
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

AAQI Quilts

My two AAQI quilts are finally up for sale, if you are interested. You can read about them here.
I was motivated to do these from two sources. Lori, of Humble Quilts, has taken the $1000 Pledge and I have purchased a couple of her little quilts. I had occasionally entertained the thought of doing one myself, but never got beyond the thought. When SewCalGal's FMQ Challenge for 2013 included the option to do an AAQI quilt, that was the nudge I needed.

The FMQ skill from the SewCalGal FMQ Challenge in 2012 that I implemented in the first quilt was  quilting using stencils, which I couldn't do to save me, initially. Practice makes all the difference. Two of last year's challenges involved stencils and by the second one I was starting to believe I could do it. I think it gives a more traditional look to a quilt. The quilt on the left was done entirely using stencils.

On the right I implemented skills learned in Patsy Thompson's challenge about borders. After doing SITD around the pinwheels, I stitched border designs through the sashing and outer border.
I'll be linking this up with SewCalGal's Challenge #2 here.

Early Onset=Early Retirement is available here.  *SOLD*  Thank You!
Role Reversal is available here.   *SOLD*  Thank You!

I'm hoping to get at least one more donated before the deadline. I'l keep you posted.


  1. These two small quilts are so meaningful, good job!

  2. Early onset is mine! Love your titles!!

  3. Janet - Your quilts are gorgeous!! I hope they bring lots of money to such important cause!!!

  4. Beautiful quilts and appropriate names.

  5. Wow, sold before I even commented!! Okay, maybe I'm a little slow!! Awesome!! They are sure cute!!


  6. Wow! That was quick. Well done!

  7. Finding you have to move really fast these last months of the AAQI...several bloggers that I follow has some posted and sold in the same day!! Congrats!


I love to have your comments and feedback.