
Thursday, September 27, 2012

I am so spineless!

The little rail fence blocks finish at 3".
Have I said that before? If I haven't, I have sure been thinking it. I wasn't going to make anymore minis for a while. You must admit I have certainly gone overboard in that area lately. But when I saw what Kris had made here with her orange and black fabric I couldn't resist. I really like holiday quilts in the holiday colors, but not in holiday fabrics. Get it?
You may notice that I slipped a little green in this one (and a lot in the next one). I actually considered throwing in some purple, because I love the color, but I guess I am pretty old school. I am still trying to figure out when purple was added as a Halloween color.

I had lots of leftover little 1" strips so, of course, I had to do something with them. Hence, this little 9-patch was born. Those 9-patch blocks finish at 1 1/2". So tiny--I love them!
There are still a few ends of strips and little squares left from making this and I considered a mug rug, but I was able to stop myself this time before going to that extreme to use up every scrap from a project.

When I made the two "Labor of Love" minis, I just kept making 4-patch blocks as leader/enders, even after I had enough. So today I made some HSTs out of some scraps that were handy, to go with those extras. This is bigger than the original. I didn't get quite the contrast I had thought I would in the HSTs. I wanted to use Fall colors, but maybe I should have chosen a brighter one as one of the two colors. This will probably get the same clamshell quilting that the other two received. I liked the look and the clamshells fit perfectly into the blocks.

Are you joining Lori of Humble Quilts on her latest QAL? You can see I have cut random strips from my CW scrap basket. I don't have any solid red, so I selected a Judie Rothermel FQ to create my "Mountain Trail". I have the 20 4-patch units made and I am ready for the next step this Friday.

I finished my two latest Barrister's SAL blocks tonight. Randy, is it something I did wrong? I was cutting off points right and left to get these blocks finished at 6 1/2". But I am leaving them as they are. I like the blocks, I just couldn't make them work the way I think they are supposed to. Probably operator error. Or did anyone else have this issue?
It is Fall in the Rockies and I love looking out at the color creeping over the mountains. 
When I step out my back door to take photos I often have visitors. Aren't they cute? Love how they posed for me.
Thanks to those of you who have sent your prayers and concern as I have been recuperating from surgery. I am doing well and the trouble is I feel like I can do more than I should be doing yet. But by the end of the day I am pretty tired and sitting isn't very comfortable. Hopefully I will be back in the swing of things in another week or two.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. so nice that you feel like Blogging. Rest every chance you get. I like the little 9pathes too

  2. omg love those little nine patches, great alternate block fabric just adorable, you know how I love nine patches!
    glad to see your feeling a bit better but take it easy don't do too much!

  3. Janet - You make such lovely things... each of those minis are soooo tempting!!!

    And your plaid FW blocks are just gorgeous!

    I'm trying to resist another QAL but I have a TON of 1800s prints that need some project to help use 'em up. Tempting, tempting, tempting...

    Glad to hear you're doing better each day! Know the feeling about wanting to be up and doing when I should be taking it easy... hang in there, this too shall pass!

  4. I adore you teeny,weeny minis; when you make such wonderful treasures you can break your "no more minis" vow... it's all worth it! I love the blocks for Lori's QAL. Your mountain views are spectacular and your visitors are adorable and amusing too. Rest when you can and don't over-do, you'll be back to full steam in time. Hugs~

  5. Glad you are feeling a little better, please take it easy, I know it is hard.

    You make me giggle all of the time, when you get started on something, you just can't stop! :) I love your new projects. BTW...I also love your neighbors! :)

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  6. What a gorgeous view you have!
    Love that you are addicted to minis too and have started the quilt along. I said I wasn't going to but of course I will!
    Take good care of yourself and do lots of hand work!!

  7. LOVING your Hallowe'en minis, friend! They are just terrific. I am severely tempted by Lori's QAL; I have SO many commitments at present, but that quiltlet is just darling. Am thinking it could be the gift for a secret santa swap, which would completely justify my getting started on it! Feel better soon. Take care of YOU. xx

  8. great minis!- think purple is odd for fall/halloween too. maybe its because its also a secondary color like orange and green is.

  9. I thought you were suppose to be "recuperating"!!! Lots of really, really cute projects!!! Like your choices for Lori's SAL!!! It'll be another cute one. I almost didn't do Lori's, but got started last night. I'll miss Friday's so I will be behind, but maybe I can catch up next week!!


  10. Wow -- you're view is gorgeous!!! Love your little friends! Hahaha on your spinelessness ... you've done well!! I'm glad your recuperation time is going smart and take it slow!!! :)

  11. For someone who is recuperating you are sure getting a lot done! Remember to relax and take in that gorgeous view!

  12. I think you got very inspired by what you saw on another blog! Purple does seem to fit in with Halloween colors and so does lime green. But you are right. Those colors got added in somewhere along the line. I look at the old vintage Halloween postcard designs online and they are pretty much orange, black, and with some white thrown in.

  13. Mom! My goodness you've been busy!
    Such cute little minis...or as another commenter said...quiltlets. I think that's cute :)
    I love seeing the view to the west on the blog as I don't see it every day in person now. Those alpacas are a hoot :)

  14. You never disappoint with your work. I love it all! Why didn't I join on these Barrister's blocks???? UGH! I just love yours.

  15. How is it that you get more done while recuperating than I do on a good day? Love your little minis - and I am trying very hard to resist the temptation to join in on Lori's SAL - you are not helping! Your view out your back door is really amazing. I can't believe the colors - so pretty - and the visitors are darling!

  16. You are the busiest 'recuperator' I've ever seen! Love your fall projects, the color on the mountains and those three furry models are great! We have snow in the high peaks now.

  17. Re; Gentlemens fancy block...I had the same problem...ended up re-doing my block and changing the size of the second instruction to 2-1/4 cut on the diagonal...seemed to work better.

  18. So glad you made it through surgery ok......take your time recuperating. Everything can wait!

    And I'm loving all your minis! So darned sweet! I am hoping to start Lori's quiltalong tomorrow......I always seem to straggle behind! :o)

  19. Glad to hear you're recuperating well. Spend your returning energy on fun wisely; quilting would fit that criteria! ;-)

    I love your little Halloween minis. They are begging to be made at my house now. May I copy-cat quilt?

    Your start on Lori's quilt-along is looking good. I'm hoping to get mine started today.

  20. I wouldn't say spineless at all - I would say you just really like the size! Obsessed maybe? WE all have our favorite project types and I think mini's are yours.

    Your mountain view is stunning and your little neighbors are adorable.

  21. Girl, I LOVE your minis---I say the more the better. :) You really do have a breathtaking view---are those your critters? I would love to have some. :)

  22. Love your red rockies!! And the quilts are too cute - minis are irresistible aren't they - I've decided I've done enough but then more are catching my eye!! Nice to see you blogging but do take care :-)

  23. No fun to be tired when it is uncomfortable to sit. Glad you are getting in some stitching time. These little quilts are darling. I'm trying to resist Lori's quiltalong. I have other things I want to work on. It is so cute though...Hope your recovery continues to go well. Love the outdoor photos. Do they (are they llamas?) have names?

  24. Wowzers! you have been very busy Janet! I seem to be stuck on my hooked rug - guess I should get busy and sew something instead! Fun, fun projects!

  25. Hope you continue to feel better. We are in North Carolina (of all places) for the birth of our 12th grandchild. I knew Cache Valley would look beautiful this year because of the late rain. We usually come up the last weekend of the season but we won't make it this year. I'm hoping when we go back through the Appalachians they will have some autumn color. I love your rail fence mini. Making Mini's is addictive somehow.

  26. So happy to see you back blogging dear Janet!!! And making minis too :*) They must be addictive!!! Of course I love them, they are just so sweet, and using up scraps is one of my favorite things to do. Keep taking care of yourself sweet friend!

  27. So nice to see your blogging and stitching again..
    Oh my, those little nine patches are so adorable, I love your little minis..
    Stay well, rest often..
    Julia ♥

  28. It isn't spineless! It's having fun and joining the party! lol

  29. You sure are getting lots done!!! Your sow-a-long blocks looks great, with our without points! I think mine came out the same. vbg

  30. Been thinking about you and hope you are doing well! I can never think of a different way to say how much you amaze me! I love your minis, the rich colors. They have got to be SO tiny. I have the same feelings about novelty fabrics. It will be fun to follow your new QAL project. You have very cute visitors wishing you the best. The mountains are beautiful this year. I'm so glad the smoke has cleared. Janet, please take care of yourself and don't over do!

  31. I didn't know you had surgery?! Hope you are doing well. You are a quilting wizard. One day...One day... I'll make a quilt (but come to you for advice first).


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