
Friday, June 28, 2013

What do you think?

If this was your project would you use the red for the wide border and bind it in black, or...
 ...would you use the black for the wide border and bind it in red? Sorry, those are your only options. : )
I didn't have enough of the red cut to simulate
the binding all the way around.
The stars in this project were among the UFOs I received a while back from Karen (Log Cabin Quilter blog). They were made for the border of the quilt to be made from larger stars shown here. But I am going to use a different setting for the large stars, so I was trying to decide how to use the five completed smaller stars. When I settled on the "9-patch" arrangement, I was going to use chain blocks between them. But you know my obsession with pineapples lately (and if you don't, where have you been?), so I picked pineapples (pun intended) for the alternate blocks. Kind of a different effect, but I think it is growing on me.

I know--I said I was finished with R/W/B for now. I lied. As I was rummaging in my sewing room the other day for who knows what, I came across a pattern I had intended to make this year--I even had the mini charm squares and wool pieces piled up with it, ready to go. I HAD to squeeze it in. This pattern and the mini charm pack was at each place setting at the Lisa Bongean dinner/trunk show I attended in January. 
I have the background sewn together and the wool pressed on. It is just 12 1/2" square. Now for the blanket stitching.

I have been hand quilting another  Lisa Bongean pattern--my version of her Little Buds, which I call Black and Blooms. I started out machine quilting, and after doing some stitch-in-the-ditch stabilizing I attempted micro stippling in one of the blocks. This is how the original was quilted. But I had problems with the thread of the black houndstooth turning as I stippled and there were all of these little white flecks and lines showing on the surface. So I painstakingly unpicked that block--so fun with black thread on black fabric--tried to rotate the threads back with my fingernail, and took a micron pen to the spots that wouldn't cooperate. Then I started hand quilting. I still get an occasional white spot, and I have to pop the knots through the back or I get even more. But it is so much better than with the machine quilting. Even changing needles didn't help. Have any of you experienced this?
*Giveaway Alert*
I almost forgot--the little patriotic quilt shown above and most of the patriotic stuff in my previous two posts were primarily made from the Primitive Gatherings Old Glory line of fabric. My friend Kris (Lavender Quilts blog), was my source for most of it, and she is having a giveaway of a bundle of 8 FQs from this line. Drop over and enter. She is drawing the winner on July 3rd.
Enough for now.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your Pineapple collection is growing!! I like the first, the red close to the blocks looks crisper to me.

  2. That's a tough one! But I'll have to go with the black as the wider border. Makes the colors stand out more.

  3. I would go with the black outer border...and how about the black cut on the bias for the binding....just a thought...LOL!

  4. I like the red one and agree with Carol cut the black on the bias for the binding :)
    love that sheep , what a cute little quilt, love that! keep hand quilting that quilt is beautiful

  5. I would choose black border with red binding :)

  6. I like the red border with the black binding. Just kinda make the quilt "pop".

  7. I like the red border and black binding. The quilt is fabulous!

  8. since you asked, i'd use the red for the wide border but the binding would be the gold/cheddar to continue the narrow inner border...

  9. I like the red for the wider border b/c it makes the red in the center block stand out more. Just my two cents...

  10. I'm a red girl, and would definitely go with the red border, black binding. Your little quilt looks great - I'm with those pineapple blocks. Your other projects are great too - and thanks for the reminder - I have that little sheep kit too...need to work on that one of these days!

  11. Well, it seems your readers are pretty much evenly split on your border choices, I like the red border with black binding best, but your heart will tell you which is right for you!

  12. I vote for the red with black binding! It is a lovely quilt!

  13. I prefer the red border and black binding ... and have to say that I do love those pineapple blocks ... I just love pineapple quilts so in my world, they make a nice addition to just about any quilt! ;-)

  14. I like the red border, black binding.
    One reason I don't like black backgrounds on quilts is the bearding. I don't like it at all! They do make a black batting, but I've never used it.

  15. that you are hand quilting that beauty! If I have a quilt with a primarily black background, I would use a dark grey batting...that's the only way to make sure you don't get the specks at all. A polyester batting would also make less specks, but I don't like the feel of it.
    And...I like both border options, but if forced to only pick one, I'd go with red...makes the whole quilt more vibrant I think.

  16. Black for the border and bind it in red.

  17. I prefer the black border...same as above comment with red binding...

  18. I vote for the red border with black binding - and I really like the way you combined those two quilt blocks! I printed out that RW&B sheep quilt when I found it online for free - the paper is still sitting on the table and not one thing has been done to start it - but after looking at yours I remember that it didn't look TERRIBLY time intensive - very cute with a bit of wool applique! So THAT's the project that gave you fits when you tried to machine quilt black on black. Looks like it's coming along nicely. I made a little progress on my RW&B pinwheel quilt yesterday.....

  19. I love the red border option!! You do such wonderful your blog!

  20. The black border and red binding for me. It will look great no matter which one you pick.

  21. The wide red border makes the gold in the quilt glow. Love that! Good luck with your hand quilting. It's a beautiful project.:)

  22. Definitely the RED border, Janet. The black doesn't have as much POP as the red does. And I love your other projects! You never slow down, do you??? VBG

  23. You have probably put the border on by now, but I vote for the red one.

  24. I like the red wide border :)
    The RWB sheep is darling! I still get excited when I think of you doing wool :)
    Will you put your Black in Blooms in your will to go to me :)!

  25. I like the red border because it makes the center star pop more! Thanks for the headsup on the drawing :)

  26. I'm going with RED for the wide border! :) I have so much to catch up on!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  27. I vote for the black border and red binding. Either way, this is beautiful - I love those two blocks put together. That was so kind of Karen to gift you the star blocks.
    Sorry about your troubles quilting Black and Blooms. I think you are on the right track now.
    Not surprised you couldn't stay away from red, white and blue! Love this - I'm partial to the sheep in the center.

  28. Hi Funny Girl!! I LOVE your new little quilt!! I am in the black border with the red binding camp!! Although, if you chose to go the other way, I will still love ya!! And you are so patient to un-pick that black thread from the black houndstooth!! Thanks for the giveaway plug - you be da best!!!

  29. I vote for the red border, black binding.
    Love the quit..

  30. Janet, honestly, I know this is no help, but I really like them equally well. I was really prepared to like the red with the black binding best, but when I looked down at the black with red binding, I found it to be just as eye pleasing. So the good news is, either way you go, you've got a winner! LOL!! And really -- can one ever truly be done with RWB?!?!?! :)

  31. Being a red girl, I'm going with the red. Beautiful quilt!

  32. I went back and forth between the two pictures... red border with black binding... and I like the idea of the binding cut on the bias! Aren't you glad you asked?!?!? Love the combination of the two blocks!

  33. I like the red as the border, but it is up to you. Have a great day and good luck.

  34. Either will work. I always like the darker fabric to "frame" the quilt. Sorry I am late weighing in. I didn't see this Post until this morning. I am glad you are still making RWB quilts, it's JULY! Flag waving doesn't go out of style.

  35. You know I love black to frame a quilt, and it would look great on this quilt. But I have to say I like the red better. It brightens up the quilt and pulls the red from the center star. Either one will look marvelous! I absolutely LOVE the pineapple blocks as alternates!!! What a great idea!!!
    Your little patriotic quilt is adorable - love the little sheep! But what I really want to steal is your Little Buds quilt - OMG!!! It is so gorgeous!!!! You'll be glad you have taken the extra effort to make it look perfect :*)

  36. I like the red border with black binding. You can never have too much red, white, and blue! Love anything from Lisa Bongean and Primitive Gatherings.

  37. I vote black border and red binding! I'm sure you'll end up 50/50 on this....Meanwhile, the blocks look fabulous set together.

    Fun find in your sewing room--no wonder you couldn't resist the RWB call :)

    Hope your hand quilting makes it all work! That is a beautiful quilt.

  38. I love the border-dilemma quilt!! I like the version with the red border then black binding. Oh so yummy! And your 2 Lisa Bonegan pieces are also oh-so-nice - you seem to me to be very productive lately!!

  39. Love the pineapples. Wish I had thought of that. I think you are safe with either red or black border. They both look perfect.

    Happy 4th.

  40. You probaly have this finished by now but I am a little partial to the red. I think the pinapple blocks still give the look of a chain setting. I like it! Sweet little lamb and stars. I'm straight line quilting a copy of your 14" stars and strips mini you did for your family reunion last year, I love that one! Ingenious idea, the Micron pen. Sorry I have been missing for so long...all is well : )


I love to have your comments and feedback.