
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Always running behind!

I've "joined" way too many SAL/QAL programs and I'm not keeping up. Can anyone relate? Or, more to the point, can anyone not relate?
Valentine's Day is past, but I just got my two Valentine colored minis to flimsy stage, so I thought I would share them anyway. This first one is for the Simply Charming Every Other Month Mini SAL. How's that for a mouthful? : )
I decided to start with the first one in the book and do it in Valentine colors. At least I had the top finished within the designated month, but it isn't quilted and wasn't ready for the holiday. Oh, well.
I used it on my dining table on the big day anyway.
When I made this, I had cut plenty of little squares from my red/pink/cream fabrics. I was playing with a way to use up the leftovers when I came across something on Kathleen Tracy's blog that gave me an idea. She'd made a little runner using Valentine colored 9-patches on point. I didn't want a runner, but I took the 9-patch idea and ran with it. I found this great French General red print for the setting triangles and border

I'd like to get these two little pieces quilted up before I put them away for another year. So I spent a few minutes trying ideas on Gidget. On the top is the pattern I think I will put on the "Charming" quilt.
I'm not sure about what to do in the other parts of the second little quilt, but those setting triangles are crying out for me to try my hand at filling that shape with feathers.

Next up for "lagging behind" projects is the Temecula Judie Rothermel 25th Anniversary SAL. Friday they posted row 4 of 5. Saturday I stitched up row 2 and cut out row 3 (yet to be sewn stars). They are supposed to be sewn together into rows with sashing, but I can't decide on a sashing fabric. I'm not buying anything for this and I can't find one that clicks for me in my stash--but I haven't finished combing through it. I'm sure something will come up. It has been fun to use a couple of charm packs of some favorite lines and also to dig into my Homestead Hearth scrap bag to make these blocks. I'm hoping to get rows 3 & 4 finished before 5 is posted this Friday.
You may recall that as I did my Barrister's SAL blocks in thrift store shirt fabrics last year, I was also making a set in Christmas fabrics, to which a couple of blog friends donated their Christmas scraps. I was about 1/3 of the way through the blocks when I decided I just couldn't keep up with both sets. The Christmas blocks got set aside.
This year I have decided to join John'aLee in her Rancher's Daughter SAL. She is posting 1 block a week, along with stories about growing up as a rancher's daughter. I already have 24 blocks made from last year's SAL, and I will need 49 blocks to make the throw size quilt I have planned. So my plan is to choose two of the blocks each month to make up and add to my pile.
These are the first two blocks for January. I realize I may get some duplicate blocks, but I don't think it will matter--especially if I switch up the fabric value placement. I have yet to begin on February's blocks.

Finally, we come to my BOM for the year. I haven't made a single block! I am going to use the Scrap Basket Blocks patterns that Lisa Bongean posts randomly on her blog. There are currently 12 of them, but she says there are more to come. I am making them out of the repurposed shirts you see below. I am anxious to get started on this project, but I really need to make some serious headway on Easy Street before starting another big project.

That is all for now. I am going to start typing gibberish if I don't get to bed right away.
Janet O.


  1. Wow you aren't short of SAL's.........

  2. We were both up late/early blogging tonight. Mine will post for DWM though. You are ahead of me on the Temecula SAL. I only have the directions written down. Thanks for the reminder to go get this week's row. The Free-motion heart design is going to look great on your Mini quilt- go for the feathers too.

  3. You are super busy with lots of great things to achieve

  4. your just busy busy busy! love the new quilt great pinks and reds!
    fun blocks, just keep going you will catch up!

  5. Wow, I thought I had a lot!!!! Okay, I thought my FMQ was looking good, but your hearts are amazing!!! Love them!! Your little Valentine quilts are soooooo cute!!! Love French General!! (I found some the other day for $3/yd - snatched up some for backing!!) I've been good, I wanted to do the Rancher's Daughter and the Temecula - but alas, just not enough time, so I just admire those in blog land! More plaid blocks!! Yeah!!!

    Again, you inspire me!!


  6. wow - you really are in a lot of quilt alongs, but they are all great. I adore the little nine patch quilt. so sweet! The quilting is so beautiful!

  7. I know my limits, and Bonnie's mystery towards the end of the year is all I can manage! lol All of these projects are so beautiful, though, I would have been tempted to do them, too! You have a plan that sounds great for the finishing them. And I love that echoed hearts quilting for the Valentine's quilt! Lovely!

  8. W.O.W. you are really on a roll---and I'm over here in Tennessee cheering you on. :D

  9. LOL, So many lovely QAL's!! I love the blocks you made for Temecula and the little red project is adorable!!
    I made my quilt top from Simply Charming yesterday. I always enjoy seeing what you're up to!!

  10. What an awesome post...Busy Girl...Love your Simply Charming, wonderful colors. The little red nine patches are so cute and the border and setting fabric is out of this world. Your quilting is awesome!
    Those Temecula blocks are so fun, I need to get mine done for this week. What a great idea to sew along on the Rancher's Daughter...I started Farmer's Wife last year and have a bunch of blocks done, but I think I'm going to add to those blocks with these blocks...what a great idea, thank you for sharing. Those little blocks of Lisa's are amazing...Little and Lots of Pieces...right up you alley!

  11. Oh, my! I think you win the award for being able to juggle the most projects at once! I have so many of my own projects I want to do (and have started) that I try not to join in SALs. I'm just now basting the little quilt from Lori's quiltalong from last winter.
    I especially love your little 9 patch quilt with the French General fabric. I love the FG fabric but have only bought one yard of it (on sale) because I didn't think it played well with other fabrics. You put that thought to rest. Go with the feathers!
    The Temecula SAL was very tempting! Love the mix of repros. I'm sure you'll find something for the sashing. It's so scrappy you could even go with more than one fabric for it.

  12. I can sure understand why you are involved in all of these SALs, because they are all really tempting. I'm trying to ignore them all, and just admire all of your work! But...this morning I have been pulling fabrics for a pattern I found in F&P and am going to make for some friends for a housewarming gift.

  13. Lots of great blocks in your sewing life, Janet! I'm sure you don't get much sleep with all this sewing to do!

  14. Each group of blocks looks better than the last. I especially thrilled to see your Rothermel blocks; they have a big score in the quaint quotient! Sweet dreams, my friend.

  15. I'm too OCD to work on more than 1 quilt at a time ... especially since my favorite part is the hand quilting.

  16. My goodness,you have been sewing up a storm! You may be multi tasking with projects, but it appears that you have everything under control! Love the Valentine Simply Charming mini and the Nine Patch! Makes me want to start on some for next year in those colors! And your Temecula blocks... love the variety of fabrics! Keep up the great work!

  17. We are so full of promise when we join up with our SAL and BOMs aren't we? Don't worry you aren't alone in knowing that feeling of not being able to keep up as one would like!!! I love what you have been up to - your valentine's toppers are so gorgeous and great idea to convert your Barrister's blocks. Love how your Temecula blocks are looking as well. I have been tempted to do the Scrap Basket Blocks as well - I have collected all the patterns - now I need break in the traffic to start making them!

  18. I only joined to QAL's and even that's tough for me to keep up with! Good job doing as well as you do.:)

  19. What great projects Janet. I love those Temecula blocks. I haven't started yet but hope to get caught up soon. Cute Valentine's table toppers. You will be all ready for next year. That's a good idea to make a Christmas block along with your other blocks. I can sure identify with signing up with too many SALs and mystery projects.

  20. You are a brave woman to work on so many SALs! LOL I'm doing about 1/2 of what you are but I'm also doing Jo Morton's Little Women's Club. BTW, I thank you for your take on the last Temecula SAL - I borrowed it as I was up in the air about the setting. I swore that I wasn't going to buy a single piece of fabric for the current Temecula SAL. I searched through my (waaaaay too large stash, isolated the Judie Rothermel fabrics and, so far, have not repeated a one. It's a sickness. LOL Love your blog.

  21. A lot of work, beautiful colours, blocks, quilts ! Congrats ! XXX

  22. Girl, you need a personal assistant to keep track of all the different sew-alongs that you are working on! And I didn't know about the rancher's daughter thing and now I am off to check it out. I am good at saving patterns!

  23. Holy cow!!!! Here I thought I was busy, you are putting me to shame. LOL!!! I adore all of your SAL projects and want to join them all. You have quite the stash of fabric that I am green with envy over.

  24. Both of your little quilts are so pretty! I love the heart quilting! :0)

  25. Busy Busy Busy... I love your Simply Charming quilt. It is the same one I did for Jan/Feb. Mine is all different colors. I think I like yours with the reds and neutrals. Your KT quilt is very cute. I like the quilting motifs you have chosen. Your Temecula SAL is looking good as is the rest of your projects. Hugs

  26. I love your little Valentine cuties Mom and I think the heart quilting is darling.

  27. Wow girlfriend, I'm just plum tuckered out with all that you have to you can figure out a way to sew while lying down!

    I poke fun, but everything is fabulous!!!

  28. Your work is so fantastic. I love all of them.

    Greetings from Germany, Grit

  29. Lots of great eye candy in this post! Love your Temecula blocks. I haven't even started mine.

  30. You certainly do have lots of projects going on. I'e got way too many too which I really don't like much. Fortunately I've got a few finished this past week...deep breath it will calm down. I really like the plaids you intend to use on the Lisa Bongean project. Love that heart quilting pattern. Sandi

  31. I wanted to do Lisa Bongeans little blocks too. They look adorable. I couldn't find block #1 on her site though. Did you copy it long ago or am I just not looking in the right place? As usual you have been a busy lady.

  32. LOL!!! I know exactly what you mean! I have absolutely cut myself off from SAL/QAL's! I had already started the Curve It up QAL, and I'll continue it, but I'm about 4 blocks behind on that one currently.

    Your Valentine's quilts are really cute, they remind me of strawberry shortcake - one of my very favorite desserts! YUM!!! And you are amazing with the progress you have made in your FMQ - looks professional to me! Love that hearts pattern :*)

  33. You are a busy girl! My favorite pictures are the quilting. Look out!! If you keep posting that beautiful work someone will talk you into doing their quilts! Thanks for sharing your lovely projects!

  34. nice projects janet but it is oh so easy to get in over one's head. there are so many nice SALs out there on the those wheaties...LOL

  35. Your practice quilting is fabulous!!!!!

  36. Your quilts are gorgeous! Especially love the Simply Charming quilt done in the reds...very beautiful!

  37. How cute are your two "Valentine" projects!! I like what you did with Kathy Tracy's project, especially. I saw that one, too, and really liked it -- but like it even better the way you've set it!!! And I love the fussy cutting you did on your SAL blocks -- nice, nice!!! :)


I love to have your comments and feedback.