
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Little bits of progress.

I had hoped to have my Barrister's SAL flimsy finished by now, but it isn't quite there. After sewing on the two originally planned borders, it didn't appear finished to me. So after a couple of trips to the thrift store I found the two burgundy shirts that make the final border. I haven't had a chance to attach that outer border yet, but I am liking what I see.

I did get the outer border sewn on the Pam Buda Orphans and Scraps mini. Purple may not have been everyone's choice, but I liked it best of the 8-10 fabrics I auditioned, and I was tired of trying to find the perfect fabric. So this will do. It will be bound in black. Finished size will be 16" square.

Recently my mailbox yielded this fun surprise from Denise. I was so excited and spent much time perusing them when I should have been doing something else. I have already copied out dozens of pages for the mini foundation patterns. Can you believe all of the paper piecing this girl has been doing lately? Prior to making Julie's Poor Li'l Punky pincushion last fall I was sure I would never paper piece again. But once I had made that cute little thing I was hooked. I still don't love doing it, but I love the results! I can't wait to try some of the teeny patterns I found. Thanks, Denise!

I am way behind on this little SAL, but I finally got my first row of blocks cut for the Temecula SAL currently in the works. They should sew up quickly--if someone else was doing them. : )

And I am trying to keep my promise to myself to practice feathers this year. Just a little time spent yesterday doodling feathers. I am getting more comfortable with the form of the feather. I am determined to get comfortable enough to be able to include them on a quilt wherever I would like.

This lovely pile of wooly fabric is the product of my first attempt at felting wool. With a little encouragement and help from my friend, Gayle, I cut up my thrift store finds and went to work. I am excited to get some of my current projects finished (who am I kidding?) and choose one of Lisa Bongean's patterns to work on.
Thanks for all of your suggestions, Gayle. It worked! Imagine that! : )

Just wanted to show you something that caught my eye the other morning. Those frosty trees in my header have been looking like that every morning for weeks, but a few mornings ago I noticed some black specks in the trees near the end of the row. Could it be? I zoomed in as close as my little "point & shoot" would allow.

Sure enough, there were birds perched among the frosted branches. I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't have a second home in a warmer climate. : )

Stay warm,
Janet O.


  1. Your barristers quilt looks great. Nice setting colors.
    I friend of mine did the little 4" blocks in black and white.
    What fun magazines! Lot of little inspiration.
    those trees are so pretty!

  2. Oh, yes, that last border makes the Barrister blocks pop.....really think you got this one on the right track. It is so wonderful.
    Your feathers are so good, no make that wonderful. You have the hang of how to fit them together and get those wonderful curves. Now my fingers itch to stitch....thanks for the encouraging inspiration!

  3. The purple border works well. The little bits of what looks like yellow or beige pick up the similar look fabric in the block sashings.

    I am surprised that you could get border out of the shirts for your quilts. Were the two shirts the same burgandy?

  4. The Barrister Sal is looking awesome!!! Love those plaids!! Great job. Of course, you know I LOVE all your stuff!! Great photo of the birds in the trees!! It sure has been a cold winter for ya'll! We are unseasonable warm again - with little moisture. So I'm praying for rain, rain, rain, rain!!
    I'm stitching along - updates to come soon!

    Blessings sweet friend!

  5. Love the plaids in your Barrister quilt ... that additional border really finishes it up nicely. And I rather like that purple border on the mini.

  6. Your trees look *so* beautiful!! I'm headed to the thrift shop next week to look for some 'fabrics' to crazy quilt with -- I'm so excited! LOL! I'm so glad you've found some happies in the magazines. Yay!!! :)

  7. Both your quilt tops look wonderful and your feathers are gorgeous! I need to practice those too.

  8. Beautiful quilt tops, Janet. Seems like we are never satisfied with how much we get done. Maybe too many choices? That Temecula SAL also has me tempted. Your feathers are wonderful. Don't hesitate to use them on quilts. Any little blips will be hidden by printed fabric. Using contrasting fabric on a solid highlights any little error. You're human, not a machine. Go for it! Love seeing photos of your winter wonderland.

  9. Both borders you have chosen look perfect to me! You have a great eye for color choice. And your quilted feathers look wonderful, I hope you are encouraged when you look at them and use them on your quilts. I wish there was a completed top in my closet with great big borders, I'd love some feather FMQ right about now!

  10. Looks to me like you've gotten lots accomplished! Your Barrister's quilt looks great - love the outer border - great choice. Have I created a monster with the paper piecing? Lol - hope you find lots of good patterns in those magazines. I've never seen those before, I assume they are no longer published?

  11. The borders you have chosen for both quilts are fantastic! And I'm so glad you were able to find enough shirts for the Barrister's quilt border! Amazing! So funny....I've been felting wool in the last couple of days, too! Must be the weather making us do it! lol

    And I just can't get over how lovely your feather quilting is! Woohoo! You could bind that little doodle and make a beautiful mug rug from it! :o)

  12. Wow! I love those. You are a master at homespuns and plaids.

  13. nor do i either janet....LOL....very nice little quilt and i think purple is just right! and your barrister's SAL is sooo fine, can't wait to see it with all its borders.

  14. Yor feathers are gorgeous...someday I hope mine are that pretty!

  15. Love your quilts - good color sense.
    Your feathers are coming along beautifully. Have you compared your first to where you are now?
    Love the birds up at the top in the sun ;-)
    Have a great week!

  16. I love the border you chose for the sampler quilt. It is going to be amazing!!
    I wish the machine quilting was as easy to do on a large piece as it is a sample. I'm quilting one that is 80x80 (approx) and forgot how hard that big of a quilt is to maneuver.
    Your feathers look terrific.
    I always love seeing your projects and the view from your house.

  17. The last border looks good on the Barrister quilt! Excellent choices on your other little quilt too. Love that triple 9 patch sashing--I'm going to have to try that someday. Little quilts are pretty irresistable, paper pieced or not :) I recently got an old wool skirt from my MIL and am planning to felt it too. Your feathers are fantastic. Have fun, don't stress!

  18. We've had those pretty trees here the last two morning, too. Thanks for sharing.

  19. OMG your Barrister blocks are amazing!!! Love the movement and texture those plaids add - whoohoo!!!

    I think the purple looks great on your Orphans mini - it really pulls the purple sparkles out of the middle. Black will be the perfect binding :*)

    Oooooo miniature magazines! I have a lot of those and just love them! They are the one group that I keep and do not break down or share :*)

  20. Looks like you've been plenty busy Janet! How on earth did you find two burgundy shirts the same color to make the border for your quilt? That sounds like an impossible accomplishment! So glad your wool dyeing experiment turned out well - good job! I love pulling out my old Miniature Quilts magazines and looking through them every once in awhile - Lots of the quilts in them are timeless - or can be updated with better colors. Nice gift!

  21. Great Borders, congrats on finding those two shirts. You are getting there with your SAL. I haven't even started the Temecula one. So you are ahead of me. Love seeing your post today even with one good eye...LOL

  22. Lovely finishes. The borders all look good to me. Happy stitching.

  23. WOW....You have been busy. I love your Barrister's Block SAL. The red is perfect. Purple was the perfect choice on your Orphans and Scraps mini. I love your Temecula SAL blocks. I will be posting pics of the third row. Just finished it last night. Hugs

  24. Look at you! Mrs. Productivity! Love that top quilt . . . . .

  25. Your barristers quilt looks great..the last border really finishes it off.
    You have a way with the plaids,I love the sashing in the mini quilt.
    What can I say about your feathers, truly Janet...they are just beautiful. I would be so happy if mine were that good..
    Julia ♥

  26. Love your progress! Very sweet birds too.:)

  27. I love those plaid setting squares in your barrister quilt, and I think the border fabrics are perfect. Your feathers are beautiful. I love to see feathers used in quilts in places other than borders. I still need to get to work on those Temecula blocks. We are on step 3......

  28. You know I love the ur le (the letter between o and q is not working on my com uter... border!
    And your feathers look amazing!

  29. How lucky that you found two of the same shirts - a perfect finish! Love the purple on the Pam Buda mini! Your feathers look amazing! Years ago I DI'ed a box of old wool skirts. Oh the regrets!

  30. You said, "purple may not have been ... but I got tired ..." I think this is what makes a quilt really interesting - and besides, the goal is to use what we have, not to keep going back to the shop and picking out something new, which is easy. It's a pretty quilt, and the purple makes it unique! As well as pretty. Some of my favorite quilts have parts that seemingly "don't go." 8-)))

  31. I SOOOOOO love your barristers top! Fabulous!!

    I applaude you on your practice quilting!! Seems I can pretty much handle small practice samples, but when I get to the BIG size quilt I falter and opt for some simple straight line are so good!!

  32. Your voluminous feathers are so plump and pleasing! I love what you've done with the Barrister's blocks quilt, good job! The shot of the birds is wonderful.

  33. Thanks for the link to the Orphans and Scraps tutorials! I love those little blocks, and especially the way you've put yours together! :0)


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