
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

HMQS 2014 (Home Machine Quilting Show, Salt Lake City, UT)

Just a quick view of my visit to HMQS last week. I'm in the home stretch getting my mini trunk show put together for tomorrow night and I needed a break from sewing tiny things. : )
Only spent a few hours at the show this year with my quilting friend (DH's cousin). But I made the most of them.

Met up with a blogger from South Carolina! Marj (Eclectic Quilter blog) comes most every year after attending a retreat with a friend in Idaho. She is a very sweet and gracious lady and I was glad we finally got to meet up.
This year she entered a QOV and received an Honorable Mention ribbon. She designed this quilt herself. I was pretty impressed. Photos on her blog didn't do it justice!

Click on the photo to the left to read about Marj's quilt.

We met at the main stage and watched Judi Madsen (Green Fairy Quilts blog) do her trunk show. Marj had saved us great seats up close.

Judi was the featured artist this year and they also had a display of her quilts in the show hall. Her quilting is amazing. I never plan to quilt like that, but I get lots of inspiration from her designs.

Saw part of Sandra Starley's (Textile Time Travels blog) trunk show a little later, but I was too far back then to get good photos. Did catch her with her sister, Donna, in her booth afterward. Here they are perusing the fabrics in a charm pack I had just purchased. Look at all of those wonderful vintage textiles around her booth!

I won't try to show lots of quilts--just a few of the more traditional designs I actually found this year. Click on the smaller photos below the quilts to get the details.

I think this was my favorite, and my photo is blurry. Bummer. : )

I didn't photograph the "Best of Show" and I won't share photos of some of the other fancy quilts. They are amazing, but not what I am drawn to. There wasn't time to see everything. I ran into an old high school friend who had a couple of quilts in the show. I spent a while looking for them, but never did find them. I didn't spend much money (though I was tempted). I bought two patterns for wool projects, some Valdani floss in colors I can't find at home, a charm pack, and a yard of fabric.  That's it! There was a beautiful oak quilt ladder that wanted to come home with me, but I didn't let it.

Well, back to the minis.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I am amazed at the Quilting on the HQMS quilts. Thanks for taking time from your Mini's to Blog and Share the Traditional ones. I am drawn to them too. I'm glad you go to go with DH's Cousin and meetup with you friend and see Sandra and her sister. Best of Luck with your Trunk SHOW!!! I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Thanks for taking us along to the show! More importantly to me though is to see YOUR show! I know you're going to knock them over with your minis. You still amaze me and inspire me to keep getting better with the patchwork and the HQ quilting.

  3. That Homestead Log Cabin is fabulous! So wonderful and love the story....thanks for sharing. Sounds like you had a great time and got inspiration, too.

  4. Loved looking at the quilts here, Janet.
    I can't help but have closer looks at the FMQ, and see how each one has their own way of doing feathers. Inspires me to keep practicing.
    Can't wait to see your trunk show, all the best...wish I was there to see it.
    Julia ♥

  5. Love the quilts you chose to share with us. Good luck with your show ... Sure would love to be there!

  6. There's never enough time (or $$!) at the big shows. How fun to sit up front for the trunk show!

  7. Thanks for sharing your day with us! The log cabin quilt is beautiful! I have never seen a setting like that. Best wishes to you for tomorrow! I know you will have everyone amazed with your mini quilts!!

  8. wonderful!! We are alike in many ways! Loved the traditional quilts over the fancy! Glad you had a wonderful day! Blessings on your trunk show!

    Hugs and prayers!

  9. Wishing you the best. Thanks for sharing photos of the lovely quilts. Hope you can show us some of your minis in your truck show. Thinking of you.

  10. Looks like fun! I would have been stuck in Sandra's booth!

  11. Hey Janet! What great pictures you've been posting recently! I am so excited to have my own time back so I can get back in the swing of things again! That means a little time to catch up on blogs once again! It's been so long...
    I love all of your little quilts. Wish I could see them in person. You are doing an awesome job on each one! Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Gorgeous quilts. How did you ever hold back from buying too many pretties? Always my downfall at a show - thankfully our shows are pretty small. Good luck with the trunk show tonight!!!

  13. Good luck tonight - I know it is going to be awesome and can't wait to hear all about it! Glad you were able to go to the show and meet up with a blogger or two. And how fun to see Judi - her quilting boggles my mind!

  14. Looks like a lot of fun Mom. Glad you were able to get out for a few fun hours.
    The best to you tonight!

  15. oh janet i do agree with you about the is glad you had a wonderful time AND exercised restraint too...LOL

  16. I also like the tried and true traditional quilts. Thanks for posting photos from the HMQS. I have enjoyed the minis you are making for your trunk show, but I imagine you are ready to move on.

    Issue 72 is the last MQ I found so I'm checking other magazine holders for 73 and more recent issues. Will let you know if I find anything newer.

  17. Oh, I would have loved to have seen some of Judi's quilts and her quilting in person!! She is amazing!! I love the quilts you did share and I hope you are having fun tonight at your trunk show!!

  18. So glad you had a good time! And great to meet up with Marg :) I love the quilt you said is your favorite - there's an amazing amount of work in that quilt!

    Hope your trunk show went well - can't wait to hear all about it!

  19. Loved seeing and hearing about your trip. Someday I'm going to get there!


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