
Friday, March 15, 2013

The Wearin' of the Green

I know there is a lot of talk around blog land about celebrating National Quilting Day, but around our family this weekend is all about St. Patrick's Day and DD#1's birthday. I FINALLY finished up this little table topper that I started last year to help add to the festivities. It is from a free APQ pattern and I named it Irish Clover. There are many decorations around the house, but this is the only quilty one. So last night, while watching one of our three favorite movies for the holiday week,     and cutting up squares from my just arrived Homestead Hearth scrap bags for this project by Kathie Holland (which I am making in miniature),
I also pulled out my Primitive Gatherings Tiny Tumbler template, along with some greens, golds and neutrals, and cut out this. I'm calling it Coins in the Clover. It won't be ready for this year, obviously, but hopefully next year my one green table topper won't be alone on St, Patrick's Day.
I had no idea how large I was going to make this, so I just cut until I'd made tumblers from a strip of each fabric in the pile. I sat with the design board in my lap and arranged the tumblers until I thought it was finished.

And speaking of finished, Abundance finally got completed. I do love how it turned out. I don't hand quilt much anymore, but this was a nice little project to take along in the car or pull out in the evening when I was too tired to sit at my machine.
This little Willow Tree angel seemed to express well my feelings about the abundance in my life.
When I got my new cutting station recently it necessitated the rearranging of my sewing room. I have been trying to create my wall of little quilts, but I don't have enough of them finished to make an entire wall. I have created my quilt corner, for now, and most of them have special meaning, thanks to my quilt blog friends.
Top left is one of Lori D.'s AAQI quilts that I was lucky enough to get before it was snatched by someone else. Below that is a lovely purple churndash that was a b'day gift from my sweet friend, Doniene. She knows I love that color and that block! What a treasure. Bottom left is the piece I shared last post made from leftovers of one of Kathie's quilts. The top of the next column has the latest addition to my wall--tiny purple flying geese obtained in a very lopsided swap from Barb. (Can you believe how itty bitty they are?) I still owe her. Below that is another AAQI quilt. This one was a collaborative effort between Kathie H. and Lori D. You have to be fast to get in on these. Bottom of that column has the lovely fall colored piece that came from Doniene early on in our friendship. She is such a thoughtful woman! I have given away most of the minis I have made, but the three quiltlets on the right are still with me.

I love this corner--it makes me smile! Someday maybe I will have a wall of little quilts. I have so many in varies stages of unfinished. I have told myself that I can't start another new mini unless I finish two WIP minis. We'll see how long that lasts. (Do you love the conviction I demonstrate?) I have one I have been wanting to start, so with these two finishes I have now given myself permission! : )

I am plugging along on Easy Street and Scrappy Trips (two free Bonnie Hunter patterns), but I have another large quilt I will be starting soon (from one of Judy L.'s books). I promised my Mom, so I need to get working on it. It isn't for her, but we were together when I bought the fabric and she can't understand why I haven't made it yet. This is the woman who makes one or two quilts a year (hand quilted), and doesn't start another until the last one is finished! I did not inherit those qualities from her, but I'd probably be a lot more content if I had.

Have a very productive National Quilting Day tomorrow!
Janet O.


  1. I love your Mini Quilt corner. I have yet to hang any of my mini's. Only my quilted portrait hangs by my sewing machine. I'm curious which quilt you will make form Judy L's book. I will be watching and waiting to see, just like your mom. Happy Birthday to DD and have a great IRISH Celebration with your DH and family.

  2. Your little mini quilted corner is absolutely my style! Love it!!! Its fun to see what you have in the making and of course your finishes. There are just too many distractions in the quilt world with new fabrics and patterns that we just want to "sample" it all and now! :-) I'm envious of anybody who can sit and tackle just one project from start to finish...I easily get bored! Happy birthday to your daughter and St. Patty's Day too! Also...quilter's weekend celebrating to do!

  3. Oh my, your little mini quilt corner is just so wonderful, especially with your antique pieces, and those tiny pincushions! I love it all! There's much to be said about having white walls in your quilting room, I put wallpaper on mine (to cover up a lot of imperfections) and it's nice but the tiny quilts will have to go in a hallway rather than right by me and my machine. And I'm loving how your tiny tumblers quilt is looking with all those greens and cheddars.

  4. I love your mini quilt corner Janet...wish I had room for one, my mini's are all over the house.
    Happy St Pat's day to you. Love the quilt to celebrate the day..
    Julia ♥

  5. Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Birthday to your daughter. Irish Clover looks darling all decorated for the holiday!
    I have a friend who plans to make Kathie's "addition" quilt, too. What's not to love about a scrappy quilt!?!
    Coins in the Clover will be another beauty. How tall will the tiny tumbler's finish to?
    Abundance is so pretty. Wish we all had the time to hand quilt all our quilts. Your stitching is lovely. How young were you when you learned to quilt?
    What a cozy mini quilt corner! I love it!

  6. Love your quilt day I hope to get some up in my sewing them. Your Abundance is awesome and your Coins among the Clover is absolutely out of this world. Happy Quilting Day to you!

  7. Again, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! Love every little quilt that you shared!!! I was thinking about your mom the other day - I would be more content and less overwhelmed if I only made one quilt at a time!!! LOL But alas, my brain is going much faster than my hands!!! I have several going all at one time!!!! I admire your "convictions"!! Let's see if you stick to it!!!! Your quilt corner is fabulous!!! Such a treasure trove!!!

    Have a wonderful day, weekend and best birthday wishes to your daughter!!


  8. So fun to see the quilts up on the wall! Your just so busy amazing how much your getting done! Look forward to seeing your mini addition quilt.

  9. A wall of quilts, that is awsome, really nice that you are able to display your own quilts, I am sure they make you smile just admiring them. May the luck of the Irish smile back at you?

  10. May your mini's wall grow! What a fabulous feast for the eyes!

  11. I love your little corner! I just love it all, as usual.
    I have to add that little tumbler template on my wish list.

  12. Who is DD#1?

    Well, I have to say that you actually took after your mother beautifully in that you are both quilting geniuses. I lack the patience and stamina to do this, but it sure is fun peeking in on your busy hands. Keep it up!

  13. And you make me smile, dear friend!! I love your bit o' quilted Irish!! I need to come out and see in person your new quilt corner!! Oh, and borrow your Sweet 16 since mine is not here yet!!

  14. Happy Quilting Day to you, Janet!

    Love your wall of mini quilts! They make me smile too...

    You've completed a lot of lovely projects... good on you!

    ...wishing you a grand St. Paddy's day!!!

  15. Your wall of quilts made me smile, too ... what a lovely little corner you have there.

    I have to admit that I'm more like your mom ... one quilt at a time and hand quilting, too. But I do make more than one or two a year (because I have given up other endeavors, like cooking and cleaning - ha!).

    Happy National Quilting Day!

  16. You have lots of nice greens in your fabric stash. The thimble quilt with all the greens is a good idea.
    I will be stitching today on an applique project. Enjoy your daughter's birthday and your St. Patty celebration.

  17. Your little quilt corner is so cute Mom! It makes me smile too :)
    I love the coins in the fun! I still need to go get that little tumbler template!
    So I've never seen that movie on the left...and where's Darby O'Gill...

  18. Your mini quilts are so sweet. I need to get a bunch of mine up. You've inspired me. Hugs

  19. Hey Janet - So fun to see all your little quilts hung together - we can get a better idea of their sizes when we see them like this - rather than when there is a picture of just a quilt alone - AWESOME COLLECTION! You'll love making that Kathie Holland quilt - I made two versions myself - one was half size and one was smaller than that - I still love it and would like to make a bed sized version someday. Not a single decoration here for St. Patrick's Day - but I did put out some little yellow chicks for Easter yesterday! Your new tumbler will be cute - great color combo!

  20. Your little green quilt is perfect for this weekend, and the gold and green will be great next year - or whenever it gets finished! I love your display corner. What neat little quilts!

  21. You have a lot to celebrate! Always love your mini's, but the beautiful hand quilting on Abundance makes it extra special. Wow on starting Charming Addition. I studied that quilt in the AP&Q magazine and it would be one that I could easily flub up. When you say mini are you cutting your squares smaller than 2 1/2"? I love your little corner of special memories, it makes me smile too!

  22. Love all your little quilts and reading about your special quilt corner.

  23. Happy Saint Patricks Day!!!
    what a fun post.
    Your quilt corner looks just great!
    I'm honored to be included!
    Off to follow your links

  24. oh janet, i just love coins in the clover...soo adorable! and all your little quilts are beautiful. and my setting triangles are nearly all done and so far so good...

  25. I love your little corner, it makes me smile.
    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  26. I love your wall of little quilts, Janet...and your green quilt for St. Patricks. When I was at the quilt show last week, I bought that Primitive Gathering's little tumbler template. I was using a piece of sandpaper, and it kept getting smaller. Love eye candy in your post. Your cutting station is just wonderful, too.

  27. What a fun filled post!I love seeing your wall of quilts!

  28. A very productive NQD indeed. I, on the other hand, spent most of the day cleaning for a dinner party. Yuck! I did work on some hexies tho :) I love your "thimble" WIP. How big is it so far? I have no concept of how big the tiny tumbler template is ...

  29. Lovely lovely Janet. Love the little St. Patrick's quilt and quilt to holiday things...Enjoy

  30. What a fun wall o'quilts!! (Tossing in a little Irish brogue, there, in keeping with the theme!) I love that lil' Twister quilt. And you Tumbling in Green is beautiful, Janet!! I adore that (especially with the little 'pots of gold' sprinkled throughout)! I've got all the pieces cut for my harvest tumbler ... now to start putting them together! Your choice of movies for the day was spot on, too!!!! Erin go bragh! :)

  31. Janet, I love your mini wall - so meaningful with the gifts up there too.I hope you had nice celebrations for your Daughter's birthday and St Patrick's Day. The finished Abundance is beautiful - and your new projects look fun too - happy sewing!

  32. Janet, i love your Abundance quilt, i really enjoyed doing that QAL! Wow your corner wall display of quilts is absolutely gorgeous, such eye candy!! btw your were very lucky to snap up two AAQI quilts :))) cheers...Marian

  33. Oh such fun you have had while I was away :*) I just love your Irish table topper! And the tumbler quilt will be perfect with it. All those sweet greens - yum! I really want to make a mini tumbler someday :*) And talking about mini's - Charming Addition is a perfect pattern for mini's! Oh yes, I will enjoy seeing that one come to life in your capable hands :*) Abundance - what can I say - you have such an eye for putting together colors that sing!

  34. Wow Janet what a special quilt corner you have. I love the idea. I did something a bit similar with dolls. I'll share a picture sometime with you.

    I don't know where to begin with your projects. But let me first wish your DD#1 the very best in the year ahead. I have been wanting to make something to celebrate St. Patrick's Day seems forever. I just don't ever seem to get to it. I have a very clever foundation pieced clover block just waiting for the right time.

    Good rule finish two start one!


  35. Wow, Janet; you do stay busy! Those coins in the clover tumblers are itty-bitty, teeny tiny! I love that scrap quilt with the "pluses" that you are going to miniaturize. The quilt corner is lovely, so much love and talent on display, what's not to smile about? It looks great. You and I have similar movie tastes, pop the corn and let's settle in for a movie!! :)


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