
Friday, October 12, 2012

Two by Two

Well, true to my usual form of not being able to stop at one of anything, I got my second little Halloween mini quilted and bound. It is the larger, rail fence quilt in this photo. As I look at the photo I can see I still haven't removed the chalk marks. It is more obvious with the camera flash.
I quilted it with a swirl pattern. Makes me think of a windy Halloween night. : )
You can also see from the first photo that I've been busy with the Poor Lil' Punky pincushion pattern by Julie Letvin (of the tiny paper-pieced jewelry fame) that was in the latest issue of "Simple Quilts".

So if you buy the magazine on the left (I finally found it at Sam's Club), you will find the pattern on the right inside of it. I don't even like paper piecing, but I loved the pattern, and considering my recent pincushion obsession, I had to give it a try. I did do the same thing that I had done with the Tuffets pincushions--I made them boxy, instead of pillow shaped. And I mixed up the color scheme a little--two Lil' Punkys with no candle glowing, and two that are lit up.
If you want to make them and don't have orange fabrics in your stash, you can order a kit with the fabrics, if you'd like, on Julie's website. And if you want to make them boxy, check out my "Tuffet Tute" tab.

I took great advantage of The Stencil Company's September special offer for participants in SewCalGal's Free Motion Quilt Challenge. I have been waiting for these to arrive... that I could work on this. It is one of the two Fall colored minis I made using the Temecula Summer Stars Quilt -Along. 
This one will be going to Carla, who won the drawing for it from those who had donated to my daughter's fundraiser. I got all of the straight line quilting done a couple of weeks ago, but I was waiting for my stencil order to finish it up. Something that I have learned along the way in this FMQ Challenge is that I like using stencils. I never thought I would say that. My first attempts with them were really pathetic.
From the back you can get an idea of how it is coming along. I'd better get busy and finish this. After all, there is a second one waiting to be done--and someone waiting very patiently for it.
I did draw the winner for my little Fall giveaway on Monday night. I notified the winner and sent off her prize, but never had time to sit down and post about it. Grace, at citymousequilter blog, informed me by email today that she has received her package. Thanks to all who entered, and congrats to Grace!
Hope to get some minis that I owe people finished up this month and get serious about some bed quilts that are intended as Christmas gifts. Gotta hurry! Do you have your Christmas "gifts to make" list under control? If so, please tell me how you do it. : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I like your Quilting by Stencils idea. I might have to invest in some chalk. Christmas? ya, I noticed on my Blog Ticker that there is only 75 days from Thursday. I have to make my list before I can make my gifts. Oh my! I'm still trying to keep it all homemade. Congrats to the winners of your Give-aways. :( sorry I didn't win this time.

  2. Beautiful little quilts and I've had to say that your version of the Temecula summer stars is my favourite that I've seen yet.

  3. congrats to Grace....
    oh I need to buy some small stencils for some of my minis

  4. congrats to Grace! She is one busy little quilter and will enjoy your treasures!!

    Your FMQ is looking so good!!! I'm inspired!

    Now to the Christmas gift question - when you find out, tell me!! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that I have purposed to do between now and Christmas! I've started, but...I have been "strong" and resisted to other SALs! I'm still making my weekly list of what I think I can accomplish, and I'm doing fairly well sticking to it!

    As always, enjoy reading your posts and seeing your lovely projects!!


  5. The fall/Halloween display photo grabbed my attention. I love fall colors. I am wondering how you figure out the "boxy" way of doing the pincushions. I would think you have to add something to your piece for turning corners and have the ends of the piece already sewn together.

  6. I love quilting stencils, but I use them for hand-quilting; I've never used them for machine quilting! Your fall pieces are darling! My Christmas gift list is under control...well, the list is. The gifts are totally NOT! LOL!!! :)

  7. I just love all of your fall goodies - what a great picture! Your Lil Punkys sure are cute - and I like the idea of using the yellow so they are "lit up". Now I wonder if we have the same stencils too? I love my stencil stash almost as much as my fabric stash!

  8. Those punky pincushions are adorable Mom! And I love the swirly pattern on your second Halloween pretty!

  9. Super cute little quilts!!! It seems I never have the right size stencil on hand.....

  10. All of your projects are delightful,Janet. I have that magizine too!!!!

    Congratulations to Grace.

    Always enjoy reading your posts! Have a wonderful weekend!

    :) Carolyn

  11. What gorgeous photos...the first one is magazine worthy! Love your projects! I always wait til the last minute for CHristmas gifts...apparently I like that stress cause I keep doing it!

  12. And in your usual form you are SOOOOO productive!!
    These projects are just fabulous!!!

    Go Girl!!!

  13. Cute, cute, CUTE! Your projects are delightful Janet - so fun to see them displayed all together like that - I've got that magazine one my list to find now - I'll start at Sam's since that's where YOU found it!

  14. Looks like you did well with the stencil order. I need to find a better way to store mine - might need to get some peg board or something. I like the flower you used in your setting triangles. will need to remember that when I finally get my blocks made.
    BTW - I don't think there will be anything handmade on my xmas shopping list this year - I've just got too many irons in the fire to even consider it...

  15. Goodness! How busy you have been! Love the fall mini quilts... the fabrics, the quilting, everything! And the Punky's all lit up and glowing - how clever!

  16. getting me in the spirit! have a great weekend!

  17. Beautiful work! I always love to see what you are working on. Love that little pincushion, she is very talented.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  18. Congrats to Grace!
    If at all possible I make my quilting deadlines fluid. A quilt for Christmas - forgetaboutit! Good luck to you!
    Those little pumpkin pincushions are adorable.
    Fabulous quilting everywhere, but I especially love how you quilted your latest halloween mini.

  19. Congratulations Grace! Janet, I have been so spoiled by your giveaways! I really am so excited to receive Summer Stars. Oh, how lucky I am! Thanks! I'm going to try some machine quilting by stencil. Free-hand just doesn't work for me. I love your Poor Lil' Punkys. I was happy to see that Julie has copies of the magazine on her website. I'm sure I won't be finding a copy in my neck of the woods. If I order one I just might have to add a scissor fob :) Julie is soo talented!

  20. Such cute minis--I love the colors you choose. The swirls do look like a windy night :) The pumpkin pincushions are adorable. Lucky winners!

  21. Your blog never disappoints! I just love it all.


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