
Sunday, October 14, 2012

An Obscure Mountain Trail

Have you ever hiked a mountain trail that wasn't very well marked and you weren't always sure if you were still on the path? That is what we have here. These are my "Mountain Trail" blocks from Lori's QAL at Humble Quilts. I didn't have a solid red, so I chose a muted red print from my CW FQs. Everything else was from my CW scrap basket. I guess I should have seen it coming, but it wasn't until I finished putting the blocks together today that I realized my trail doesn't stand out. Live and learn. I still like it, but I wish I had used a red that was a little more "outstanding".
Now I need to sew these blocks together and determine how I want to border it. There is a plain red border on the original, but I can't decide if I want to go that route (with my dull red) or if I should do something to liven it up a little. As I look at the photo I can see there are some blocks I want to switch. Once I get started down that road I have a hard time knowing when to stop.

I  got Falling Stars bound tonight. It just needs a label and then it will be on its way to Carla in Idaho.
I like how the quilting turned out. Sorry I couldn't get a better photo of it. Wrong time of day.

 Next up for quilting are two minis that I will be sending to the two gracious women (Doniene and Randy) who donated quilts for my daughter's fundraiser raffles. Then there is a belated b'day gift to quilt and at that point I am going to buckle down to get quilts made for my 3 grandsons for Christmas. 
I think it is doable if I can keep myself away from pincushion patterns and mini quilt sew-alongs!! I don't know if anyone noticed, but I was pretty pleased with myself when Cheri had a SAL recently for three little quilts featuring flying geese and I DID NOT participate. 
I wanted to share this photo I took this morning. It was an overcast day, but the sun had broken through just enough to highlight the red foliage at the base of the shrouded mountains. The air had that golden Fall glow. Love it!
 Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Love your Mountain Trail and the last pic, wonderful !

  2. What a gorgeous photo of your view!
    I love your mountain trail!

  3. Your quilt turned out so beautifully!!! And that!

  4. Beautiful as always. Glad you can resist the new Projects. I have resisted several in the time you've made your 3 sets of Sow-Along Blocks. Nice to get on the Christmas Gifts before December! Wish I could say I was working on Christmas. Maybe next month. Beautiful Mountains!

  5. I love your Mountain Trail QAL! I haven't started on mine yet and I've been thinking about using a red print instead of a solid red. I like the way yours looks, so I think I'm leaning that way. I see some familiar fabrics in your quilt. Can't wait to get started! Your other little quilt is lovely and the picture - awesome!

  6. I love the red you chose and I think it looks perfect! I would use the red for the border too as it will highlight the trail even more. Your view is amazing!

  7. Ditto, ditto, ditto to all of the above! The trail is wonderful!! It is beautiful in the CW fabrics!! I finished my blocks yesterday, so will post in a day or two. A fun SAL, but I'm like you, I cannot do any more than I have going right now. Too many of my own projects to get done by the holidays!!



  8. I have, in fact, hiked a trail just like that! Early in our days at the camp -- I can assure you it's better marked, now! I think your piece is lovely and I like the muted reds. Your basket quilt is darling, too!

    Fall is such a beautiful time of year. As I now sit on the 'other' side of fifty, I wonder how autumn and it's loveliness translates into the 'autumn' years of our lives. I suppose it depends on how well we've been watered and nourished (and I do mean spiritually) through our spring and summers. I think I may have to ponder this some more. :)

  9. I love your trail....I think it stands out enough with those reds.
    Your photo is stunning...postcard perfect!

  10. I love your Mountain Trail. I've been watching her progress as well, so cute. I am amazed at what all that you get done. Love the mountain photo too, it's beautiful.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  11. I think your red works very well with the other fabrics you used.
    Falling stars is beautiful! I love the fabric you used for the setting triangles.
    Good luck resisting the sewalongs and pincushions. Too funny!
    Beautiful photo of the mountains. I still can't get over your view. The leaves are just starting to turn here in Virginia.

  12. I think the muted red is perfect for your blocks. It doesn't look like you used red for any of your strips, so it's the perfect compliment. Great work! Yippee for scrap baskets!

  13. I love the photograph. It's absolutely beautiful scenery. Great job on the quilting.

  14. I love your Mountain Trail and I think the red looks great! You have such a beautiful view, I love seeing it at different times of the year.

  15. I really like your Mountain Trails's muted and lovely. There are some really pretty pinks and greys in it, and I'm thinking one of those would made a really beautiful border. Hmmmmmm.

    And the falling stars quilt is wonderful! Beautiful quilting, too!

    Love your view shot......gorgeous! Thanks for sharing it!

  16. first, gorgeous photo! 2nd, i bet i you border it with the same muted red it will pull that red out so it is prominent...just an idea....great quilt though, if i weren't trying to finish the pinwheel, i would have joined in!

  17. I really love your mountain trail! I think those reds stand out perfectly. The darks and lights of your strips along with the red you used are just beautiful! The Falling Stars is gorgeous and God's sunset is stunning. I hope you have a day full of blessings!

  18. I had to think about what you wrote about the trail not standing out. It does in a more subtle way. But it is definitely there. Is your scrap basket empty now?

  19. I LIKE your Mountain Trail quilt - muted red and all. My mom was a redhead - not the carrot top kind but the rusty red kind. But when she went grey her hair turned sort of blondish of all things. She still thinks she's a redhead though. She's 93 and has Alzheimer's and doesn't remember who I am, but loves for me to bring my quilts to show to her. She hiked with the Seattle Mountaineers until she was 80 and I think a Mountain Trail quilt with a rusty red in it would be just right for her :D Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. Your mountain trail looks perfectly wonderful to me! I think the red stands out just fine. I'm not sure a brighter red would have looked right with those fabrics anyway. I'm the same way about moving the blocks around - it's a never-ending black hole! LOL!!!

    You did a fabulous job of the quilting on the stars quilt!!! WooHoo!!!!

    As always, your pictures of the mountains and area around your home take my breath away =^..^=

  21. I like your Trail more than you do! And when I come to visit, I shall do little else other than sit and gaze upon your view . . . . .

  22. I think your trail shows up just fine, Janet! Love your Falling Stars, it is a beaut. Congrats on resisting the SAL :) Lovely Fall photo of your ever-changing mountain view.

  23. That view is so beautiful! And, I really like your version of Lori's quilt - the blocks look very vintage.

  24. I think your trail does show up. It doesn't show up as much as some but still very pretty.

  25. What a beautiful picture of your mountain view. The foliage here in northeast TN is finally starting to get color. I do so love this time of year. I really like your trails quilt. I started it but haven't finished it yet. The quilting on the Falling Stars is gorgeous.

  26. I think your mountain trail blocks look wonderful! I thought the red polka dot that I used for the trails doesn't stand out enough either. I love the bright blue repros you've used and the variety of your lights.
    What an amazing photo!

  27. I like the muted red path markers... creates a lovely soft effect and so nice with your CW prints!

    Love your "back yard"... I'm sure you never tire of looking at it!!!

  28. I really love the mountain trail..I can see the pattern and it is subtle and beautiful

  29. I like the subtle hues of the red in your quilt. I wouldn't change a thing.

  30. I like your version of from Lori's quilt along. Very antique look to it. The stars are so pretty - and how fun it is going to a friend. All your projects are great.
    Love your moutain picture!
    Thank you for sharing!

  31. The view of your "backyard" is beautiful!!

    I love your obscure mountain trail!! I don't think you should change a thing!

  32. I think the red on your mountain trail is lovely. I think it stands out just fine. What a fun pattern and I love the scrapiness :)

  33. If it was "brighter" red it would look like many others - I LIKE the softness and quietness of that brownish red. ANd I LOVE that photo of your backyard and those clouds - my goodness - what loveliness there as well as in your sewing corner! 8-))

  34. Gorgeous photos! Almost makes it look like it's on fire with that gorgeous red and the clouds are kinda smoke like.

  35. I adore that rustic red! That's a trail I would gladly traverse! And your Falling Stars is lovely - I like your choice of borders and quilting design! Your mountain shot makes me homesick - sigh. Such a peaceful scene.

  36. How about that mustard yellow as an inner border? I have a piece that has red flowers on it. I recall Bonnie Hunter talking about it being one of her favorites too. Your quilting is very lovely. Sandi

  37. I love your Mountain Trail blocks. Love the red you used and wonder if it would look right to use that red as an inner border. You must have a great CW scrap basket because there are some nice fabrics in those blocks. I always love seeing the lovely view you have, too!


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