
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Random Objects

When Pam posted the finish for her little Orphans and Scraps SAL I loved the tiny table runner she had made. But the more I thought about it the more I realized I didn't have the perfect place for one of those, like she does. So I ruminated on it a while and came up with this.

Remember that these blocks are only 4" finished. The little sashing 9-patches finish at 1 1/2". I'm still trying to decide if I want to put a colored border all around it. I am leaning that way, but I can't decide on a color.

My Mom's birthday is Groundhog Day, so I was working frantically this past week to finish up the little pineapple ornaments for her. I hung the dozen ornaments on the little tree I had left out in my sewing room, draped it with a cloth and took it to my parents' home. I had Mom close her eyes while I uncovered the tree. She loved them.
As she got closer and looked at each ornament she realized they were made of fabric scraps from her quilts. Then she was thrilled. It was a fun surprise.

As I had been gathering the leftover parts of Mom's quilts that she has given me over the years so that I could make the pineapples, I came across a little baggie of small 9-patch blocks she'd had leftover from a quilt. I cut some setting squares and used them as my leader/enders while I made up a couple more Easy Street blocks. This is what I came up with using those little 9-patch blocks. I haven't sewn the borders on yet, but I am happy with it. Most of the blocks, except the three in the middle, were dark blue or brown and I wanted to brighten it up a little. The only three blocks with color went down the center and a narrow red print border helped balance it out. Brown Moda Essential Dots finish it off. Would you bind it in red?
I had been using Easy Street as my leader/ enders while I sewed this week and my goal was to finish two more blocks, but I don't use leader/enders with paper piecing, so while working on the pineapples, I didn't get very far on those two blocks. That is why I had to just focus on finishing the two blocks, using something else as my leader/enders in the process. Here are all 4 of my E.S. blocks. I still have a long way to go on this one!
The green is much more dominant than I anticipated. I may go heavy on the blue in the borders--if I ever get that far. I should make up some setting triangles and see how it all plays out with the colors. That will have to wait. I've got some catching up to do on my BOM, and I'd really like to get to the Temecula SAL. Not to mention my REAL projects. : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh I know your mom was absolutely delighted with her little pineapple ornaments! What a special gift!!!

    You amaze me with what you can do with a few left over blocks! If those 9 patches had been stuck at my house they would probably never have seen the light of day, poor things. I really like the color in the middle and then drawn out with the red in the inner border. Sparkles it up nicely :)

    And you don't have as far as you think on Easy Street! Once you get down to making blocks, they go together much more quickly than you would think, especially if you are using them as leaders/enders! I think the blue will show up more as you get more blocks done, but using it in the borders will probably work well. As always, I really love those shirt plaids!

  2. What an incredible gift for your mother... I teared up way over here on the right coast! How wonderful you can share quilting adventures with your mom...

    You've been very busy, girl friend... and turning out some beautiful things!

  3. Your Mom is a beautiful soul just like you and it is so great that you made her orphans into ornaments! The little quilt from the 9patches would be super with the red as the binding.
    As for your Easy Street, I love your colors and fabrics because it is all so mellow and woodsy.

  4. What an awesome post...I know your mom was just thrilled. I love your Orphan sew along top...those sashing 9 patches are just amazing. And the 9 patch top you did with your mom's pieces is just wonderful...oh yes, red binding! Thank you for your inspiration. I did the first row of the Temecula sew along yesterday...oh it is so fun!

  5. I love what you did with those nine patches (one of my most favorite blocks). I think repeating that red for the binding would be stunning.

    I'm so glad to hear that your mom was thrilled with your surprise pineapple blocks.

    My breath is taken away with that little quilt ... little nine patches finishing at 1 1/2"? Wow! Those log cabin strips must be 1/3" finished? I think you've inspired me to add minis to my quilting bucket list. ;-)

  6. I love what you have done with the little blocks from Pam 's sew along. Those tiny pineapple ornaments are amazing. What a perfect gift for your mom. Love everything in this post!

  7. I love what you did with your mom's little orphan blocks, and those ornaments are just precious. Then there's that tiny courthouse steps block - I can't even fathom holding those tiny narrow strips to stitch them evenly, and it's absolutely perfect! You have really mastered mini's!

  8. Your orphan SAL turned out great - and I found a few small pieces of THAT red! Love the 9-patch setting - I really need to get busy on that one. So glad you shared a picture of your mom - that is such a special gift. I would definitely use red for the binding of the 9-patch.

  9. Your Easy Street is one of my favorites that I have seen. I think the green is fantastic and makes the blocks pop.

    Your little scrap blocks setting is perfect! A border will add a nice touch and great mini finish.

  10. Your mom does look thrilled. What a perfect gift for her. The pineapples are beautiful and hold memories, too!
    Binding is so hard to predict. You think one color/fabric will be perfect and it just doesn't work. You see a piece of fabric you have out for another project, give it a try, and it's perfect.
    Love the blues and greens in your Easy Street.
    Real projects?!?! Too funny! I guess we do get sidetracked, don't we?

  11. I am always amazed when you tell the finished size of the blocks, AKA itty-bitty size. I think red binding would be perfect on the nine-patch quilt. I love the picture of your mom looking at those beautiful pineapple blocks! What a blessing to be able to do that for her!

  12. I love, love your little SAL from Pam!! It fits your perfectly!! I love those striped sashes and 9p cornerstones! I've got another quilt planned (in my head) that I want to use that setting for!!

    Your mom is so lovely! I look forward to the day when I can meet your whole family!!

    Blessings dear friend!

  13. I love that you presented the ornaments hanging on the tree! What fun for your Mom to discover the real surprise! I'm so happy for you!

    And your Easy Street is looking SO GOOD! I love that dark blue and gold in there. And I think the greens are gorgeous! And those two little quilts are sweet! I love the 3 different 9-patches down the middle. And binding is always a tough choice for I'm looking at it, the blocks stand out so I would probably bind in the brown, to not pull attention from the middle.

  14. Ditto! I love it all. Nice to see your Mom on the Blog. The Tree was the perfect way to show them off. Have fun witb all your other

  15. Janet you have been so busy. I love everything you do. I just posted pictures of my Temecula SAL. Look forward to seeing more of your work. Hugs

  16. And you were worried about the little pieces in the Primitive Gatherings kit! OMG. Your mom's gift is just too precious--I'm sure she was completely thrilled with your surprise. Love your new minis and progress on the ES. Too much green is never a problem at my house :)

  17. You know I love those tiny blocks, set with your nine patches!! I need more time too. Love your progress on Easy Street, I am stalled out on that one right now...too many irons in the fire!

  18. And one more thing!! Where did you find the pattern for your tiny pineapples? They are gorgeous, and I know your Mom treasures them!

  19. I'm sure your mom really loved the little blocks!
    What a wonderful gift.
    You have sure been busy!
    love the setting for the little 4" blocks.

  20. So sweet...and to know your mom appreciates the work you put into them as well is a huge plus! A real treasure...many'm jealous! Yep, I said it. The small quilt you made from Pam's pattern is stinking cute!

  21. GREAT setting for your Pam Buda blocks Janet - I stumbled across an idea that I'm going to use for mine and it'll be totally different too. All the little pineapples look great on that tree - I like how you hung them on point - much better that way. And there is nothing sweeter than a 9-patch in my book - you can never have too many. Are you going to give this to your Mom when it's done? I'm making slow progress on my Easy Street too - that is one BIG quilt!

  22. janet, i can see why she was so thrilled with the ornaments...they are gorgeous! and easy street is lookin' good and i agree about more blue in the border...

  23. Such a great gift for your mom! Love that you thought of something so personal. The nine-patch quilt is very sweet and came together very well too! You really made me smile with your comment about needing to work on your REAL projects! I feel the same way whenever I go off on a tangent I just can't seem to resist.:)

  24. I'm sure your mum was thrilled at your thoughtful gift.

    I think red binding on the little 9 patch would be perfect!!

  25. What a beautiful, thoughtful gift for your Mom. I know she was thrilled. I love your Easy Street a lot; the plaids look just great. I really love the plaids that you use in your quilts. Love your sew along quilt. I might put a little border of the brown, but I really like it just like it is.

  26. You've been a busy busy bee! I still have my easy street in 3 large sections - I just need to buckle down and get it together.

  27. "Ruminated" What a great word. The quilt with the tiny 9-patch corner stones is amazing. I am particularly attracted by your color placement. So glad your mother appreciated your efforts - you're one of a kind.

  28. I love all the pineapples. I wish I could have been there to see Grandma's reaction :)
    I really like how the green stands out in those last could be a st. patty's day quilt :)

  29. Oh!! I adore the little piece you created from Pam's SAL!! It's darling! And Janet, I wish I could have heard your mom as she received her gift! I bet it was delightful!! And YES!! Bind it in red!! (Though you probably already have by this point!) Hugs!! :)

  30. You have sewn those tiny blocks with such perfection! Almost hard to imagine 9 patches that small, I love the colors! What special little keepsakes for your mother, truly a gift made with love. I'll bet she did a lot of reminiscing. Your Easy Street colors are fun and interesting. If I had to give it a name it would be known as "Frogs in a Pond".

  31. What a precious treasure you made and gave to your Mom. And girly, all of your projects are wonderful. :) I would bind the 9 patch with the red---love what you did with those little blocks---and also the first (?) photo of the different blocks with those teeeny tiny little 9-patch sashings. Wow they are all just so precious...

  32. What a treasure you gifted your mom with. Love the picture of her looking at the ornaments!
    I'd bind the nine patch with red.
    As always, very nice projects!

  33. Janet, i love what you've done with your 'orphan' blocks the sashing works beautifully!! i am still undecided with what to do with mine, so thanks for the inspiration :)))

  34. Your quilts are breathtaking! Now I see why Quilt Along's are so great. You actually get something done even though it takes awhile.

  35. Is there a tutorial or a pattern for the pineapple ornaments? I'd love to make some of those. :0)


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