
Thursday, March 7, 2013


This post is a rundown on recent small quilt happenings. Just a string of little things.

At quiltsbycheri blog there has been a SAL for three little quilts made from 9-patches. She called this "Gathering Patches." 

I made enough blocks for the first two (wish I'd made the third one, too). This was the first. It is finished and in its new home. I bound it in red, as threatened.

The second one is still in flimsy stage. It did not have a border as Cheri made it, but I'm toying with the idea of putting one on mine. I am a border gal--not necessarily fancy ones, but I do like the look of a border. I know many vintage quilts did not use them, but I struggle to leave them off. Cheri's was also bound in cream. I've been trying to talk myself into that, too.

January's SAL at quiltsbycheri was "Counting Down The Hours", which I showed in my last post. I now have it bound.

 Does anyone remember this little quilt? Sometime last year Kathie Holland (inspiredbyantiquequilts blog) made a cheddar/red/green 9-patch set on point. She offered the trimmings when she squared up the sides and I was happy to receive them. I put this top together right away, but couldn't decided on the quilting, so it went in the closet. I wanted to do Baptist Fans, but I wasn't sure how to do it with FMQ. I finally found a way to mark them that worked for me. This was my first attempt and I went wonky a few times, but no unpicking.

I got Abundance (Lori's QAL at Humble Quilts) hand quilted and have machine sewn the binding. On the right you see it with what I call Irish Clover. I made it last year for St. Patrick's Day and started machine quilting it, but couldn't decide how to finish it. I finally got it done and have the binding machine sewn on. Maybe I will actually finish it before St Patrick's Day this year!  Now for some hand stitching on the binding of these two.

The little quilt above was made with scraps from an exchange with Sandi at kwiltnkats blog. I tried a feather swirl design to quilt it. I have decided that variegated thread isn't the best choice when doing "bump, bump" feathers. Backtracking is much more obvious when the thread changes color as you are retracing your stitches.
That's it for the mini quilt progress, but there will be more. I still have a few mini flimsies that I am determined to get finished before I pile too many more on.
Now I want to show you the latest addition to my sewing room. I've been saving my pennies since some time last year so that I could retire the kitchen island as my cutting surface. What a relief--for many reasons, that I won't go into here.
 Last month this was delivered to my house and today I went to the local JoAnn store with a 50% coupon and got the 2'x3' cutting board. I love my cutting station! I chose the option with the open shelf below the cutting surface. Not only was it a little less expensive that way, but it turned out that it is a perfect fit for one of my scrap baskets. Serendipity!

If you need me, I'll be in my sewing room--cutting things. : )
Janet O.


  1. You have some beautiful miniatures. Just love the cutting table.

  2. Wow - so many lovely things! I love the nine patch projects. The Nine patch is one of my all time favorite traditional blocks.
    lOVE the pink quilt,the pops of red are wonderful.
    pretty quilting -
    Enjoy your new cutting station it is great!

  3. Oh, a cutting station on wheels - that is pure luxury! And the mini quilts - every one is lovely. There's no choosing a favorite from this post, I love them all!

  4. You've been a busy person! My Abundance quilt is still a flimsy . . . . :-(

  5. Love the nine patch quilts ... the nine patch is one of my favorite blocks. And I love your new cutting station. I'm jealous ... I would LOVE to have room for a separate cutting station!

  6. Wow Janet you have been busy. I love how your little Cheri quilt turned out. You have so much eye candy on this post. Can't wait to see more. Hugs

  7. I am green with envy! What a great post! I love em all.

  8. Happy cutting! All of your finishes are great - as always you are very productive!

  9. They really are all so wonderful, Janet---You have a good eye for color and prints, girl. :) Totally green with envy over your cutting station---it's time for me to purchase a new cutting mat. Enjoy :)

  10. Sweet little quilts.
    Love your quilting!
    That is a fabulous cutting table - good for you!!
    The basket underneath looks like the perfect spot for cutting scraps!

  11. What a fun post to read this morning!! I love all your little quilts, but the St Patty's day one is especially appropriate:)
    Love your new cutting station and table!! Woop! Woop!!

  12. Great new cutting station Janet - MUCH better than the kitchen island! I love that there's room for your basket underneath - and drawers for more storage - yay! All your little quilts look super - I can't decide if I have a favorite cuz they're all so nice. I LOVE Baptist Fan quilting - can you tell me how you marked the pattern for FMQ?

  13. Busy as usual. You do get so much done. The cutting station is wonderful. What a lucky lady.

  14. An empty, completely-clear cutting table? I am impressed...and jealous! Mine never looks like that. I am going to take a pic of what mine looks like right now and you'll be horrified to see it!

    The feathers looks great, bumps and all. Only the maker notices those things!

    Your work is just lovely.

  15. I'm so excited for you to have your new cutting table Mom! I need to follow your example and go get a larger cutting mat :)
    My favorite of your little quilts right now is "Abundance".

  16. Janet, I will read this post several times!!! I love all your little quilts and I love, love, love the FMQ Baptist fans!!!! Please share how you marked them!!! I want to try it on one of my small quilts!!!! Your cutting station is AWESOME!!!! I am thrilled for you!!!!

    Have an awesome day filled with Love, Peace, and Joy!!!

  17. YES! A clear and great new set-up for cutting! The big mat will make it easier to trim your finished quilts before binding too. I have some 9-patch orphans that need to be put together I like the layout with the rails. Thanks for sharing Cheri's SAL. It won't happen for me right away, though. Many other things on my table.

  18. Lots of little lovelies! I think your borders and bindings look terrific. Your quilts, your way--what's not to love about them?

    Congrats on your new cutting station. It is a good thing to have a dedicated area that actually works with a large cutting mat!

  19. What a fantastic new cutting station and I'm entirely too jealous of your massive cutting mat. My 18x24 has seen much better days and is getting a little ragged...

  20. Mini's look love love your cutting station!! Enjoy!!

  21. Good for you! I've got a little envy going over your cutting station, but let's be real have room for a cutting station I would have to move to a bigger house. I think I'll stick with the dining room table for now. Maybe I should just take the bed out of the guest room/computer room/'office' and set up a station there???

  22. Wow!!! You have been a busy girl since my visit last week!! Your quilts all look fab but I am happy to have seen them in person!! I love the red binding and of course you know my favorite is that bright purple and turquoise batik mini!! Should I come over to help you muddy that little guy?

  23. What a great cutting station!!!

  24. What cute little quilts. I just love quits by Cheri.

  25. Janet, I just love your little talbe topper! And the red binding is perfect - a little bit sassy even ;*D

    I'm definitely a border girl too. Quilts just don't look finished to me without them. But I understand that the trend right now is to go without, especially in the modern movement. If I were doing this one and decided to not border it, I would at least bind it with one of the colored fabrics to tie it all together. Just sayin'.....

    I can't believe everything you have managed to get done since the last time you posted! That new sewing room must have really energized you :*)

  26. You have been utilizing that new cutting station!!! So many lovely mini quilts... LOVE the cheddar, red & green!

  27. omg have you been busy, busy , busy! Love all your new little quilts and I am so impressed with what you did with the leftovers, very fun! love the quilting
    Your new cutting station looks wonderful , glad you have one that works for you.
    thanks for sharing all your projects with us
    I need to get busy and make more little quilts and quilt them too!

  28. First time on your site, I am Sandi's mom (KwiltnKats). Your blog is very nice. Like your cutting table, It is always amazing what we did without one. I am not the super fast quilter as Sandi, however, I do get things done. lol Wishing you the best.

  29. You have been busy all the little quilts,and your quilting is lovely. I would love a cutting station like that, great choice Janet.
    Julia ♥

  30. You are the sewalong queen! lol
    Love the red binding on Gathering Patches.
    I usually don't border my quilts. I guess we each have our own preferences. Do what will make you happy! I always love 9-patches and you have a great variety here.
    Your cheddar, green and red mini is awesome. Very vibrant!
    Miniatures everywhere! They are good for trying out ideas, techniques, etc.
    I'd love to have a cutting table. Very nice. I have the same scrap basket!

  31. Beautiful work! Your new cutting station is amazing :-)

  32. janet my dear, i do believe you are showing me up progress wise! soo adorable all your little quilts...and your new cutting station? priceless!

  33. Janet so much progress!! Well done - I love your little minis and whoa look at you with your fmq-ing!!Your new cutting station looks perfect; I'm sure you're enjoying it already. PS Love your Abundance :-)

  34. Hi Janet, Does your wrist hurt yet from all the cutting on your new station? I'm interested in knowing what you've cut... I like the feathers, but do agree when a pattern goes over itself a bunch the variegated thread looses some of its appeal. Enjoy your projects. Sandi

  35. As always you amaze me at all that you get done my friend. Love the quilts and that table is fantastic!

  36. All your minis are darling! I particularly do love the red binding -- I'm glad you went with it! It's so fun to see all your projects in their respective stages! You've been busy! Love the new cutting station! You go, girl!!! :)


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