
Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Patriotic Parade!

There is so much R/W/B happening around here, I thought I should have a parade and show it off.
First up is my 3rd version of the Primitive Gatherings Picnic Quilt. I am naming this one "Independence Day Picnic." Ever since I made my first quilt from this pattern I have envisioned doing it in R/W/B. When Lisa came out with her Old Glory line, I knew that was what I would use. I've added rows and borders to make it cover a bed.
The center is all stitched together, but the borders are still just pinned to the design wall

 Next in the parade is my Simply Charming Every Other Month Mini Sew Along entry. I made Teresa's Treasure, but I wanted to make it look patriotic. So I split the "bricks" into two bars and made them red/light and I fussy cut the stars. I'm naming this one "Bars & Stars."

Then there is a project I think I started 2 years ago. I made the blocks and set them on point in a runner. I liked the blocks on point, but felt the red setting triangles dominated the whole thing. So I unpicked it last year and this year I have finally reset them very simply, basted the whole thing, and it is now ready to meet Gidget. I would like to have it on my hutch before July 4th. We'll see if I make it.

 Finally, take a gander at that cute little flag charm. Isn't it great? This was the latest addition to the bracelet we received as participants in Julie's (Me and My Stitches blog) Charming program. I love to make minis, but nothing like Julie creates. These charms just make me smile!
(My apologies to my international readers for all the flag waving going on here.)

There is more happening, but I can't show it yet. So until next time,
keep stitching!
Janet O.

p.s. I'll leave you with the view out my sewing room window a couple of nights ago. It isn't patriotic, but it sure is pretty.


  1. Make no apologies for flag waving. We Brits did a lot of it last year so just go for it. Your quilts look great and I am sure you will make your deadline.

  2. I love your Patriotic quilts. Celebrate your special month in style.

  3. Love all three! The Stars and Bars is especially cute. Fantastic ideas--fussy cutting the stars and splitting the bars. Always new inspiration from you!

  4. I'm in love with all three! I'm going to have to add them to my bucket list. Great fussy-cutting. I have lots of that fabric left and may have to try a version of Bars and Stars myself!

  5. So much gorgeous eye candy... both quilty and evening sky! I particularly like that picnic quilt pattern... it looks great in the RWB fabrics!

  6. I like patriotic quilts and enjoyed seeing yours. I like the Stars and Bars quilt very much.

  7. Your patriotic quilts are flag waving Americana.

  8. Oh how pretty! All of the quilts are great, but I love the first one the best! It will be a beauty for your bed as well as the small we size you've already made! A beautiful site out your lucky!

  9. Just something about red, white and blue! All your projects look fabulous but I especially love bars and stars. Good job making the pattern your own. Those charms are amazing!

  10. There's just nothing better than patriotic quilts and yours take the cake! Your posts always make me want to sew. Glad you like your new charm!

  11. I love them all! You can't have to may R/W/B quilts around this time of year. The charms are lovely. I don't know how she can make those!

  12. GORgeous---the sky is breathtaking and your quilts are all GORgeous! :)

  13. Stars and Bars is awesome!!! Love it!! Of course I love your others, too!! Can't ever have enough stars!!!

    Blessings to you sweet friend!!

  14. Seeing your picnic quilt again has really inspired me to make another. ;-) I really like your R/W/B version.

    And that sunset is simply gorgeous!

  15. Great R/W/B projects. You certainly had the perfect stars for your Bars & Stars. I can't believe those teeny tiny charms. I'd love to watch Julie make one of those blocks - amazing.

  16. Lovely! I was getting ready to make a patriotic post... :)

  17. These are all so pretty! But that Stars and Bars is SO great! LOVE it!

  18. Oh my Janet! You're right - that view is stunning!!! Love all your patriotic quilts, especially the first one - YUM!!! And now I really wish I had joined in on the bracelet deal. Those are so, so cute!!!

  19. Love your patriotic quilts...Stars and Bars is just awesome! That sky is absolutely breathtaking...thank you for sharing it with us!

  20. Stars and Bars is fantastic! Your creativity to make it your own is to be admired. You will be ready for the 4th of July this year and many more to come with all the beauties you are making! That's quite a view from your sewing room... jealous!!!

  21. Janet,
    I love that Primitive Gatherings quilt. I'd make a bunch of them too. GREAT pattern.
    and your view is absolutely fabulous. How do you sew? I'd be gazing out the window all the time!

  22. Perfectly wonderful for all the red, white and blue. The picnic quilt version of the Primitive gatherings is so great. Love it. Thanks for the sunset die for!

  23. That fussy-cut star is the magical coup d' gras for stars and bars. all your little quilts are so sweet but those charms are precious! Your sunset picture is so dramatic, thanks for sharing it.

  24. Great projects Janet. I love Bars and Stars! Weren't you clever to split the bar... Good luck on finishing your table runner in time for Independence Day. With view like yours from your sewing room I don't think I'd ever leave. Sandi

  25. Wonderful Parade, Janet! My Family has left to go home today so I have time to hop my favorite Blogs and return E-mails. It was fun, but boy do I need a nap! Back to reality...Just me in my Quilt Zone. What a beautiful sky you have to enjoy.

  26. Janet, they are all beautiful! Sent me down memory lane of when you sent in all those beautiful blocks for Chris!

  27. I love your quilts even if I am International!! Love the effect of the stars and bars. I bought some of that range of Lisa's when I visited the USA for my souvenir quilt (it's still in my head!) Lovely sunset alright :-)

  28. Wow Janet - After seeing all your RWB quilts - and Lori's too - it makes me realize that I don't have NEARLY enough! LOL You'll have to pop over and see the quilt I shared today - too funny.

  29. Love all your red white and blue Mom! And your little charm bracelet is so fun!

  30. LOVE red, white and blue quilts, and yours are fabulous! Splitting the bricks was genius on your part! What a darling quilt that is!

  31. What a perfect patriotic parade, and to finish it up with a FABULOUS sunset!!!!

    You always capture the best photos!

  32. very pretty quilts janet...i too love RWB combo quilts, so festive looking!

  33. Sew much to see as always and I love every single stitch of it!!!! Oh and what a gorgeous sky too!

  34. I really like your bars & stars design - I think it could be modified fo just about any holiday!

  35. How do I get so far behind in my blog reading?!? As for your sunset ... I see shades of RWB in there -- I think it's safe to include!!! If nothing else . . . American the Beautiful! :)


I love to have your comments and feedback.