
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Swapping, Winning, and More Flag Waving

Look at the wonderful quilt that came to live at my house today!
Gayle (of The Middle Sister blog) and I finally met up in April, after talking about it for some time. We only live an hour apart, but things just never seemed to line up until then. Somewhere along the way we decided to do a small quilt swap and this was the day we met up to exchange. I love what she created. I love the colors, fabrics, the snowball blocks, the diamonds, the touches of applique (which she knows I don't do), and the yoyos. I have never made one of those in my life--and I especially love that the four in the middle are purple. I think I came out ahead on this deal! Thanks, Gayle--we will have to do this again!

This is what I gave to Gayle. I named it (what else?) Patriotic Pineapples. I wanted those little woolly sheep in the center of the blocks because Gayle works a lot with wool in her rug hooking.
I used all Primitive Gatherings fabric, mostly from the "Old Glory" line, which I got from my friend, Kris (Lavender Quilts blog). She has a good deal on some of this line in FQ bundles in her etsy store here.
I have to share this cute photo of Gayle with the quilts before we parted ways today. What a sweetheart!

I also have a block swap going this Summer with Maureen (Pursuit of Quilts blog). We have exchanged our first batch and I am thrilled with the results. I am going to wait until all three swaps are completed before sharing the blocks.

You may recall that recently I shared a link to Doniene's blog (Now It's Just Quilts) when she had a bunch of fun patriotic quilts to show. Well, she gave away three of them in a drawing recently and I won one of them!! It arrived today and already feels right at home. Thanks, Doniene!

I got my patriotic runner quilted and bound and on the hutch, as planned! After I took the picture I put my soup tureen on it and now you can't see much of it. Oh, well, I feel better just knowing it is there. : )

I told some of you that I made Bars & Stars  for our family reunion auction. Then it looked like the reunion wouldn't happen, so I hung the little quilt in my sewing room and got kind of attached to it. When I discovered the reunion was happening after all, I hurried up and made this little piece, very similar to the one I took last year. I used too light a thread on the quilting--I really need to quit quilting late at night--but no one else seemed to care.

I think that pretty well finishes up my patriotic projects for this year. I'm going to move on to a new color scheme now. : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. You have been busy having fun! Your small quilt swap turned out very sweet and special. Love your patriotic table runner too. Wonderful work.:)

  2. Little bundles of joy, that's what those small quilts are!!

  3. Wonderful!!! Gayle is such a sweetie and you got a wonderful quilt! Of course, so did she!! Always love seeing your projects!!


  4. I love the pineapple quilt! How fun to meet a blogging friend. I was lucky on Doniene's blog, too, and got my quilt in the mail yesterday! So much fun!

  5. God bless America! I love all the patriotic things you have shown and how fun to have such pretty things to decorate with this time of year. Your pineapple swap quilt is something I want to try, you did a great job. Love the swap quilt you received as well, special to have quilts made by a friend.

  6. Oh, lots of goodies. Love the pineapple top you made....wonderful gift.

  7. The quilt you received from Gayle looks like she put a lot of time into creating it. A very different design and I like it very much. Your pineapple piece, I am sure was well received as I know how well you do those. I just got some of the Primitive Gatherings patriotic fabrics that was delivered yesterday.

  8. The swap that you and your friend had was a special treat. Your pineapple piece is beautiful. As I have said many times, patriotic quilts are my favorites as well. I would like to try and make that pattern. Sandi and I have been busy making quilts for Moore, Ok. The opening of their new school is requesting ice cream related quilts. (see mine on my blog) Have a great week.

  9. ooohh RWB, what a terrific combo! one of my faves tooo...and love, love, love those pineapples!

  10. Oh my, Janet!!!! Wonderful quilts, treasured friendships and you sharing with us!

    Thank you!! :) Carolyn

  11. What a wonderful swap! You both made out like bandits.

  12. How awesome that you were able to meet up IRL! I don't know about who got the better of the little quilt swap ... that patriotic pineapples quilt sure looks pretty spectacular!!! And I LOVE the fussy-cut sheep!!

  13. Goodness! A successful swap of two beautiful quilts... both are made with lots of attention to detail and personalized as well! Thanks for sharing these and your other red, white, and blue mini quilts.

  14. Another group of awesome patriotic projects. Your pineapples are superb. I've never made a yoyo! Sandi

  15. I think you both made out on the deal. Those little quilts you swapped are stunning! How fun. You've had quite a patriotic run! I bet that little quilt brought in a tidy sum at your family reunion. Beautiful!

  16. Your house is going to be all decked out for the Fourth! I sold my tumbler flag last year so I'll just have to make do with the bunting on the front porch...

  17. What fun! Love Gayle's quilt...especially the diamonds :)

  18. Love your patriotic pineapples! For years I have had some pineapple foundation blocks but never could decide on a colorway, so never made them up. Red/white/blue might just be what I was waiting for. Thanks for sharing your lovely quilts.

  19. What a sweet swap and quilts are such a wonderful token of friendship.

  20. HI Janet - so fun to see the quilt I made hanging in it's new home - looks perfect! I love how you used the rings - no hanging sleeve needed - I'll have to remember that. I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments about our swap! Lots of great Americana quilts at your house - yay! (lucky you for winning a giveaway quilt!)

  21. Very nice Swaps. Enjoy your new colors, I wonder what they will be???

  22. What wonderful tokens of friendship. Both quilts are awesome. You both are very lucky.

  23. HOw fun! love your patriotic pinwheel quilt that must have been hard to part with :)
    I love R/w/b patriotic quilts.... but then again what a beautiful quilt that came to live with you.
    this was so nice of you both to make a quilt for each other.
    those quilts made from friends are very special , aren't they?

  24. I love all your little patriotic quilts! Very nice!

  25. All of the quilts are lovely!

  26. LOVE the pineapples. Looks like you both really made such beautiful quilts to swap. Isn't that fun!!! And of course your patriotic quilts are awesome!!

  27. I saw that you'd won -- congrats!!! I love all your patriotic pieces -- wow!!! :)

  28. Lucky you winning a quilt from Doniene :-) I love the quilts you and Gayle swapped and especially the sheep in the centre od the pineapple blocks, very fun. Your patriotic quilts are lovely - red white and blue are colours you cant beat!


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