are so darn cute too! I just love mini quilts. I hope to have a wall full she I finally get my sewing room.

  9. Love the scrappy colors combinations and the border the enhance them.

  10. Great call on the pink border for your Feathered Star, Janet. It is going to be perfect! I am in awe of such fine work!!! Such tiny, tiny little sawtooth blocks surrounding that perfect star - wow! :) I love braid quilts too, and a mini one would be so special! I'm glad you found a way to make it without too much worrying about the bias edges. Pretty sweet blues in your Wandering Geese too - love that scrappy look!

    PS - you might notice something beautiful and familiar to you in my post this morning :*)

  11. Who needs patterns?! Your quilts are lovely and I'm glad you "made do" with the blue. It is wonderful!

  12. I see a return invitation from the quilt guild in your future for another trunk show so that they can see the finished beauties. Here in Nebraska I think there's an unspoken contest to see how many ways you can say that you're a Husker fan on your license plate. I feel that way when I try to say how wonderful your work is ...except that I'm not that creative. But this I know, your creations are only exceeded in loveliness by that of their creator.

  13. Oh yes, and once again, you're more than welcome.

  14. Well, my dear, you certainly are the Queen of Scale. I wouldn't have known how greatly improved that tiny feathered star would look with the smaller pink border; good job! The chevron braids look wonderful, too.

  15. OMG the very teensy braid is amazing! I'm definitely an admirer of all your creativity with every tiny scrap used!

  16. You have amazed me again with another brilliant creation!! I LOVE all your mini quilts!! I do not think anyone will care if they are all quilted or not. They are just going to be as amazed at your beautiful creations as I am!

  17. I don't see the braids as "modern" & your fabrics are beautiful! I'm glad that other quilter's shared with you. Almost there on the Feathered Star. Flimsies are a finish too. You will breathe a huge sigh when this Trunk Show is over!

  18. great you have some good friends, where would be without them? Gosh you amaze me with your tiny quilt.............such an inspiration!

  19. I'm thinking your feathered star and tiny HST's is my very favorite.

  20. Those back issues are good ones. There are a few books too. Love all your fabric choices. You have such a nice selection to show, the guild will love it!

  21. Oh Mom! You're such a wonder :)
    These three little minis are definitely in my top faves of what you've done for the trunk show.
    Each one is so precious and sweet!

  22. Wow Janet - I love the chevron effect you got by alternating the direction of the braids - it looks lovely that way. And I think your geese quilt looks like you PLANNED to use two different blue fabrics - I like it that way better I think cuz it's scrappier. And your feathered star is just breathtaking because of all those tiny HSTs - amazing! Thanks for all the great photos!

  23. Oh Janet, your miniatures are lovely....I really love the wandering makes my heart smile. Hope you had a fabulous Easter and that you are enjoying the and all...

  24. Simply fabulous, darling!! I can't believe you cut those mini charms into 3 pieces and then still had room to sew them together!! Modern maybe, but dark and dirty definitely!! I am honored Ladies' Album is in your braid quilt!! Love, love, love it!! All three flimsies are magnificent!!

  25. The wandering geese is fabulous! At a recent quilt show, there was a display of mini quilts. While I enjoyed them tremendously, my sausage fingers screamed.

  26. I have loved seeing all your minis! I think the wandering geese is my favorite of this group, but they are all amazing!

  27. Oooohhhh the chevrons and the wandering geese are patterns I haven't tried yet... love them both!!

  28. Janet, I love the braided quilt as well as the other two. I agree with one of your other comments that you will be doing more than one trunk show. Your work is lovely.

  29. You are going to town on the minis. Do let me know about the date of the trunk show. I'm wanting to make it to you on time. Love your saw tooth border! Lovely work Janet.

  30. I don't think I have ever seen a wandering geese, thanks for showing it. Love the braids.


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