
Friday, October 19, 2012

Unfinished Business

When Randy apologized for taking more "grandma time", which would make the next Barrister's Sow-Along blocks late, I breathed a sigh of relief. How about you? I was not caught up on the last three. But I am now! I have filled the design board I have been using to keep these displayed, so it is a good thing we are nearing the end of our "Sowing". This is what it looks like.
The three blocks on the bottom right are the newest. I'm not finished with Fall colors yet, so I chose some fall-ish plaid shirts for these blocks. Maybe I could have used more contrast (that seems to be a reoccurring theme with me), but I still like them. Here they are at a closer view.
And speaking of low contrast--I played with border options on my "Mountain Trail" from Lori's QAL and this was what finally clicked for me.
I bordered it with the same dull red (it seems to appear brighter in this photo than in real life), but I have tucked a little blue around the edge to show that I am going to bind it with that when I have it quilted. For some reason an inner border didn't do it for me on this quilt, but I felt it needed something more than red binding.

And finally, I have gone back to the bay--Orca Bay. I didn't start it last year until it was no longer a mystery. I don't know how so many of you can keep up with Bonnie's mystery during the holidays. I just watched in fascination and then decided to do it after it had been revealed. It got put on the back burner months ago. I have everything cut and have pieced a little on it now and then, but recently decided I would use it as my leader/enders while I work on Christmas projects.                                                  You may recall that mine is named "Sunset Over The Men's Department" because I'm making it from men's thrift store shirts--yes, even the peach and purple were men's shirts. I cheated and didn't use string blocks (not my favorite to make, but I love the look). I subbed stripes and plaids instead. Mine won't be as large as Bonnie's and I don't have enough of the solid cream and black shirts to make her border. But I think it captures the feel of Bonnie's design and I love it, even though it is so outside my normal comfort zone. Hopefully it will be a flimsy by the end of the year.                       I am binding another little project and will be starting the quilting on another. I will share those soon.                                   Until next time,                                      Janet O.                                                              



  1. I love the colors of your Orca Bay. I really am considering making another one myself but might wait until I see what her new mystery is going to entail.

  2. Woohoo, your barristers blocks are fabulous!
    I like the border you have chosen for mountain trail.
    Good for you getting Orca Bay out, it must be the month for it! I have chosen a dark brown for the sashing of mine.

  3. What can I say?? your shirtings are getting good use for sure. I always enjoy seeing what you are making.

  4. I like the two along 5 up monochrome block on the quilt along! Nice effect with the one way stripe.

  5. glad to see you keeping busy and sewing again!
    great projects! love your sew along blocks, Randy should enjoy her grandchildren with out any guilt
    people should be happy for her , we all get busy and yes I bet a lot of people had a sigh of relief time to catch up!!!!
    keep going!

  6. I like the low-contrast blocks on the sol. It makes it more interesting! And the border choice on Lori's doll quilt is perfect. It turned out really nice! Your Orca Bay is fantastic! I love that it's all out of shirts! Totally great!

  7. I really like your use of shirtings/plaids. These are really beautiful quilts. :)

  8. Your sew along blocks are great....I like the plaids and high and low contrast give a lot of interest.
    Great choice on the red border, I think. If carries the color from the center out and gives it importance. I like it a lot.

  9. I have to say that you have changed my mind about thrift store shirts as a fabric source for quilts. I am going to start looking at them in a new light. Your sow-along quilt has well defined patterns within each block though done in a variety of shirt plaids.

  10. Ah Janet - a girl after my own heart! I didn't start the Bonnie mystery last year either! I have the pattern and plan to do it someday, but there's no way I can keep up during the holidays. Yours is going to be a very happy one with the peaches & purples!!!
    I love the border treatment for your Mountain Trail. That's a sweet little quilt!
    And I can't say enough about your plaids in the SAL - gorgeous!!!! I'm hoping to cut into some of my shirts soon to make a neutrals quilt.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  11. You must have a great stash of shirts, I'm just amazed at the variety and the colors - there are some really great ones. I am still resisting, but you are really leading me to temptation! I love the red border on your Mountain Trail - that is one of my favorite reds.

  12. Good morning Janet!!!! I too was glad that Randy is "slow"!!! I'm still behind!! I did finish up Mountain Trail borders, and pieced the last granny square, though!!!! I think your plaid shirts are awesome in every project!!! You know you are giving me way too many ideas for new projects!!! LOL

    Hope you are having a wonderfully beautiful mountain autumn day!!


  13. What a wonderful many great projects going on...a feast for the eyes!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Oooooh girl, I do LOVE this SOWING quilt---I lit up like a jack-o-lantern when I saw this picture---I absolutely ADORE the colors the plaids the layout---Oh My Goodness, if you need to my snail mail addy when you finish this one just give me a yell. ;)

  16. And I meant to say also that I think the border fabric on 'Lori's' quilt is the PERFECT choice. :)

  17. Glad to see you got the "Sunset" quilt back up on the design wall Mom :)

  18. Wowser! I love the sowalong blocks in plaid! What a fun quilt!!

    Love your Mountain trail and your border/binding combo!!

    I've done one of Bonnie's mystery quilts and knew I'd do everything possible to stay caught up- it was hard, but I did it!! Love Orca bay.

  19. Oh! I do love this -- the oranges in there are marvelous!!! :)

  20. Men's shirts are getting quite the workout at your place--love them! The low contrast blocks are just as interesting, IMHO. Also the red on the Mountain Trails seems just great--sorry it is not meeting your expectations. Maybe you will like this better once it has been quilted and bound? Changing up the mystery to eliminate the strings would have been my choice too--I just don't save strings so it would have meant a great deal of cutting for me!

  21. The sewalong blocks just keep getting better and better. This will be a stunning quilt!
    I think your dulled red is a good choice for the border on the quiltalong and the blue binding will be perfect.
    I've just can't get the hang of using leader/enders. Sounds great to me in theory, but doesn't work for me in practice. I think your solution of using a plaid instead of the string blocks will be good for your sanity!
    Hope you are continuing well with your recovery. If your sewing is any indication you are doing very well!

  22. Your Barrister's Blocks are amazing all together. I didn't realize there were so many. You've been very diligent with that and the Orca Bay.

  23. The little zip of blue for the binding on your Mountain Trail is perfect. I finally got my blocks together just today, but haven't decided on borders - or not.

    I love the luminosity the large plaid bring to your three newest Sow-along blocks. I've been fascinated watching your collection of plaid blocks grow since I don't use much in the way of plaids.

  24. Gosh have been busy.
    Everything is lovely, that little bit of blue binding works well with the red.
    I love how you pieced all those blocks from men's shirts.
    I have a little bit of plaids...I now want more, love them in your blocks..great work.
    Julia ♥

  25. Goodness, you've been busy! I wouldn't change a thing about your three new Barrister blocks... they represent the colors of fall very well! Everytime I see a Mountain Trail mini on a blog I regret not participating! Looking forward to seeing your blue binding with the red borders- so nice! And SOTMD... love the purple, orange, and black! I have visions of quilters rushing to shop at their local thrift stores!

  26. oh janet, such lovely plaids. it is going to be stunning when done. and orca bay? i flung my flimsy so it's gone, baby, gone!

  27. Great stuff, friend! Your QAlong is looking spiffy

  28. You amaze me with how much you get done and how many of them include your pretty plaids. The workers at the Goodwill and/or Salvation Army stores must know what's leaving their store when they see you coming.

    How wonderful to repurpose all of those mens' shirts, and your blocks are just doggone pretty and unique too!

  29. They are all beautiful! You must have a load of men's shirts. I saw that one of our thrift store's in town now has ALL of their clothes for a quarter on Wednesdays. Maybe I should load up on men's shirts too. :) I have a few but not many. I love how your stripes and checks always seem to be perfectly straight.

    Love the red border on the quilt too. Perfect.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  30. all your projects look great. The use of plaids really make them homey.
    Love the quilt along!

  31. Fantastic, each and every one! Sunset Over The Men's Department is quite impressive and that Sow-Along... WOW! You continue to amaze, delight, and inspire me!

  32. I particulary like the yellow one you recently finished. I guess I better get back to my Orca Bay - the new mystery must be starting soon...

  33. Wonderful progress! Hard to imagine you behind on any ;-)
    I love the ombre look some of the plaids have - very artsy!

  34. Your blocks are beautiful. I love the fall colors. You are certainly one busy lady. Love your orange, black and green little quilts, too. I need to add some green to mine. Makes a great accent.


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